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Foreigner hangs himself, burns house down next to final message to wife: "You have stolen everything from me"


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All those suicides by  those lethal Condo balcony's ,doesn't come close to this very sad story.Two things were said to me when I came here,, DON"T FALL IN LOVE,bitten and broken. The second thing was ,SPEND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE.I have followed that for many many years.

Edited by riclag
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3 minutes ago, Frotting said:

Agreed.  But one nagging question. Hands were handcuffed behind back. Not easy to cuff your own hands behind your back, let alone climb up a ladder, tie a noose and hang yourself whilst hands fixed behind back.  Appears he had some assistance.  In which case the suicide note might be a try to divert attention and confuse things.

properly done all the above first before the big jump

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9 minutes ago, Frotting said:

Agreed.  But one nagging question. Hands were handcuffed behind back. Not easy to cuff your own hands behind your back, let alone climb up a ladder, tie a noose and hang yourself whilst hands fixed behind back.  Appears he had some assistance.  In which case the suicide note might be a try to divert attention and confuse things.

Been explained already read the tread...


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The handcuffs were the finality of his decision.


Had he not handcuffed himself, he might have jumped, had second thoughts and then struggle to try to save himself from hanging? who knows?


The handcuffs guaranteed a certain death.

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This will only change once the Thai law equals people. Non-Thais are always the losers; cannot own land, cannot this and cannot that. But then why change; it extracts millions of US-Dollars every single day from foreigners who trust, believe and assume. 
Would like to know what would happen, if all Thai property would be confiscated. Start from the top, that‘s where the juicier goodies are ...... Dr. T would not have property in London and Dubai to start with.
Once the Thais understand, that land cannot be rolled together and flown in a suitcase overseas, then it might improve. Until then you will have such sad stories or countless of trustees in companies ultimately controlled by the aliens. 

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6 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:


2 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

In most cases, people know nothing about the material law (as what you bring before the marriage) here and marriage/property laws after. If you are not on your game, it is easy to get done.

Maybe you can educate us??..


See post #10 on below thread which provides an explanation of what constitutes marital property under Thai law.



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35 minutes ago, Frotting said:

Agreed.  But one nagging question. Hands were handcuffed behind back. Not easy to cuff your own hands behind your back, let alone climb up a ladder, tie a noose and hang yourself whilst hands fixed behind back.  Appears he had some assistance.  In which case the suicide note might be a try to divert attention and confuse things.

Here's how I see it.

- The guy has fallen out with his wife for some time,

- For the past 6 months he's been building it up in his mind.

- The last week he has decided to do it.

- He prepares everything, buys hand cuffs, rope, gasoline.

- The day arrives, he prepares his rope and ladder so it's easy to climb and put on then he starts drinking heavily.

- He starts spraying his final messages on the walls.

- He throws gasoline all over the house.

- He takes photos and sends them via a chat app to his wife.

- He takes his last swig of whiskey and climbs the ladder to the rope, puts the noose over his head and then fixes the handcuffs on behind his back.

- Jump.

- Fire brigade are notified by someone.

- Fire brigade arrive.


This is just my theory of events. I of course have no idea what really happened. I apologize if I have offended anyone posting this.


Whatever, He seemed a nice man and what has happened is tragic.


R.I.P Matthew.

Edited by Wilsonandson
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40 years old.


They had a house, car, and motorbike that he torched. (Where was she living when he torched these things?)


She obviously had more material possessions than manyThai wives.


Had a daughter together.


Yet he still got banged up and did himself in?


Claims she took everything from him?


With a house, car, and motorbike, you have to ask yourself why she decided to take off with their kid?


Seems all the materials pieces were in place to give her face and keep her happy?







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23 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

40 years old.


They had a house, car, and motorbike that he torched. (Where was she living when he torched these things?)


She obviously had more material possessions than manyThai wives.


Had a daughter together.


Yet he still got banged up and did himself in?


Claims she took everything from him?


With a house, car, and motorbike, you have to ask yourself why she decided to take off with their kid?


