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Stop Press ! Stop Press Baht Rises

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That's exactly what happened in May '97 when baht in Singapore 23.5 and 25 in Bangkok. People loaded up suitcase with millions and flew to Changi, changed them back and returned to Don Muang. Illegal of course. A few were caught as one read in the Bangkok Post but some got away with it and made millions. Who ? Corrupt politicians whose baggage was not inspected. Anyone named ? Some one whose name begins with the letter 'T'

Dont suppose you got a link to this story?

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so theoretically i could go now and buy $1000 for 33,000 baht give or take and when the BOT intervenes again at 8am Monday morning and sends the baht back to 36, i can then go sell my $'s for 36,000 baht?????


Yes and no. I think you're confused with on and off shore markets.

To explain you :

You take out some THB from thailand.

Outside, you sell them for 33, against USD (off shore market) . Then you go back to Thailand, and you sell your USD against THB at 36.

When we say that THB is going from 36 to 33, you have to understand that there are 2 markets.

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Right now 16.14 Thai time xe.com is showing 25.75 to AU$1

Now it's getting scary. Before 1% to 6% was extrordinary in 48 hours but now it's looking like things could go south big time.

As an exporter this is scary. There's so much volatility out there.

I agree with the poster about the spikes. <deleted>. There must be some dudes at BOT who are looking for the nearest window right now. There are a lot of countries and institutions who must be skimming s**t loads from the BOT right now. DUH ! And as for the junta's ideas on how to control the economy...jeezzz. I could have done better when I was 8 years old. Oh... and as for the deposed Mr T. Am I the only one who thinks his economic policies were pretty d*mn good?

Thank goodness for Thai Visa, I feel so much better now Ive got that off my chest.

Now....where's my Chang?

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Hmm, can someone tell me which exchange rate is the correct one from a market point of perspective? The onshore (inside Thailand) or the offshore exhange rate.

I have some euro money inside Thailand. Should I quickly exchange the money or should I wait?

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by oz457
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Hmm, can someone tell me which exchange rate is the correct one from a market point of perspective? The onshore (inside Thailand) or the offshore exhange rate.

I have some euro money inside Thailand. Should I quickly exchange the money or should I wait?

Any help would be appreciated.

Just sit, wait and be patient, this is not over yet and as we speak both USD and GBP are gaining.

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just been watching UBC, Bloomberg is quoting 33.8 baht to the $ and CNBC is saying 35.8, who is right??

Baht to £ =65.77! Baht to $ =33.65 Roller Coasters still rockin'!! Hang on back there! This rides about to shake us all over the place!

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Baht devaluation, here we come!

devaluation? how many bottles of Chang today? :o

Remember this statment made by the BOT:

When the Thai currency closed at 35.09 on Friday Dec. 15,

Tarisa instructed her team to keep working all weekend so she

could announce an effective policy on Monday Dec. 18. She would

have preferred to unveil details ahead of a weekend to give

investors time to digest the measures, but the baht had moved to

a ``precarious'' level.

``We did not have the luxury of waiting for another

weekend,'' she said.

We are well and truly thru the 35 lvl now ....wonder what they are up to this weekend!!!!

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I have a lot depts in euro and $$$ maybe transfer money now or wait or if wait loos?

difficult situation we import a lot and sell with low profit, any change can be a good profit or loosing a lot money

I'm in the export business like you. Western buyer logic goes like that:

When the exchange rate moved from 30B for a $ to 40 B for a $ then our customer asked us to lower the prices because we get more Baht for every $ they pay us.

When the Baht moves in the other direction, like now, they say you can keep your price becuase you buy the raw material in $ so now you pay less Baht when buying raw material.

The buffalo is always the vendor.


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