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Odd way to pay moo bahn fees


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Someone I know told me about this system  introduced at the moo bahn they live for paying fees. 


First a strange letter was sent out explaining that the person who used to collect the fees had quit and instead fees should be paid directly to a bank account provided in letter and then you join a Facebook group and post a screenshot of the payment transfer.


No way to message this info privately . Has to be posted on the group so you basically see everyone's payment and name and if you know the moo bahn and your in the group you can figure out names and address's of everyone in the moo bahn.


On top of that the fee went up 20 baht.


Over 400 members of this group.


Anyone else know or use a system like this which appears to be an invasion of privacy?

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If you're concerned about that then ask, through the same channel back, for a mobile phone number and an email address - alternatively the fees can be collected in cash, against basic receipt, at your door step. Should do the trick! 

Once you have those details simply include them in your electronic payment 8-) 

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33 minutes ago, Ulic said:

It is so everyone can see that everyone is paying, not just a few. Nota big deal I would think.

Quite a big deal if you haven't (and won't use) social media applications. Having stuff like that forced on you, only because most sheeple do use social media, to live in your own house is IMO pushing the boundaries.

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4 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Quite a big deal if you haven't (and won't use) social media applications. Having stuff like that forced on you, only because most sheeple do use social media, to live in your own house is IMO pushing the boundaries.

If "sheeple" is a mistake FUNNY:saai:

If Not  BRILLIANT :sleepy::smile:

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18 hours ago, IvanLaw said:

If "sheeple" is a mistake FUNNY:saai:

If Not  BRILLIANT :sleepy::smile:

The term Sheeple has been about for a while now, so can't take any credit for it being a mistake. Or it being brilliant, I like the term a lot..................:thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 8:12 AM, chrisinth said:

The term Sheeple has been about for a while now, so can't take any credit for it being a mistake. Or it being brilliant, I like the term a lot..................:thumbsup:

So is that the reason for your "Sheepdog" (Alsatian) OR are you just a "Lamb"

 The term sheep actually refers to the wooly animal from which mutton is sourced, or Welsh girlfriend.


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