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Record number of U.S. Marines to train in Australia in symbolic challenge to China


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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

Please don't put words in my mouth, 

How on earth could you possibly say that?


those were my words and thoughts..... none of that common sense came from you.... and my post cannot be construed as though it did

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2 hours ago, PhonThong said:

Correct. If Australia wants the U.S. Marines to leave, all they have to do is say so. They will be gone in a flash...... 

Ta da!


australia will honor  its responsibility and treaties.... besides which, it’s the US military who want to be there, Sabre rattling... it’s their choice to increase participation.... not Australia’s.




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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Ni, I  do not think the US  is a benevolent entity but it is certainly not evil nor are Americans generally violet and evil either. Each country does what it thinks is in it's own national interests.


Ameerica and Australia have a longstanding relationship-each helping the other during times of stress dating back to WWII when my father and probably our father/grandfather fought together to stop Japan and Germany from Worldwide domination.


Now, we both face another type of potential domination- China.  the Chinese are predators, attempting to control resources to keep their people docile so the Communist Party can remain in power.  The sheer numbers of Chinese Should make the World uncomfortable and their potential economic power is a clear and present danger.


I hardly think a few thousand US Marines training in Australia are any danger to anyone but show Australia and the Chinese that America can project power. America has no intention of invading anyone (except possibly N Korea).  China is invading everyone everywhere but not through military might but though using its huge foreign reserves to buy up industries; land and other natural resources. This must be stopped- not through military means but by building alliances and using our combined economic strength to stop the purchase of vital industries and resources


Some of you may not like us as a country but you will like the Chinese a lot less when they attempt to control everything Australian .

Good post ?

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4 hours ago, lanista said:

Surveys are a waste of time because they give a result that is determined by the way you ask the questions either in a positive or negative spin.  Youre right, Australians give nothing a second thought because they're too lazy ,spoilt and apathetic  but ive never heard anyone say they want yankee soldiers  bonking around in OZ.

Insulting post

heres a little something I picked up from America...... but... she’ll be right m8... chill



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38 minutes ago, farcanell said:

How on earth could you possibly say that?


those were my words and thoughts..... none of that common sense came from you.... and my post cannot be construed as though it did

Misunderstood, thought you were assuming I claimed US support is based upon benevolence. Common sense - LOL - a truism would be a more accurate description

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17 hours ago, Srikcir said:

I don't know about what thought is given to the presence of a small contingent of US servicemen in Australia for training. But a poll taken in 2015 might lend some insight from Australians' viewpoint of US involvement over the South China Sea conflict.

"The poll, commissioned by the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI), found 71% thought Australia should remain neutral in any armed conflict over disputed islands and maritime territory in the East China Sea, and 68% thought Australia should still say no if the president rang the prime minister asking for assistance."  https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/jan/05/australians-opposed-taking-sides-china-japan


Lucky the US didn't take that attitude when Australia was threatened by Japan, isn't it?

I have no problem with the US telling Australia that if it doesn't want to front up in the event of hostilities that the US will cancel all treaties with them and they can defend themselves.

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Lucky the US didn't take that attitude when Australia was threatened by Japan, isn't it?

I have no problem with the US telling Australia that if it doesn't want to front up in the event of hostilities that the US will cancel all treaties with them and they can defend themselves.

???..... you mean after the US was dragged kicking and screaming into a three year old war, that it was making obscene profits from, after being directly attacked at Pearl Harbor,..... and when it found that they needed Australian help to establish a forward operating base to enable a response.


back then.... Australia came to the aid of the US, not the other way around, as at that stage, Australia had not been threatened by japan, and was not at war with japan. although it was massively involved in assisting its allies in Europe, per its treaties and international obligations


none the less... following this act of aggression against our American friends, Australia jumped in boots and all to assist them with their war (your welcome)



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On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:01 AM, lanista said:

Most Australians are opposed to having US servicemen on our soil.  There is no threat from China and if there were then what difference would 1500 hillbilly marines make?

The marines wont like it in the remote North anyway. Very hot, crocodiles everywhere and hookers way too expensive.  They'll have to have  r&r in  Pattaya.

A 5 second google search shows that the US has been training in Australia since at least 2013 and, while I didn't check further, probably long before that.

All that's happening now, if one reads the headline, is that there are more of them than before.

I fail to see what all the jumping up and down is about.


BTW, why does anyone assume that the enemy won't attack in hot places with crocodiles? Soldiers train in unpleasant places because the enemy may attack in places like that. 

