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Trump says 'animals' comment refers to criminals, Mexico protests


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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

They hate him and karma is a btch when it comes back and bites you on the ass. He is getting his just deserve.

Precisely why the usual suspects have reduced credibility, and that includes the other one - Farx.

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8 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

The mother of ivanka was an immigrant.

Melania is an immigrant.

Giuliani's  and pompeo's family was an immigrant.

Trumps grandfather ( strumpf) was an immigrant.

Double face don ( the dirty draft dodger ) sure has an interesting mindset when it comes to immigrants


I believe Trump tends to draw a distinction between his kind of immigrant, the white skinned types including those partial to KKK politics like his father, and the brown and black skinned kinds, who are in his view animals, criminals, rapists, come from "sh**hole" countries, etc etc.


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On 18/05/2018 at 6:36 AM, Odysseus123 said:

His media advisers thought that one up after the gaffe was committed.


Build the man a vast sandpit in the backyard of the White House,hide the twitter devices and give him a million piece Lego set to divert his tiny mind.

He can build a wall, "a beautiful wall" across the middle of it..

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On 18/05/2018 at 2:39 PM, sukhumvitneon said:

. There are many Californians who are tired of the progressive agenda but limousine liberals and their ilk in LA and the SF bay area keep outvoting them

Ah, that will be because there are more of them than those who "are tired of the progressive agenda".

You see that's what happens in democratic societies, the agenda which garners the most votes is the one which gets followed*, unfair I know but there you are.


* doesn't seem to apply to selecting your President of course...

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Just now, JAG said:

I should imagine so - it seems to be where he gets most of his ideas from.



I often picture his team with their tin foil hats on...but the truth is probably more prosaic..they are all experiencing the "rapture" and who am I to intrude? 

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3 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



I often picture his team with their tin foil hats on...but the truth is probably more prosaic..they are all experiencing the "rapture" and who am I to intrude? 

Rapture or rupture?


Prosaic or Prozac?

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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

Rapture or rupture?


Prosaic or Prozac?



Prozac is a Darwinian creation of science..chemistry..rampant Aristotelianism at its most deceitful..


Not that I am in denial or anything.and I agree that if the good lord has designed many Trump Towers then so be it ..as the local realtor righteously states.


Shall we get back to the topic at hand?:smile:

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2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



Prozac is a Darwinian creation of science..chemistry..rampant Aristotelianism at its most deceitful..


Not that I am in denial or anything.and I agree that if the good lord has designed many Trump Towers then so be it ..as the local realtor righteously states.


Shall we get back to the topic at hand?:smile:

White flag run up.


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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Trump his usual politically incorrect self. Love it!

"Evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us", and, "I saw that evil was impotent ... and the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it".


bring on the impeachment hearing of 2019

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3 minutes ago, chubby said:

"Evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let it extort from us", and, "I saw that evil was impotent ... and the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it".


bring on the impeachment hearing of 2019

It's amazing how you call good evil and evil good.

I understand though, it's the job of evil to oppose those who do good.


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On 5/18/2018 at 6:22 AM, Get Real said:

The dumb-kopf has spoken again. How can people chose a man as president, that can´t even follow the simple etics of speaking and formulating himself in a proper manor.


@underlordcthulhu. Are oyu putting yourself in that que, or are you seriously talking about cats and dogs running around? :cheesy:


It's obvious who he's referring to. It's the murderous drug dealing filth that are constantly trying to get into the more prosperous and liberal Western nations like the US, the UK, Germany and Sweden etc because they know that that is where the money is and where the judicial systems are chocolate tea pots.


Many South Americans would have a better life in a US jail than they would back in Bolivia or Nicaragua. Just like Bulgarian and Romanian anti social misfits would be better off in the British, German or Swedish holiday camps that pass for prisons on our side of the water.

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On 5/18/2018 at 10:10 AM, samran said:

Pure dogwhistling by the president. He’s an idiot, but he isn’t stupid and knows the power of language as well as any of predecessors. 


Helps empower blokes like this one (and many respondents to this thread):






How can someone be an idiot and not be stupid. The very definition of being an idiot is someone who is stupid.

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9 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


How can someone be an idiot and not be stupid. The very definition of being an idiot is someone who is stupid.

Well not that I agree with his assessment of the president but you can be smart or of average intellect and make stupid/idiotic decisions or believe some stupid stuff. Just look at Bernie Sanders, Justin Trudeau(borderline) or Obama to name a few.

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On 5/18/2018 at 10:31 AM, samran said:

I’m pretty sure you are correct. My biggest gripe with the left is that they react too easily to this stuff. His actions are pretty transparent when you think about it. He is all about empowering his supporters and this is classic Donald - all for free as well, paid for by your MSNBCs of the world. 


He’s got the left fighting culture wars and they don’t even notice. That turns people normally sympathetic to centre or centre left politics off then and just makes it easier for someone like Donald to get re elected a second time. 


Well said, when the liberals and their progressive  pals in the media come out with this sort of claptrap and trying to put words in Trump's mouth by blatantly lying it's bound to backfire on them.


It's going to turn those who were previously considered neutral into supporters of Trump especially where these creatures that belong to South American and Negro street gangs such as the 'Crips' and the 'Bloods' etc are concerned.


Few people would bat an eye if Trump ordered the military to exterminate or at least deport every last man jack of 'em and their relatives. They contribute nothing to any society that they infest apart from providing employment to welfare administrators, social workers, prison staff and police officers.



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On 5/18/2018 at 10:33 AM, riclag said:

They terrorize the communities they seek to control


The same thing is happening in British cities like London with its record breaking 63 murders so far this year. But still our liberal politicians merely  turn a blind eye to what is now an enormous problem, encourage the lighting of candles, attend all night vigils and express support for the victims' mothers, brothers and sisters. There's very rarely a father in the picture.


