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Historic summit: Kim Jong Un to cross border into South Korea to meet Moon Jae-in


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14 hours ago, alocacoc said:

That's fantastic.

Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Do not think the operator of the so called smart phone is so smart if they think it is all the doing of Trump... A lot of other people have done more...

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Do not think the operator of the so called smart phone is so smart if they think it is all the doing of Trump... A lot of other people have done more...

It hurts a lot to see Trump winning every day. Right?


And it must be very frustrating for ignorant democrats to realize that they are doing everything wrong.


Relax and enjoy the show. We are living in great times. Thanks God I'm smart enough to join the right side.


Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.




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3 hours ago, attrayant said:


Care to enumerate?  So far I see everything happening between the North & South Koreas.  It's possible that Pompeo may have played some beneficial roll, but what exactly has Trump done?

South Korea is holding the carrot. Trump is holding the stick.

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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

It hurts a lot to see Trump winning every day. Right?


And it must be very frustrating for ignorant democrats to realize that they are doing everything wrong.


Relax and enjoy the show. We are living in great times. Thanks God I'm smart enough to join the right side.


Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.




The two Koreas settling their differences is indeed a wonderful thing. Better still when they do so together and without the foreign powers who artificially divided them in the first place lending a hand. 

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


Not really. China is playing both ends. They'll switch side if it suits them.

Really, it's China, and they are currently playing 'the end' that worries Kim Jong. North Korea are becoming a distraction for China, a bit like the wasp flying around your dessert. The US could put no more sanctions on NK and the chances of the US commencing a war op were next to zero as Kim was confident (probably rightly so) China and Russia would intervene.


However when China threaten to take Kim's toys away and squeeze him with their own sanctions they were threatening, Kim see's it is now much better to play the prodigal son. A good idea since nuclear mountain has collapsed and terminated his nuke program for now anyway.


The peace and love and hugs is down to the Koreans. Let's see if it can last. It depends what China can give Kim. Trump won't give Kim anything because Kim has nothing to give in return that has not already been promised. He might say he wants Trump Tower Pyongyang.

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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Really, it's China, and they are currently playing 'the end' that worries Kim Jong. North Korea are becoming a distraction for China, a bit like the wasp flying around your dessert. The US could put no more sanctions on NK and the chances of the US commencing a war op were next to zero as Kim was confident (probably rightly so) China and Russia would intervene.


However when China threaten to take Kim's toys away and squeeze him with their own sanctions they were threatening, Kim see's it is now much better to play the prodigal son. A good idea since nuclear mountain has collapsed and terminated his nuke program for now anyway.


The peace and love and hugs is down to the Koreans. Let's see if it can last. It depends what China can give Kim. Trump won't give Kim anything because Kim has nothing to give in return that has not already been promised. He might say he wants Trump Tower Pyongyang.


I think China's looking for  some quid pro quo from Trump in Taiwan or trade or South China Sea or all three. When they don't get it (I'm guessing) they're going to throw a spanner in the works on NK (guessing) and then Trump turns up the heat on China and then the troubles start. Or Trump throws Taiwan under the bus.

Edited by lannarebirth
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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I think China's looking for  some quid pro quo from Trump in Taiwan or trade or South China Sea or all three. When they don't get it (I'm guessing) they're going to throw a spanner in the works on NK (guessing) and then Trump turns up the heat on China and then the troubles start. Or Trump throws Taiwan under the bus.

No, nothing to do with the US. China just doesn't want a nuclear NK, hence the official support of sanctions. 

And with the NK test program forced to stop, this was their chance to force Kim to calm down.

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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

No, nothing to do with the US. China just doesn't want a nuclear NK, hence the official support of sanctions. 

And with the NK test program forced to stop, this was their chance to force Kim to calm down.

Wanna bet China imposes themselves into any kind of inspection regime if things get that far? They're the gatekeeper here.

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11 hours ago, Credo said:

It would appear that the nuclear test site that they are closing is or has collapsed and that radiation may be leaking causing problems for China and NK.    I suspect that the little meeting in Bejing was to warn Kim that enough is enough.   The "not in my backyard' syndrome has kicked in.   


Here's a read:


This Could Be The Real Reason North Korea Halted Nuclear Testing And It’s Terrifying

The mountain above North Korea’s main nuclear test site Punggye-ri has likely collapsed following a nuclear test last fall, sparking concerns about radioactive fallout and environmental catastrophes, according to geologists at the University of Science and Technology of China.

