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Hi, sorry for the odd question, I want to sell a motorbike, just an old Honda air blade, am I allowed to park it outside a mall/711 with a for sale sign onit/number? Just wondering if the police might nab it, I mean just leave it 9am -7pm or so, thanks


Why not just ask the owners if it is OK to leave it there? I would be a bit pi$$ed if someone parked their bike with a for sale sign on my property.

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Why not just stick an ad in here? 


It it works well, is seen by loads of potential buyers and it is free, unless you want to hilight it and then it is just pennies in costs

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8 hours ago, Crossy said:

I see plenty of vehicles parked with "for sale" signs so I don't think the actual act of parking with a sign will attract the BiB.


BUT, I wouldn't be leaving it outside a mall or Seven, both are private property so they may well call the cops to have the "eyesore" removed.


Maybe outside a local food outlet or Mon-n-Pop shop (with permission of course) would work.


And don't forget, motorcycles are inherently "portable", make sure nobody can "port" it without paying for it.

I often see cars with "For Sale" signs parked outside my local Tesco-Lotus mall, but on the public road, where also other cars are parked. You are probably not allowed to use the private parking area without permission, but most shopping malls have on the other hand pin-boards for private sales messages at their main entrance, and these pin-boards seem to be quite effective. A photo, some information – eventually both in English and Thai – and contact telephone; many use to cut phone-number in small strips at the bottom of paper, that can be torn off. Normally they are "erased" once a week, so you may need to re-post...:wink:

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