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Whilst HIV may be your big worry, remember there are other STDs out there and because Ladyboys tend to be quite promiscuous, they could well have contracted one of the other STDs which if left untreated can be equally devastating.  Go get a blood test at a hospital and just say you want a test of STDs.  As medical professionals, they will not judge you and will carry out the tests efficiently.

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4 minutes ago, FlyinDutchMan said:

Lol, i feel mostly digusted when i think about it, i can't believe i did something like this. I'll keep it at that. I've started the PEP treatment today and feel alot better about everything overall. I let them do some other bloodtests while i was at it and in a couple of weeks i'll do the whole damn package of all STD tests out there. I want to get this all over with a.s.a.p., just forget it about it and never do something stupid like it again. The things i read online are very exaggurated on alot of websites and i got overly paranoid. At the clinic they gave a really good overview of everything and i bombarded them with questions because i've been so paranoid and scared to take medication. In the end i've been told there's very few people who actually get side effects from PEP, atleast the kind they gave me, even the lady helping me used it and told me it was fine and i don't have to be worried. So far i feel a very very light dizzyness but honestly not worth mentioning and i feel something in my stomach, but nothing uncomfortable. If anyone is interested i can give some updates the coming weeks on how it's going. They also told me the first day this is common (some dizzyness and stomach aches), but after i'll probably feel the same as always. Also taking the PCR in 2 weeks is not that usefull and mainly for peace of mind, they suggested i just take the regular test after i finish the PEP treatment in 4 weeks to get a more usefull result. After that the last thing to do is take one more test in 3 months and i'll be good if everything turns out negative. I'm pretty sure this is all i can do right now and the best course of action i could have taken. For the STD part i'll need to have some patience and see if i get any symptoms the coming days/weeks and like i said before i'll take every test there is when i get back home to make sure i'm okay. Again, thanks for all the replies!

I dunno mate usually i do nothing just only act on the symptoms if any.

Why u taking antibiotics treatments without even being sure of the necessity? First take a bloodtest that covers all STD including HIV then act on that now ur just blowing away money that u could spend on condoms instead.

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I dunno mate usually i do nothing just only act on the symptoms if any.

Why u taking antibiotics treatments without even being sure of the necessity? First take a bloodtest that covers all STD including HIV then act on that now ur just blowing away money that u could spend on condoms instead.

You can't wait for HIV symptoms, could be 10+ years. He's done the right thing with PEP.


Op is obviously a worrier, others would bang an LB and probably not think much about it and not get tested


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Ok... stop messing around. Go and get prep. You will take the tablets for 30 days, the worst scenario is you will have a few bad dreams. For some people there is a reaction, but then you stop taking them and go back to the doctor.

For HIV they can tell straight away now, it is not a 90 day thing any more. Prep will avoid you worrying and its a few thousand baht.

The problem with STD's are they allow HIV to piggyback on the STD to make it easier for the active partner to get HIV. Normally it is harder for the active partner, but if either partner has an STD, for example herpes, it can make the infection pass quicker.

I advise all people if you have had an unprotected sex encounter, go on to PREP. Don't sit there weighing up the chances of getting HIV, you might be the unlucky one. 

I have advised and used PREP before, after 1 month, it's over and you live to learn better until next time.....

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Ok... stop messing around. Go and get prep. You will take the tablets for 30 days, the worst scenario is you will have a few bad dreams. For some people there is a reaction, but then you stop taking them and go back to the doctor.
For HIV they can tell straight away now, it is not a 90 day thing any more. Prep will avoid you worrying and its a few thousand baht.
The problem with STD's are they allow HIV to piggyback on the STD to make it easier for the active partner to get HIV. Normally it is harder for the active partner, but if either partner has an STD, for example herpes, it can make the infection pass quicker.
I advise all people if you have had an unprotected sex encounter, go on to PREP. Don't sit there weighing up the chances of getting HIV, you might be the unlucky one. 
I have advised and used PREP before, after 1 month, it's over and you live to learn better until next time.....

