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Israeli troops kill four more Palestinians in border protest


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Sorry, but Israel is a puppet State of America. America does not support Israel because it loves the Jews, it only financially supports Israel because it serves their purposes as a base in the Middle East. US military does not require an invite to land on Israeli soil.

The Arabs that were living in that land prior to 1948 and their descendants, the indigenous people`s of that land,  have as much right of return as to what was once Palestine as the Jews claim right of return after thousands of years. 


Mohammad Amin al-Husayni given the title of grand mufti of Palestine, by the British during the 1940s, foresaw his country becoming a Jewish State and why he decided to choose the Axis powers as an ally.


Don`t take my word for it, try reading up on your history.

They are very close allies. Don't condescend to me.


I'm well aware of what each side gains from the relationship. Calling either side a puppet of the other is over the top.


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14 hours ago, ezzra said:

Didn't see you make such a frivolous statement when hundreds of thousands are being killed in Syria by the Russian, Iran and the Hezbollah while millions others made homeless.. why? are they lives not worth as much as the Palestinians lives? or do you suffer from myopic tunnel vision?....

This topic is not about Syria. It is about Palestinians protesting the theft of their lands by the Israelis. Stay on topic and stop trying to divert.

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37 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The Palestinians have as much claim to the land as do the Jews, probably more-so, a part of my post that you have avoided answering. You are the one that comes across as the righteous and holier than thou. I am only stating the facts.


Personally, I don`t give a rat`s if the whole middle east cancels it`s out with nukes, but the fact is, the Jews that now populate western backed Israel, represent many races, nationalities and different cultures, there are very few that can claim to be closely related to the original Israelites of the ancient scriptures.  I doubt if there is any such thing as an indigenous Israeli Jew, most will be first or third generation children of immigrants from somewhere else. It`s just a mix of people`s living under a Jewish State.


If the Israeli Jews do not make a compromise and share that land with the Palestinians that by all accounts have been there for thousands of years, then they`ll never be able to live in peace and Israel will always be; fortress Israel.

I'm not obligated to answer all of your posts. Or anyone's. Do not bother trying to bully me.


Palestinian right of return to Israel? Dude, we're not idiots. You know exactly what that means. The end of Israel. You're suggesting Israel should just cave and commit suicide. Not gonna happen. 


You don't care if the Middle East nukes itself out? That's perverted. Not worthy of further reply than that. 


I don't need to hear such vapid lectures on the ethnicity of Jews in Israel. It's a complex subject for sure. Lies about that are being used by the most rabid of Jew haters to suggest Ashkenazi Jews are not "real" Jewish people. It's no secret to anyone that after the ancient diaspora there weren't very many Jews left in the land now called Israel. Some of course but nothing compared to pre-diaspora. Those that were when under Muslim majorities were forced to live under dhimmi status. I'm sure since you're such a scholar of the Middle East that you know what that means. Diaspora Jews started returning in numbers when the Zionist movement started to grow. The majority of current Jews in Israel have Middle Eastern / North African roots and also were born in Israel. Significant numbers of them were forced out of their long time homes after the creation of Israel, the Jewish "nakba", never mentioned in a one side pro-Palestinian narrative. 


There has been in migration of Arabs as well to those lands over the years, but you don't want to hear about that. It's only black and white in your narrative.  


I support a two state solution. Palestinians living in their side with no Jews because that's what the Palestinian racists say they want it to be like, up to them, and the Israeli side majority Jewish people with a large minority of Arab Christians and Muslims. Palestinians are not going to return en masse to Israel unless they kill most of the Jews there. Some sick people want that. I don't. OK? 



Edited by Jingthing
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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

On what basis do you make the claim that "Palestinians" have as much claim to the land as do the  "jews"?  Your foreign based bias is on full display with the erroneous assumption that all arabs are the same. News flash; they are not. Palestinians is a  construct to  take in a diverse group of arabs; some from Egypt, others from Jordan and Lebanon and some from Bedouin nomadic peoples. The only people with an actual claim to any land in Israel proper are the arabs associated with the Bedouin. One cannot discuss arab" claims to land in Israel without including the lands that arab jews lost in Arab controlled countries. The jewish arabs lost far more than the non jewish arabs. How do you propose to address the  financial and physical losses  suffered by almost 1 million arabs of the jewish faith?  Why aren't you including this issue? Those arabs thrown out of arab countries or forced to flee for their lives had to go somewhere.


You are clueless to the history of the jews and their connection to israel, It was their historical lands regularly occupied by foreign invaders whether African, Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab, Turk or European. The history of the foreign occupation of Israel  mirrors that of modern Arab countries.  Israel  was a bonafide and legitimate nation  centuries before  countries like the UK, Australia,  Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Qatar,  Botswana, the USA ever existed, and yet you call into question the legitimacy of Israel and its right to exist.  Brilliant.



The USA does not have a military  base in Israel, although it is allowed access to a radar station in Dimona for ATC purposes. The USA  has bases in the UAE and Qatar. The reality is that Israel doesn't have military bases from  any foreign countries on its soil.

The Russians have military bases in Syria. The Iranians have military bases in Syria. Iran through its proxy  army  Hizbollah occupies and controls a large part of Lebanon. Iran also has a proxy army occupying part of Yemen. 

Are you even aware that there are far more foreign military bases in arab countries and not one in Israel? By your logic, the arab countries are puppets of foreigners.


France has a military presence in Lebanon,  the UAE, Djibouti, and Chad 

Italy has a military presence in the UAE and Djibouti

Turkey occupies a part of Syria now and has military personnel stationed in Iraq, Qatar and Somalia.

