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Attacked With A Cleaver


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I see that Kerryk mentioned Vietnam. I wrote and published a story about Vietnam called "In Search of Fear" (Google In Search of Fear (The Fear Fix)) for which I won a writer's prize....blah blah blah. Anyway seems that KerryK adjusted his "Search of Fear or FearFix". If you ask around you will find many Vets that actually seek the thrill of danger, failing in business or some other undertaking, subsituting that for the fear they learned over there. Sounds weird but, very true for many that I know or knew. Wonder if he has one of the below. That would explain the story.


I guess you have a point. There a lot of men living in Pattaya that are or were involved in high risk professions. There is only one Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter in Thailand and it is in Pattaya.

Before I went to Vietnam I raced sports cars, motorcycles and unlimited hydroplanes.

Officers tours were 6 months and enlisted soldiers 12 months. I was a sergeant and served two tours. I volunteered for the second tour not because I was brave or foolhardy but because I did not like the stateside army. Too many rules and regulations that did not exist in a war zone. I was in Vietnam from 1968 to 1970. Those years saw the highest casualties of the entire war. My unit had the third highest causality rate in the history of the US Army. By far the two most dangerous things I have done in my life is being shot down in a helicopter and taking a motor sci piloted by a yaba crazed teen driver in a rain storm through grid locked traffic in Bangkok at 60 MPH.

I was petrified the first two weeks in Vietnam. The next six weeks I calmed down and was just very frightened.

In the States I lived in a wealthy primarily retirement community. I would watch the old guys search the beach for shells and the town for early bird dinner specials.

I knew it was not for me.

After Vietnam I got married and had children and calmed down. I still kept a 750cc motorcycle and did a little amateur sailboat and ski racing but I was no longer interested in high risk things.

Pattaya is, I must admit, a rush. During the last month an elephant charged a bar that I was in, two motorcycles crashed into the tables of the same bar and there was a fight that sent one guy to the hospital.

Getting drugged and mugged really scared the heck out me. And I have resolved to try and change some of my behavior and keep myself out of situations where I might easily be killed.

Things have calmed down at home. I no longer question her about where she is going or what time she is coming home. I assume the worst and leave it at that.

I have started bring old friends and their wives into the club to watch her dance and she likes that. She was missing our acquaintances in her new surroundings. And she likes showing off what a good dancer she is.

I also think this somehow gives her status among the other dancers because so many people come to watch her.


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The first part of the last part.

Thank you to all of my friends who have written to enquire about my health and well being. I am fine.

Three nights ago I left home and moved into a hotel.

It was not my swiftest or smartest move. But it got the job accomplished.

What pushed me over the edge?

The GF bar fined herself three nights in a row to attend birthday parties with her friends. Normally she asks me to go. Sometimes I do. If I expect a bunch of cheap Charlie Thai men who are unemployed or little employed I know I will be expected to pay most of the bill and I don’t go to those. This last week she asked me to go to none of the parties. So I realized she was taking her Thai boyfriend.

The last of the parties was Pan. I have known Pan for two years and even cooked and completely paid for her last birthday when she came to Chiang Mai to visit.

I expected to be asked to Pan’s but I was not. No bother I went out with a group of friends and after dinner and some minor entertainment ended up in a Thai Karaoke club around 3 AM. It was good fun and the people singing were great. It was a mixed crowd mostly couples of restaurant employees and others just off of work. No working ladies, not that kind of place.

GF called me and I asked her and Pan to join us. They did but GF did not like the club so we left and went to one of her choosing.

It was beyond a hole in the wall. It did not even have a door visible to the street. I had walked past the place a hundred times and did not know it was there.

She knew everyone in the place and flitted around like a social butterfly. It was a “guy for pay” Karaoke. There are a lot of them in Pattaya where Thai women come to play while hubby is home sleeping or out of town.

I was uncomfortable but going along with it because it was Pan’s birthday when one guy, 15 years my GF’s junior came over and gave GF his phone number I left.

I went home packed a suitcase and headed for the door.

I got half way to the hotel on foot when GF and Pan spotted me and started yelling at me to come home.

I continued to the hotel where the security guard asked me if he should throw out the yelling ladies.

I said no just don’t let them follow me into the elevator.

About an hour later the phone calls started. Realizing the time and her drunken state I figured she would be asleep by the time I arrived to talk. I was correct. I took another 5 loads of things to the hotel while she slept.

The next day we had a chat and I told her I was afraid of her violent temper when she was drunk and although I did not mind giving her money I was not going to support her Thai boyfriend. I told her this in English and Thai four times and then took another load of stuff to the hotel.