Your post is full of errors, its PEP not PREP and they can't tell you about HIV straight away now
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29 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

Whilst HIV may be your big worry, remember there are other STDs out there and because Ladyboys tend to be quite promiscuous, they could well have contracted one of the other STDs which if left untreated can be equally devastating.  Go get a blood test at a hospital and just say you want a test of STDs.  As medical professionals, they will not judge you and will carry out the tests efficiently.

The only test i could take now was for Hepatitis B, and they took blood for that today. For other STD's there's nothing i can do right now, testing would be useless. I am weiry for STD's though yea and i'll take testing and possible action if neccassery as soon as i can. But right now, today, i've done everything i could when it comes to testing and medication according to the clinic.


25 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I forgot to mention, when you take PeP the accuracy of blood test can be affected. Need to wait until some time after completion of the PeP for testing.

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At the clinic they told me i can take the test shortly after i finish the PeP, i'll make sure to ask them again in 4 weeks when the time comes as to how realiable the test would be. Even though it doesn't matter much. If i contracted HIV from this and my PeP somehow fails, which is apprently a chance of 1 in a million (these two factors combined), ill have HIV and be f*d for life anyway. All i can do now is finish my PeP treatment and get tested a couple times after to see if i'm clear of everything.


12 minutes ago, jamiejoel said:

Ok... stop messing around. Go and get prep. You will take the tablets for 30 days, the worst scenario is you will have a few bad dreams. For some people there is a reaction, but then you stop taking them and go back to the doctor.

For HIV they can tell straight away now, it is not a 90 day thing any more. Prep will avoid you worrying and its a few thousand baht.

The problem with STD's are they allow HIV to piggyback on the STD to make it easier for the active partner to get HIV. Normally it is harder for the active partner, but if either partner has an STD, for example herpes, it can make the infection pass quicker.

I advise all people if you have had an unprotected sex encounter, go on to PREP. Don't sit there weighing up the chances of getting HIV, you might be the unlucky one. 

I have advised and used PREP before, after 1 month, it's over and you live to learn better until next time.....

I did mate, i just took my first PeP(PReP is something you take before possible exposure) pills a few hours ago and will be taking them for 28 days no matter what symptoms i get, unless my kidney fails or something but i also took a bloodtest this morning to check my kidney, they will send me the result tonight and i should be good to go. The PeP nowadays, or atleast the one they gave me here is apparently not that intense when it comes to side effects so i'll make sure to finish it to have my risk as low as possible. And yea again, the STD part apart from HIV and Hepatitis will have to come later, there's no test that i can do now that will show me anything.

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40 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

I dunno mate usually i do nothing just only act on the symptoms if any.

Why u taking antibiotics treatments without even being sure of the necessity? First take a bloodtest that covers all STD including HIV then act on that now ur just blowing away money that u could spend on condoms instead.

Simply because there's no cure yet for HIV, PeP is the only way to prevent the possible infection. The bloodtest that would show me if i have HIV or not would just inform me that i have it, if i do, and i'd just be crying without anything i can do about it. I don't feel like having sex so much right now lol, no condoms needed. Also my insurance is going to cover the costs. So far my scenario is looking decent when i think about how stupid i've been.

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2 minutes ago, SoNowWhat said:

You most certainly can be tested for HIV right now because maybe you had it before you met the girl? Your healthcare worker will most certainly give you an antigen test which needs about 10 days after exposure for results but can sometimes be sooner, but you will need further tests later on. If you can contact the person and are able to speak rationally, honestly, and politely it is advisable. Possibly she knows her status to be negative. Possibly she is positive and on effective medication and therefore unable to pass on the virus. As for PEP that ship has probably sailed, the side effects you mentioned are extremely rare, usually the worst is some feeling of nausea the first few days, but usually there are no side effects. As for your worry about a few side effects I don't see how that could possibly be worse than becoming HIV positive. Now with modern pharmaceuticals HIV positive people do live normal natural healthy lives  and are soon unable to transmit the virus to anyone else, however the stigma and false information  attached to it are still quite severe. Good luck to you the odds are well in your favor of being perfectly fine.

Yea you're right about being tested for previous infections but i'm not too concerned about this as i've always been very carefull up until a few days ago. I'm really just worried about this specific interaction. I've been tested for a bunch of other stuff not so long ago and the results have been negative. With "the ship has probably sailed", do you mean the scare of side effects? Thanks for your reply!