It comes less than a week after North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un announced the reclusive nation would immediately suspend nuclear and missile tests and scrap its testing site ahead of meetings with the United States and South Korea, now suggesting an alternative reason behind the site’s closure.

“The onsite collapse calls for continued close monitoring of radioactive materials from the nuclear test site,” the geologists wrote in a study that will appear in an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters



Yes I read an article but short, about a collapse at a research plant in NK. When any government plays around with these radioactive elements it's...well the old saying about fire applies. The difference is, of course, that radiation can spread out and affect landscapes for decades. China being in close proximity would not, I think, be very pleased. No doubt NK will appeal for help to clear up he mess.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Wanna bet China imposes themselves into any kind of inspection regime if things get that far? They're the gatekeeper here.

Yes, agree. Has nothing to do with my comment though. I said this has nothing to do with the US (amend: China doesn't want the US on its doorstep), so there will be no 'quid pro quo' as you claimed.

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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I think China's looking for  some quid pro quo from Trump in Taiwan or trade or South China Sea or all three. When they don't get it (I'm guessing) they're going to throw a spanner in the works on NK (guessing) and then Trump turns up the heat on China and then the troubles start. Or Trump throws Taiwan under the bus.

China wants the US military out of Asia:



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9 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:


Yeah, of course they do. I've said all along that Korea's and the US's interests are only tangentially aligned. We are  more aligned with Japan and not at all with China.

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3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

To quote one of our illustrious members 'hammer on the nail'.


You see, I CAN agree with you ExpatOilWorker!


Strategically it is VERY bad for the US to lose it's position on the Korean Peninsular and Trump has been played like a violin by President Xi. In fact Xi has played the game almost to perfection. Rumours are that China is really set on reclaiming Taiwan. The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea (reunion is too strong a term yet, lets just say cessation of hostilities),because once hostilities stop there is no need for a big military presence in South Korea and you can bet your bottom dollar that Xi has instructed Kim Jong that the complete de-nuclearisation will be agreed with South Korea and include the removal of US troops from the Korean Peninsula.


Obama, Bush, Clinton (not them but their administrations) were not dumb, they were clever. North Korea needed keeping just in it's cage, let it make a noise but keep it where it is. North Korea was the justification the US needed to keep it's very significant presence there, and that was a thorn in the side of the aspirations of President Xi.


Now with the hope of peace and reunification the people will take over in Korea. Millions of families want to see loved ones over the border, the politicians will be held to account. Hopes are raised, and if reunification means US troops have to leave then that is exactly what will be demanded at the voting booth.


The inexperienced administration of Trump has been led hook line and sinker into an Asian web of deceit. Nice for the troops that will have to come home but very bad news for the US's ability to have any type of control or presence in the region. Rocket man wins Trump, and the region is LESS safe as China will flex muscle soon. Pack your bags yankees, you are all off to Japan soon......if they will take you.

Edited by Andaman Al
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33 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

To quote one of our illustrious members 'hammer on the nail'.


You see, I CAN agree with you ExpatOilWorker!


Strategically it is VERY bad for the US to lose it's position on the Korean Peninsular and Trump has been played like a violin by President Xi. In fact Xi has played the game almost to perfection. Rumours are that China is really set on reclaiming Taiwan. The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea (reunion is too strong a term yet, lets just say cessation of hostilities),because once hostilities stop there is no need for a big military presence in South Korea and you can bet your bottom dollar that Xi has instructed Kim Jong that the complete de-nuclearisation will be agreed with South Korea and include the removal of US troops from the Korean Peninsula.


Obama, Bush, Clinton (not them but their administrations) were not dumb, they were clever. North Korea needed keeping just in it's cage, let it make a noise but keep it where it is. North Korea was the justification the US needed to keep it's very significant presence there, and that was a thorn in the side of the aspirations of President Xi.


Now with the hope of peace and reunification the people will take over in Korea. Millions of families want to see loved ones over the border, the politicians will be held to account. Hopes are raised, and if reunification means US troops have to leave then that is exactly what will be demanded at the voting booth.