UK - Military bases in Qatar and Bahrain.


Why do you have one rule for Israel, but another for the arab countries in the region? 



Nonsense post twisting historical facts to suit your bias. Israel expands, in the modern era, and steals land regularly. Look at the map over the last 80 years and desist in spin and obfuscation you won't fool most of us.

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43 minutes ago, bandito said:


To the contrary, it's the Palestinians who don't want peace.

Attacking Israel on a daily basis.

Israel is defending not attacking.

Their aim is driving the Israelis in the Mediterranian sea.

Will not happen, never ever! :guitar:

That indeed is their goal.

Currently the Palestinians don't have the capability to accomplish that goal. 
Best to keep it that way!
Israel does have other threats that are objectively more serious. IRAN. 

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The world isn't used to Jews having military power. It's a heady thing to have after not having it for so long. But there is a really good reason for it.






Jewish Power at 70 Years



Hence Israel: its army, bomb, and robust willingness to use force to defend itself. Israel did not come into existence to serve as another showcase of the victimization of Jews. It exists to end the victimization of Jews.

That’s a point that Israel’s restless critics could stand to learn.



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Not quite sure how you can defend land that isn't yours, that was given to you by a colonial power, against the citizens of the country that have lived on that land for many generations. Dont forget that Benzion Miliekowsky, the father of a man now named Netanhayu, was born in Central Europe and lived most of his life in America. These supposed 'demonstrators' have many generations born on this land that they are now told isn't theirs.
Citizens of what country? There never was a nation called Palestine. Before Israel there was British Mandate Palestine. The population was Jews and Arabs not Palestinians. Before that it was part of the vast Ottoman Turkish empire.

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I am amazed that I read this from a pro-Israel commentator. A minority religious group living in Europe were persecuted for political reasons and had their land, businesses, wealth and homes taken from them and were driven into ghettoes.  Many of these same people finally decided that no-one stood up for them in what had been their homelands and that they would move to the newly created land for their occupation. In Palestine, a large majority of the population have had their land taken off them for political reasons that suited the Americans and British.  You are now advocating the solution that was given to the Jewish people in the first place, just relocate to another foreign country. They wanted a homeland. The Palestinians until recently had one and want it back. As for borders and defending them its worth noting that the international community, and that includes the 3billion $ a year contributors the USA, still insist that the 1967 borders are the proper ones, not whatever Israel declares is now theirs. They do this for the simple reason that if Israel are allowed to steal land by war, others can. Hence Russia has been sanctioned for annexing Crimea and those borders are not up for debate. What if Iran tries to take over Syria? The story we are told that should never be forgotten is of a people who had everything stolen from them. This now applies to Palestine.

What a disingenuous post. You know perfectly well that I favor a two state solution. I also think that nations like Lebanon that have large populations of Arabs that identify as Palestinians for generations now have been disgusting not to grant them full rights and stoke an eternal refugee status. People there would have the choice to migrate to a Palestinian state if they choose. But not Israel. There is a large population of Arabs from the area in Chile. They are Chileans now. Most will never want to move back to the middle east regardless similar to most American Jews having no desire to move to Israel or Europe.



Also worth noting in this context are the Mizrahi Jews booted out of the Middle East and North Africa. The Jewish Nakba conveniently never mentioned by people pushing a one sided anti Israel agenda. Now Israelis for generations they are not dreaming of using their old keys again. They have moved on from the pain and rejected holding on to a multiple generation refugee identity.


The so called Palestinian leadership does it's people no favors. They could have had a peaceful and prosperous Palestinian state decades ago. Forget the old keys and move on. The existence of Israel needs to be accepted and it is also needs to be accepted that Israel will never commit national suicide.



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When you have invaders trying to get into your country you shoot them. Hungary is doing it right. Canada is run by an idiot and the hoards of illiterate and now cripples and diseased are flowing across the border like a polluted river. Good for Israel. I bet England wishes it did the same now that it is approaching the time it will be a Caliphate.

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21 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

The one thing that truly bewilders me about Israel and its apologists is their ability to attack and play the victim simultaneously.

And equally bewildering is how many people in the rest of the world allow this to keep happening

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The one thing that truly bewilders me about Israel and its apologists is their ability to attack and play the victim simultaneously.

Yeah I'm sure you're really bewildered. Israel just celebrated her glorious 70th birthday stronger than ever. A truly successful world class democratic nation that has so much to offer her own citizens including the large Arab minority, and the world. Palestinian leadership has failed miserably and they largely have themselves to blame. Instead of irrationally scapegoating Israel for all their problems its about time they man up and focus on pursuing peace and coexistence with their now very powerful neighbor.  

Would it kill them to change their toxic tune?


Why not try massive peaceful rallies in Gaza, West Bank, and the Palestinian Diaspora proclaiming a love of peace and a desire for friendly cooperation with their neighbor Israel?


Dudes, that may guilt trip Israel into real change in ways missiles, terror tunnels, and burning tires at borders NEVER will.

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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah I'm sure you're really bewildered. Israel just celebrated her glorious 70th birthday stronger than ever. A truly successful world class democratic nation that has so much to offer her own citizens including the large Arab minority, and the world.






A country so "successful" that it has to mooch $3 billion+/year off the US plus loan guarantees, then turns around and makes a mockery of the US presidency, and I'm not talking about just Trump or even Obama.  This goes back to Bush Sr. and earlier.  

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