I didn’t really have a problem with her having a Thai boyfriend. I am not a jealous man. But I did not want to pay for it. My first wife, a college professor had an affair with one of her students while I was in Vietnam and another with the hotel manager when I met her for R&R on Christmas in Hawaii. My second wife had an affair with my best friend and business partner. My third wife had an affair with our gardener. So I am kind of used to women having extra marital experiences.

Now GF calls once or twice a day to see if I have found another woman yet. She is moving up in her job and will soon be going from go go dancer to show girl at a substantial raise in pay. I have to grudgingly admire her. How many 40 year old, plain looking women could do that?

I told her to clean the place up and she could have the deposit and that seems to kept her from doing anything rash to the house. She is moving out a week before the lease is up and into an apartment only about a block away.

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Do any of you thaivisa readers ever look at the Readers submitions.....on the Stickmans site..? If so you would recognise that Kellyk is Chiangmai kelly...? He has posted many amusing stories on there...



Yes his "stories" are quite easy to spot and rather pathetic when one knows the ins and outs so to speak :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Do any of you thaivisa readers ever look at the Readers submitions.....on the Stickmans site..? If so you would recognise that Kellyk is Chiangmai kelly...? He has posted many amusing stories on there...



Hmmm, I always enjoyed his stories but I thought he was more "World Wisely" than he appears to be on this site

Edited by khunandy
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When I was a kid I worked at a large restaurant. The head chef was a wonderful cook but somewhat hot tempered like most chefs. He had a boss who was a good administrator but knew little about the functions performed in the kitchen. We made soup in a 60 gallon steam jacketed kettle which had a spigot on the bottom of the kettle to remove the hot liquid contents.

The boss came in one day and tasted the soup out of the kettle.

He told the chef that the soup sucked. He could have said it needed salt or herbs or anything but the soup sucks. If he had said the almost anything that would have allowed the chef to correct his perceived objection the chef would have tried to comply. But he said the soup sucks.

I don’t know why he said the soup sucks except perhaps he did not want to open himself up to criticism. If he had said the soup needs basil the chef might have debated the point. The chef might have told him he was wrong. But the boss did not want to open himself up to criticism by voicing a complaint that might have been invalid. Plus the boss was a prick and by saying the soup sucked he confirmed that fact to each and every employee.

The chef opened the spigot at the bottom of the kettle which discharged 60 gallons of boiling hot soup on the boss’s new shoes. Causing the boss to have major burns on his feet and he went to the hospital to have them treated.

The boss had a boss and when he heard the details of the story instead of firing the chef he fired the man who had said the soup sucks.

If I was thin skinned I would not write. People who are thin skinned should not write. I don’t mind when people tell me I am shallow or trite or pathetic. What I mind is not telling me why they think I am shallow or trite or pathetic or cheap comments like ZZZZZZZZZZ. Those are cheap shots by people by people with small brains. Normally I don’t pay any attention to them. Normally I don’t pay any attention to people who say I don’t want to offend and then proceed to offend without mentioning any reason why they choose to offend.

Few actually write but everyone is a critic. It takes guts to write and writers are remembered.

Ask yourself to name the top ten critics of all time. Cannot? Why? Because they are not memorable. Sound and fury signifying nothing. People of little wit, little brains and a fear of living life.

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doing good to or for the pathetic partner you have chosen and to go along with it, as you are, portraying youself as being abused is absurd. Your the problem and she should of kicked your

as# a few more times. Hope some day you get the bells to be a man.

Anyone that lives and supports a working girl deserves what they get. Pay her when you need her

get on with your life and many others that will provide the same service, better and cheaper no strings attached, without the beatings.

Your sadistic and enjoy misery and pain, the thrill for you seems to be writing about it.

Some day you will grow up and get a life, hopefully.

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Hmmm...good for you and wise to leave the house.

Why aren't you going back to Chiang Mai ?


Why I did not go back to Chiang Mai.

Women is the short answer.

I was involved with a number of “good girls” in CM before the dew was off the lily.

The first was a blind lady. She was a mid range executive with a degree when she had an industrial accident which spilled acid in her eyes.

We dated for a while. She spoke English well and was a delightful companion plus the fact that I didn’t have to worry about what I looked like or if I put on pants to go to the toiled in the middle of the night. I discovered many things about blind people that I did not know. What they like to do and some insight into what it means to be blind. Plus when I was with her no one tried to rip me off in the typical Thai scams that are a part of every day Farang existence. One day she confided to me the reason she was with me was to put her son in a private school and support her parents. No real commitment just cash. So that was good girl number one.

Good girl number two was a lesbian business owner. She was just like a guy. Watched sports on TV smacked her girlfriend on the butt and used to tell me about their sexual adventures when we had a boys night out. One night she and her significant other propositioned me for money. That was good girl number two.