The inexperienced administration of Trump has been led hook line and sinker into an Asian web of deceit. Nice for the troops that will have to come home but very bad news for the US's ability to have any type of control or presence in the region. Rocket man wins Trump, and the region is LESS safe as China will flex muscle soon. Pack your bags yankees, you are all off to Japan soon......if they will take you.

I won't say this is incorrect but it will hardly be a surprise if China does anything in the SC sea. Since the USA de-recognized Taiwan years ago we have all heard about the Chinese pressure to the island including a build up of Chinese spying since 2014 (a Taiwan report from last year). If I am not mistaken Taiwan does not see the Trump administration as a valuable ally anyway. However, there might...and I say might...be a yet bigger picture here. If China does re-integrate Taiwan with the mainland by force then certain regions along the eastern Russian border could be under threat too. I do admit here that I have read reports that it might happen and others that suggest this possibility is just sensationalism.

Of course the other point is that until the technical 'cease fire' ends (one way or another) then USA still has a reason for a presence there...I think, Ha!

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On 4/27/2018 at 11:14 AM, baboon said:

Where did I lay claim to knowing the content of the negotiations?

Don't be so coy Baboon. You have inside information. Me too; but I'm not revealing what I know,,, yet!! 

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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

To quote one of our illustrious members 'hammer on the nail'.


You see, I CAN agree with you ExpatOilWorker!


Strategically it is VERY bad for the US to lose it's position on the Korean Peninsular and Trump has been played like a violin by President Xi. In fact Xi has played the game almost to perfection. Rumours are that China is really set on reclaiming Taiwan. The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea (reunion is too strong a term yet, lets just say cessation of hostilities),because once hostilities stop there is no need for a big military presence in South Korea and you can bet your bottom dollar that Xi has instructed Kim Jong that the complete de-nuclearisation will be agreed with South Korea and include the removal of US troops from the Korean Peninsula.


Obama, Bush, Clinton (not them but their administrations) were not dumb, they were clever. North Korea needed keeping just in it's cage, let it make a noise but keep it where it is. North Korea was the justification the US needed to keep it's very significant presence there, and that was a thorn in the side of the aspirations of President Xi.


Now with the hope of peace and reunification the people will take over in Korea. Millions of families want to see loved ones over the border, the politicians will be held to account. Hopes are raised, and if reunification means US troops have to leave then that is exactly what will be demanded at the voting booth.


The inexperienced administration of Trump has been led hook line and sinker into an Asian web of deceit. Nice for the troops that will have to come home but very bad news for the US's ability to have any type of control or presence in the region. Rocket man wins Trump, and the region is LESS safe as China will flex muscle soon. Pack your bags yankees, you are all off to Japan soon......if they will take you.


Nice bloated position. However, there is just one itsy, bitsy, small detail that you have wrong, and upon which your position rests;

-"a big military presence in South Korea" - Sorry, but approx. 30,000 personnel, of which a large chunk are not combat personnel isn't much of a military force when a large chunk of them will be  killed within the first few hours when Camp Humphreys and Osan airbase are obliterated. The number of US military bases and garrisons are are to be cut in half within the next two years as each and every month brings a closure. the US is going from 175 locations to approx. 95 with a goal to go to 50 in the following years.  The US presence serves as a deterrent to the North Koreans. 


The US military presence is in Japan and in Guam. They don't call Guam the  land based aircraft carrier for nothing.


Your next supposition is the  claim that "The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea". On the contrary, it is the last thing South Korea wants, needs or can afford. The South does not have the money to integrate a  backward country, where people are still infected with intestinal worms and where poverty is the national culture. A reunification would set back the South's economy  for a decade or more. One need only look at the drag East Germany  was on West Germany after the reunification, to get a hint of what awaits South Korea but on a scale 10X worse.    China certainly doesn't want a reunification because it makes a killing off of North Korea supplying  all the  goods  now under international sanction and taking advantage of the cheap slave labour. China doesn't want to see a security threat to its  neighbors removed because a hostile  North Korea diverts their resources to defending against a nation of homicidal zombies with tapeworms.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


Nice bloated position. However, there is just one itsy, bitsy, small detail that you have wrong, and upon which your position rests;

-"a big military presence in South Korea" - Sorry, but approx. 30,000 personnel, of which a large chunk are not combat personnel isn't much of a military force ........<snip>


Your next supposition is the  claim that "The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea". On the contrary, it is the last thing South Korea wants, needs or can afford. The South does not have the money to integrate a  backward country, where people are still infected with intestinal worms and where poverty is the national culture. ....<snip>


 China doesn't want to see a security threat to its  neighbors removed because a hostile  North Korea diverts their resources to defending against a nation of homicidal zombies with tapeworms.

