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Lovely..... but these Thai "guys" are not quite army material!


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On 4/2/2018 at 6:40 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

If the Thai Army came looking for me, I'd be putting on my best evening gown and breaking out the makeup. :tongue:


Not a fan of getting pummeled t.d.

 That didn't work for Klinger ?

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10 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Your use of the recently-minted word cisgender, one of 70-odd silly new pronouns dreamed up by self-appointed transgender activists to describe their "gender fluidity", is palpably heterophobic.


You appear to be as brainwashed into believing their absurd ideology as are the "progressive" Western governments  (including that of the UK) currently kow-towing to their unreasonable demands - including news laws to make us use those silly new pronouns on pain of being fined or even jailed.


Just for the record, the overwhelming majority of the human population here in Thailand and around the globe is neither transgender nor cisgender, but good, old-fashioned heterosexual men, women, girls and boys - and proud to be.


Maybe, like the militant gays, bi's lesbians and transgender folk, we need to start organising some " Hetero Pride" marches of our own!



Well said !!!

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14 hours ago, geordiel said:

Relevant or not, I laughed.

It's not totally irrelevant either, certainly not if you grew up in the UK. The shirtless private in the clip was Gunner "Gloria" Beaumont who would welcome any opportunity for cross dressing in the series. Calling them all "poofs" was applied as a broad brush stroke to pretty much all the subordinates, who the Sgt Major saw as not having an ounce of masculinity between them ("poof" in that era often meant wimp as much as anything else), but they were just various caricatures of unsuitable army conscripts. This was similarly lampooned in the gentler comedy show Dad's Army, with it's assortment of upper class twits, incomprehensible Scots, and men who were decades past their physical peak. Both shows lampooned the ridiculous realities of compulsory national service in the post WW2 era. When National Service is compulsory it's practically inevitable that you're going to wind up with a large number of of soldiers who are completely unsuited to the role, and Thailand is no exception.


Worth mentioning that the BBC announced they wouldn't be repeating "It ain't half hot mum" some years ago as it's considered way too politically incorrect for modern times. This however was mostly driven by the frequent racial insults (the show was set in the final years of British India).


In Thai TV shows and comedies on the other hand, racism, sexism, a funny ladyboy and someone mentally retarded are still considered a recipe for great comedy today, along with the boings, paarps and whistles to let the audience know when a joke just happened. 

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On 4/2/2018 at 5:47 PM, Jingthing said:

I would have more respect towards this group of sincere transgender women myself if SOME of them were fighting to be allowed to serve, as happens now in western nations. Up to them though. The culture is obviously very different than the west. I think this group could further their efforts toward civil rights here if there was that fight to be allowed to serve as they are. 


How do you know they aren't fighting to serve? You seem to be saying none are serving and that none want to serve, both of which opinions are quite wrong. Perhaps those who want to serve don't have to fight and raise a ruckus and beg for special attention to do so; please consider that possibility.


Transgender people are not ALLOWED in the draft, which is the only subject covered by this smarmy report. They are specifically barred. Until very recently they were barred because they were declared mentally deficient. This offensive ThaiVisa-approved report continues that smirking tradition, complete with the shaming photos.


That issue, however, is entirely separate from volunteering for military service, which is not covered in this "story" at all. There are most certainly people serving in the Royal Thai Armed Forces who identify as a gender not on their ID cards - which cannot be changed after birth. I know a couple of such persons personally, who were welcomed into their service branch, and didn't have to fight about it at all.


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I will throw you a theory for you still sleeping with your eyes open:

this whole gay movement is government sponsored.... chemicals that act like estrogen is in water, food, pesticides ....

there are too many people.... being gay is about the best to be sure a part of the population will not procreate...

rich people will do their best to eat organic, but in thailand, even villa market has been found to be pesticide layden, so worth not much

can we do a poll to see how many TV members have a waiste less than 100 cm ?

nobody is seeing more FATTIES everywhere, specially women ?

it was not like this 20 years ago, not even 10 years ago

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3 minutes ago, dickjones2018 said:

I will throw you a theory for you still sleeping with your eyes open:

this whole gay movement is government sponsored.... chemicals that act like estrogen is in water, food, pesticides ....

there are too many people.... being gay is about the best to be sure a part of the population will not procreate...

rich people will do their best to eat organic, but in thailand, even villa market has been found to be pesticide layden, so worth not much

can we do a poll to see how many TV members have a waiste less than 100 cm ?

nobody is seeing more FATTIES everywhere, specially women ?

it was not like this 20 years ago, not even 10 years ago

Please put you tinfoil hat back on....... and keep your ignorant and crazy conspiracy theories to yourself.





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4 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Please put you tinfoil hat back on....... and keep your ignorant and crazy conspiracy theories to yourself.





you say & think what you want


if you think you know better than others, even people who studied this, than you are just ignorant or stupid, you chose which one suits best


haha, crazy theories....


same as all natural remedies, eventually, your MD might read them in 15 - 17 years


but probably not, as natural cures = no returning customer...


I don't reply just to you, don't feel flattered


many ignorant people out there


I don't care if you want to believe what you are brainwashed to believe



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/2/2018 at 5:37 PM, leeneeds said:

Why the army does not have a lady boy brigade in its arsenal is beyond me ,

a whole battalion could be put into service, a little different than the regulars, training maybe, but from what I have seen and read, some real killers would be amongst that brigade, and pity the poor enemy  soldier who ever got caught by them, 

women or half women are being discriminated from serving their country, and its time for equality of choice , it may save some men who do not want to join, in the final tally and picking of the coloured straw, 

Serving your country should be a fairer system across the whole board, and not used as a cop out because you decided to grow boobs, or have your dangley bits removed and an axe mark installed.

A lady boy brigade you say? I imagine the drill sergeant asking for a bj.

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