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Foreigner hangs himself, burns house down next to final message to wife: "You have stolen everything from me"


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On 3/29/2018 at 9:49 AM, stanleycoin said:

Sad out come.



The girls can only runaway with what you give them.

Please take care of your finances in Thailand.

most people are to old to fill the bank up again. :jap:


Ps, I totally get the burning it all down,  Nice one man :thumbsup:



i too understand the burning it all down , but dont forget their family will still own the land that it was built on and will benefit from his obvious foolishness , just remember for all those guys out there who are thinking on doing the same path as he went down , take a step back when the girl of YOUR dreams ( not necessily her dreams )  says she will marry you , just remember this would you give all your money and possesions to some girl and her family from your own country who you dont know , and you have just met in a whirlwind romance ??  do you have any nigling feeling in the back of your mind that says THIS IS NOT RIGHT THERE IS SOMETHING I AM MISSING HERE !! She went out and stayed out all night why was that ??? who was that thai or foreign guy she was talking to when i went to the toilet in the usual bar where we go ??? was it her secret thai or foreign boyfriend ???  AND ABOVE ALL what will i do if it does not work out and i have lost EVERYTHING ???   Remember these girls will give and sell their body and everything they can to get their sweaty clutches on YOUR money  REMEMBER THIS  next time miss world comes upto you and says Hi sexy man want to buy me a drink ?  think how many girls have said that to you back in your home country and you will find the answer is a big 0 ( zero )

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On 3/29/2018 at 9:46 AM, colinneil said:

Tragic, poor man felt his only way out was suicide.

When you marry into the wrong family, and they get their claws in you, you are lost.

Been there, buyt had the sense to get on a plane and get out.

R.I.P. too young to die.

Police chatter as they get there , '" another swinging one boys that the 10th this month "   a phrase comes to mind , fools and their money are soon parted . 

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31 pages and  still, no one knows who he is. And yet the vivid allegations and claims concerning conspiracy, plots by a crazed Thai woman and her family just keep on coming. All sorts of personal hard done by stories have been offered, but not one has any factual link to this event.  According to the self appointed experts who have not seen the .   location or have any knowledge of the people involved, it's already solved. Brilliant.


So far it is  claimed he is 40 year old Mathew White an oil rig worker from the USA. He had a  previous relationship  that produced two children in the USA.  Gee did any  pick up on that because it is a common characteristics to these sort of events? Anyway, keep on making conclusions based upon no established facts as to the deceased's domestic partner and family. However, before  raking the woman over the coals, maybe someone should check out the ex from the USA and see what happened there.

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11 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

Knew plenty of strippers and part time hookers back home.

They were just "normal" people too, some with proper relationships.

And generally more honest, trustworthy and a helluva lot more fun than "office workers and professionals etc"...

Met a few good ones in my time too, but just a few.  You obviously don't come from the same place I do.  Sex work is often analogous with the drug use culture and druggies are the most likely people to steal from you. They NEED your money!!

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12 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

31 pages and  still, no one knows who he is. And yet the vivid allegations and claims concerning conspiracy, plots by a crazed Thai woman and her family just keep on coming. All sorts of personal hard done by stories have been offered, but not one has any factual link to this event.  According to the self appointed experts who have not seen the .   location or have any knowledge of the people involved, it's already solved. Brilliant.


So far it is  claimed he is 40 year old Mathew White an oil rig worker from the USA. He had a  previous relationship  that produced two children in the USA.  Gee did any  pick up on that because it is a common characteristics to these sort of events? Anyway, keep on making conclusions based upon no established facts as to the deceased's domestic partner and family. However, before  raking the woman over the coals, maybe someone should check out the ex from the USA and see what happened there.

Ok ok Mr Colombo .. 5555

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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

You write the suicide note. You then take a can of gasoline, douse the house and light the fire. You then climb up onto an elevated platform where you have already arranged a noose and tighten it around your neck. You then take a pair of handcuffs out of your pants pocket, slip one cuff around one wrist. You then put your hands behind your back, and close and lock the second cuff around your second wrist. Then you jump. To those speculating that it was an inside job, how do you explain the arson which severely damaged the property the wife would likely inherit, and how do you explain the suicide note handwritten in native English?


He burns the house in a rage, the Thai relatives catch him in the act and hang him.

Native English ........... my Thai wife could write an 'English' suicide note more convincing than that one.


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7 minutes ago, Billy The Kid said:

Ok ok Mr Colombo .. 5555

More fun to make unfounded negative  allegations about a woman  that NOT one person on the forum knows anything about, right? So much for the presumption of innocence . Doesn't this gal have a right to be treated fairly?

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7 minutes ago, DonnyT said:


He burns the house in a rage, the Thai relatives catch him in the act and hang him.

