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Reports of poisoned stray dogs outrage animal-rights groups


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Two Thais a month have died a particularly horrendous death from rabies. The feral dog population has reached epic proportions.  The public health issue is beyond doubt yet there are animal apologists writing here to support leaving them alone!  In an ideal world they should ALL be rounded up and treated; vaccinated; fed but TIT.

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I live in Hua Hin,and strongly support all actions to check rabies. It is a truly horrible and excruciating,slow death.

i also love dogs,I own 4 and don’t want them to die either,hence they are vaccinated regularly.

i,along with several others walk my dogs on the “soldiers beach”, and pay 20b to do so. Unfortunately,it is becoming impossible to do this as we now have 10 to 15 soi dogs in that area. They are fed and encouraged by the maids who look after the military accommodation at the beach....every few months there is another batch of puppies,they grow,breed...and another batch...and so on.

They can be aggressive especially when a new batch of puppies arrive....I don’t blame the dogs...I do blame the people who feed them,but don’t take responsibility for them.

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Having recently been bitten by one of the little <deleted>, I think you can guess where I stand on this. The worry of getting infected with rabies, the pain of the bite and the ongoing fight of bacterial infection does focus your mind somewhat. To say nothing of the cost of vaccination and wound aftercare.


I'm a dog lover but it's clear that these animals have to be controlled somehow. If ever you are in my position I think you will find that you will have the same viewpoint. 


It's even worse for the poorer people of this country, most of whom cannot afford the proper aftercare. Some will develop rabies because they can't afford the rabies serum and vaccinations.

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What was the poison that they were using and where would one buy it from?

Does it come ready mixed or do you have to mix it yourself?

If self mix, is there a decent Youtube video showing the procedure?


All in the interests of scientific research of course.


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2 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

Hopefully this will develop into a two horse race between those wanting to poison the damn things and the non hypocritical sector of the puppy panderers  brigade  rushing to adopt them



"Poison the damn things", "Puppy Panderers Brigade" - Not biased then? No agenda huh? The thing I really like about Buddhism is that it holds all life sacred. My advice for you is move to Vietnam - you can "eat the damn things" there' or better - go to South Korea - you can "beat the damn things to death with clubs" and then eat them. Heaven for you I'd imagine.


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2 hours ago, TomAikins said:

If all of these groups are so concerned about dogs then why haven't they done anything over the years to keep stray dogs from reproducing and creating this nuisance. It isn't just about rabies. There have been millions of dogs in this country for years that are strays and have no medical treatment, never received shots and are a dangerous presence on the streets. And when it comes to rabies, do you know that there is NO CURE for rabies. If you get infected by a rabid animal of any kind and do not immediately start a series of five shots then you will die. Period. These groups should stop complaining, if they're really serious about this problem, and do something to relieve it. Sterilizing every stray animal that they can would be a good start. 

Slight contradiction there:

In the same sentence you claim there is no cure and then you explain the cure. How many deadly diseases can you think of that are so easily cured?

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2 hours ago, mercman24 said:

foot and mouth disease whole herds slaughtered and even on other farms, swine fever whole *herds* of pigs slaughtered, asain flue,  chicken flocks slaughtered, nothing much said, RABIES , so whats the problem,it is a KILLER.  animal right idiots, where were you lot when the dog problem started, we are over run in Thailand by wild dogs, or do you walk around with your <deleted> eyes shut, and yes i am a dog owner, mine is not left to run wild all day just because its got a collar on it, i walked up a dead end soi today and was chased by at least a dozen mangy dogs, who is to say one of these was not ridden with RABIES

Nice logic there: Who is to say the bad smelling guy standing next to you on the bus is not a mass murderer... better kill him, just in case.

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2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

USA have the same type of animal rights group. However, I never see a stray dog/cat in USA. Owners keep them inside or within their yard. If a person in USA sees a collarless dog/cat they call the animal rights group. they send some out to round up the animal and take it away. xx days later if no one claims the animal it is put to death. bottom-line: the society is at risk when there are stray dogs/cats. my 8 year old daughter is scared to death of them when we take motorbike rides. I am too. if the society has the resources there should be no animals walking the streets without a home...this includes humans also.