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Ok. The best option would be to pay the Lb for an complete test. That way you dont have to wait xx days for this and that infections inkubationtime.

If you go to your home country you have free sexual disease centers. As i know its not possible to pretreat hiv or any other infection even if there are options. H

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Alright no problem! Yea i'd be happy to give information for anyone that might end up in a similar situation. For me, i went to CM Mediclinic in Chiang mai. You'll find it easily when typing it in google or google maps. It has a 4.9 out of 5 with 35 reviews, thats the reason i went there and i have to agree. It's a very small but very clean and friendly clinic. They've been super helpfull and responded fast every time. They were happy to answer my insane amount of questions and i think a British guy runs the place, i've talked with him for a while before leaving today. They really calmed me down and the PeP treatment they gave me is great so far. It's only been a few hours since my first intake of the 2 different pills they give (you take them together every 24 hours at the same time after eating, especially the first days its important to have a maximum of 24 hours in between). Anyway my fears of side effects was unneccassery, maybe an hour after taking them i felt a tiny bit dizzy for maybe 3 minutes but thats literally it. I didn't have to sit down or anything i just felt something but honestly i could say there's really no side effects so far. Ofcourse i only just took them today so maybe this is not the best information but on the other hand they told me its mainly the first day when you may experience some side effects like dizzyness and nausia. I just went out to eat and i felt completely normal like i hadn't taken anything. I should add that there's different kinds of PeP medicine. The lady told me about the different names but i don't remember exactly what she said as there were a bunch of medical terms. Anyway my bottles say, Ricovir-EM(Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate) and Edurant 25mg(rilpivirine), i dont know if this makes any sense and unfortionally i can't explain more about that but they did tell me this specific type of PeP has very low risk of complications and side effects and so far that's true. I would definately recommend this clinic as they have all the neccassery information and advice concerning HIV and STDs in general. They are more than just an STD clinic though but i'm not sure how broad their treaments are for other specific conditions.
I'll make sure to give some updates here when anything comes up.

Edited by FlyinDutchMan
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Have at least two tests several weeks apart after the minimum time has elapsed. Believe Sheryl's advice.   Do not bother to try and find the girl/boy.  No hooker, male female or other will ever tell the truth under these circumstances.  If she did it once bareback, she has done it before. If you washed well, soon after the event and had no skin lesions at the time your risk is relatively small.  Soap & water is apparently your friend as the HIV virus is apparently very delicate and easily killed.   Your risk is also less if you happen to be circumcised. (less places to incubate virus material.)   Carelessness can kill.  There is way better than a good chance that you will be OK but good to be worried.  Don't make the same mistake again.  Always take a raincoat with you when you go out.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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6 minutes ago, sead said:

Ok. The best option would be to pay the Lb for an complete test. That way you dont have to wait xx days for this and that infections inkubationtime.

If you go to your home country you have free sexual disease centers. As i know its not possible to pretreat hiv or any other infection even if there are options. H

I'll make sure to get tested for all STD's as soon as i can, my insurance covers it in thailand aswell. The only pretreatment that i know of now for HIV is PReP(different than PeP). And then PeP is pretreatment after getting a possible infection.

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I'll make sure to get tested for all STD's as soon as i can, my insurance covers it in thailand aswell. The only pretreatment that i know of now for HIV is PReP(different than PeP). And then PeP is pretreatment after getting a possible infection.
I still would try to get the LB tested, its only 200-500 baht. Otherwise its a 3 month wait to be 100% and you'll never know if the LB was HIV+ or not
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Without question, take the PEP meds NOW, and I mean NOW. Do not think about it. Do it NOW. She may not know whether she is infected. She may be in denial. You met her on the street and she is not on the game? Hmmm.


Otherwise you could be taking retrovirals for the rest of your life - and that would be the best outcome if you get infected. There are a lot of worse outcomes. Here you have a chance to make sure you get something right and you are dithering?


And in future, wear a condom.

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So many supportive comments, I almost forgot this is T.V. Honestly though, I'm just curious, why wouldn't you just go with a hot thai woman who is willing to take it up the pooper? I just can't understand the reasoning, cause if you are gay you want a man. Why take a man that looks like a woman?