Good girls number three were university students. A friend of mine taught at a local university and estimated the ladies that exchanged sex for goods or cash at about 50% at one university and 20% at the other. The key here is being young or Thai. The gentleman who owned my condo building kept 6 uni girls in two apartments there. He was a very young looking 60 Thai man.

There are more but I won’t bore you.

My conclusions were there are the same number of P4P ladies in CM as Pattaya except they are called university students. If you are a young guy (under 30) and don’t mind parochial sex CM is a wonderful town. The bar scene is heavily populated with HIV positive people because of the high incidence of IV drug use in CM and I usually avoided that.

It is not hard to meet a good girl in CM. Any grocery store or shopping mall offers a wonderful variety but the sex is boring. They are used to wham bang thank you maam Thai sex. Suggesting anything else gets looks of shame and awe.

I am currently looking for a 30 year old Thai orphan bar girl with no siblings to take back to Chiang Mai.

It has been my experience that a bar girl turns into a good girl as soon as she gets out of town anyway and into different surroundings. There are a lot of university educated women working in bars or clubs in Pattaya and they are pleasant to be around. So far it has been difficult to find one without parents or brothers and sisters but I am working on it.

I estimate there are 70,000 women working in the industry in Pattaya and I have only looked at a couple of hundred so my search has just begun.

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Read some of the Stickie submissions, makes me laugh, he sits around tourist bars in a major tourist town like Pattaya, but describes it like he's living on the very edge, almost a second Vietnam experience! :o

In one month in one bar on a street in Pattaya I have been charged by one crazy elephant, three motorcycles, 6 drunk Englishmen, one drunk Dane, witnessed three fight with machete wielding motorcycle drivers and one shooting. This is significantly more action than I saw in Vietnam in one month.

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doing good to or for the pathetic partner you have chosen and to go along with it, as you are, portraying youself as being abused is absurd. Your the problem and she should of kicked your

as# a few more times. Hope some day you get the bells to be a man.

Anyone that lives and supports a working girl deserves what they get. Pay her when you need her

get on with your life and many others that will provide the same service, better and cheaper no strings attached, without the beatings.

Your sadistic and enjoy misery and pain, the thrill for you seems to be writing about it.

Some day you will grow up and get a life, hopefully.

After being married three times and having a number of relationships in numerous countries with women of differing age, education and cultural backgrounds I have come to the conclusion there is little difference between what you call a working girl and the rest of the female population. A view shared by many well known writers and artists and men of small and large import.

I hope you will notice I almost resisted on commenting on the “Bells.”

The “misery and pain?” Of course without misery and pain there would be no writers. Try reading some fiction and not discovering misery and pain.

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He told the chef that the soup sucked. He could have said it needed salt or herbs or anything but the soup sucks. If he had said the almost anything that would have allowed the chef to correct his perceived objection the chef would have tried to comply. But he said the soup sucks.

Ok it needs a bit more psychosexual violence.

Her and her friend finally persuade you to visit them,

you get there, they tie you up, hang you from the ceiling, dress up as pvc bondage queens and ass rape you with huge strap ons, they piss on you and leave you whimpering in a pool of your own excrement.

You are later in a quandery as to how this affects your sexuallity and as to wether you should visit them again, so decide to ask the members of a well known public forum for their advice.

You see, constructive critisism, take it or leave it, personally I think it rocks.

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He told the chef that the soup sucked. He could have said it needed salt or herbs or anything but the soup sucks. If he had said the almost anything that would have allowed the chef to correct his perceived objection the chef would have tried to comply. But he said the soup sucks.

Ok it needs a bit more psychosexual violence.

Her and her friend finally persuade you to visit them,

you get there, they tie you up, hang you from the ceiling, dress up as pvc bondage queens and ass rape you with huge strap ons, they piss on you and leave you whimpering in a pool of your own excrement.

You are later in a quandery as to how this affects your sexuallity and as to wether you should visit them again, so decide to ask the members of a well known public forum for their advice.

You see, constructive critisism, take it or leave it, personally I think it rocks.

Ya that was last night at the “Castle” but it is too expensive to do every night. Tonight I’ll try it in the rest room at King Kong but the eyebolts keep pulling out of the wall.

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After being married three times and having a number of relationships in numerous countries with women of differing age, education and cultural backgrounds I have come to the conclusion there is little difference between what you call a working girl and the rest of the female population. A view shared by many well known writers and artists and men of small and large import.

I hope you will notice I almost resisted on commenting on the “Bells.”

The “misery and pain?” Of course without misery and pain there would be no writers. Try reading some fiction and not discovering misery and pain.

You're hardly Bukowski though are you?

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After being married three times and having a number of relationships in numerous countries with women of differing age, education and cultural backgrounds I have come to the conclusion there is little difference between what you call a working girl and the rest of the female population. A view shared by many well known writers and artists and men of small and large import.