Seems all the materials pieces were in place to give her face and keep her happy?

Well, you know what they say about money and possessions as related to happiness.  Maybe that's what you were alluding to.....

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9 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

Only one mistake with your post. The land is now worthless. No Thai will build a house on a land where someone died especially in these circumstances. Most will not buy a house if somebody died inside. The old frail Grandmother of my Thai neighbours died in the night. I was awakened about 5 am by wailing.  The husband had the old lady on his knee whilst sitting on a chair OUTSIDE the front gate and was shaking her to give the impression she did not die in the house.

Hopefully the American had the presence of mind to cancel all insurances.

He did not die in the house if you read the post properly he died away from the house hanging from  10 metre water tower so 1. he did not di in the house and 2. his feet were not touching the ground so it is ok for the family to sell or live there and is worth millions of baht which the family will get if they sell it or live there.

1 thing comes to mind a fool and his money are soon parted .

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8 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

He did not die in the house if you read the post properly he died away from the house hanging from  10 metre water tower so 1. he did not di in the house and 2. his feet were not touching the ground so it is ok for the family to sell or live there and is worth millions of baht which the family will get if they sell it or live there.

1 thing comes to mind a fool and his money are soon parted .

Think you are wrong. Thais still see a ghost situation. Many won't go near Khao Lak still.

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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Lol - that guy was doing it with the key ! I used to practise doing that (handcuffs only) using a large paperclip or piece of wire. (Not that I was expecting to be captured while on a peacekeeping tour or kidnapped while in a foreign country as a tourist or anything like that. I think I started doing it because of something I'd read - or seen on TV - and wanted to see if I could do it and then wanted to see how fast I could do it, while being a little distracted by watching movies or hockey games.)
Any ways.
Point is, handcuffs are easily acquired in Thailand and no, you do not have to be a cop (or related to one) to get them. And they are easy to put on behind your back (unless you look like beached whale). And yes, the purpose of doing such a thing is to prevent yourself from trying to free yourself at the last moment (by climbing/cutting the rope or climbing back onto the platform). Sitting on the ground the average person can normally stretch their arms down far enough to force the cuffs over their butt and then pull their legs through one by one, leaving your hands cuffed in front of you (yes, it is actually very easy to do unless your gut has it's own gravity field and zip code).
A lot of suicidal people have had a change of heart at the last second and tried to save themselves. What this guy did makes me think that he probably researched the matter and put some effort into planning it. It wasn't a "spur of the moment" event like what happens (too often) in places with a lot of hi-rise condos/hotels/apartments. 

There was a case a few years ago of an accused pedo that offed himself in his (condo/apartment). He was found on the bed with a plastic bag taped over his head, his feet were handcuffed together and his hands were handcuffed between his legs.
Of course, all the TV sleuths immediately used their single brain cell to deduce that it had to be murder ! How could he have possibly handcuffed himself and then put the bag over his head (kind of like all the supposition in this thread). 


The fact is, he did almost exactly what had been depicted in a movie (The Life of David Gale) where a woman killed herself but they set it up to look like someone had killed her.
The pedo had simply (most likely) thrown away the handcuff keys, cuffed his ankles together, put one of the cuffs from the second set on one wrist, took a breath, taped the bag over his head then cuffed the second hand between his legs. That way there was no chance at all that he could (in desperation) try to claw the bag off his head before passing out. He couldn't bend forward enough for his hands to reach his face and he couldn't get his hands from between his legs due to the cuffs on his ankles.

(Can't recall if he'd also taken sleeping pills and booze just before as well, which would have reduced his ability to try and save himself.)

Of course it wouldn't matter if he'd made a video of the whole thing (like they did in the movie) and detailed exactly what he was going to do, how he was going to do it and why, there'd still be people chiming in to say that it was all "suspicious" because "handcuffs" and "Thai family".

As for the language of the "suicide note". Please. THINK about it. TRY. It's really NOT that hard.

