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These schools yet again

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Ok first I'll admit my son may not be a brain surgeon or rocket scientist, but he's not the bluntest tool in the shed.


So the new school year has started, & we're now a month into it & wonder why I had to buy 3 sets of school uniforms when he only wears them twice a week on 2 seperate days (not back to back ), apparently up to classroom teacher what days they wear what 

Go figure ! you couldn't be provided with this info 


Then comes along the old "your son needs more teaching in reading / writing - Thai / English ) - That's what I thought I was paying higher fees for at this new school 

+ he does Kumon ( obviously no good ) 

There's even Falangs at this new school who are also suppose to teach them English (who I just emailed to get an assessment ), since I discovered her just starting at this school & apparently teaching my sons class.

So I am assuming again that most of his class is going to do this as we said NO at first when the teacher rang in the morning. Then she rang again putting more pressure on the wife, who ended up saying YES 

So if (let's say ) 3/4 of the class is doing this (mostly previous students ), what the hell are they not teaching them during the day at a quality level.


So this little adventure of the schools ( not the Teacher ) is costing another 2000 bht a mth 


There's just no ending to their leaching as I had to put up with this from his last school, which made for very long days. This was half the reason we moved him, but thank god it's only twice a week = 250 bht p/hr



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My daughter just started Grade 1 after 4 years in a kindergarten that was run like a school, she did extra Thai and Chinese there as the new school teaches Thai, Chinese and English and it was considered it would increase her chances of being accepted into the new school, extra Thai was only 500 month, Chinese was a 1,000 I think, but the extra classes were everyday.


Now at the new school she is being asked to stay until 6pm everyday for "Extra Tuition" I'm of the same opinion, what the hell are they doing during normal school hours that they need to keep 6 year olds behind everyday for said "Extra Tuition" smells like just increasing the teachers wages to me.


Personally I think they are asking way to much of 6 year olds to do that many hours of school per day, reasonable in grade 7 before making the jump to high school perhaps, if that is where the split is here, my daughter is hating it and it's a crying session every morning, mind you she always seems happy enough when I collect her, providing I show up at 5pm and not 6pm.


She told me this morning she doesn't like her teacher which isn't helping any, because she Yak Yak's her too much, gets enough of that from her mother unfortunately ?, I also think that her teacher is one that uses the proverbial "Big Stick" to get whatever she is after, she walks around the room in the afternoons with a ruler in her hand.

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Sounds like a semi-private school.


My kids (4) ranging from 4 to 14 go to a semi-private school, yes 4 uniforms each, might be 3 for some, not sure, then there is the books etc etc.


Last year my Mrs was flipping out as all the kids gave her a book each of raffle tickets, 10 tickets each x 30 baht and said the teacher won't take the books back unless they are all sold, well, as I said the Mrs flipped, with me telling her that this is how the school increases its revenue to pay for things like repairs to the school etc etc, so show your support and then I slipped her 1,200 baht for the books, that still didn't calm her down, didn't like the way the school puts pressure on parents, again I said, well if you want kids in a semi-private school, or a private school, its going to cost, and I am sure the teachers are pressured to get the tickets sold, KPI's, quotas etc etc


As for extra teaching, longer classes, it won't happen here because the amount of home work they all get keeps them going till 6-7 at best, but just the other the twin boys 14 got their haircuts up the road, short enough, only to come home in the afternoon with army style haircuts done at the school, 45 baht each, so the 30 baht each haircuts in the village went out the door, suffice to say, its laughable.

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yep, understood.  they need more teaching but with professionals, i.e. not those who teach at the school.


either you home tutor, pay for a real international school or move. oh or pay for someone to actually teach the kids when they are not in school, which kind of defeats the purpose.


another thing is  when a school shows you the work of their students and spelling etc. my suspicion is these were done by adults.  it all seems a scam and perhaps your children will hate you for putting them in a thai school

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Thanks for the stories

Just got a reply from a Falang teacher at the school (out of her hands ), they shifted her to Nursery / K1 & sometimes P 5/6

But she advised me that my sons Basic English teacher is a Kiwi with some 40 + yrs exp

She is the one who wants 1400 bht for an hr at home after school


As posters have mentioned one would prefer an English speaking teacher to do the after school event but this is always a Thai scam, so no doubt will be a Thai teacher

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

Thanks for the stories

Just got a reply from a Falang teacher at the school (out of her hands ), they shifted her to Nursery / K1 & sometimes P 5/6

But she advised me that my sons Basic English teacher is a Kiwi with some 40 + yrs exp

She is the one who wants 1400 bht for an hr at home after school


As posters have mentioned one would prefer an English speaking teacher to do the after school event but this is always a Thai scam, so no doubt will be a Thai teacher

1,400 baht per hour, laughable, my daughter is a tutor for English back in Sydney after school and she charges $30 an hour which is half what the Kiwi wants, what a rip off !!!


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Anyone who has worked as an English teacher will be familiar with this lark.


Organise out of school extra lessons in English that the students are 'encouraged' to take. Charge a fee.


Then get the new farang teacher to take the extra classes on top of their normal lessons and without extra pay. A nice little earner for the school director and department heads.

