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Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem


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54 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Jews are people who follow the religion of Judaism.
Zionism is a hateful political ideology that promotes the religionist supremacy of Jews within Palestine. I despise all forms of discrimination.
Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. The nutjob Pastor Hagee mentioned above is a Christian Zionist.


I believe that the way the state of Israel was established at the expense of dispossessing the indigenous Palestinian population was a mistake.


I have no objection to Israel being a haven for genuinely persecuted Jews. Most of world Jewry (and especially younger American Jews) have voted with their feet and do not want to be a part of the apartheid state that Israel has become, because it seems to be the Israelis who are now doing the persecuting against the Palestinians in the OP. History is full of irony.


Zionism may be described as "hateful" by yourself and others, it does not make it fact nor even a generally accepted point of view. There are plenty of Zionists which are not religious and are in favor of peace. That you attempt the wholesale wide-brush formulations is irrelevant and misleading.


I don't think you're an authority on interpreting Jewish attitudes toward Israel, and I seriously doubt most Jews worldwide are not interested in Israel's existence as a Jewish state. 


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38 minutes ago, billd766 said:


So more than 2,800 people were shooting what? at the Isreali military who replied by using excessive force and killing protestors using snipers. I didn't see any casualty reports from the Israeli side on the number of dead and wounded.


I do see a pariah country defending stolen land, building illegal settlements and crying to the world how hard done by they are and that their only friends are the USA.


Take a good look at a map of the area and at the size of Isreal with a population of around 8.5 million people and then look at the size of the Gaza Strip and a Palestinian population of around 2 million. Yet Isreal wants more and more land and more and more people.




Look at the video from 1:00 in at listen to Netanyahu speaking.


Some of the those shot were shooting at the IDF troops or trying to sabotage the fence. Definitely not all. Not quite following the mindset of expecting casualties on the Israeli side as well, but eh. As for excessive force - that's a valid point. On the other hand, I'm yet to see a serious account on how protests of such intensity and scope are to be handled. Especially considering the consequences for things getting worse if the masses of protestors manage to cross over.


Israel is a pariah country only in the minds of some posters. In the real world, it is neither shunned nor sanctioned. The "land theft" tag does not apply to the Gaza Strip, and the same goes for illegal settlements. I'm not aware that there's much popular support in Israel for the notion of retaking the Gaza Strip, so again, the "more land" bit is off mark in this case.


Netanyahu's comment relates to the Embassy thing.


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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Debunked - just because you might have a different opinion is not debunking. If you have facts present them. Making reference to previous expressed opinion won't cut the mustard either.

Not falling for the Zionist playbook deflection game today. 

Try  http://www.palestineremembered.com/ if you really want to learn more.

Edited by dexterm
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7 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Nonsense account of the Zionist mythology debunked many times on this forum.

` Get some history books, or search at Internet.


The Arabs lost a war ( 5 even) , and just like the Greeks and Turks, Germans, Poles, Ukraines and many others in Eastern Europe, Pakistani and Indians, Chinese... lost their lands.

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6 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

` Get some history books, or search at Internet.


The Arabs lost a war ( 5 even) , and just like the Greeks and Turks, Germans, Poles, Ukraines and many others in Eastern Europe, Pakistani and Indians, Chinese... lost their lands.

In the 21st century you can't conquer lands, annex them, illegally occupy 4.5 million dispossessed people then shoot them if they want to return to their homes. Most of us nowadays live in more enlightened times under international law.


Would love to debate Zionist mythology but in a more appropriate thread perhaps.


Suggest you view "the Nakba" documenatries where eye witnesses from both sides are interviewed... available on youtube if you are interested in history.

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9 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Not falling for the Zionist playbook deflection game today. 

Try  http://www.palestineremembered.com/ if you really want to learn more.

Parroting Zionism, Zionism, again and again make one sound worse than the BDS and the white supremacist, no matter what some pathetics posters here will call Israel all sorts of derogatory names, the truth of the facts remain, no Palestinians will cross that barrier alive, not now not later, there will not be a ' return to homes' march, only a march to their graves and more graevs.....

