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PHOTOS: Foreigner caught allegedly defecating on floor of Pattaya bar

Jonathan Fairfield

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Andrew Brand, the part tense of shit is shat, or shitted. 

 I suspect he doesn't think of "shit" as a verb, (just a noun and an expletive) so doesn't think of conjugating it. Not that he couldn't, but maybe he doen't give a shit about it.

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15 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

9:20am 555


someone on here will know him for sure

Yes agreed. Someone here should be able to flush this despicable turd out :sorry:

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I find no humour in the pain, misery and misfortune of others. The owner of the bar has a dirty mess to clean up and has appealed for help to identify the suspect. I suppose it wouldn't be so funny to those humorists if it happened to them or a loved one.


I enjoy a good laugh, but not at the expense of another.

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17 hours ago, poanoi said:

the waitresses always look in a different direction,

its nigh impossible to pay the bill there unless you demand the bill

when they arrive with the food.

so, he got even with the waitresses

Read the story, the place was closes.. and it's not kiss food and drink..

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not uncommon for some alcoholics to do stuff like this. they actually believe they are in a toilet and not intentionally crapping somewhere else. also open closet doors of their own home and piss in into it thinking it is a urinal.  the support forums for alcoholics and fsmilies of alcoholics are filled stories like these.



guess finding a "loose stool" in pattaya bars just got easier.

Edited by atyclb
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no excuse for this, there's lot of places open 24 hrs that have toilets, not a nice thing for the bar staff to have to clean up.


Hope they catch him and shame him - if that was me, I'd own up and pay some compensation, apologising it was desperation. He'd be better thought of.


BTW, I do frequent the bar in question and are friends with the owners, they're, as well as the staff decent people.

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:

not uncommon for some alcoholics to do stuff like this. they actually believe they are in a toilet and not intentionally crapping somewhere else. also open closet doors of their own home and piss in into it thinking it is a urinal.  the support forums for alcoholics and fsmilies of alcoholics are filled stories like these.



guess finding a "loose stool" in pattaya bars just got easier.

In many years going to AA, I've never heard of anyone shitting in another place thinking it's a toilet.

More likely, someone has a grudge, or a message to the owner. 

Not the average squeaky clean person gets into this kinda business.


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