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Trump to deploy National Guard troops to U.S.-Mexico border


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Trump to deploy National Guard troops to U.S.-Mexico border



Members of the U.S Army National Guard monitor the Oculus transportation hub ahead of the U.S presidential election in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 7, 2016. REUTERS/Andrew Kelly


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will direct his administration to work with U.S. state governors to deploy the National Guard on the U.S.-Mexico border, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said on Wednesday, escalating tensions along America's southern frontier.


National Guard forces would not be involved in law enforcement, but would support U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel by stopping illegal immigrants, Nielsen said at a White House briefing with reporters.


In keeping with a theme he often invoked as a candidate in 2016 and has continually returned to since taking office, Republican Trump has sharpened his anti-immigrant rhetoric, warning that illegal immigrants threaten U.S. safety and jobs.


His plan to deploy troops comes after his failure so far to persuade either the Mexican government or the U.S. Congress to fully fund a wall he wants to build along the border.


At the same time, the Republican-controlled Congress has failed to meaningfully overhaul U.S. immigration law, despite demands from Trump for a deal. With campaigning by lawmakers for November's midterm congressional elections getting underway, little legislative action was expected in months ahead.


"The president has directed that the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security work together with our governors to deploy the National Guard to our southwest border to assist the Border Patrol," Nielsen said. "The president will be signing a proclamation to that effect today."


The National Guard is a reserve wing of the U.S. armed forces that is partially under the authority of governors.


Trump's plans were hailed by Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, who said in a tweet, "Arizona welcomes the deployment of National Guard to the border."


The California National Guard will promptly review Trump's request "to determine how best we can assist our federal partners," said a spokesman for the state's unit in a statement. He added he was speaking for Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat.


Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, said in a statement, "Today's action by the Trump administration reinforces Texas' longstanding commitment to secure our southern border and uphold the Rule of Law, and I welcome the support."


At a briefing after Nielsen spoke, a senior administration official said, "We expect personnel to be on the border quickly but at this time we don't have a date, but that will be coming soon."


Many National Guard personnel are federally funded and can be put under the direction of Washington when they are carrying out federal missions. There are thousands of U.S. National Guard now serving on federal missions, including in Afghanistan.


Nielsen did not give details on the number of the troops to be deployed to the border or the cost of the operation.


She said the administration had drafted legislation and would be asking Congress to provide the legal authority and resources to address "this crisis at our borders." She said the Guard could conduct aerial surveillance along the border.


Nielsen said that despite steps taken by the administration, drug smuggling, illegal immigration and dangerous gang activity across the border were at unacceptable levels.


"Until we can have a wall and proper security we're going to be guarding our border with the military," Trump told reporters at the White House on Tuesday, lamenting what he called "horrible" U.S. laws that left the border poorly protected.


On Wednesday, he said in a tweet: "Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW!"


While the Trump administration speaks of an immigration "crisis" on the border, U.S. Border Patrol statistics show the fewest apprehensions of illegal immigrants on the border in 46 years. In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2017, there were 303,916 such arrests, the lowest level since fiscal 1971.


Under Republican President George W. Bush, the National Guard between 2006 and 2008 provided border-related intelligence analysis, but had no direct law enforcement role.


In 2010, President Barack Obama sent National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexican border to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support to U.S. Border Patrol agents.


(Reporting by Jeff Mason, Richard Cowan and Phil Stewart; Ben Klayman in Chicago; Writing by Mohammad Zargham; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh and Sandra Maler)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-04-05
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1 hour ago, Langsuan Man said:

Let's get real here. The National Guard is funded by the individual state governments and are controlled via their governor .  Each state National Guard Bureau receives funding and equipment from the federal government but the Guard is primarily a state institution.

If President Bone Spurs wants to force the governors to deploy their states National Guard assets along the border then the Federal Government is going to have to pay for it.  That means, travel expenses, per deim, temporary housing, food, salaries, etc. will be paid by the Federal Treasury because the National Guard will have to be federalized to be deployed over the objections of any governor 

Good point.  If true, then California's Gov. Brown won't approve of it.  Arizona and Texas, maybe, as they both have redneck governors.  New Mexico, I don't know.

