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Hi guys

I need to do a presentation to a fairly large audience and to save my voice I want to use my amplified speaker set with comprises of 2 speakers, and an amplified subwooffer. Input connections are 2 phono plugs for left right stereo.

My question is can I buy or modify a microphone to use a phono plug and maybe if possible use 2 microphones, one in each phono port ??

If not, can anyone point me in the right direction to buy one of those black amplified speakers they sometime use in schools where you just connect standard microphones and have controls for bass and treble (I think it might just be a guitar speaker)

Cheers guys



The plugs are no problem, adaptors available in all the IT malls (Pantip, Fortune, Zeer)


You will probably have difficulty with signal levels, your speakers will be expecting a 'line' or 'aux' level (around 100-500mV) your regular mic will push out 5-50 mV so even if you get the adapter, t'aint gonna work :o

Best bet is, as you suggest, one of the voice reinforcement kits. Have a look in Fortune or Pantip to start with.

A Thought. If you're using your PC to provide the presentation, you should be able to plug the mic into the mic input and the speakers into line out, use the PC as a pre-amp :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


2 mics won't make it any louder and increase your chances of getting feedback.

If your amplified speakers are the desktop kind, not enough. Sub woofer is also not necessary for voice only.

Rental is also an option, cheap here.


I have seen in some schools that they use what looks like a standard guitar amplifier with bass, treble and volume on the front and it has 2 connectors which you can plug in standard microphones.

I know it works, seen it done, so my question is this. Does anybody know where I can order a guitar speaker, online preferably and have it delivered as I dont live in BKK



One of the musician chaps in the office recommends:-

www.sdkti.com and www.tokaimusic.com

Both seem to be offline at present, but sdkti was working this morning so it's worth trying again tomorrow / monday :o

Sites are in Thai but have pictures.

EDIT Both are back online, both have English options :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


a wireless mic system will provide enough input voltage...transmitter "mic"/ and receiver unit

a 'wired' mic probably wont...but since you have to buy a mic anyway give it a shot first.

the lower input voltage will be able to pass a signal , but the output level of the speakers will be dependent on the input voltage coming from the mic.

look into a 'line driver' to increase input voltage.


mic through laptop to speakers will work.


Just make sure you position the mike behind the speakers

or you will get the awful howl of Acoustic Feedback. :o


Yes, I know that I can use my laptop and speaker with a mic for the presentation. But not when there will be lots of excited kids running around, I need something more robust like the speaker and mic solution I mentioned above

I checked out the 2 website addresses and the prices are startling

I thought maybe 1,500 to 3000 bht ?? Its just an amplified speaker isnt it

Is there a solution other than those cheap plastic karaoke machines you can get for around that price


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