I've known senior managers making nearly 200k a year that can barely write a coherent sentence. I've seen senior (military and civilian) personnel with college degrees that still can't figure out the difference between "your" and "you're" or "there/their/they're" or "waist/waste" (etc. etc). 
I used to have to prepare daily briefings for the boss when I was in Afghanistan. All the senior department Directors and Managers had to send me their briefs and I would organize them and set them up in a presentation.

It was embarrassing to see what some of them would send in at times. I got fed up with continuously having to correct their spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting and started presenting their briefs the way they were sent in to me. (I had to explain to the boss later on that I'd been editing and correcting their briefs previously but didn't have the time to make all those corrections to all those presentations everyday and he was seeing the "honest" versions of what his senior staff were sending in. Apparently that didn't go over well with some of those people as it exposed them for the dolts they truly were. Frik, some of them could barely type with 2 fingers and would literally smash keyboards to bits because they weren't smart enough to figure out the difference between a "caps lock" and "shift" key.)

It's long been known that (some) people are graduating from (some) American high schools (and even universities) with English skills that would embarrass your average 6th grader. It seems every couple of years there's another story that comes out about High school grads that can't write or college grads that can't find their home state on a map of just the US. (Kind of like the stories of Thai students who can't believe how small Thailand appears on a map of the world and think it must be fake because all the maps they've seen show Thailand as filling up the whole map.)

Also, for all those who think they are elite English Professors, try reading some of the "English Teacher" forums in Thailand. I browsed a couple a few years ago when they popped up in some Google searches. I was astounded to think that the people posting in those forums were actually engaged in teaching English.
For those who don't think of themselves as sanctified guardians of the language, the spelling, grammar and punctuation in the posts I read was as bad, if not worse, than that used in the suicide note Mr White left behind and those posts were made by people purporting to be English teachers !

It is incredible how many rocket scientists, English Lords and senior Scotland Yard detectives post in ThaiVisa, but can't figure out how to acquire handcuffs in Thailand or how to put them on behind their backs, or why someone would do that, but they jump all over some poorly written suicide note as proof that it had to have been a murder.


Excellent post in all respects.

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33 minutes ago, Justfine said:

50% chance of failure in most countries.

Yes, isn’t it amazing how people get married oh so enthusiastically, despite such bad odds? They’re all 100% convinced that they belong to the lucky 50% that will never get divorced, and will happily live together, forever... 

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On 3/29/2018 at 9:57 AM, maxcorrigan said:

Very sad, at least he saw she only got the burnt relics of the house, car, and motor bike,

so he had something of a last laugh!

All very sad, but far too common.

I bet his missus is kicking herself now for spending the money he gave her to renew all the insurance policies...



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On 3/29/2018 at 7:33 AM, ajarnmarc said:

Thank you very much.

I haven't seen the Samaritans line you're referring to, 

but I shall look through the thoughtful messages, 

that each of you took the time to post, 

as that's the least I can do in gratitude for each of yours time, 

as well as try to find out what options I have in this situation.

I must admit I do believe that if I stay anywhere near by, 

this lady will continue to make life as difficult as she can for me, 

and I doubt when the truck I will have to rent, is fully loaded, 

with what we have to take with us, that she will willingly allow us to pull away, 

without major issues...when I refer to us, I have to consider our children as well, 

as she has threaten multiple times to kill each of them,

claiming that she brought them into this world, 

so she has the right to take them out of it as well.


My response is that though we may have brought them into this world, 

it is God that blessed us with the magic of birth, 

and their great health,

so therefore it is only God who can decide how long they live in this World...


A decision which is for neither of us to decide,

yet we must provide for them as best we can.


She has all but broken my sons spirit with her daily rants, 

where he is constantly stating he's sorry for something.


I'm fortunate enough to be around and remind him that everyone might make mistakes, 

but it's the ones that are strong and honorable to admit to those mistakes, 

which make them a better person, therefore he needn't be sorry for everything, 

which his mother doesn't like.

She is simply troubled by the increasing pressures of the 

ever growing debt which she has placed upon this family,

through all her ill decisions since 2015.


