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Phra Buddha Isara arrested after commando raid of temple


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Yes, off course it must be much more bad for the people that should have been living without owning things, to suddenly find themselfs in that particular situation, than it is for ordinarie people.


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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

Maybe he is next but he probably has the goods on certain persons so reasonably well protected.

That could easily be solved with an end of "forgotten" rope in his cell.  Just a friendly hint to the authorities in case they're reading. ?

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No sympathy here considering that I don't believe that Buddhist monks should be activists - Political activism in anathema to the purpose of rejecting worldly concern and pursuing a spiritual path.  They can not co-exist.  Pick one or the other - want to be an activist?  Disrobe. 
If he wasn't a monk, his arrest would gander little if no media coverage.  Best of luck as a layman.

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

No sympathy here considering that I don't believe that Buddhist monks should be activists - Political activism in anathema to the purpose of rejecting worldly concern and pursuing a spiritual path.  They can not co-exist.  Pick one or the other - want to be an activist?  Disrobe. 
If he wasn't a monk, his arrest would gander little if no media coverage.  Best of luck as a layman.

He was one of the most prominent Orwellian-named PDRC leaders, so a little more than just any activist.  Then there was unlawful imprisonment and beating of 2 undercover police offers and robbery of 120,000 Baht at a hotel (they threatened to ransack the place unless this money was paid).

Edited by ChidlomDweller
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issara being arrested on the same day the repulsive suthep clan start a new party! suthep and issara were working for the generals/cp group et al for the bangkok shutdown


strange to sideline issara now unless it was issara that made it known public about the money laundering at aqua company and victoria secrets

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Police have pressed the illegal-association charge against Phra Buddha Isara as he allegedly mobilised some demonstrators to attack two special-branch policemen and snatched their guns during the PDRC rally in 2014.


Out of the blue, four years later? 


What have the RTP been doing with their illegal association case for all the intervening years???


In other words, why suddenly now? Inquiring minds want to know...

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Diddums. Prison shouldn't really be too much of a change from the temple for him. No possessions, thin mat for a bed, small cusion for a pillow, etc. He should be happy with this limited stuff seeing as he's dedicated his life to Buddhism. 

Maybe they are unfamiliar with the sexual experience.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Ex-Phra Buddha Isara and five ex-senior monks of three well-known temples in Bangkok slept poorly on their first night at the Bangkok Remand Prison

Not like the four star rated SC Park Hotel that Isara had wanted to reside in 2014.


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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Phra Buddha Isara has denied the charges.

Whatever happened to the allegations that he had committed lese majeste in the making of Buddha amulets, filed under Article 112 of the Criminal Code on 10 April 2017 by Wichai Prasertsutsiri, coordinator of the Center for the Promotion of Buddhism Foundation at the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok?

The police accepted the complaint and said they will investigate the matter.


Well, here's the time to do it if it wasn't already dismissed.

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20 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Whatever happened to the allegations that he had committed lese majeste in the making of Buddha amulets, filed under Article 112 of the Criminal Code on 10 April 2017 by Wichai Prasertsutsiri, coordinator of the Center for the Promotion of Buddhism Foundation at the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok?

The police accepted the complaint and said they will investigate the matter.


Well, here's the time to do it if it wasn't already dismissed.

You are way outdated on the news. 

It's already on thaivisa.com. khao sod. 

He's facing 20 years for using a fake royal stamp. And many more charges to come. 

He's getting his come uppance good and proper. 

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Monks, Police, Military, Politicians, Civil Servants et al.
These charlatan factions are stealing from the Thai people with impunity.
Police v monks. Interfactional rivalry, nothing more.
Where does the food chain end?

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9 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...duhh...nobody asking about the Dhammakaya billions and trillions any more...???


...oh well.....'priorities'....

It comes down to who supplies the best lunchboxes, priorities follow from that.... 

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13 hours ago, colinneil said:

Well h must be p+++sed about that, he thought he was above the law.

Finally he is where he belongs .... Behind bars.

I see so many farangs here dislike him or may be even hate him without meeting him. Why? What's wrong? Got nothing to do with farangs I believe what's all this oh, ha about?

(oh my head it hurts- that sting caused by my hair growing solution I put on my bald head, hope I could grow some hair to cover up the patches- the advertisement says it works, I wonder, see result in 6 months)

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

x-Phra Buddha Isara and five ex-senior monks of three well-known temples in Bangkok slept poorly on their first night at the Bangkok Remand Prison, the prison chief said on Friday morning.

If they spent more time meditating a less time pursuing worldly endeavors, then no doubt they would be sleeping like babes.  But had they done that, they would not be in prison in the first place.  Boo hoo. 
Ejecting these charlatans out of the Sangha is a step in the right direction.  There are a whole lot more that should be forced to take that same path. 

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8 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Diddums. Prison shouldn't really be too much of a change from the temple for him. No possessions, thin mat for a bed, small cusion for a pillow, etc. He should be happy with this limited stuff seeing as he's dedicated his life to Buddhism. 

A true Buddhist monk would not have been arrested while sleeping on a 'high, comfortable' bed which is strictly forbidden by the vows taken by what is suppose to be a 'senior' Buddhist monk.  So, yes, it's wonderfully karmatic in the sense that he is now living in the austerity that Buddhist monks vow to live in, but he seems to be rather averse to that lifestyle. <laugh> 
What goes around comes around.  How fitting!!! :thumbsup:

Edited by connda
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