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Will local girls prefer me with or without a tan?

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

I reckon the "seriously obese" thing really remains in the farang side of the court chummy....?



in bangkok at least 33% women are obese and that number may even be higher. near 40% per some observation by thai gals.  usa style fast food, little or no exercise 

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In general, Thai girls prefer someone with white skin. Having said this, there are plenty of decent Thai woman to go around for any skin colour type.


Thai girls would also generally prefer someone without much body hair, but will obviously put up with it if they have to. They would also normally prefer someone not too big, who is in good shape and who is polite.


In other words, someone with a classical Thai male physique, but who is white skinned = something familiar, but exotic enough to be different and to make their friends jealous.

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If you are worried about that you are light or olive skinned, Go Back home , sound like you're a bit off a Pussy if you have to worry about a trifle matter like this, Love isn't skin deep it goes All the way.

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34 minutes ago, The manic said:

"Real" "Normal" Thai girls want to marry a light skinned thaj/Chinese man. If they go with you they are just a different kind of bar girl or ex bar girl.



maybe true but the reality is theres not nearly enough of those to go around. they are not interested in darker skin and or fat gals.


therefore; enjoy the wide selection of gals that will be with you knowing you/us are not their first choice.

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49 minutes ago, digger70 said:

If you are worried about that you are light or olive skinned, Go Back home , sound like you're a bit off a Pussy if you have to worry about a trifle matter like this, Love isn't skin deep it goes All the way.


How sweet...



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Been with a dozen or so light skinned Thai girlfriends, but ended up choosing a dark skinned intelligent and sensible beauty. Older too. 


Maybe you should be avoided by them if colour is your angle. Use intelligence . Dopes don’t respect that. It Saves you.


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I chuckle sometimes, I know I posted a flippant (nice word that) riposte earlier but I have been in and out of this country (in more ways than readers might want to know) for a fair few years before I settled down with my Mrs 7 years ago, I can assure the OP that the only thing any Thai girl is interested is money, you could be an Albino or as black as Ebony, it doesn't matter, all they want at the end of the day is money and lots of it. 


Every other month or so I have a conversation with the Mrs that goes like this:


Her.What will I do when you gone, me old girl have no job, cannot work (her words, not mine) 


Me. For crying out loud honey how many times do I have to tell you that you get my pension when I pop my clogs ? 


Her Hmm.


Me. I then attempt to explain to her that my pension is worth more than what her brother & sister in law earn jointly, both of whom are both long serving teachers.


You really can't win, no amount of more than 3 twerks can compensate for the frustration I sometimes feel. I love my Mrs to bits but I don't think she comprehends what she has coming her way in the future, actually that is probably a good thing ?

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10 hours ago, Ajarnbrian said:

Hope you have other qualities that appeal to Thai women. Can`t see that the shade of skin colour would be a big issue. Many Thai girls don`t want to spend time in the sun and prefer lighter skin for themselves so don`t expect them to enjoy the beach. Of course Isaan bar girls and gold diggers won`t have this concern in their boyfriends, other criteria are a priority.

Based on the question raised I would suggest that intelligence isnt found in abundance in this little latino's case, so he had better have some other redeeming qualities.

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20 hours ago, InterestedSugoya said:

I wouldn't overly-stress myself to avoid the sun, but I'm also not going to be oblivious to certain advantages that I can leverage. 


Plus, I wouldn't "marry" any girl that would physically discriminate anyone seriously.

..........a bit hypicritical ain;t it  -  you won't 'marry' them but would 'date' them??  I think you worry too much......my dates wold look at me in the shower an say "you have a nice white butt"  and a beeeg..........???

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23 hours ago, InterestedSugoya said:

In general, you are correct, but I'm not talking about professional prostitutes or soapy girls here. I'm talking about real "normal" girls.

then they wont care if you got a good heart ?

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The truth is, and what you will see many of your answers say, this is not very important to a Thai Woman. It goes along the lines as a Woman hanging her bra over the shower door. A bit anoying at times, but not worth getting a Divorce over. 


My Thai Wife laughs at my White Behind! Not sure why or if I even care. But I do know there are not many beaches in Thailand where you can legally get a Sun Tan there, so you are safe. 

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15 hours ago, samsensam said:


oh well i guess that's just the type of 'birds' you hang out with.


there is another side to thailand, believe it or not, where you can meet attractive, educated, independent females with good jobs and who are not in the slightest bit interested in finding a man, thai or foreign, to pay them to be their friend, gf or wife.


and the longer a certain type of foreigner remains ignorant of these wonderful, discerning women the better for the rest of us ?

I don't hangout with birds, plus I quoted a fact, which I will repeat, I have never heard of a Thai bird rejecting a farang...Yes my fact is related to where l live perhaps, which is nowhere near BKK...And how many times have I been asked by ladies to find a farang for them over the years, which means 'any' farang...?

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16 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

Not just Thailand though is it?? That statement probably fits a lot of the World's female population..

Yeah true I think.  We've all seen the stories of a "big lump who lives in his parents basement" playing computer games and never had a relationship, who wins the lottery then within days has some blonde white fluff that is perceived as hot in that country hanging from his arm like she's been in love with him from a distance since school daze.


Today we have programmable money, but humans have had that property since the dawn of mankind.

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Nearly all Thai women prefer lighter skin. It is considered prestigious, to have a man with light skin. They consider westerners to be insane for sitting out in the sun, to get a tan. Bizarre and incomprehensible behavior, as far as most are concerned. So, the answer is that they would prefer that you do not have a tan. 

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Depends where you go, in some places you can be drunk and lying until blue in the face but people still politely smile at you to say : "I am sorry that I am thinking bad about you and that you're talking such gibberish."

Like in Spain or anywhere else, if you go outside the commercial circuit, first impressions are important but in the end it is the personality that counts.

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