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Urgent coach safety warning


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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

This brake failure, or malfunction, seems to be used by most drivers who cause carnage on the roads, and we never seem to hear of any severity in punishments meted out.

If, which seems highly probable, his substance abuse is proved to be the cause of this horrendous tragedy, he should be given the absolute maximum time of incarceration. Any severe punishment should also be massively publicised for the whole nation to see, to, hopefully, act as a deterrent to other drivers with the same mentality as this <deleted>. 

I have no doubt in my mind that the imbecilic, amped up driver is mainly to blame here.  I've spent hours of nerve wracking bus rides here in Thailand, on coaches just like this one.  But look at the state of the coach.  It obviously hit something hard & unforgiving, but, at only 80kph.  The bottom half stopped suddenly, but the top half kept going.  It appears to have sheared almost clean off.


There is no way a bus in Europe or US or Australia would disintegrate like that in those circumstances.  The vehicle design & construction is also at fault & I don't mean the brakes.  I'd put money on it, that most of the fatalities were on the upper deck?  The lower deck, which I assume took the brunt of the impact is mostly intact. Even the driver escaped relatively unharmed.  I don't often agree with the general, but maybe on this one he's right.  Time to get rid of the double decker buses.  Notwithstanding, something really serious needs to be done about the drivers, which is obvious to all with an ounce of brain matter.

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What many of the posters here forget, It is their country at present the way it is run works for them. As someone who has chosen to live here I realize I have no say in how this country is run.


Eventually they will get fed up with how things are done and will demand real change, by then I will probably be long gone.

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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

This brake failure, or malfunction, seems to be used by most drivers who cause carnage on the roads, and we never seem to hear of any severity in punishments meted out.

If, which seems highly probable, his substance abuse is proved to be the cause of this horrendous tragedy, he should be given the absolute maximum time of incarceration. Any severe punishment should also be massively publicised for the whole nation to see, to, hopefully, act as a deterrent to other drivers with the same mentality as this <deleted>.  

As I said yesterday. Brake failure !
Or was it brain failure ???

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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

It is a route I have driven mant times and I am often heavily relieved when I get past those 2 or 3 dangerous areas in the hills. I hold back from overtaking slow heavy goods vehicles labouring their way up and round corners at low speed to be overtaken myself by large coaches who seem to have no regard for safety or oncoming traffic.


The vehicles are not suitable for this type of road, but the bigger problem is the drivers, who seem to forget they are responsible for dozens of peoples lives.

Whilst your comments are correct in relation to the not yet dualled Kabinburi  side. The accident occurred on the downward Korat side which is dualled and good. I have commented on this a few times but can add that there are very many signs saying "Cameras". But are there?

Many are unaware as to how steep the roads are  It is after all called "Big Mountain" 

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

I assumed I corrected right, sorry if you ment something else. However, that is not the point. What I want to know is what a "1st world expat" is. Is that some kind of expression that shall provide us with a stance above other people that according to you do not own the same class as you appearently assume you do?

I'll bet the farm that you're from a minority group.

Not only is this a 3rd world country, but Thais are born minus common sense. They're children in adult bodies.

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7 minutes ago, jesimps said:

 Thais are born minus common sense. They're children in adult bodies.

Harsh! & not true, the education system (indoctrination period) keeps them in a subservient condition - as planned!

I have worked with Thais who have had, what is considered a good education, where they have been allowed to think and they are perfectly competent individuals.

Edited by CGW
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23 minutes ago, CGW said:

Seems like this has been completely forgotten? 


It seems to have been ignored.

I think it should instead be saying, "Thai-built double-deckers".

Most of them give you the impression they've been built using bamboo.


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Using GPS tracking were not effective to prevent accidents, Academic Centre for Road Safety director Dr Thanapong Jinvong said yesterday.


I'm pretty sure if they used the GPS tracking for more than just maps and routes, they will find they have many  other functions, including warning the bus company of speeding, swerving, harsh braking, etc. So if they wanted they could be used to prevent accidents as they would identify the consistent bad drivers......but then again, that would be most of them I'm assuming and then the bus companies cannot say they didn't know !!! Ignorance is bliss for them.

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Of the buses that are hired out, the vast majority seem to be hired by national or local government organise for their various and frequent jollies.   Simple solution is that these organisations have to ensure that the bus operators do have certification for their vehicles to the current regulations.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

It is a route I have driven mant times and I am often heavily relieved when I get past those 2 or 3 dangerous areas in the hills. I hold back from overtaking slow heavy goods vehicles labouring their way up and round corners at low speed to be overtaken myself by large coaches who seem to have no regard for safety or oncoming traffic.


The vehicles are not suitable for this type of road, but the bigger problem is the drivers, who seem to forget they are responsible for dozens of peoples lives.

Absolutely spot on assessment. For many years, we drove from Chiangmai to Surin, (and back), sometimes twice annually using the Lampang - Pitsunalok route plus a number of variant routes - all of which are hilly, many blind curves on winding roads. 

We became so fed up with the irresponsible truck and bus drivers that we changed our route, CM-Tak-Kampaeng Phet-Nakorn Sawan- Lopburi-Saratburi- N. Rachasima -Surin.