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Schools are never perfect...here or back home...plenty of schools to choose from...where I live we visited 4 different schools within a 5 min motorbike ride.  Change schools if you don't like what's going on cause you are not gonna change the school...School uniforms are a must....several different kinds to ensure they don't wear out and are cleaned in between wearings....remember it's for the whole year so if you only have 3 uniforms that's what they are wearing for a year...kind of like if your kid only has 3 tshirts and 3 shorts to wear for the next year, that's probably not a good thing, so complaining about buying 3 uniforms is ridiculous!  Our school has 5 uniforms but one is a buddah/temple day uniform.  40+ weeks in the school year so they will be worn 40+ times, not bad for 350 baht per uniform.   It would be great to see more parents involved in their kids education, don't see that a lot here...PTA is non existent here.  Schools are not responsible for 100% of the child's education, the parents must be involved and teaching as well.   I personally visited all the schools, classrooms and spoke to the English teachers that will be teaching my kid.  I choose the best option and continue to be actively involved with the school.  Pretty sure a lot of the dads here are older and retired, so there is no excuse to not be actively involved.

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7 minutes ago, USMC RETIRED 2015 said:

Schools are never perfect...here or back home...plenty of schools to choose from...where I live we visited 4 different schools within a 5 min motorbike ride.  Change schools if you don't like what's going on cause you are not gonna change the school...School uniforms are a must....several different kinds to ensure they don't wear out and are cleaned in between wearings....remember it's for the whole year so if you only have 3 uniforms that's what they are wearing for a year...kind of like if your kid only has 3 tshirts and 3 shorts to wear for the next year, that's probably not a good thing, so complaining about buying 3 uniforms is ridiculous!  Our school has 5 uniforms but one is a buddah/temple day uniform.  40+ weeks in the school year so they will be worn 40+ times, not bad for 350 baht per uniform.   It would be great to see more parents involved in their kids education, don't see that a lot here...PTA is non existent here.  Schools are not responsible for 100% of the child's education, the parents must be involved and teaching as well.   I personally visited all the schools, classrooms and spoke to the English teachers that will be teaching my kid.  I choose the best option and continue to be actively involved with the school.  Pretty sure a lot of the dads here are older and retired, so there is no excuse to not be actively involved.

There's no sense in changing because that is what I just did to find out they all do this after school episode.

The change was to cut down a 12 hr day lad was doing before & going to a smaller school where they learn in & out of class 

There's probably about 600 at the school, with 90 odd teachers


Those 3 uniforms are just for 2 days of the week as he requires an additional 3 outfits (a different one for every other day )


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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

1,400 baht per hour, laughable, my daughter is a tutor for English back in Sydney after school and she charges $30 an hour which is half what the Kiwi wants, what a rip off !!!


THB 14K per hour?? Maybe she's in a hurry to get home, It might be for the whole class?

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28 minutes ago, TPI said:

THB 14K per hour?? Maybe she's in a hurry to get home, It might be for the whole class?

I think you'll find that it is THB 1.4K not 14K per hour.....if the latter the teacher wouldn't need to go to school to teach at all ?????Still this charge is  comparable to price in many parts of the UK so I think the teacher is certainly taking the proverbial piss..

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11 hours ago, TPI said:

THB 14K per hour?? Maybe she's in a hurry to get home, It might be for the whole class?

"She is the one who wants 1400 bht for an hr at home after school", not 14K per hour


Still, you have a point, maybe she is in a hurry to get home ?


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Thai public and semi private, although my own experience and experience with kids in my village area it is all nothing but a scam nothing less that being stopped on a motorbike because you aren't the right color.  Sadly when it comes to schools our hands are a bit tied!

When it comes to uniforms nothing but to make money for the schools. When it comes to teaching English, you hired a backpacker and expect one or two to teach a entire school English based on the time frame and agenda. They spend 10X teaching them after religion than English.

I have been hearing for near ten years Thailand being Asean talking about getting better in English, schools advertising extensive English program just all smoke and mirror!  

Recently, just noticed at a 7/11 where it is required a High School certification a number of girls inside I suspect 18-19 barely could speak any English,  I approached a booth last month at Big C extra, a school located off Sukhumvit 89, curious I looked a the prices and started to speak to them, they barely understood what was being said and they were advertising or pushing their school due to English.

After, school lesson another scam one would be better off taking them to independent teacher/shop to help with their weakness as for English you be better off doing it yourself or giving them a video?

All outside expert even Thai has complaint about the system but it isn't going to change because the top heads don't want to change. Do and give the common something enough that they don't complain, keeping them dumb and stupid is controlling the masses this is how I see the system while those at the top continue to thrive.?

No real solution that is why we are here b-t-ching?

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discipline is another thing, one kid broke a girls arm and left a bite mark on antoher kids face.


thai school headmaster listened to parents on all side, parents of the one who did the damage said it was unfair to punish jsut 1 child, so thai logic let us discipline the whole class.


these people are half wits, you need to find a way to let your children be around intelligent people or the stupid will rub off and they will soon be turning onto busy roads cutting off traffic with their pedal bike while expecting the truck with dodgy breaks to stop for them.

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9 hours ago, Scott said:

A post with a link containing personal information has been removed. 

I admit it must of been mine

As you see I was trying to blank out a lot of the personal detail but obviously wasn't enough ( I think her name )

So I appreciate the fact you did what you had to do 


I was only trying to provide the proof in what I was quoting 


Thanks - as I had no intentions of bringing disrepute to anyone 

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

I admit it must of been mine

As you see I was trying to blank out a lot of the personal detail but obviously wasn't enough ( I think her name )

So I appreciate the fact you did what you had to do 


I was only trying to provide the proof in what I was quoting 


Thanks - as I had no intentions of bringing disrepute to anyone 

No problem.   It happens, and yes, it did have the name.   I can vouch that your link supports your claim.


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Had experience with an international school in Chiang Rai.  The teachers normally tossed off during the day, watching vidoes and playing games, then wanted the students to pay extra to actually learn after hours.   Simply a money making scheme for teachers and school (50/50 split).

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