And as you might know and I definitely know those them thar 30 000 troops are logistics types ready to support a large scale deployment into theatre. They are not teeth arms. They have a protective force and are there to manage whatever the US decides to move in.


Do you live in Thailand? Eat pork? or Beef? Eat Sushi? I would be worried about checking out your own intestines if I were you. Many many people have worms and most never know, speak to a good Doctor. Good luck.

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8 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


Nice bloated position. However, there is just one itsy, bitsy, small detail that you have wrong, and upon which your position rests;

-"a big military presence in South Korea" - Sorry, but approx. 30,000 personnel, of which a large chunk are not combat personnel isn't much of a military force when a large chunk of them will be  killed within the first few hours when Camp Humphreys and Osan airbase are obliterated. The number of US military bases and garrisons are are to be cut in half within the next two years as each and every month brings a closure. the US is going from 175 locations to approx. 95 with a goal to go to 50 in the following years.  The US presence serves as a deterrent to the North Koreans. 


The US military presence is in Japan and in Guam. They don't call Guam the  land based aircraft carrier for nothing.


Your next supposition is the  claim that "The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea". On the contrary, it is the last thing South Korea wants, needs or can afford. The South does not have the money to integrate a  backward country, where people are still infected with intestinal worms and where poverty is the national culture. A reunification would set back the South's economy  for a decade or more. One need only look at the drag East Germany  was on West Germany after the reunification, to get a hint of what awaits South Korea but on a scale 10X worse.    China certainly doesn't want a reunification because it makes a killing off of North Korea supplying  all the  goods  now under international sanction and taking advantage of the cheap slave labour. China doesn't want to see a security threat to its  neighbors removed because a hostile  North Korea diverts their resources to defending against a nation of homicidal zombies with tapeworms.

South Korea doesn't want unification.


Biggest load of crock written on this board, which is saying something.

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South Korea doesn't want unification.
Biggest load of crock written on this board, which is saying something.
South Korea, Schiff, lawmakers, Merkel... gives credit to Trump, but you are knowing it better? Don't be silly.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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On 4/28/2018 at 10:41 PM, geriatrickid said:


Nice bloated position. However, there is just one itsy, bitsy, small detail that you have wrong, and upon which your position rests;

-"a big military presence in South Korea" - Sorry, but approx. 30,000 personnel, of which a large chunk are not combat personnel isn't much of a military force when a large chunk of them will be  killed within the first few hours when Camp Humphreys and Osan airbase are obliterated. The number of US military bases and garrisons are are to be cut in half within the next two years as each and every month brings a closure. the US is going from 175 locations to approx. 95 with a goal to go to 50 in the following years.  The US presence serves as a deterrent to the North Koreans. 


The US military presence is in Japan and in Guam. They don't call Guam the  land based aircraft carrier for nothing.


Your next supposition is the  claim that "The last thing the US needed strategically was a reunion of North and South Korea". On the contrary, it is the last thing South Korea wants, needs or can afford. The South does not have the money to integrate a  backward country, where people are still infected with intestinal worms and where poverty is the national culture. A reunification would set back the South's economy  for a decade or more. One need only look at the drag East Germany  was on West Germany after the reunification, to get a hint of what awaits South Korea but on a scale 10X worse.    China certainly doesn't want a reunification because it makes a killing off of North Korea supplying  all the  goods  now under international sanction and taking advantage of the cheap slave labour. China doesn't want to see a security threat to its  neighbors removed because a hostile  North Korea diverts their resources to defending against a nation of homicidal zombies with tapeworms.

Yeah, SK must look at Germany and say, "wow, that worked out poorly". Not.

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20 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

South Korea, Schiff, lawmakers, Merkel... gives credit to Trump, but you are knowing it better? Don't be silly.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Your comment has nothing to do with my post.


But since it seems you like to contradict me, you think south Korea doesn't want unification?

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Your comment has nothing to do with my post.
But since it seems you like to contradict me, you think south Korea doesn't want unification?
My bad. I quoted the wrong post.

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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