22 minutes ago, mlmcleod said:

Stopping immigrants is a law enforcement task.  It is never wise to allow an American president to use the military on American soil.

 There's a line in the original 'Die Hard' movie where the Bruce Willis character is arguing against using army to deal with a hostage situation.  He says something about, "a military man is trained to kill. He uses a broad sword."

I can picture National guard finding some thirsty/disheveled group of stragglers (women, men, children) hiding behind a cactus bush in the middle of the night, and machine gunning them into a bloody mess.


Only bad things can ensue from Trump's atrophied-brain edicts.


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38 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Any Governor who would agree to this legal violation by activating the National Guard should be thrown out for incompetence.

Perhaps not so simple.

If the Guard is activated under Title 10, United States Code (which governs the military), then the Guard has been "federalized" under the reserve component authority of the U.S. military, and federal authority prevails.

The good news is that the cost of the Guard becomes a federal cost during its activation term. The bad news (from Trump's perspective and recognized by you) is that the full range of federal laws applies to activation, including the Posse Comitatus act. The Guard cannot be used for border control; that is the authority of Homeland Security, Border Patrol. The Guard can provide ground and aerial border surveillance but not engage and deter immigrants; provide security for border patrol, communications and temporary facility support. 

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8 hours ago, alocacoc said:

That's great news. The only right and logic decision.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Not sure where the logic is in this decision:


Fact 1. The number of Mexicans living illegally in the USA is down, from about 6.9 million last year to about 5.9 million now. Number of illegals from Mexico currently living iin the USA amounts to about 1.8% of the USA population

Fact 2. Mexico has played a huge role in recent times rounding up migrants on their way to the USA from other Central and South American countries and deporting them back to their respective countries. Pissing off the Mexican government is unlikely to encourage them to keep up this good work.


There is no real crisis of immigration in the USA now. The real crisis is the drug crisis in the USA and the gun crisis in Mexico (it is a gun crisis because it is very cheap for any wannabe gangster to buy a gun illegally). The guns that make up the crisis in Mexico come from the USA. The drugs that make up the crisis in the USA used to come from all points south (except for heroin which came from Asia) but now much of it is manufactured in the USA (meth and prescription drugs) or is processed there although some (Fentanyl) comes from China.


What would be a really good move would be to drain the swamp in Washington DC by instituting presidential orders against all those lobby companies who promise huge amounts of cash to congressmen, senators and other office-holders for their election campaigns. If you or I were to pay politicians to vote in a particular way, we would be charged with bribery. Give the damn government back to the people and lets see what happens. Then perhaps we could get candidates who are not paid by special interests (Clinton) or who self-fund because they are billionaires (Trump).



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1 hour ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Where else is the military not used to defend the boarder? Go traipse blithely across the Thai frontier you will be engaged by the Royal Thai Rangers and shot and killed.

No you won't. You'll be asked for some tea money and soon enough you'll be on your merry way.

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The irony of that is the American need the Mexican the good one I am talking about in order to get their crop picking labour  because you will hardly see any white American working in field from sun up to sun down for a six days a week have seen these people doing that  and I was glad that all I had to do is line up the tractor and trailer lined up to  be loaded.

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Stopping immigrants is a law enforcement task.  It is never wise to allow an American president to use the military on American soil.

Law enforcement is to enforce laws within the country. Military is to protect the country, especially from external threats. These immigrants are outside the borders. The military is to assist protecting the borders. How is this law enforcement?

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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21 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Absolute Madness and the people who support this are the same people who swear allegiance to the Second Amendment .  The Pose Comitatus Act in the US forbids the US of the military on American soil and the Second Amendment was established as a check on any Government that uses the military against its own citizens.


There is no way that the US military can  do anything on the border as it has no legitimacy in that role.  Trump is playing a game with the American people and the Congress. He already has his border wall but the Congress has refused to provide the DACA immigrants their legitimacy. The Democrats have already agreed to $25 Billion for the useless wall and Mexico is definitely not paying for it. Any Governor who would agree to this legal violation by activating the National Guard should be thrown out for incompetence.


