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UK Labour leader Corbyn apologises for anti-Semitism in his party‍​


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4 hours ago, Khun Han said:


I agree. And the other side of the same coin is calling criticism of the Israeli government/criticism of any prominent politically motivated person who just happens to be of Jewish descent an "anti-Semitic dog whistle". It's often such constant harassment which leads people to the "Some of my best friends are....." that you describe. Meanwhile, none of these arguments are ever applied to the ways in which the Palestinian issue is discussed, even though they are at least equally appropriate in most scenarios. Amongst all the criticism of Palestinian leadership, and accusations that protesting youths are dangerous terrorists, virtually nobody gets accused of making underhand racist/stereotype (dog whistle) remarks about Palestinians :coffee1:.




2 hours ago, Khun Han said:

And the 'dog whistle' attack on Corbyn continues from Blairite globalists. Jeremy needs to grow a pair and conduct mass-expultions. Otherwise, he should just fall into line and give up.


More rubbish.



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On 3/27/2018 at 5:58 PM, mrfill said:

But its still ok to be fanatically anti-Islam? With much government support.....


Pot, kettle , black.

No, it is not okay.  Arabs (who are mostly Islamic) are semites as well (along with armenians and a few other groups), so being anti-islam could in some cases be viewed as anti-semitic.  

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4 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

No, it is not okay.  Arabs (who are mostly Islamic) are semites as well (along with armenians and a few other groups), so being anti-islam could in some cases be viewed as anti-semitic.  


Antisemitism specifically refers to Jews and Jews only.

Please stop spreading idiocies.

It's irrelevant whether Arabs are semites.

You just posted a total LIE about the definition of antisemitism.

Words have meanings. If you don't like the meaning you don't get to invent fake meanings. 

Just stop it. 

Edited by Jingthing
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6 hours ago, Morch said:
11 hours ago, Khun Han said:


I agree. And the other side of the same coin is calling criticism of the Israeli government/criticism of any prominent politically motivated person who just happens to be of Jewish descent an "anti-Semitic dog whistle". It's often such constant harassment which leads people to the "Some of my best friends are....." that you describe. Meanwhile, none of these arguments are ever applied to the ways in which the Palestinian issue is discussed, even though they are at least equally appropriate in most scenarios. Amongst all the criticism of Palestinian leadership, and accusations that protesting youths are dangerous terrorists, virtually nobody gets accused of making underhand racist/stereotype (dog whistle) remarks about Palestinians :coffee1:.




9 hours ago, Khun Han said:

And the 'dog whistle' attack on Corbyn continues from Blairite globalists. Jeremy needs to grow a pair and conduct mass-expultions. Otherwise, he should just fall into line and give up.


More rubbish.



Thank you for your detailed critique. An equally detailed (and entirely appropriate) response to just about every one of of your multitude of posts on this, and related topics would be "apologist".

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On 4/1/2018 at 9:09 AM, SheungWan said:

The Labour Party NEC latest: By-bye Christine Shawcroft: Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Christine Shawcroft has been replaced on the Labour Party NEC by Eddie Izzard. Eddie has issued a comment calling for the Labour Party to stamp out anti-Semitism. Since Corbyn has done such a useless job to date (and on the way receiving on-board support from the forum anti-Semites in our midst), one can only hope that Eddie is able to make a difference: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-43613464


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And the sinister attacks on Corbyn continue unabated:




Now under attack for attending an event organised by the left wing group Jewdas!!!

If you're insinuating that very left wing Jews existing and are allying with Corbyn proves there is no antisemitism that exists in Corbyn and Labour that would be a leap in logic that evades reality.


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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Thank you for your detailed critique. An equally detailed (and entirely appropriate) response to just about every one of of your multitude of posts on this, and related topics would be "apologist".


Most welcome. Couldn't help noticing you do not comment on posts, but on poster. Sounds kinda desperate.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Antisemitism specifically refers to Jews and Jews only.

Please stop spreading idiocies.

It's irrelevant whether Arabs are semites.

You just posted a total LIE about the definition of antisemitism.

