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Women’s seminar hears call for legalised abortion


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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Actually, I'm an anti-theist nut, and one who would like to point out that all our freedoms, including access to abortion, are limited - not by puny individuals like me who offer their opinion in debates such as this one - but by those governments elected to serve our best interests. 


I sympathise with the dilemma of couples who find conceive an unwanted child and in your circumstances, the decision you and your partner came to may well have been the right one for all concerned.


I am not opposed to abortion on principle, but firmly believe it should be solution of last resort. This is clearly is not the casse today, with women's rights groups pressing for babies to be discarded for almost any reason far beyond the 24-week limit for terminations in the UK. 


A human life is a life, in or outside the womb. If you don't believe me, look at this picture of a six-month-old baby in utero and ask yourself whether you could kill it.


baby 24 weeks.jpg

6 month old, i feel that is quite old already. I would not kill it at 6 months. If you wan't to do an abortion do it ASAP.


Like you i feel its a last resort, but one that should be open to people. I am pretty responsible when it comes to using condom's making sure my partner is on the pill or as a last resort getting the morning after pil (not a fun thing for a woman to take). Then if all other things failed would i come to abortion. Though taking a pill the week after you find out your over time (took some time to get the pil) I would not really consider it abortion as there is almost nothing there then.


I said it before there should be a time limit to abortion (how much can be debatable) but the whole option should stay open. 


I really don't want kids and every time i get in a relation I make that real clear (thinking of taking the cut). I just don't feel i want to change my life or that I can give a kid all that they need.

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31 minutes ago, robblok said:

Why many guys me included don't want kids and would go to great lengths to not have kids. That you have different views.. good you take care of your kids others don't like them. Its would be like me saying to you I am sad you don't like dogs. 

Fair point. Of course, I respect the views of anyone who decides they don't want children - women as well as men. I felt that way, too, until I was almost too old to change my mind. But I'm awful glad I did. Actually, come to think of it, lots of childless people treat dogs and other pets as they would children. Bit Freudian that, don't you think!

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Fair point. Of course, I respect the views of anyone who decides they don't want children - women as well as men. I felt that way, too, until I was almost too old to change my mind. But I'm awful glad I did. Actually, come to think of it, lots of childless people treat dogs and other pets as they would children. Bit Freudian that, don't you think!


I love my dog but won't take an other (binds me too much to the house). But there is a big difference between taking a dog and a kid. A dog has a far more limited life span. Also the amount of money and time spend on a dog is nothing compared to a kid.


I honestly think a kid would drive me completely mad, and have been thinking like that all of my life so no I don't want them and i actually lost my (ex) wife over this. I told her from the start I did not want kids.. she thought i would change.. she turned 30 and then she really wanted kids.. i still could not.. so we ended it as friends. So its something I am quite convinced about because I did not like the divorce (one that did not cost me any more money then what she put into it.. fair shake from a Thai lady)

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