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Video: Not a care in the world! But what if it was your relative was in the ambulance?


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2 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

Selfish or just simpletons, I don't know. Either way, Thailand needs to sort this out. Fines (legitimised bribes) don't work. Better to remove their driving licence for a year. 

Taking away these moron's licences will do nothing - one, they are too stupid to even have one and two, they will just continue screwing up the roads without a licence. No, the only way to punish these shits is to make them pay money, if there is anything Thais hate and that is parting with their cash. As was said before, fine the bastards 10,000 Baht.

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

A despicable lack of consideration for anyone around them...  a common trait on Thailand's roads. 


This 'me first' don't give way mentality compounds congestion all over the city (Bangkok) as car's squeeze through the narrowest of gaps instead of giving way to each other contributing to tail-backs on the busier of Bangkok's arteries. 


I someones wonder if the general attitudes and behavior of those driving in Thailand is an underlying example of the attitudes of society on a whole. 


It was once mentioned to me, 'the true nature of a society can be observed in the behavior of its traffic'...






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3 hours ago, shady86 said:

Another 'qualified' driver who doesn't know the existence of rear view mirror. Car makers might as well remove it and sell it as option only for Thailand market. emoji16.png


I honestly don't think it's a case of not looking in the rearview mirror. It's probably more to do with the Thai drivers' "I don't care unless it's an accident in which case I'll slow right down and have a good watch" mentality. The git behind the wheel probably thinks the ambulance can undertake on the left, and he/she doesn't have to move over. I really can't understand why Thais - who are generally nice, generous and considerate people - would behave like that on the road. They just don't give a shit, that's what.  In Malaysia - on which roads I spend quite a lot of time driving - motorists almost literally jump out of the way at the slightest sound of a siren or a flash of the revolving lights. Even in a traffic jam, drivers will still try to make or squeeze their way into any nook and cranny so the emergency vehicle can pass. Mind you, Malaysian drivers have some pretty atrocious habits (read: downright rude, inconsiderate and incompetent) on the road as well but, when it comes to geting out of the way of emergency vehicles, they're tops.

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I wonder if any  Thai official has thought about putting microphones in Ambulances to announce to impeding traffic about the need for access.
Doubters and negative posters?      Why not?

Not a doubter or negative however IRC a siren DB is louder than a microphone.

Also what if the driver in front is hard of hearing or maybe listening to music?

Ignorance is no excuse...I agree minimum 10,000 BHT fine or police discretion with Video evidence, flashing lights and sirens and still refuse to allow access.

Emergency vehicles have priority end of!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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When members of parliament or the royal family will be passing, police block and clear the road and crossings. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes waiting until the vehicles with the "VIP's" pass. But if somebody in the ambulance is at risk of dying, the drivers around the ambulance don't give a sh*t. Several times when I made an opening in the traffic jam to let the ambulance come in and slalom forward another driver quickly got in the gap and not wait for the ambulance. Idiots!

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3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

The police won't bother until it goes viral on social media, then they might do something to save face.



The 1.4 million views of the video would seem to suggest its gone slightly viral.

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3 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

Long ago, I asked some Thai friends why this happens. I was told that it was common knowledge that ambulance drivers ALWAYs have their sirens and light on because they want to get through traffic quicker. Even if they aren’t travelling to/from an emergency. In other words, they are not responsible ambulance drivers so people think they are cheating and then just ignore them on the road.


You are absolutely right. I had a doctor at Bangkok Hospital tell me the same thing. Also, when transporting patients that may just be moving to another hospital, but not an emergency. They travel with their lights flashing. Until the law is enforced keeping drivers from turning on emergency lights and sirens unless a bonified emergency, not much you can do. Also, ambulance's don't have a right to go thru a red light at an intersection.

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3 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

Selfish or just simpletons, I don't know. Either way, Thailand needs to sort this out. Fines (legitimised bribes) don't work. Better to remove their driving licence for a year. 

Most Thai drivers don’t have a license so the driving licence isn’t necessary 

i was at the traffic lights and stationary when a car ran into the back of me there was a police officer at the lights the person who ran into me didn’t have a licence nor tax nor insurance the police man suggested the driver paid me cash for the repair 2000baht was suggested I accepted and the other driver was allowed to pay me and drive away. 

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Fine them? get real people! surely you must have realised by now the Thai Police are totally and utterly ineffective!

The majority of Thai folks will have no idea that they are supposed to give way to emergency vehicles! they are relatively new to Thai roads, 20 years ago all you had were the "body snatchers" they are slowly being replaced, the majority of Thais still see them for what they are - a mobile business!

Yes, I know in their highway code they are supposed to "give way" there are a lot more laws they choose to ignore as well as this! the answer is what?

I have said before, until they get a functioning Police force nothing will change!

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Poster "Kanzaa Standby" just said: "What can I do? If it's not your relative you probably don't get it".

It probably was a relative- the unusual wealthy uncle who's will accidentally became known.

Edited by Lupatria
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This is considered a serious motoring offence in practically all countries in the world. Thailand should impose a hefty fine (in the range of 20-25,000 baht) for a first offence, and a year's suspension for any subsequent violation. No exceptions! 

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5 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

Long ago, I asked some Thai friends why this happens. I was told that it was common knowledge that ambulance drivers ALWAYs have their sirens and light on because they want to get through traffic quicker. Even if they aren’t travelling to/from an emergency. In other words, they are not responsible ambulance drivers so people think they are cheating and then just ignore them on the road.


Well, even though that may be true to some minor extent, firstly how on Earth do all those Thais seemingly know this to be a fact unless they are full time ambulance chasers; secondly the amount of crashes on the roads, coupled with usual medical emergencies, it is no wonder that they are screaming about all the time with lights and sirens due to the huge workload they must have.  And even if the ambulance is empty in the back, they could be rushing TO the scene of a medical emergency.  There would be ignorant fools who think that because they don't see someone pumping up and down on someone's chest in the back, therefore it is an abuse of the lights and sirens.  That f&^%@*t driver depicted in the red vehicle is a typical brain dead useless clueless idiot.  If it was intentional by the driver not to yield I hope karma comes around and they are found terminal in an accident just seconds away from being saved because of other drivers holding up the ambulance.  

Edited by aussienam
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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

10,000 baht fine.


next case.



Yeah! you got that right 500 BHT is just peanuts, they should add a life sentence for obstruction to the ticket if the person dies,. I've been here in Thailand 7 years only seen and been in two Taxis that has pulled over to the left, maybe a couple other vehicles pull over, but haven't seen anyone stop and let an ambulance through an intersection yet. On the country roads they should be pulling off the road in both directions. I don't know what they fine you in the USA, never wanted to find out either.

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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

Some people are just ignorant and don't care about anyone else on the road especially emergency vehicles see it all the time , maybe if they where booked by the BIB next time they would move out of the way but TIT .

Yes Thai's mainly think more about Facebook than road rules, again another incident where stupidity overrules the fairness for anybody else 

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5 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:



Rip out the wing and rear view mirrors..disconnect indicators..remove brakes-install large video screen for personal use...


Ta da!The Thai "people's" car. To be called " Road Destiny" 

you forgot the most important item..........Mobile phone stuck to the ear for listening to and another stuck to the steering wheel for texting

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