Native English ........... my Thai wife could write an 'English' suicide note more convincing than that one.


so if his wife wrote the suicide note you think she'd write that she stole everything? the guy killed himself

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16 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Er..not really my point. Did they think everything was okay? and if so, why?

It may not be the point you meant for it to be, however, you can "safely" assume they didn't notice, didn't care or just left things go their way based on the result.


Chances are you are older than me, based on your life experience (passively knowing or (now) actively thinking about it), just how much help do men get? How many times have you seen some bloke needing help one way or another and thought "Ah he's alright, he can pull through, it's not too difficult" without any malicious intent? Society as a whole doesnt care about men's issues, plights and burdens, this was just another casualty to be forgotten by pretty much everyone minus 10 within a week.

Problems are plentiful for everybody, the issue begings by stating "men have issues too, let's solve them" and getting labled a misogynist and all the other buzzwords. Just look at how fast downhill the west is currently going, it's insane.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

31 pages and  still, no one knows who he is. And yet the vivid allegations and claims concerning conspiracy, plots by a crazed Thai woman and her family just keep on coming. All sorts of personal hard done by stories have been offered, but not one has any factual link to this event.  According to the self appointed experts who have not seen the .   location or have any knowledge of the people involved, it's already solved. Brilliant.


So far it is  claimed he is 40 year old Mathew White an oil rig worker from the USA. He had a  previous relationship  that produced two children in the USA.  Gee did any  pick up on that because it is a common characteristics to these sort of events? Anyway, keep on making conclusions based upon no established facts as to the deceased's domestic partner and family. However, before  raking the woman over the coals, maybe someone should check out the ex from the USA and see what happened there.

I think you are right to write this way. We all know the nightmares that can befall every one of us. Yet, we have jumped to the conclusion that the man was innocent and the Thai family are scheming and thieving.


Every story has at least two sides and as anyone with any supervisory or managerial experience will confirm, triangulate every story before drawing any conclusions and taking any action.

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A few things don't add up here. He sent a LINE message to his  wife as he burnt the house then he apparently hung himself whilst handcuffed. not something a farang would have laying about.........BUT a police officer would.... Better check his wife's present lovers.

Writing messages on walls is not a farang style suicide note, this was done for show .....Thai show   

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In the west we tend to marry closer to our own age ,culture ,and economic background  for the most part while in Thailand relastionships are formed from a much more uneven keel ! When the balance is so off how do we expect a normal relationship ? I’m not saying this to knock anyone for their choices but a healthy relationship is built when you both put into the relationship equally .  Why are you not buying a house with your wife through a mortgage so you can both share the burden ? If I lost half of everything to my wife I wouldn’t care as she has worked and paid for half of everything WE own .

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4 minutes ago, chrisandsu said:

Why are you not buying a house with your wife through a mortgage so you can both share the burden ?

I've never found any woman that actually 'shared the burden' in any country, at best they usually pretend for a few years, then quietly give up work.

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8 minutes ago, johncat1 said:

A few things don't add up here. He sent a LINE message to his  wife as he burnt the house then he apparently hung himself whilst handcuffed. not something a farang would have laying about.........BUT a police officer would.... Better check his wife's present lovers.

Writing messages on walls is not a farang style suicide note, this was done for show .....Thai show   

not something he would have laying about unless he planned it. easy to buy handcuffs here mate. writing messages on walls isn't farang style? then what is. a nice little letter on an a4 piece of paper. the guy was clearly angry as he took his life

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18 minutes ago, johncat1 said:

A few things don't add up here. He sent a LINE message to his  wife as he burnt the house then he apparently hung himself whilst handcuffed. not something a farang would have laying about.........BUT a police officer would.... Better check his wife's present lovers.

Writing messages on walls is not a farang style suicide note, this was done for show .....Thai show   

I bought a pair of handcuffs for a friend when he got married. They are not only supplied to the police you know. 

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4 hours ago, DonnyT said:

Probably because all women are 'duds', and can't be trusted.

If not today, they will be sometime soon.


Marriage is dead in the west due to anti-male legislation, here you have to be spectacularly stupid to lose it all.

Anti-male legislation?


What, exactly, is this legislation?

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

Advice.  You should never marry or have a gf.  It is the only way you will be safe from such things happening to you. And you will be doing the women of the world a big favour, too.

Who are you to judge me? It’s only a matter of time and yours will come as well, soon I hope !

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3 hours ago, lanista said:

Sounds like the poor guy destroyed all his remaining assets to stop his wife and family cashing in.

I wonder if  he discovered his wife was still married to a Thai man.

Alot of farangs dont know until its too late...........the damage done!


If youre going to marry here in LOS you must do a  professional PI check and its very expensive, 

If you cant afford it then you definitely cant afford to marry a  farm girl and all the baggage that goes with it.


Common sense is what you need.

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