These roads are faster, but straight. Doesn't stop the bad drivers completely - whatever the vehicle, but we feel that much safer. It adds 200Km to our journey - but eradicates the winding roads.

I just wont use them simply because of problems like this.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Many old buses that had not met current standards were still allowed to operate

Maybe, BUT there should be a red alert warning about drivers, not meeting higher licencing standards to operate a bus or any other heavy vehicle safely being allowed to drive!


Perhaps the brakes did ultimately fail BUT ONLY because the driver was operating the bus in an unsafe manner to start with!


When will the 'authorities' get it through their thick skulls that a bus of the highest standards in the world (and they will never get to that anyhow) will still kill and injure people because of the ill trained nut behind the wheel. :post-4641-1156693976:



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5 hours ago, Get Real said:

I assumed I corrected right, sorry if you ment something else. However, that is not the point. What I want to know is what a "1st world expat" is. Is that some kind of expression that shall provide us with a stance above other people that according to you do not own the same class as you appearently assume you do?

Yes, and the OP assumes correctly, why shouldnt he or She assume that he has a status above this lot , its his right and privilege to do so, if you feel that you are only on a par with this Third world Trash then you Sir have led a very wasteful life and achieved little.

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3 hours ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

What ever a first world expat is, it sounds ridiculous as it is used in this context.  First world is from which countries: USA, Great Britain, Germany, or where exactly.  All of you seem to want to blame the driver, the owner when blame falls directly on all those Transportation Ministers, sub ministers, and road safety experts for allowing these buses to operate while knowing these horrific tragedies are predictable and inevitable.  Lets send the driver to prison, fine his boss 10,00 Baht and all the minions I mentioned above can say, we did a proper investigation, which leaves them with a clear conscience while in reality they are more guilty of failure to carry out their transportation and safety responsibilities and they should be first on a court Docket, which will probably never take place. 

Shame on all of them for their complacency and inaction on a problem that has been evident for many years.

This is a group effort and you have to congratulate them on how well they are doing

It displays the lack of everything except the lining of pockets

The fact the driver has tested positive for a mind altering substance was the final nail in the victims coffins

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9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

This brake failure, or malfunction, seems to be used by most drivers who cause carnage on the roads, and we never seem to hear of any severity in punishments meted out.

If, which seems highly probable, his substance abuse is proved to be the cause of this horrendous tragedy, he should be given the absolute maximum time of incarceration. Any severe punishment should also be massively publicised for the whole nation to see, to, hopefully, act as a deterrent to other drivers with the same mentality as this <deleted>.  

I appreciate your solutions. However I'm afraid it will not help to change the culture of Thailand. On roads rules " I don't care mentality ". Or  "Me first ".

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8 hours ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious, General whatever your name is. I think we (westerners) that come here are looking at things in the wrong context. As Thailand has a veneer of a modern society eg. some high standard hospitals, a (struggling to be sustainable) tourism industry, communications systems, reasonably good main highways and other infrastructure, we tend to think of it as a progressive country. It's not. Scratch that veneer and behind it, you have a third world country, with corresponding levels of corruption, buck passing, no accountability, and no regard whatsover for the citizens of this country. So if we regard it as the 3rd world country it is, on par with some African and other SEA nations, it makes more sense. It makes no difference how many 1st word expats live here, it won't make it a 1st world country.

:clap2::clap2: (and the same goes for its so-called " justice system " which is also nothing less than a joke)

Edited by midas
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so they know many of these buses are not fit for purpose but they still let them operate,   i think the drivers take yaba so they have the speed to run away when one of these buses, that are allowed to be on the roads by the current government fails.   not so daft after all.

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I can foresee a lot of privately owned double deckers heading into the workshop to literally chop the upper deck completely off, creating a useable single deck coach.


Coaches are hugely expensive, and it's really unimaginable that owners could afford to write double deckers off as scrap.


The real concern though, is the integrity of the original chassis. Is it a brand name complete chassis that has modern electronic wizardy and safety features, or some jerry built Heinz variety, which I understand is quite common in Thailand ?



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6 hours ago, Acemaker said:

Yes, and the OP assumes correctly, why shouldnt he or She assume that he has a status above this lot , its his right and privilege to do so, if you feel that you are only on a par with this Third world Trash then you Sir have led a very wasteful life and achieved little.

And that absolutely makes up all sense in the world, for you as a person beeing in a Thai forum, discussing Thailand as well as visiting a lot or living permanently here. If you do that, why do you put the people that live here under the ground you step on. Guess it was time for a lesson of behaviour for you. Seems like it´s time to show some respect or butt out, right?

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7 hours ago, jesimps said:

I'll bet the farm that you're from a minority group.

Not only is this a 3rd world country, but Thais are born minus common sense. They're children in adult bodies.

And you were just another one that don´t belong in a Thai forum. May I ask you if you visit Thailand frequently or living here on a permanent basis?
If so, why do you do that when you dislike the people in this country so much?

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It was properly break failure that caused it.
If you go down a steep hill with a heavy bus in high gear, and try to stop it interlay with the breaks, any breaks will overheat, and not work for long.

So brake failure is the cause, but it was driver fault that caused the brake to fail.

These unnecessarily accidents will however newer stop before the government put a stop to letting substandard drivers drive the busses.

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