Words have meanings. If you don't like the meaning you don't get to invent fake meanings. 

Just stop it. 



Both Jews and Arabs are semites ?


However, antisemitism is confined to Jews. 


Does antiatheism exist? I guess nobody cares!

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:



Both Jews and Arabs are semites ?




The root word Semite gives the false impression that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic people, e.g., including Arabs and Assyrians. The compound word antisemite was popularized in Germany in 1879[6] as a scientific-sounding term for Judenhass ("Jew-hatred"), and that has been its common use since then


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If you're insinuating that very left wing Jews existing and are allying with Corbyn proves there is no antisemitism that exists in Corbyn and Labour that would be a leap in logic that evades reality.


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Corbyn is a 100% committed anti-racist. Any issues he has are with the Israeli government, not due to any perceived diislike of Jews. And I say that as no fan of the man.

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35 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Corbyn is a 100% committed anti-racist. Any issues he has are with the Israeli government, not due to any perceived diislike of Jews. And I say that as no fan of the man.


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Recently I had a beer with a guy (Wales originally ) the subject of Chinese business practices came up  in the context of zero baht tourism.  "Well you see the Chinese, they're like Jews" I say to him, So there are 10 million Jews in the world and billions of Chinese but Chinese are like Jews? Are the Jews actually like the Chinese? And aren't arabs, indians and others competitive businessmen also? "Well you know what I mean".

Or a guy from London.  "Oh I know this Jewish guy at XXX company" I'm thinking what does that have to do with anything? Just kind of a bigoted thing to casually say for no apparent reason.


I think subtle anti-semitism is more common among UK persons, not just left-wing radicals like Corbyn people these days than America where it is more overt when it exists. From Brits  I often hear What religion are you? Nobody ever asks that in Californian but on the East Coast it is always "What are you" meaning Italian, Greek, Irish, German everybody wants to know for some reason. 

Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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On 4/3/2018 at 10:57 AM, geriatrickid said:

So basically the Corbyn statement was empty because his followers' anti semitic views are unchanged as evidenced by comments here.

Corbyn's latest cheerleader, academic Jane Dipple, Labour Party supporter who managed to share a post by the far-right website The Daily Stormer as just one of her contributions: https://tinyurl.com/ydczfynh 

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Non-Jew Brit J.K. Rowling deals rather well with antisemitism, dodging the same old tropes we see here all the time. 





J.K. Rowling is giving a master class in identifying anti-Semitism and it’s magical

 There’s an unsettling debate underway in Britain about whether the right or the left is more anti-Semitic, and videos of Jewish members of Parliament reading out some of the anti-Semitic invective they’ve suffered have gone viral.

J.K. Rowling, the non-Jewish author of the Harry Potter series,  decided to weigh in on Wednesday, defining anti-Semitism for her 14.4 million Twitter followers.





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There seems to be endless coverage of this on Sky News and whereas when this first came up there was virtually no mention of what exactly the contentious issues are whereas now we are gradually learning what is causing such upset.

I don't know about anyone else on here but how can a picture which is open to all kinds of interpretation be considered anti-Semitic? What is it exactly about that picture that hits a nerve with those that claim it is anti-Semitic?

It would be interesting to conduct a poll as to how many people do consider the picture in question to be anti-Semitic.

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2 hours ago, midas said:

There seems to be endless coverage of this on Sky News and whereas when this first came up there was virtually no mention of what exactly the contentious issues are whereas now we are gradually learning what is causing such upset.

I don't know about anyone else on here but how can a picture which is open to all kinds of interpretation be considered anti-Semitic? What is it exactly about that picture that hits a nerve with those that claim it is anti-Semitic?

It would be interesting to conduct a poll as to how many people do consider the picture in question to be anti-Semitic.

The mural was suggestive of global Jewish control conspiracy theories and also displaying stereotypical Jewish "racial" features in an exaggerated way.  I think the mural in question is on the milder side of such content. If you want to see more hard core stuff, just google for it. 


