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Songkran death toll higher than last year, statistics show


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3 minutes ago, Janner1 said:

I understand you completely, but why don’t you install a camera ? At least then you will have the proof of them forcing you to  ram them!

a camera is alright when its filming up front,but when some idiot tango's you to the extent where  it costs your life,

then the blame mongers take over.

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"In April, when many Thais hit the road......". I think I see what the problem is here.

 Thais have very little concept of past or future. They live almost entirely in the present. When they drive like <deleted> it just never occurs to them that by the next morning they'll be a blurred out picture in the morning papers.

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3 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Oh the irony.

I found the thai driving test ( the theoretical ) demanding given that here are complete different rules than in europe even many signs differ....for a local it should be no problem to pass...no need for tea money or similar...the only thing that puzzled me was that ALL the kids came in for the practical test with their own motorbikes right from the highway....mmmm.. makes me think...same same but different

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3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

boil it all down to bad judgment, a thai staple

Thinking much the same YetAnother , They ( whoever they are ) have worked out these wonderful %s.  Which percentage is the drunk , speeding driver in that caused an accident by cutting in front of someone else ?

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Thais can't handle holiday driving or even summer vacation of schools dwindling down the traffic. Anything out of the norm the are terrible at. And we can discount the DUI part in this statement. There could be no one on the road and they make the stupidest decision. For why or who knows, maybe out of the box driving. 

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so that is about 2 big airplanes that would crash in a week, would any other country do something about that ? here in thailand it seems to be ok ... in fact, every week, on average if you believe statistics, the same amount of death of 2 plane crashes...  population control and nothing else... 418 new job openings

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"Most of the road carnage this Songkran stemmed from drunk-driving... "


Right, it'll be interesting to find out what caused road carnage in previous Songkrans, and in other festivals and on normal days.


What a stupid initiative - reporting all these figures like a corporation would report their year-on-year and year-to-date financial results. Why don't you DO something about the figures - i.e. embark on a proper education and enforcement drive to lower the numbers?

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1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

You were in fast moving traffic, cars in front started to "brake" just as someone was cutting in front of you. A potentially dangerous situation.

Instead of taking defensive action you flashed your lights at the offender. How very Thai of you. Did you sound the horn as well?

From my observations, all too often accidents here occur because, when things go wrong, many Thai's first instinct is to hit the horn rather than brake or steer out of trouble.

Westerners should be better trained in accident avoidance, also aware of the psychotic nature of many Thai males on the roads and avoid triggering their madness. I learnt that lesson early in my tenure here and my middle finger has remained sheathed ever since.

Personally i just Fart in there general direction, that seems to do the Trick.

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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

PM Prayut thanks all sides for ensuring public safety during Songkran


Just about sums him up.

Just more signs of usless leadership, more worried about water guns and non smoking areas, Police resourses wasted with every swing D**k doing nothing to make the roads safer, less thefts or less murders and fights , Oh no that good leadership my ass

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4 hours ago, mok199 said:

thai( mostlymales )who live with this ''maverick'' attitude, and refuse to grow up, are destroying this once amazing kingdom....get serious about enforcing the law or Shut The <deleted> Up,.. call in some outside help ...cause I for one am getting tired of this cycle of pie charts ,period costumes, promises and probes,in order to deflect the truth .Thailand on its own ''cannot change'' ...Na Bura.,buat hua....and fix the beach while your at it...do something right ...sawadee pi mai.

Outside help? Are you suggesting Aliens? Otherwise you should get the <deleted> out! 

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With increasing amount of vehicles on the road . next year will be even higher. 

No drastic action will be taken by the police  .Will all be same same but different higher numbers .    

Thailand should recruit more police to train in traffic control not only for checking helmets and licences. but strict laws like the ones in say the UK USA. . Including Mots and exhaust emissions. tyre wear ect ect . and speed cameras . . Not so much fun to drive then but much safer . With all the fines they get would pay the police wages quit nicely      

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Road Blocks, Road Blocks,,,, what they need to help stop the looneys is to get out among the people in 

mufti cars & witness the stupidity BEFORE it happens.

Immediate approval for 600 cars & crew along with required communications to make this happen NOW

not wait for New Year carnage to add to the misery

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7 hours ago, BobBKK said:

That's the point the total is far higher unfortunately but Prayut thinks it's a great success!

...and it is still higher!

As we know, people who die  later in the hospital, are not even included in these numbers!

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Why have the figures of road death toll been cut short today ?


Several regions are still involved in Songkran, including Pattaya, and tomorrow I think in Rayong.


These 7 deadly days in no way reflect the true carnage out there, as many people traveled back to the North East and North as early as the 7 th April and have yet to return back 


I wonder what the figure would be for 14 days of Songkran ?

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8 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Today is Songkran madness day in Pattaya, no doubt a few will meet their maker today but will not be eligible for the 7 day body count!

No need for that, down here in sin city the focus is more on gang shootings , farangs plunging from balconies, farang/isan 'lovebirds' stabbing, cutting , stomping on each other,kickboxing ladyboys etc than on humdrum road fatalities.

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We as good as knew there was going to be little notice taken of the Songkran 'safety drive'. The Thai driver - drunk or sober - has become too used to having his own free way for mile after mile after mile. How seldom do we see a Highway Police car actually patrolling and looking like its on the lookout for the idiots? . . . hardly ever.


So, when's the next drunken chariot race, then? . . . Loi Krathong? I'm laying odds on at least 63 gladiators being sent to see their maker . . . per day, that is!

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the difference is probably statistically insignificant.


Every year they make a big thing about counting 55the dead.....that's the ones that re dead already, not those who will die later from their injuries, then  publish the stats - which I can't find the sources of.... and various nabobs are wheeled out to impart gems of "advice " to everybody......but they are overlooking one import factor....THERE"S NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE ...  now in any normal circumstances people would look t this and think about taking a differnt apraoch to the problem, but no, tey just keep on doing the same ol', same ol' with the same ol' results.


Its reminiscent of the Mad hatter's tea party....or a bit like if you had a flat tyre so you try to re-inflate it but the air just goes straight out again and someone says 

"I've had a great idea! Why don't we try pumping it up again?"

...and then another more important looking person comes along and says

"I've had a great idea! Why don't we try pumping it up again?"

then another person: - hang on I've got a more important job

"I've had a great idea! Why don't we try pumping it up again?"


..... and so on and so forth....... get the picture?

Edited by Airbagwill
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