She briefly felt that now that I became aware of the situation,

that she would be able to place the responsibility onto me,

to sort out, but I've been clear that I had nothing to do with it, 

and it was all for nothing really, as we always had work to support our life styles, 

hers just somehow grew beyond our income.


I have yet to find out why that became the case, 

since I believe this is a gambling / drug free house, 

so I therefore can't seem to figure out where all these funds were spent, 

though I have tried to understand, as I continue to process all that has happened;

Since I discovered this financial situation in October of 2017.

Believe me, it's been a grueling 6 months,

as I try to make something to go forward with nothing.

Our business is still running, though barely, 

it's just not enough to keep up with the bills she's made on her own, 

and these bills are tied unfortunately to our transportation.

I'm willing to let all that go, just for peace of mind, 

and safety for our children, it's just what protection,

and rights do I truly have within the Kingdom as it relates to our Children?


Last night she actually attacked our son,

and the result of me defending him, 

resulted in her visiting the hospital briefly.

Fortunately she only left marks on me,

which were visible, 

as I only pushed her off of him, 

and away from him, but somehow she tried to play she'd been injured.

She herself only knows how she felt inside,

and though it sadden me to have to be put in a position to defend what is supposed to be so valued within our family.

As the saying goes... things only get worse before they get better.

I can only hope it gets better before her or I make a serious mistake.




I think you need to seriously reflect on what is most important right now in your life.


If I were in your shoes, it would be my children and I would place them #1 above anything else.


You lost a truck and bike, have serious debts. All materialistic things you never had before you decided to move to Thailand.


One should never fret or place any importance on losing material things when you have children, good health and the future.


A Thai wife that made a mistake, took on 3 jobs to repay the damage she has caused her family would be worth saving. This one is not.


You need to accept that fact.


If she was, first off you would never be in this situation.


One can bet she probably gambled all of the money away and is hooked and wants more to do this same with.

All the material things are gone. So what?


Your kids have a bright future if their father can get them away and pull his own head together.


Unfortunately you are being weak and she senses she can still take advantage of you. It's an addiction for her she will never let go of.


There is no saving this relationship, sorry. There is only misery waiting for the next time.


If you were smart you would make a deal, take your kids and go back to your own country.


Anything materialistic can be rebuilt over time.


Why ruin the mental welfare of your children dragging them through all this?


These kids need a chance, please do the right thing for them.



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3 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

I think you need to seriously reflect on what is most important right now in your life.


If I were in your shoes, it would be my children and I would place them #1 above anything else.


You lost a truck and bike, have serious debts. All materialistic things you never had before you decided to move to Thailand.


One should never fret or place any importance on losing material things when you have children, good health and the future.


A Thai wife that made a mistake, took on 3 jobs to repay the damage she has caused her family would be worth saving. This one is not.


You need to accept that fact.


If she was, first off you would never be in this situation.


One can bet she probably gambled all of the money away and is hooked and wants more to do this same with.

All the material things are gone. So what?


Your kids have a bright future if their father can get them away and pull his own head together.


Unfortunately you are being weak and she senses she can still take advantage of you. It's an addiction for her she will never let go of.


There is no saving this relationship, sorry. There is only misery waiting for the next time.


If you were smart you would make a deal, take your kids and go back to your own country.


Anything materialistic can be rebuilt over time.


Why ruin the mental welfare of your children dragging them through all this?


These kids need a chance, please do the right thing for them.



Better to have a dead dad you never new than a idiot, henpecked weakling as an example of marriage and parenthood. 

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9 hours ago, pumpjack said:


parasites....yes i also call them parasites, the whole bloody lot of them are money grabbing selfish bast****

sounds like you've been hurt and your very bitter, having said all that i am incline to agree with you to some decree. but there not ALL like that.

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7 hours ago, sanemax said:

"Alpha males" are not the kind of weak men that NEED to have a woman holding their hand .

   "Alpha-males" do not allow themselves to be treated like door mats and they arent desperate to have a female by their side at all times

in the animal kingdom, of which we are apart, the ONLY purpose of the alpha male is to have access to the females


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