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Video: Find these nasty farang thieves - there's a 5,000 baht reward if you do.


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I don't know ... I would never do a thing like this ... but the times have changed since I was young , and so have the people .

This is why today nobody can trust somebody else anymore .

Before Life was better because people were not so ugly and selfish same today ... some " quality of life " has gone with this .

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10 minutes ago, Somtamnication said:

Being an iphone, I would have not touched it. They are obsolete after 2 OS updates! 

I'm an Android guy. I wouldn't have been tempted.


Anyway, who leaves their expensive phone sitting on a sofa?


Yeah, I went there. :stoner:


This couple of pasty  ne'er-do-wells might be career crims or it might just be a crime of random opportunity.


It might be fun to do a candid camera type video with a BAIT phone and watch which people do and don't pocket it.


Where is My Dude Nate when you need him?

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

I don´t get it. I was raised to react in a different way. If I found something laying like that, I would go and leave it at the reception. I thought that was common sense.
However, today we appearently heve grown ups in disguise of normal family travellers, that suddenly get a kick out of stealing.

Another thing that I for my life can´t get. Still nobody understands that there are cameras and webcams everywhere today. Stupidity out of enormuos proportions.

As well as I don't get why we call that "stealing from a staff"....It looks like a "lost phone". The 1st person responsible ( ouh what a strange word in LOS) is the one who let the phone there! 
Of course, it doesn't mean that the behaviour of the couple is good...

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20 minutes ago, MeHere said:


I think the reply was in the spirit of that people who believe a 12 month sentence for petty theft are being a bit alarmist and extreme.

Whilst the suggestion that they need therapy and to be kept under observation is also rather extreme 

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

Farang thieves do go on holiday..BUT, where they come from they are probably used to a police warning and sent on their way..

Well they ain't in farangland, so stick them in prison for a few days sucking fish heads, then wish them bon- voyage with a wai...:stoner:....

in farang land...they are responsible ( ouh wait what is that word?) for their lost...they do not let an iphone unattended then "complain" that it has been "stealed". (the consequence)

Edited by Vermor
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If you want to be tracked anywhere in the world, carry a piece of electronics with Tx capability and a unique network address. 


CCTV, SIM cards etc are really taking the fun out of it.


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Really are they that desperate for cash the ruck sacks are probably full of stuff the have stolen. I have seen Russians  not saying they are Russian but many times stealing in Pattaya in the shops I have even told the staff before they are so blatant about it. One was filling his girlfriends rucksack with toiletries in Best Supermarket at the dolphin roundabout.I hate it the Thais are so trusting. Lock them up I hope they find them.

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

I don´t get it. I was raised to react in a different way. If I found something laying like that, I would go and leave it at the reception. I thought that was common sense.
However, today we appearently heve grown ups in disguise of normal family travellers, that suddenly get a kick out of stealing.

Another thing that I for my life can´t get. Still nobody understands that there are cameras and webcams everywhere today. Stupidity out of enormuos proportions.


Totally agree. They appear mature people who receive the courtesy of using someone's rest rooms. And then abuse that courtesy and show themselves to be dishonest petty criminals.


I hope the get caught and receive more than a fine.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Hang on to your enthusiasm everyone, the very same would have happened had a non farang person see that unattended phone and that phone would be gone as quick if not quicker.. so what is all the fuss here?

just because they're foreigners? talking about casting the first stone...

What makes it worse is your in someone elses country.  Its shit like that who make us look bad.

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

I don´t get it. I was raised to react in a different way. If I found something laying like that, I would go and leave it at the reception. I thought that was common sense.
However, today we appearently heve grown ups in disguise of normal family travellers, that suddenly get a kick out of stealing.

Another thing that I for my life can´t get. Still nobody understands that there are cameras and webcams everywhere today. Stupidity out of enormuos proportions.

These are pieces of $hit with criminal minds. I’ve had family with plenty of money and the dirty scum would still steal from people. It’s an adrenaline high or just a mentality. Disgusting people that need severe punishment. 

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Its a mobile phone,,, not worth anything for them. Worth much more for the owner..  just go to the reception with it.

Morans!   No more Thailand for them in the future... after prison maybe they had enuf of Thailand anyway..

Good camera..  they soon have the police knocking on their hotel door for sure.

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19 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:
27 minutes ago, geisha said:

Hope they get caught, name and shame.

what you really thinking is the best part, finding out what nationality they are


im going with French. just got that look about em


Ah... another French-hating Thaivisa member ... great, so the tension is released and you won't have to take your pills today, mate.


Thank you Thaivisa for allowing all those lovely brigades (Thai Bashers, Hang'em Highers, French Haters, Islam Haters, etc) to release the intolerable pressure they have to deal with on a daily basis because the world is so stupid it doesn't understand that they are RIGHT. And why are they right ? Because.

Edited by Yann55
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3 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

12 months each in the slammer, set an example..... dirty lowlife.

Send them on the first flight to Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somailia, Sudan, Yemen or Iraq - countries  were fingerprint technology dont exist as they know how to deal with such personalities....:coffee1:

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2 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:


you sound lIke a brexiteer. They could have been British!


2 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:



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