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YouTube star slams rip-off taxi driver


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10 hours ago, kannot said:

Theyr'e NOT  poor , just lazy selfish, greedy (insert expletive of choice here)

Sorry but you are wrong. You have never driven for a living. You know nothing about the desperate poverty in Thailand. You are just hate filled and probably never been in a taxi in Bangkok. I suggest you use buses.

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16 hours ago, Dinobot said:

There are few lower forms of life than the many bkk taxi drivers who do this sort of thing on the regular.

The low form of life is the tattooed trouble maker working here illegally and using his privileged position to attack working class Thai men. Vile behaviour.

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

The low form of life is the tattooed trouble maker working here illegally and using his privileged position to attack working class Thai men. Vile behaviour.

Who says he's working here illegally? The guy could be here perfectly legal no matter whether u like him or not. Note too that no matter u like him or not he might be popular with the local chicks. And no matter whether u like him or not, he can't be worse than the local rich responsible for the utter poverty in Poorland. 

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1 hour ago, Malcolm Street said:

While I sympathize with him, I wonder if he realizes that the taxi driver now has grounds to bring defamation charges against him? Going public with complaints about Thai people is risky. My Thai girlfriend recently lit into a Songtheaw driver for trying to overcharge us. I was willing to pay his price to get where I wanted to go but she wouldn't have it. Best to let the Thais go ballistic on each other. Farang temper fits frequently yield beatings or worse. I certainly would not post anything on YouTube that might be actionable.


The inequality in the Thai justice system does not end with foreigners, also the likes of taxi drivers are not offered the protection of the defamation law, that is something made by them for them. 

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22 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

People wonder why farangs are unpopular with certain small sections of the thai community.

All this for 40 baht.


Probably been said many times before, but it doesn't matter whether it's 40 baht or 4000 baht - it's the principle of being "ripped off" that gets people angry! I suppose if a Thai got ripped off by a farang for 40 baht it would be OK then?

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50 minutes ago, Donotdisturb said:

Who says he's working here illegally? The guy could be here perfectly legal no matter whether u like him or not. Note too that no matter u like him or not he might be popular with the local chicks. And no matter whether u like him or not, he can't be worse than the local rich responsible for the utter poverty in Poorland. 

I think the Manic is winding you up!

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11 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Not one satang extra, that's my motto. 

Im not that harsh BUT it's me who decides if i tip or not. I don't assign value to kee nok or gee neeow. It's small-minded people's way to deal with jealousy that I'm richer than they are. They think it's an insult and i "lose face". For me it means nothing. However treat me correctly like MOST thai do and im a generous bloke.

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I'm with the passenger. The taxi driver was obviously on the take, regardless of the publicity for the youtube channel.


Reminds me of one time in Silom when I got in a taxi and the driver refused to take me to where I wanted to go. I started filming the situation and his cab number plate. He started filming me. We ended up having a massive argument in the street, in Thai, with many people in the street watching the drama play out. 


After a while he drove off in a huff, but what got me about it was that when it was all over, a Thai man who had been waiting at the bus stop came over to congratulate me for standing my ground, and he went on to say how bad taxi drivers were just as annoying for all Thai people.


Just provide the service you're supposed to.......

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Just now, bermondburi said:

I'm with the passenger. The taxi driver was obviously on the take, regardless of the publicity for the youtube channel.


Reminds me of one time in Silom when I got in a taxi and the driver refused to take me to where I wanted to go. I started filming the situation and his cab number plate. He started filming me. We ended up having a massive argument in the street, in Thai, with many people in the street watching the drama play out. 


After a while he drove off in a huff, but what got me about it was that when it was all over, a Thai man who had been waiting at the bus stop came over to congratulate me for standing my ground, and he went on to say how bad taxi drivers were just as annoying for all Thai people.


Just provide the service you're supposed to.......

Yes. I the old days before metres in Bangkok it was explained to me the ripp offs were not racial and that rich Thais were squeezed too.

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10 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Given the ease, convenience, speed and low cost of the airport link I don't understand why people bother with taxi's at Swampy.

E-Z...allow me to explain.


#1. ARL doesn't run all night. Many flights arrive 'tween midnight and 6 am

#2. ARL doesn't go everywhere, so not an option for many. Certainly isn't for me, as it doesn't come close to my location in BKK. 


Understand now? 

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19 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

E-Z...allow me to explain.