I'm seriously not taking the piss here, just really interested in the reasoning behind your decision to go with a man that looks like a woman, instead of just a woman? Christ knows there's no shortage of woman here.

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15 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Have at least two tests several weeks apart after the minimum time has elapsed. Believe Sheryl's advice.   Do not bother to try and find the girl/boy.  No hooker, male female or other will ever tell the truth under these circumstances.  If she did it once bareback, she has done it before. If you washed well, soon after the event and had no skin lesions at the time your risk is relatively small.  Soap & water is apparently your friend as the HIV virus is apparently very delicate and easily killed.   Your risk is also less if you happen to be circumcised. (less places to incubate virus material.)   Carelessness can kill.  There is way better than a good chance that you will be OK but good to be worried.  Don't make the same mistake again.  Always take a raincoat with you when you go out.

I am circumcised and i washed my member like crazy right after as i was already kinda freaked out when i got home. I thought it would be useless but thats great to hear. I definately won't make the same mistake again and hope i come out of this one unscaved.


3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:
12 minutes ago, FlyinDutchMan said:
I'll make sure to get tested for all STD's as soon as i can, my insurance covers it in thailand aswell. The only pretreatment that i know of now for HIV is PReP(different than PeP). And then PeP is pretreatment after getting a possible infection.

I still would try to get the LB tested, its only 200-500 baht. Otherwise its a 3 month wait to be 100% and you'll never know if the LB was HIV+ or not


A lot of different opinions about this so far. I felt like doing it and maybe i'll still try, the area the lb could be is close and i think i could find him/her. On the other hand, as people mentioned aswell. Even if the test comes out negative it would only apply to his/her activity from a month back and before. If there was an infection in the past 4 weeks the test would not show this and also a fresh contraction is a lot more contagious than one that has been there for  a while. The clinic said this could be a good idea though because ofcourse if the test comes out negative it lowers the chances in general of me being infected but it definately doesn't exclude the possibilty. If the test comes out positive, they'd probably suggest i start a PeP treatment which i already did so it doesn't change much about the sitation other than it would give me more peace of mind.

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5 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:
14 minutes ago, FlyinDutchMan said:
I'll make sure to get tested for all STD's as soon as i can, my insurance covers it in thailand aswell. The only pretreatment that i know of now for HIV is PReP(different than PeP). And then PeP is pretreatment after getting a possible infection.

I still would try to get the LB tested, its only 200-500 baht. Otherwise its a 3 month wait to be 100% and you'll never know if the LB was HIV+ or not

Too much misinformation.  Typical of these HIV threads.

Why and for what??

There is a window period of negative testing where in fact one is positive, and it can still be transmitted.

He will be just opening a can of worms by contacting her.

Seems he is dealing with it best by doing the PEP.

I would bet he will be just fine.

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1 minute ago, jossthaifarang said:

So many supportive comments, I almost forgot this is T.V. Honestly though, I'm just curious, why wouldn't you just go with a hot thai woman who is willing to take it up the pooper?

There is a huge difference between females that take it up the pooper and ladyboys that take it up the pooper .

   That huge difference is about a 1000 Baht

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7 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

Without question, take the PEP meds NOW, and I mean NOW. Do not think about it. Do it NOW. She may not know whether she is infected. She may be in denial. You met her on the street and she is not on the game? Hmmm.


Otherwise you could be taking retrovirals for the rest of your life - and that would be the best outcome if you get infected. There are a lot of worse outcomes. Here you have a chance to make sure you get something right and you are dithering?


And in future, wear a condom.

The pills are in my body already and yes i will. 


6 minutes ago, jossthaifarang said:

So many supportive comments, I almost forgot this is T.V. Honestly though, I'm just curious, why wouldn't you just go with a hot thai woman who is willing to take it up the pooper? I just can't understand the reasoning, cause if you are gay you want a man. Why take a man that looks like a woman?


I'm seriously not taking the piss here, just really interested in the reasoning behind your decision to go with a man that looks like a woman, instead of just a woman? Christ knows there's no shortage of woman here.