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10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

???..... you mean after the US was dragged kicking and screaming into a three year old war, that it was making obscene profits from, after being directly attacked at Pearl Harbor,..... and when it found that they needed Australian help to establish a forward operating base to enable a response.


back then.... Australia came to the aid of the US, not the other way around, as at that stage, Australia had not been threatened by japan, and was not at war with japan. although it was massively involved in assisting its allies in Europe, per its treaties and international obligations


none the less... following this act of aggression against our American friends, Australia jumped in boots and all to assist them with their war (your welcome)



I have no problem with the US telling Australia that if it doesn't want to front up in the event of hostilities that the US will cancel all treaties with them and they can defend themselves.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have no problem with the US telling Australia that if it doesn't want to front up in the event of hostilities that the US will cancel all treaties with them and they can defend themselves.

Australia always fronts up.... and probably would even if the US stopped using Vaseline 


but... hey ho.... as field Marshall Irwin Rommel said. “Give me One Australian division, and I will conquer the world”


she’ll be right, m8

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On 3/23/2018 at 9:57 AM, PremiumLane said:

America has some cheek saying that, with their track record of empire building

China has bullied their way into Philippine's (PAR) waters and continues to build military bases on existing islands as well as new ones they built. The International Court ruled against China's claims to these islands, yet the island building and fortification continues unabated.


No one has done anything about this. No one has the balls to stand up to China. No one can. It is probably already too late, but any help the USA can offer in the region should be welcomed.


You worry about US "empire building"? You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until China really gets started.


Edited by tropo
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24 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

That was not true in 1942. Australia was about to be targeted for Japanese invasion through the Solomon and Coral Seas.

"The Royal Australian Navy's overall contribution to the Battle of the Coral Sea may not have been as spectacular as that of the American carriers, but the work done by the coast watchers, intelligence staff, the cruisers and other support ships and personnel all contributed to the final result, not just at the Coral Sea but throughout the Pacific War. Whilst Australians today may scoff at the fears of a Japanese invasion during 1942 the fact is that for many Australians during the 1940s that fear was real."  http://www.navy.gov.au/history/feature-histories/battle-coral-sea


So far as engagement by the US and Australian military forces to repulse the Japanese, the Order  for the Battle of the Coral Sea will show that without the US interception of the Japanese, Australian lacked sufficient armed forces to defeat the Japanese.



1942 you say

7 December 1941... japan attacks the USA

8 December 1941... USA declares war on japan

8 December 1942... Australia declared war on japan


and whilst Australia was committed in Europe, gleefully assisting its allies, leaving its back door swinging in the breeze.... Australian forces still managed to halt the Japanese at kokoda, when the enemy was attempting to isolate Australia from America.... which could very well have changed the outcome of the war (no pacific staging post for Mc Arthur)


some historians have compared this action to a World War Two equivalent of the battle of Thermopylae.... where 300 spartas sacrificed them self’s to give Greece time to field an army, thus winning the war

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8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Ni, I  do not think the US  is a benevolent entity but it is certainly not evil nor are Americans generally violet and evil either. Each country does what it thinks is in it's own national interests.


Ameerica and Australia have a longstanding relationship-each helping the other during times of stress dating back to WWII when my father and probably our father/grandfather fought together to stop Japan and Germany from Worldwide domination.


Now, we both face another type of potential domination- China.  the Chinese are predators, attempting to control resources to keep their people docile so the Communist Party can remain in power.  The sheer numbers of Chinese Should make the World uncomfortable and their potential economic power is a clear and present danger.


I hardly think a few thousand US Marines training in Australia are any danger to anyone but show Australia and the Chinese that America can project power. America has no intention of invading anyone (except possibly N Korea).  China is invading everyone everywhere but not through military might but though using its huge foreign reserves to buy up industries; land and other natural resources. This must be stopped- not through military means but by building alliances and using our combined economic strength to stop the purchase of vital industries and resources


Some of you may not like us as a country but you will like the Chinese a lot less when they attempt to control everything Australian .

They are only allowed to invade cos soft touch governments like Australia let Chinese government backed companies buy farmland, airports, gas plants, water leases and billions of dollars worth of property in Australian Capital cities without even the need to reside here. Meanwhile in the rest of Asia foreigners can't even own house or land for their family to live in. More fools us. 

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8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    China is invading everyone everywhere but not through military might but though using its huge foreign reserves to buy up industries; land and other natural resources. This must be stopped- not through military means but by building alliances and using our combined economic strength to stop the purchase of vital industries and resources



China is actually militarily invading the territorial waters of the Philippines. What else would you call island building and fortification with military bases? They also closely follow and monitor any non-Chinese vessels in the area, in Philippines territory. China wants to control this important shipping channel and with all those islands set up as military bases, that will be easy.


This is a covert invasion that goes mostly unnoticed by the rest of the world. Duterte has had no choice other than to embrace China and let them do whatever they like. As he says to his detractors "what would you have me do? Go to war with China? Fight a war we cannot win?"

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You should prostate every time you wake up safe and sound for America dominionism, otherwise Europeans would be speaking German and Australians would speak Chinese. <deleted> tyranny.