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Are you suggesting that before the 15th century there was a country called Palestine in which a people called Palestinians lived and were ruled by fellow Palestinians? And that this country and it's people were a distinct country apart from other Arab nations and tribes?

If he wasn’t... he could.


the famous five kings of Palestine, aligned themselves with the cannonites, but were conquered by Joshua, along with the cannonites, making the southern Levant, a Jewish state


meanwhile, back to the present... or rather, modern history.... the ignorance of western countries and their religious views, acting in what they saw as good faith, unwisely decided on partition lines over a hotly contested part of the planet, and set that down as law, when arguably, it was not their right to do so.(the UN gave themselves the right to arbitrate... much like any despot would do)


isreal has since defended itself, gaining strategic lands, to further protect its people, (annexation of the golans is a prime example of geographically strategic annexation to defend isreal, which lies at the base of the golans) which is nothing more than common sense, (on their part) which was sadly lacking in the origional 1947 (?) partition, by the allies who wanted a quick fix to the Jewish problem, without due consideration of future issues between opposing religions.


their laxity and naivety has born fruit.


that said.... trumps decision to move the US embassy, during a period of enhanced turmoil, is akin to pouring fuel on a fire (which yes...he did not start) and a mark of his ability , or rather, lack thereof, to act as a statesman.

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As do the Zionists nes pas?!
What's your point? Of course. Although the roots of historical Zionism are more political than religious certainly there are factions of Zionism that are overtly religious. In many ways the Z word is no longer relevant anyway. The point of Zionism was the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people. That happened. So what it means now is the continued existence of the state of Israel. You can be a leftist Zionist or a far right Zionist but all would be unified in support of the existence and defense of Israel.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What's your point? Of course. Although the roots of historical Zionism are more political than religious certainly there are factions of Zionism that are overtly religious. In many ways the Z word is no longer relevant anyway. The point of Zionism was the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people. That happened. So what it means now is the continued existence of the state of Israel. You can be a leftist Zionist or a far right Zionist but all would be unified in support of the existence and defense of Israel.

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My point is, I’m calling out a double standard.


I’m sorry you have a problem with me doing so.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nope. The post you were replying to made no assertion whatsoever on whether religion was part of Zionism or not! It was a reply to another post specifically about Hamas. Can your personal attacks please. I have no problem with honest in context rebuttals. There was no double standard expressed. Instead you made that up.


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You are not getting away with that.


Two sides to the conflict Israel and The Palestinians.


The post I called out has a double standard, it attributed religious motives to parties on the Palestinian side and omitted the same on the Israeli side.


Again forgive me if you have trouble with fairness in these matters.

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You are not getting away with that.
Two sides to the conflict Israel and The Palestinians.
The post I called out has a double standard, it attributed religious motives to parties on the Palestinian side and omitted the same on the Israeli side.
Again forgive me if you have trouble with fairness in these matters.
Nope. The post was in the context of a discussion about Hamas. Nobody is denying the influence of religion on Israeli government policies although Israel is not a theocracy. Religion has a strong influence in many countries. Thailand and the USA for example. Again I think you're being very disingenuous. For there to be a double standard you would have had to replying to a post that mentioned there was no religious influence on the Israeli side. This wasn't that. You have a right not to accept my POV sure but I have a right to detect fake issues when I see them and call them out.

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nope. The post was in the context of a discussion about Hamas. Nobody is denying the influence of religion on Israeli government policies although Israel is not a theocracy. Religion has a strong influence in many countries. Thailand and the USA for example. Again I think you're being very disingenuous. For there to be a double standard you would have had to replying to a post that mentioned there was no religious influence on the Israeli side. This wasn't that. You have a right not to accept my POV sure but I have a right to detect fake issues when I see them and call them out.

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The context is Israeli Armed Forces have killed dozens of Palestinian protestors.