Law abiding Londoners have come to accept this lamentable state of affairs thanks to our liberal media outlets such as the BBC. How refreshing it must be for level headed Americans to have a leader for once who calls a spade a spade, says what they only say behind closed doors and seems intent on doing something about it.


Let's hope Johnny Yank has the sense to keep voting for this man.

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On 5/17/2018 at 8:31 PM, samran said:

I’m pretty sure you are correct. My biggest gripe with the left is that they react too easily to this stuff. His actions are pretty transparent when you think about it. He is all about empowering his supporters and this is classic Donald - all for free as well, paid for by your MSNBCs of the world. 


He’s got the left fighting culture wars and they don’t even notice. That turns people normally sympathetic to centre or centre left politics off then and just makes it easier for someone like Donald to get re elected a second time. 

As an ex-liberal turned conservative I have to wholeheartedly agree.

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On 5/18/2018 at 10:46 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Here's the transcript from the White House. The prior comment by a sheriff made reference to a potential MS-13 person. But the president's response was clearly broader and addressed at people he considers to be criminals coming across the border.


He pretty clearly was not just/ONLY talking about MS-13, and in his actual response, he made no specific mention of MS-13 at all.




Well who else is it he is pretty clearly talking about then?

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On 5/18/2018 at 12:10 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Speaking of comprehension, Sheriff Mims is actually a SHE, not a he... It's HER jail. Margaret to be specific..


If you'd actually read and comprehended the news you're posting about.



Good 'un TGJ. Well spotted.


Perhaps he could now tell us what he means by 'deliberately obfuscating'. He's probably never used the term in his life before and has just copied it from some newspaper or book he's glanced through in the recent past.

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This is all great stuff. We haven't had a president who voiced our thoughts and concerns in a long time. He can say in 10 words or less what takes others 30 minutes of beating around the bush. Get used to it world.  God Bless America.

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15 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

This is all great stuff. We haven't had a president who voiced our thoughts and concerns in a long time. He can say in 10 words or less what takes others 30 minutes of beating around the bush. Get used to it world.  God Bless America.

Obviously "evenkeel" is something of a misnomer...

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11 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Journalists may hate him but the majority of hard working Amercan citizens like Joe Bloggs doesn't as can be seen by the number of 'likes' received by his supporters on open forums such as this one. The more these 'journalists' try to bring him, his policies and proposals down by twisting his words the more they are garnering support for the man.


Very few responsible members of the public working in the private sector are going to show any support for the criminal gangs of LA and SF and would be more than happy to see them totally removed from society.

The "majority of hard working Americans" ? I think you have been watching that Fox news special "How to make any statistic or number work in your favour and let the truth be dam_ned'. 


As for the number of 'likes' indicating support for Trump then your current tally of two likes for the post is not going to add much to the argument.


I don't expect people to show support for criminal gangs (ergo - why are you showing support for a criminal gang from New York?), my comment was aimed at answering why the press are going for Trump's jugular - in summary because due to Trumps despicable treatment of the press and his disregard for the first amendment they hate him and they WILL bring him down. 

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On 5/17/2018 at 9:36 PM, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

He’s fromQueens, that’s how they talk.

“Fighting every animal in the streets” . Translation, the traffic was bad.

They also say black, they say Jew, nothing to do with racism, a product of a different time. I won’t tell you what they might call call Chinese food takeout.

 First he offends mexicans, Now you offend people from Queens.

I grew up in Whitestone Queens, went to Bayside High, I don't talk like that nor do I know anyone who does. If this inarticulate buffoon ment MS13 he should have said that ! If he cant speak straight he should vacate the white house and run for Queens Conseleman.

By the way Trump could not be elected dogcatcher anywhere where people know him.He only got 36% of the vote in his home state in his hometown of Queens he got 20% of the vote in Manhattan where he lives he got 12% the person who wrote the book the art of the deak for him speaks very uncindly of him, his cabinet calls him an  "idiot" and a " moron" and you guys think he is a genius.  The only people who speak well of him are people who have something to gain by it and you guys who don't know him.

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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

 First he offends mexicans, Now you offend people from Queens.

I grew up in Whitestone Queens, went to Bayside High, I don't talk like that nor do I know anyone who does. If this inarticulate buffoon ment MS13 he should have said that ! If he cant speak straight he should vacate the white house and run for Queens Conseleman.

By the way Trump could not be elected dogcatcher anywhere where people know him.He only got 36% of the vote in his home state in his hometown of Queens he got 20% of the vote in Manhattan where he lives he got 12% the person who wrote the book the art of the deak for him speaks very uncindly of him, his cabinet calls him an  "idiot" and a " moron" and you guys think he is a genius.  The only people who speak well of him are people who have something to gain by it and you guys who don't know him.

cause new yorkers, know a con  when  they see one ,   plenty  of  marks  in  WV, Tx etc  ripe from    AM hate radio,  of which all the conspiracies makes perfect sense to them

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23 hours ago, yogi100 said:


How can someone be an idiot and not be stupid. The very definition of being an idiot is someone who is stupid.

Not true. There are plenty of intelligent people who are idiots.


Most of the mainstream media is staffed by people who would be considered, or would consider themselves, as intelligent, yet most of them are idiots.


Many people who fell for the infantile Nigerian scams were similarly "intelligent" -- doctors, bankers, lawyers.


And then there is Paul Frampton, extremely intelligent and catastrophically idiotic.




As for Trump's use of the word "animals", I gather it was made during a discussion about the MS-13 criminal gang, who certainly deserve that label.



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