#1. ARL doesn't run all night. Many flights arrive 'tween midnight and 6 am

#2. ARL doesn't go everywhere, so not an option for many. Certainly isn't for me, as it doesn't come close to my location in BKK. 


Understand now? 

Who wants to cart luggage up and down onto trains plus walk 1km to save a tiny amount of money?


Never paid more than 400 baht door to door.

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35 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

E-Z...allow me to explain.


#1. ARL doesn't run all night. Many flights arrive 'tween midnight and 6 am

#2. ARL doesn't go everywhere, so not an option for many. Certainly isn't for me, as it doesn't come close to my location in BKK. 


Understand now? 

You don't do rhetorical, do you, we can tell.

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18 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

In all the posts I have read it has not been mentioned that ' tipping ' taxis has never been normal practice, It is a relatively new concept.


I remember well, It was never expected nor required in the early days of taxi meters.A Thai customer, now and again, would exit the car leaving the coins! I used to see that on many occasions when I had no knowledge of Thai and handed cash to a Thai friend, to pay a cab driver.


I suspect with the ridiculous amount of taxi licenses that have spiraled out of control on the road these days, and the rents they have to pay for a car, this type of behavior has been allowed to flourish....but it doesn't make it right.


Aggressive and rude drivers need these antics nipping in the bud now, they cannot be allowed to win because as soon as they do, it becomes ' acceptable ' and the ' norm ' 


Then it will be a case of ' Ah well, this is Thailand '


I know many Thais who hate using the service provided by taxi meters and have very little respect for them because there are now too many drivers out there behaving like this and giving the entire industry a bad name. If you read the latest edition of Khao Sod and online comments, the vast majority of Thais have sided with the foreigner and quoted similar instances.


Some posters have mentioned about when the British pound was at 70 baht or the USD at 40 to the baht. It has damn all to do with the swings and roundabouts of currency fluctuations and everything to do with being sneaky and trying it on with tourists and foreigners.


No way on earth would I allow a private hire car or a hackney carriage to transport me in the UK and use the excuse that the ' meter was broken '  and I don't think many of you here would and you would find that behavior alien to your culture back home.


 Now the drum roll..............Let's wait a day or so to see a photo op of a taxi driver receiving flowers or a nice ' tip ' for returning a million baht in cash that he finds on the back seat, in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, just as the foreigner has exited the car. He then hands it into the BIB, who in rapid time, count it all, manage to locate the foreigner and a TV crew to record and witness the happy event.

Tipping - either to taxi drivers or waitresses should be a way of showing your gratitude for a job well done. These days it seems to be accepted as part of the package - whether that is a journey from A to B, or a steak and chips. When I go out to a Thai restaurant with my Thai wife, she always tells me not to leave a tip - "No need " she says. However, being a westerner, I am used to leaving a tip when the meal and service deserve it.


What does annoy me however, (and I refuse to pay it!) is the "compulsory"  "Service Charge" that some restaurants try to add on to the end of the bill (and also VAT)  Unless it is on the menu, in which case I have to accept it, but usually all I have to say is "Sorry, but there's nothing on the menu to indicate service charge or VAT " and usually the waiter/waitress will either scrub it themselves, ask me to sign the deleted item, or take it to the pay desk for the Manager/Manageress to rectify.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

Tipping - either to taxi drivers or waitresses should be a way of showing your gratitude for a job well done. These days it seems to be accepted as part of the package - whether that is a journey from A to B, or a steak and chips. When I go out to a Thai restaurant with my Thai wife, she always tells me not to leave a tip - "No need " she says. However, being a westerner, I am used to leaving a tip when the meal and service deserve it.


What does annoy me however, (and I refuse to pay it!) is the "compulsory"  "Service Charge" that some restaurants try to add on to the end of the bill (and also VAT)  Unless it is on the menu, in which case I have to accept it, but usually all I have to say is "Sorry, but there's nothing on the menu to indicate service charge or VAT " and usually the waiter/waitress will either scrub it themselves, ask me to sign the deleted item, or take it to the pay desk for the Manager/Manageress to rectify.

I am supprised those of you from Pattaya dont recognise this guy. He works here as a presenter on PattayaOne TV

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On 4/18/2018 at 5:27 AM, watcharacters said:

I doubt the reporting YouTube star will encounter any problems whatsoever.    He sounds like he's been around the block more than once and as reported, he was speaking Thai with the taxi driver.


Much ado about nothing.

allot of people that can say sawdee krup state they can speak thai.

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