You know, I find it hard to believe that any educated person wouldn't know this stuff already. I suppose it could be argued that milder version of this kind of content "aren't that bad" but I won't be the one arguing that. 


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40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The mural was suggestive of global Jewish control conspiracy theories and also displaying stereotypical Jewish "racial" features in an exaggerated way.  I think the mural in question is on the milder side of such content. If you want to see more hard core stuff, just google for it. 


You know, I find it hard to believe that any educated person wouldn't know this stuff already. I suppose it could be argued that milder version of this kind of content "aren't that bad" but I won't be the one arguing that. 



" You know, I find it hard to believe that any educated person wouldn't know this stuff already."



Okay maybe I’m not that educated then:giggle:

Or maybe I haven’t taken much interest in it up until now when it’s being mentioned almost daily now regarding the UK Labour Party. In fact I’ve never seen that picture before.


I do know this much though. There seems to be an almost unhealthy sensitivity regarding the issue which you refer to as control conspiracy theories and particularly as it relates to keeping any information about the wealth of a very small number of individuals very secret.   


For example one thing sticks firmly in my mind  is immediately after the 2008 financial crisis huge volumes of information written by  Americans started appearing on the Internet  exposing the secretive and inexplicable practices of the US Federal Reserve. I didn’t know about any of that either before- but why should I am not an American? I wonder if any of those characters in the picture are merely a depiction of some of these central bank owners? There would be no conspiracy theory about that!


But I clearly remember back in about 2008 discussing the question of who exactly owns the Federal reserve and astonishingly at that time I was accused of being anti-Semitic just for showing an interest in  wanting to delve into that issue which has made me highly sceptical ever since.


Quite frankly I am mortified that after all that has happened Americans still don’t seem to be aware of what this organisation has done to them.

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Corbyn's support of a negotiated peace between the Israelis (Semite people) and the Palestinians (Semite people) and his support for the human rights of the Palestinians (Semite people) in the face of abuse of those rights by the Israeli state (The state of a Semite people), is not evidence of any antisemitism and wholly consistent with Corbyn's life long adherence to non violent, political resolution of conflict. 


However, his position on Israel / Palestine is not welcome by the Israeli State and supporters of the Israeli state.


Hence a propaganda campaign to smear Corbyn and the Labour Party as antisemitic. 


If you have any doubts of how powerful that campaign is you need only observe the attention this is getting right at the very time the Tory party, Amber Rudd and Theresa May are embroiled in the Windrush Generation scandal, not simply accusations of racism but racism put into practice to deport people, deny them their rights and in at least one very well publicised case deny a man suffering cancer the treatment he needs. 



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21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Corbyn's support of a negotiated peace between the Israelis (Semite people) and the Palestinians (Semite people) and his support for the human rights of the Palestinians (Semite people) in the face of abuse of those rights by the Israeli state (The state of a Semite people), is not evidence of any antisemitism and wholly consistent with Corbyn's life long adherence to non violent, political resolution of conflict. 


However, his position on Israel / Palestine is not welcome by the Israeli State and supporters of the Israeli state.


Hence a propaganda campaign to smear Corbyn and the Labour Party as antisemitic. 


If you have any doubts of how powerful that campaign is you need only observe the attention this is getting right at the very time the Tory party, Amber Rudd and Theresa May are embroiled in the Windrush Generation scandal, not simply accusations of racism but racism put into practice to deport people, deny them their rights and in at least one very well publicised case deny a man suffering cancer the treatment he needs. 



The definition of antisemitism is an objective reality. It refers to Jews only. It does not refer to Arabs. FACT. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The definition of antisemitism is an objective reality. It refers to Jews only. It does not refer to Arabs. FACT. 

Regardless, the Palestinians are Semite people and there is no indication at all of Corbyn being an anti-Semite (including throughout his long campaign for a non violent, political solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict and there is plenty of evidence of his fight against all forms of racism.


The FACT is, this is a fabricated accusation against Corbyn and Labour and it is playing out exactly as the Tory government are under pressure for actually enacting racist policies against the Windrush generation.



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