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Trump ousts McMaster, taps super-hawk Bolton as national security adviser


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No way did I intend to say the young cannot decide on their future . What i was saying they have been mislead and ill educated and will make bad choices as they have been doing and creat more anarchy in America.. They have a choice,what ever their choice is and will live with it that is reality. But there is still a chance that they can learn about what America was and maybe with some positive effort correct the damage done .
  The young ones you mention from the sixties were the ones to lead the way for the poor condition the country is in. They were nuts and degenerates. and America is paying the price for listening to them.and letting them have an influence 
America was when? Jim Crow times?

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This has got to be the most chaotic, least organized, and most incompetent leader, and administration in recent history. Every day brings more chaos. Little Don cannot help but shoot himself in the foot daily. The little bit of talent that the administration had, is leaving in droves. They are fleeing the most radioactive man in America. Now he appoints John Bolton? This man is not qualified to lead the boy scout chapter of Indianapolis. He should be kept as far away from foreign policy decisions as possible, with his hateful and toxic views. I give him 90 days, before he is dismissed. 


Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don. 


The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 

At the same time is an Ex-Playboy model trying to apologize to his wife for having had sex with her husband while they were married. What sort of a man is Trump? He's so good in slagging off other people or just firing them. really disgusting/. 


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52 minutes ago, attrayant said:


be followed by artillery shelling of Seoul and who knows what kind of ICBMs randomly shot up into the atmosphere in a defensive panic.

I didn't realise lovelomsak was such an important global figure.

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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

Yesterday I was concerned that Trump's talks with Kim would lead to selling out US allies in Asia.  Now I'm concerned it will lead to war.


19 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I think the Koreas are going to get together DESPITE the USA and avoid a Vietnam disaster. They have more in common than divides them. Japan WILL need support in coming to terms with this.

Hello Grouse. Bolton has been appointed. I believe "now I'm concerned it will lead to war".

Is it that hard to imagine that Bolton will convince Donald Trump that North Korea must be attacked. And then, Trump turns up at whatever meeting with North Korea, and Trump says "look fatboy, you're dangerous, I'm going to bomb you". Trump's going to say that to Kim of North Korea ?

Edited by tonbridgebrit
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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Are you referring to the old people who can pivot from "Things were better in my day." to "In my day we had it tough." without realizing it?


The new globalist rubbish world is more peaceful and prosperous with less poverty, better education, and greater longevity than in any time in history.  The US did more than any other nation to promote this better world through policies such as the Marshall Plan and by key roles in establishing the UN and the World Trade Organization.


I'm sixty now, and I can't think of any time in my life when things were better than now.  Granted there are problems, some very serious, that need to be dealt with.  But in my opinion young people are more aware of these problems and willing to deal with them than their elders.


Of course I'm old enough to know that some people aren't happy unless they're complaining about something.  I won't name names...

A very well written post.

  I will take the time to explain better what I meant.I will not arque what America did for the world but will show what happened to America. Trump is about making America great again not the world. I will explain how America was great and where it is now. It will not be a book consider it a proloque ok.

  America was prosperous in the 50's there was lots of work. People had good jobs good pay. They could afford new cars and live in the suburbs. Education was affordable, racial issues were staring to be dealt with.,women  were coming out of the home and entering the work force.. There was much positive change and everything was moving forward.

  Then the 60's. Turn on , tune in , drop out. Drugs ,sex rock and roll. This decade could not deal with prosperity. They rebelled against the establishment.. They were privileged and felt very entitled but did not want responsibility.. thought  working at a factory was below them.But would not seek higher levels. All James Deans. The special interest groups took root. The black panthers set up shop.  Women's lib started.This decade  had the that generation lived to see anarchy from their choices when they were proving they would as the next generation do it their way..

