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Drink drivers face electronic monitoring tags this Songkran


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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

...those convicted of having between 200 and 250 milligrams of alcohol in their blood...


200 milligrams is 4 times the Thailand blood alcohol limit (50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood).


So if you're very naughty you might have to stay home at night.

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Just more grandstanding by useless officials, only when and a big IF, they get serious on enforcing the law, things will remain the same.  Yes we all enjoy some of the freedoms of living in a less enforced environment however this inaction is costly the lives of many innocent people.

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1 hour ago, garzhe said:

"Those who break the law will have to wear the EM (electronic monitoring) devices and may not be permitted to leave their home patch at night."


So they can only drive around there home patch whilst legless !


What exactly is the Thai definition of a “patch’. 

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I hate Sonkran,i am staying home,the heat up here in Wichianburi was awful yesterday 40c and hotter today. I have garnered supplies ,a whole carton of smokes and three box's of beer. Yesterday i put the aircon on and watched netflix all all day even ducking out for a smoke was an ordeal,luckily i live outside town and so far the houses near me have had no parties. I will re -emerge when the madness is over.

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Another head-scratcher. The first article says drivers will be tagged for a blood alcohol

reading of 200-250mg. The second says, drivers, between 50-250mg and jailed for a

reading over 251mg. How many beers would the average person have to drink to blow

over 50mg. Half a beer. I really have no idea.

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Just ban pick up trucks over the festival . I have noticed over the many years here that the main culprits for driving like complete as##oles are them.  They only slow down grudgingly when they have +30 people in the back.                                                                 Pick up truck; blacked out windows, #hit loads of Buddha on the dash= death and carnage on a normal day let alone Sonkran.

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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Anybody think this will deter them from drink driving. The only thing that will deter them is a strong police force. Has Thailand got a strong police force NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Carry on boys wewill count the dead after the festival is finished I am leaving my car in the garage and have enough food and beer to last me 7 days. Lots of tV to be watched

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14 hours ago, Thian said:

My friends who live in that area know exactly where, when and untill what time the police is checking for alcohol....many times they don't go home untill the morning or they go home before midnight.


They always check at the same roadblocks, never drive around in a patrolcar.


Why not throw drunk drivers in jail for at least a week?




There aren't enough jails to accommodate all the Drunk Drivers   :crazy:

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28 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

As it is always alcohol that is the base reason for many problems . JUST BAN IT . YEP that would really put a worm in the can 

I even don't like to drink alcohol in this climate, it's far too warm and the alcohol sold (except imported) is of a very low quality...

I drink imported beer once a month, and not even much...


Thailand is also too dangerous to drink much alcohol, before you know it you step in a hole, get a pin in your eye from an umbrella, hit your head, get scammed and so on.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And is there a good supply available of these electronic tags, or have they yet to be procured? That in itself usually takes a long spell and is mired in corruption and delay.

Unless they are home built or they already have them on the shelves, customs is closed until next Tuesday..................:whistling:


Then there will be the backlog clearing and release.

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200mg-250mg = .20-.25BAC, That is seriously impaired, falling down drunk. Given that locals don't drive all that well sober with a reckless mentality it is likely that the offender kills someone long before he happens upon a check point. They need to have a sliding scale;


>.08 - .12BAC        THB$ 15000 fine & lose license 6 months

>.12 - .16BAC        THB$ 30000 fine & lose license 12 months

>.16                         THB$ 45000 fine & lose license 18 months


second offence -  double the above plus 6 months at the Hilton


third offence - revoked permanently plus two years in the Hilton


****If caught drunk driving in possession of a plastic water gun - life sentence

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