I am not being disingenuous.


The case is being made that the Palestinians are driven by religion In the specific post I referred to religious motives are attributed to Palestinians because Hamas and at the PA occasionally call up religion.


Well heck so do Zionist but as yourself demonstrate in this response ‘let’s have no suggestion at all that Israel acts on the basis of religion’


I say, let’s not have a double standard.


Attributing Palestinian actions to religion undermines the legitimacy of their claims by placing their arguments in belief, not law, not international law, not human right.


It also opens the door to the kind of obscene arguments put forward by geriatrickid: he stated here on TVF (I paraphrase) ‘the Palestinians want to die and go to paradise more than they want to live’.


Let’s have less double standards and end to dehumanizing the Palestinians, and certainly an end to the obscene views we’ve had on TVF today.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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Again I do think you were being disingenuous and I didn't appreciate your personal insults either.


I certainly agree with you that Palestinian people are people. Obviously.


Tragically it is obvious that many young Gazans are so miserable that they are acting in a suicidal manner. They know the IDF will shoot at the border, they don't have guns themselves, so do the math. Many are ready to die with no hope of doing damage to their enemy except for PR wins which they are getting. Yes that is suicide.


My personal position is that the embassy should not have been moved and the IDF needs to work harder to avoid lethal responses but I also support their right to defend their borders from clearly hostile invasion.


Calling the border protests peaceful as some have here is a total lie.


It is true the forces are totally unequal and that the border invasions have zero chance of accomplishing any kind military victory.



Surely there are more sensible venues for peaceful protest?

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Again I do think you were being disingenuous and I didn't appreciate your personal insults either.

I certainly agree with you that Palestinian people are people. Obviously.

My personal position is that the embassy should not have been moved and the IDF needs to work harder to avoid lethal responses but I also support their right to defend their borders from clearly hostile invasion.

Calling the border protests peaceful is a total lie.

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1.Agree the Embassy should never have been moved -it’s relication was a deliberate provocation.


2.I do not believe the international community should leave the IDF to police it’s own use of force when that force is used beyond the Israili border.


3. There was no invasion, no Palestinians crosssd the border - The killings took place in Gaza.


4. I never once called the protests peaceful. 

If another nation invaded my home country, I’d expect the response to be violent and I’d think poorly of myself if I did not take part.


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3 hours ago, Morch said:

On the other hand, I'm yet to see a serious account on how protests of such intensity and scope are to be handled.

For example by using rubber bullets instead of live ammunition ... ?

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8 hours ago, dexterm said:

Palestinians have the right to resist illegal occupation. Their lands have been stolen by European colonists. They want their land back, and the right to return to the homes for which many of them still hold the keys.



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Palestinians have the right to resist illegal occupation. Their lands have been stolen by European colonists. They want their land back, and the right to return to the homes for which many of them still hold the keys.
My father came from Poland and fought for Britain in the war.The Russians took his parents home and business the house is still there but he was never allowed back to reclaim it do you agree he should have been given it back? And the money the Swiss banks kept that his parents deposited also the sawmill that his familly owned. Its the way of the world i am afraid.they have to live with it.they fought Israel and lost. How about getting off their backsides and building a better land .just like Israel has?

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:


3. There was no invasion, no Palestinians crosssd the border - The killings took place in Gaza.


Attempted invasion. You knew what I meant. You're just splitting hairs.

Suppose the IDF just let tens of thousands of angry Gazans through the holes they were trying to cut in the fences. Do you imagine they would be seeking out the nearest cafe for a latte? Come on, now, this was a mob of very hostile "protesters" burning tires to make smoke to camouflage and actively trying to open the border. Close enough to an invasion for government work. A serious threat? No. So as I said before basically a suicide mission with nothing to gain but PR because of all the dead on their own side. Mission accomplished!

Was the international PR to continue to demonize Israel worth it?

I don't think so but I respect that so many have sacrificed their lives basically with only that to gain. 

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