Trump will get his wake up call after the November elections when the Republicans lose either the House or Senate or both. After that- he will face the Mueller investigation and impeachment and he won't have the votes to stop it.

Obama sent troops to the border. Was he acting illegally?

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Obama sent troops to the border. Was he acting illegally?

As did Bush the lesser, Clinton, and Bush the Elder. Those troops played supportive, behind-the-scenes roles, and did not take part in arrests. That is legal. Under the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Acts, troops cannot take on police front-line actions. Under the Insurrection Act they may but only if civilian disruption occurs due to acts of nature or acts of terrorism. These have not occurred. Sending in troops to perform, in effect, clerical functions is legal. Trump wants to use them as an armed wall, and that is patently illegal. Ptotecting against an invading army is a proper use of military on domestic soil is a proper use; but no such threat exists. The Act call for a punishment of two years in jail should Trump pursue this course of action.

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On 4/5/2018 at 9:39 AM, mlmcleod said:

Stopping immigrants is a law enforcement task.  It is never wise to allow an American president to use the military on American soil.

All his maneuvers are with a few goals in mind. Two of which are to amass great wealth through corruption. and be the 1st U.S. dictator. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Putin tells him his every move. 

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1 minute ago, selftaopath said:

All his maneuvers are with a few goals in mind. Two of which are to amass great wealth through corruption. and be the 1st U.S. dictator. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Putin tells him his every move. 

Tin foil hat ^

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On 4/5/2018 at 9:56 AM, attrayant said:

I can't wait to hear about all the action they encounter, seeing as how illegal immigration is at an all time low.  A total waste of manpower & money.

Yea but Corrupt Con man and his cabal don't care a/b spending tax revenue b/c they don't contribute any. It's all ME ME ME with this corrupt Republican gang.

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10 hours ago, noahvail said:

As did Bush the lesser, Clinton, and Bush the Elder. Those troops played supportive, behind-the-scenes roles, and did not take part in arrests. That is legal. Under the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Acts, troops cannot take on police front-line actions. Under the Insurrection Act they may but only if civilian disruption occurs due to acts of nature or acts of terrorism. These have not occurred. Sending in troops to perform, in effect, clerical functions is legal. Trump wants to use them as an armed wall, and that is patently illegal. Ptotecting against an invading army is a proper use of military on domestic soil is a proper use; but no such threat exists. The Act call for a punishment of two years in jail should Trump pursue this course of action.


 Trump can't order them to something illegal. I haven't heard that they will be setting up machine gun posts or anything like that, and I doubt anyone knows exactly what they'll be doing yet. 

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17 minutes ago, noahvail said:

Remember the travel ban? He ordered it, it was illegal, the courts overturned it. Remember the sanctuary cities ban? He ordered it, it was illegal, the courts overturned it. Remember the DACA ban? He ordered it, it was illegal, the courts overturned it, and DACA recipients stay in the country.


So yes, he can and has signed illegal orders. Given that he keeps pushing the boundaries toward an authoritarian presidency, it is well within the realm of possibility that he will illegally order an armed wall of troops along the 1,954 mile long southern border - which is estimated by the military to require 40% of its troops - and which will be quickly overturned by the courts before they are deployed. 



Um, the travel ban fell within the authority of the president as immigration is the responsibility of the president. Didn't the SCOTUS say it was legal in the end? 

Sanctuary cities are illegal, as state law cannot contradict federal law. I'm not aware that it has been before the court yet, though a court case is coming against California's sanctuary law. Anyway, he didn't "ban" it, he just wanted to stop federal funds going to sanctuary cities, which is different to a ban, and that is up to congress, as the president does not control finance.

He didn't, far as I know order any "ban" of DACA. he just let it lapse instead of renewing it. It was not a law, and a president is legally able to cancel an executive order made by a previous president, so he did nothing illegal. 

Trump has said he wants 4,000 national guardsmen deployed to the border. I'm certain that 4,000 troops is not 40% of the military. The courts have no justification to stop the troops going as previous presidents did the same thing.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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