Honestly I ask myself the same question. I am not gay and have never felt attracted to a male. I really don't know man, i'm a reasonably attractive guy, i've been with the most beautifull thai woman i could find and i would laugh in your face if you told me i could end up in a situation like this. I got too drunk, this boy grabbed me and my dick and i just got horny and he slowly convinced me to come for just a blowjob at first. I don't know honestly, it still feels unreal to me and i have no better explanation than me being too drunk and horny and it just happened somehow. I refused coming with him at first and i didn't go inside anywhere. The blowjob just led up to him turning around and putting a condom on me, took it off sucked me off again, put another condom on me but i couldn't come, he took it off and i continued out of horniness i guess. My body shivers while typing this lol.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There is a huge difference between females that take it up the pooper and ladyboys that take it up the pooper .

   That huge difference is about a 1000 Baht


I assume you are the expert on this??

Tell us then, who gets the 1000?.....

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Good choice starting pep. 

To clear up a few things. 

The rapid test that you can get 10 days after an exposure is useless if on pep. This tests the amount of hiv in your body and is usually used to monitor the levels of hiv in people already infected. Pep meds can make your hiv undetectable (dormant) while infact not being negative. So if you get this test and it is negative, it doesn't mean you are negative at all. 

On the other hand the test is incredibly sensitive and has a much higher chance of reading a false positive which would lead to weeks of mental anguish until you can confirm it with the regular antibody test. So completely pointless. 

Another thing. Now you are on pep meds you will need to wait for 1 month AFTER stopping the meds to get your first regular (hiv antibody) test result. 

The pep blocks the virus multiplying and stops seroconversion which is the period where side effects happen, IF they happen at all. The hiv either dies in your body or if it has a foothold will hang around and the seroconversion will be delayed to 1 or 2 weeks after stopping pep. 

Your body doesn't make any antibodies that will show up in a test until after the seroconversion/side effect period. 

By all means get tested after 28 days of pep if it gives you some comfort but make sure to get tested again. 

They say regardless of pep medicine that an antibody test 3 months after the exposure should be conclusive. 

You have done the right thing though by starting pep. 

Good luck. 

Edited by sikishrory
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If you’re in or going to be in Bangkok soon, go along one morning to the Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic which is on Ratchadamri road opposite Lumpini park on the junction with Sarasin Road. They’ll do blood tests and talk you through it all

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1 hour ago, FlyinDutchMan said:

Alright no problem! Yea i'd be happy to give information for anyone that might end up in a similar situation. For me, i went to CM Mediclinic in Chiang mai. You'll find it easily when typing it in google or google maps. It has a 4.9 out of 5 with 35 reviews, thats the reason i went there and i have to agree. It's a very small but very clean and friendly clinic. They've been super helpfull and responded fast every time. They were happy to answer my insane amount of questions and i think a British guy runs the place, i've talked with him for a while before leaving today. They really calmed me down and the PeP treatment they gave me is great so far. It's only been a few hours since my first intake of the 2 different pills they give (you take them together every 24 hours at the same time after eating, especially the first days its important to have a maximum of 24 hours in between). Anyway my fears of side effects was unneccassery, maybe an hour after taking them i felt a tiny bit dizzy for maybe 3 minutes but thats literally it. I didn't have to sit down or anything i just felt something but honestly i could say there's really no side effects so far. Ofcourse i only just took them today so maybe this is not the best information but on the other hand they told me its mainly the first day when you may experience some side effects like dizzyness and nausia. I just went out to eat and i felt completely normal like i hadn't taken anything. I should add that there's different kinds of PeP medicine. The lady told me about the different names but i don't remember exactly what she said as there were a bunch of medical terms. Anyway my bottles say, Ricovir-EM(Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate) and Edurant 25mg(rilpivirine), i dont know if this makes any sense and unfortionally i can't explain more about that but they did tell me this specific type of PeP has very low risk of complications and side effects and so far that's true. I would definately recommend this clinic as they have all the neccassery information and advice concerning HIV and STDs in general. They are more than just an STD clinic though but i'm not sure how broad their treaments are for other specific conditions.
I'll make sure to give some updates here when anything comes up.



is this topic a "setup" aka bait to end up promoting a particular clinic considering all the detail about said clinic and glowing reviews?

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