  Fast forward to today. Drugs every where. No jobs, whole cities in decay. Shooting at schools,now bombs with out a reason.The country is in chaos. Riots on the streets. Illegal immigrants feel entitled and get support Anarchy has arrived

  Only people who lived through the 50's even know how good America was and what it lost. Most of what destroyed the US was the result of the changes that came about from 60's  and the new views on how to do things. As one poster put it 

    this new world globalist  rubbish idiotic notion of the KKK,Nazis,communistic ,socialistic fascist,Russian hysteria  BS

 People who never lived in the good times do not even know what they are so they cannot relate simple as that.

  One poster questioned about the young people making the choices for their own future . Well think deep before they act is all I say. Look at what the 60's did and try not to make the same mistakes. To make a mistake once is a mistake to make the same mistake repeatedly is insanity


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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Got to smile at that :smile:.  You really think you could teach me anything about life?  I am one of those old people who changed the world in the 60's.  Not American but from the same revolutionary mindset.  I was at the Grosvenor Square demonstration to get the Vietnam war stopped  (and getting layed  by a very cool Californian girl as it happened :smile:).  


Reading your posts convinces me that you could teach me nothing but I think you have got an awful lot to learn my friend.

You are right I probably could not educate you but then probably no one could so I donot feel to bad. 

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

I think the Koreas are going to get together DESPITE the USA and avoid a Vietnam disaster. They have more in common than divides them. Japan WILL need support in coming to terms with this.

Going back decades I remember a briefing from a well informed person who said the two Germanies (yes, back then) were more likely to go to war over who would rule the united country than over the unification.  Happily that didn't happen.


Who will rule the united Korea, and how will the question be decided?

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11 hours ago, attrayant said:

I think this is fake news because just ONE WEEK ago the White House said this:



Fake? Is that the new word for lie? This entire administration is a pack of LIARS. I wouldn't believe one word they say. I usually do not listen to them or look at them. They turn my stomach. I sincerely hope they get what they truly deserve. Lies and liars are the enemy of the people/democracy/America.


even rt america aka fox knows he is a liar.jpg

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9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Priceless!  By the way James Dean was the fifties not the sixties.  So the old people who "know" are from the fifties then.  Given that these old people who were adults then would be at least a hundred now, how many do you know?   The world has moved on and evolved., thank god!  But according to you the rot started in the sixties and has continued ever since culminating in anarchy now?  So for the last sixty years America has been going down the plughole?  Pretty much all of your life then?  A pity you for having such a terrible time when the rest of us were actually quite enjoying it. 

Some of you like to point out useless stuff huh. Referring to James Dean is to refer to rebels without a cause which he was the posterboy for. Not a period of time. Try and stay with the program.

The world has moved on but and has evolved . But what it has evolved into is worse than it was . Do you want to see it deteriorate more?

  Yes US has been rotting since the 60's  and anarchy has arrived nice you finally took notice.

My life was great thank you  had the 57 chevy, the power boat on the lake,the muscle car of the 60's travelled sailed,raced boats on the ocean not on a lake,had women at my whim. Retired at 57. 



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8 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Some of you like to point out useless stuff huh. Referring to James Dean is to refer to rebels without a cause which he was the posterboy for. Not a period of time. Try and stay with the program.

The world has moved on but and has evolved . But what it has evolved into is worse than it was . Do you want to see it deteriorate more?

  Yes US has been rotting since the 60's  and anarchy has arrived nice you finally took notice.

My life was great thank you  had the 57 chevy, the power boat on the lake,the muscle car of the 60's travelled sailed,raced boats on the ocean not on a lake,had women at my whim. Retired at 57.

It was possible to have a good, affluent life when the top income tax rate was 91%.  Thank you for bringing that up.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

It was possible to have a good, affluent life when the top income tax rate was 91%.  Thank you for bringing that up.

I am sorry I do not understand what top income tax rate was 91%. means. help me out here .Clarify so I understand please.

  I thought about this and was wondering are you saying that people were paying 91 % of their income in taxes?  If so never mins replying I have no time for BS

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