Oh yes, what a wonderful, perfect country you come from. A country, where every year about 5 million healthy pets are killed in shelters, while pet factories crank out even more of them, which people then buy for good money, until they get tired of them and "surrender" them to a shelter... Wash, rinse and repeat!

Edited by fstarbkk
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1 hour ago, lvr181 said:

While the animal rights groups are expressing their concerns, I guess they are also quickly doing something to protect the animals (and humans) by having the cats/dogs vaccinated or humanely euthanised? :whistling:

Should do your homework, buddy. There are privately funded animal welfare groups all over Thailand who offer free or low cost sterilization and vaccination services. One brilliant (but by far not the only) example, is Soi Dog Foundation who have single-handedly rendered Phuket the only officially rabies-free province in Thailand.


Have you donated yet?!

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5 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Somebody dies of a cat bite so dogs have to die? Land of Stupid!

Rabies can be spread by simply sharing food or water. And dogs love to eat cat shit also. If you have wild cats and dogs living in close proximity and one has rabies its a matter or time before they all do. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

“We believe the DLD wants to eradicate stray cats and dogs and take the opportunity of rabies zone declarations to round them up and take them away – which is not an appropriate solution for Thai society, so groups have to come out urgently to object to this,” she said. 

Ok dog lovers, take them home to your place and the problem is solved!

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

This is Thailand. The hint is the big Thai flag  posted at ports of entry. What goes on in your country is of no relevance. The English used to publicly execute children, the Spanish & Portuguese used slave galleys for centuries, the Japanese forced  millions into slavery etc. What's your point?


This isn't the public responding. It is common violent criminals who will be caught and eventually punished. They are using this an excuse to  engage in their deviant criminal acts. Any foreigner caught at this will be deported. 



You do not understand  infectious disease. There is a significant. difference between the management of disease in food supplies and domestic animal populations. We are not over run by wild dogs. What we have are a small but vocal group of angry foreigners trying to impose their ignorant views. If you were not living in fear of the poor dogs, you would be complaining about the Thai  kids  who laughed at you.



Rubbish. There are a large number of no kill shelters around the USA and they humane societies in North America work with each other to ship out excess animals to other regions.


You have bigger problems than dogs if you are taking your  8 year old on "motorbike rides". Did you know that this is dangerous? Are you even aware that your child is more likely to die from a motorbike incident than from rabies? You are the posterboy of ignorance when you wail about the threat of rabies, yet engage in an activity far more dangerous and with a significantly higher rate of injury and death than  the potential exposure to rabies.  You have the option of eliminating the risk of the motorbike caused death, but have chosen not too, and yet here you are crying about the minimal risk of rabies. Brilliant.  And then you bleat about your beloved USA. Did you know that Surgeon General of the USA recommends that children not ride on motorbikes? Of course not. No need for you to listen because you are right and everyone else is wrong. Take care of your own risks first before dictating to others.



No. This is the result of people abandoning  dogs when they are no longer cute puppies. It is the  result of allowing  puppy mills and the disgusting animal markets to operate unfettered. It is the responsibility of people like you for not supporting spaying and neutering activities.


I support the MoH long standing infectious disease management strategy and  give thanks to the thousands of dedicated and hardworking Thais who have kept millions safe and alive today. If there is a public health problem now it is because the public including the  angry farangs on this forum  do not listen and follow the procedures that are common throughout the world. The MoH has done nothing wrong. 


If and when the people caught poisoning and abandoning the dead carcasses to rot, I hope that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law including the crime of putting the lives of others at risk.

THANK YOU! A lonely voice of reason in a sea of ignorance.

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Just a bit of perspective on this all-engulfing crisis, threatening the very existence of human life in Thailand:

According to the Bureau of Epidemiology statistics, the average human death rate from rabies in Thailand was around 300 annually, in the 1990's. Last year it was 11. So what is this hysteria all about? What's the real agenda?

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

He wrote what you wanted to hear, it doesn't make it correct.

What makes it right are the facts and the logic contained in his post, as compared to the unfounded and irrational drivel in most of the others in this thread.

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