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2 hours ago, tropo said:

"what would you have me do? Go to war with China? Fight a war we cannot win?"

Duterte could have backed his position with American military power. But he already rushed to disassociate himself from American assistance because of a human rights record he knew would alienate the US. So instead he endangers the security of The Philippines by appeasing China.

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58 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Duterte could have backed his position with American military power. But he already rushed to disassociate himself from American assistance because of a human rights record he knew would alienate the US. So instead he endangers the security of The Philippines by appeasing China.

My post wasn't intended as a foot into a debate on Duterte. Forgive me for bringing up his name. I just wanted to mention that the build-up by China was actually a covert military strategy. They played it well.


China's military build-up was on-going long before Duterte came to town and before Duterte insulted Obama. The US didn't do jack squat to help the situation before Duterte came to power when both countries were still good friends. Even before Duterte, there was no way to get the Chinese off these islands short of a war, which no one had the stomach for. China knew that - the US knew that... the whole situation has been swept under the rug. Any efforts by the US to fix this are way too little and too late.

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22 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Washington has it's foreign policy. Washington has to convince American people that it's foreign policy is based on spreading freedom and democracy. That way, people actually go and vote for the government. An example was, was to tell Americans that Iraq was a danger and threat to world peace. Washington needed the American people to support the invasion, America is, after all, a democracy. I think most people now accept that the invasion was basically about taking control of Iraq's oil. Had Washington actually said "look, we're invading Iraq, because of oil", well, far fewer Americans would have supported the invasion, just prior to it taking place.

With Beijing, Beijing does not bother to make it look like that it is trying to spread freedom and democracy. Beijing has not been democratically elected, it would be absurd if Beijing was to claim that it is trying to spread democracy.

So, please let us know what exactly it is they are spreading?

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On 3/23/2018 at 1:35 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

It might be dismal, but intent counts. And Washington certainly has shown intent to build an empire.


Whereas the PRC is not engaging in such effort at present, and did not do so in the past? Or is just US supposed "intent" that counts?



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On 3/23/2018 at 4:01 PM, jak2002003 said:

America, you have already caused enough wars and suffering... stop trying to make another war!!!!




What "another war" are you on about? A bit more marines participating in military drills are cause for war?


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On 3/23/2018 at 9:20 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

And unfortunately, the US government has managed to convince lots of people, Americans and people outside of America, that it is a benevolent entity.


I don't know that such efforts are "unfortunate", or that they were/are successful . What I am sure of, is that they are way better at it than your constant feeble attempts to do the same with regard to  the PRC. The US is far from perfect, and far from living up to its own claimed standards. That said, still way better than a world dominated by the likes of Russia or the PRC. A good argument for the above would be you being able to spew your silly propaganda posts without much fear of consequences - even if you were doing it while based in the US itself.

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On 3/23/2018 at 9:18 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

We're not attacking American people, most of us know Americans in Thailand, and we know that Americans are about the same as anybody else.

What we are against is the US government, we are against Washington. Washington has, through the media, convinced lots of Americans that it is nice and friendly institution. A classic example would be that invasion of Iraq, back in 2003.

Washington has to pretend that it is trying to spread freedom and democracy to the rest of the world. By pretending this, well, it's managed to get lots of Americans to back and support it's foreign policy. Most Americans would certainly not back their government's foreign policy, if they knew what the real goal is.


You are not "we", and you are not even "most of us".


Going on about US government efforts at media control, propaganda and marketing, while incessantly doing the same (on this forum, at least) promoting pro-PRC interests and points of view is familiarly disingenuous. And what you consider to be "the real goal" is, in all probability, just another rubbish slogan.


Your nonsense might apply if the world was run along black and white lines. It isn't. From the currently available options, the US is still the best candidate for running the show.


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On 3/22/2018 at 11:01 PM, lanista said:

Most Australians are opposed to having US servicemen on our soil.  There is no threat from China and if there were then what difference would 1500 hillbilly marines make?

The marines wont like it in the remote North anyway. Very hot, crocodiles everywhere and hookers way too expensive.  They'll have to have  r&r in  Pattaya.

LOL @ no threat from China.  You are only fooling yourself.

How do you know they are hillbillys? That's rather rich coming from someone from the country that defined terms such as chav and lager lout in Patong.  Have you seen what gets off the JetStar junket flights?

You don't want the US troops on Australian soil. OK. Then pull your troops out of the USA and Canada. It's called exchange and training, d-oh.

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On ‎3‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 5:30 PM, Srikcir said:

Duterte could have backed his position with American military power. But he already rushed to disassociate himself from American assistance because of a human rights record he knew would alienate the US. So instead he endangers the security of The Philippines by appeasing China.

His job is the protection of his citizens. In any conflict between the US and China, his country will suffer. He may have decided it's better to be controlled by China than dead.

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