I hope you will notice I almost resisted on commenting on the “Bells.”

The “misery and pain?” Of course without misery and pain there would be no writers. Try reading some fiction and not discovering misery and pain.

You're hardly Bukowski though are you?

No I am not Charles Bukowski. Charles did not know Allen Ginsberg or William Burroughs, I did.

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KerryK the Pattaya Bukowski.

He does write, but he's not a writer.

I didn't like Bukowski the first time around, and I don't like Pattaya sex tourists / sex pats.

But, keep it up Kerry, this drivel is indeed what the forum is for. Subjectively, it's on a par with the so called "intellectual thinkers forums" on this site.

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KerryK the Pattaya Bukowski.

He does write, but he's not a writer.

I didn't like Bukowski the first time around, and I don't like Pattaya sex tourists / sex pats.

But, keep it up Kerry, this drivel is indeed what the forum is for. Subjectively, it's on a par with the so called "intellectual thinkers forums" on this site.

Just out of curiosity, how much of my stuff have you read? Pattaya is a one of a kind place. Just my opinion of course but the difference between sex pats and ex pats is one is telling the truth. I have a love hate relationship with Pattaya but I can certainly understand why a normal person would not like it. Ginsberg and Burroughs and Joyce and many others of the same generation and leanings would have loved it.

I can also understand why you would not like anyone who lived in Pattaya. I post on another site that is job specific from the US. When I began posting some of my experiences from Thailand I was amazed at the animosity shown by people who have never lived here from other places in the world. There is almost a universal dislike of ex pats living in Thailand. The rest of the world assumes they are all sex pats and pedophiles.

Stereotyping is rampant. All bar girls aren’t bad and all good girls aren’t good. All sex pats are not immoral and people who never pay for it may not be moral at all.

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Chanchao your post could be a stand alone piece in a magazine it has so many interesting points in it.

I didn't read chanchao's post because his use of < instead of a quote anoys me too much. I wish he would use the functions properly.

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KerryK the Pattaya Bukowski.

He does write, but he's not a writer.

I didn't like Bukowski the first time around, and I don't like Pattaya sex tourists / sex pats.

But, keep it up Kerry, this drivel is indeed what the forum is for. Subjectively, it's on a par with the so called "intellectual thinkers forums" on this site.

Just out of curiosity, how much of my stuff have you read? Pattaya is a one of a kind place. Just my opinion of course but the difference between sex pats and ex pats is one is telling the truth. I have a love hate relationship with Pattaya but I can certainly understand why a normal person would not like it. Ginsberg and Burroughs and Joyce and many others of the same generation and leanings would have loved it.

I can also understand why you would not like anyone who lived in Pattaya. I post on another site that is job specific from the US. When I began posting some of my experiences from Thailand I was amazed at the animosity shown by people who have never lived here from other places in the world. There is almost a universal dislike of ex pats living in Thailand. The rest of the world assumes they are all sex pats and pedophiles.

Stereotyping is rampant. All bar girls aren't bad and all good girls aren't good. All sex pats are not immoral and people who never pay for it may not be moral at all.

True. But that doesn't make you OK, does it?

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Long topic,

Lot written, :o

Little said.

Gratification for few

Information Minor.

Entertainment?, Questionable

Look & Learn :D


Interesting review.

Not much written

Little said

Gratification for one

Information non existent

Information none

Entertainment none

Stick to the priest and nun jokes Ivan

Edited by kerryk
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KerryK the Pattaya Bukowski.

He does write, but he's not a writer.

I didn't like Bukowski the first time around, and I don't like Pattaya sex tourists / sex pats.

But, keep it up Kerry, this drivel is indeed what the forum is for. Subjectively, it's on a par with the so called "intellectual thinkers forums" on this site.

Just out of curiosity, how much of my stuff have you read? Pattaya is a one of a kind place. Just my opinion of course but the difference between sex pats and ex pats is one is telling the truth. I have a love hate relationship with Pattaya but I can certainly understand why a normal person would not like it. Ginsberg and Burroughs and Joyce and many others of the same generation and leanings would have loved it.

I can also understand why you would not like anyone who lived in Pattaya. I post on another site that is job specific from the US. When I began posting some of my experiences from Thailand I was amazed at the animosity shown by people who have never lived here from other places in the world. There is almost a universal dislike of ex pats living in Thailand. The rest of the world assumes they are all sex pats and pedophiles.

Stereotyping is rampant. All bar girls aren't bad and all good girls aren't good. All sex pats are not immoral and people who never pay for it may not be moral at all.

True. But that doesn't make you OK, does it?


So you are the judge of who is OK and who is not?

Have you done any stoning lately?

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