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Thailand to spend billions on satellites from unknown company


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I think all this money been spent,should go to fixing the infrastructure of Thailand,

for the last 5 days my electricity has gone off,from a few minutes ,to a couple of

hours,and it has not been even raining or windy, when it does rain guaranteed for

the electric to go off,it's not like i live at the back of beyond,maybe 7 Klm from

the generating station.


Water also goes off at regular intervals,sometimes all day,simple basic needs

and they are not reliable,this is Chiang Mai, and I worry that the utility companies

will  not be able to supply services in the future,with all the building going on here,

Condos sprouting up like mushrooms,have they a plan to supply all these outlets

and more to come in the future, or will it be a typical Thai thing,to try  solve

the problem when it actually happens, so instead of looking to the skys,what about

fixing the things on Earth first.


They don't seem to have learnt from past mistakes like the Bomb detectors,Fire Engines,

The Blimp, the Water treatment plant,the only Aircraft Carrier without planes,to name a few.

lots of money wasted,that could have been put to good use.and here we go again !

regards worgeordie

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Authorities both local and national dream up these projects to provide a platform to skim money, the bigger the project the more wiggle room you have to skim larger amounts of money, anybody with a brain knows Thailand did not need Submarines. The amount of money being skimmed is not a few 100k baht here and there - it is billions being siphoned off into peoples pockets,


That level of corruption and thieving cannot be sustained and sooner or later something has to give, ask yourself why Thailand has the worst road safety record on the planet - the answer is simple - money, they are unwilling to spend it on the stuff that matters because it would cost so much and there is little opportunity to skim and thieve.  

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Another example of an incompetent journalist who is not even able to search in wikipedia pages.

SpacesX is not at all unknown. It's a company founded by Elon Musk that has a contract with the NASA.

Having said that, I don't see the use for Thailand to participate in this project.

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Shouldn't this be something for the next government to decide ?


Do they even understand that the money in the government coffers does not actually belong to them to do anything they want. ?


Message to Prayut. 


It's not your money. 

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

A massive 1.47 petabytes of information will be sent back to earth on a daily basis.

The three guys in charge of analyzing the information are already on a two day training course and will rent an empty warehouse later this week, big enough to store 1 million petabytes of hard copy information.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand to spend billions on satellites from unknown company


I'll bet it isn't unknown to a few soldiers though.God, these people are so dishonest, I doubt they could lie straight in bed.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand to spend billions on satellites from unknown company


I'll bet it isn't unknown to a few soldiers though.God, these people are so dishonest, I doubt they could lie straight in bed. Perhaps a good way to scotch this would be for a number of political parties to make it clear that any contracts awarded will be fully audited as soon as the soldiers disappear from the scene.


Mind you, the political parties are probably just as corrupt, this being Thailand and all...

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2 hours ago, Borzandy said:

The company is unknown, but someone knows exactly where the billion will end up.

This was all tried before with the infamous surveillance blimp. Now we have the hi-tech Thailand 4.0 surveillance satellite.

In earlier days it was big blimp - small envelope. Now it is small satellite - big envelope. 

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Keeps it at Military domination of Thailand. They have NO right to move forward on anything with the false self approved government. Contrary to their Elite belief, they do not know or have Thailand and it's people in their best interests. They are getting quite good at smashing human rights. 

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3 hours ago, Bundooman said:

So let me get this straight together with some other wandering thoughts:

  • Thailand is going to pay 63 Billion Baht for a world wide surveillance satellite system from an unknown, as yet, company called Theia.
  • The said unknown company has yet to launch even one satellite. they haven't even got a web site.
  • The Thai government isn't going to pay for it, the public sector is going to do that.
  • The public sector means: The Thai people who pay taxes.
  • The surveillance system will not be used to spy on the Thai people. It will be used to search for underground deposits of oil, etc.
  • The yet to be discovered deposits of oil, etc., are obviously worth trillions of Baht in order to justify the initial cost of discovering them.
  • The initial cost doesn't appear to include upgrades or maintenance. (Well, it wasn't mentioned....?)
  • Does this as yet 'unknown' company have any Thai shareholders and if so, who are they?
  • Presumably, while secretly undertaking this enormously expensive project, a full transparency programme has been initiated to explain to the Thai public why Thailand actually needs this system?
  • Have the submarines, tanks, jet fighters, the high speed train service and police guns already been paid for?
  • Where are the submarines, tanks , jet fighters and the high speed train, rail and infrastructure and police guns at this precise moment?
  • How many billions have been set aside for the projected control and successful government guidance of the  proposed election next year?
  • How many billions have been earmarked for the potential flooding of Bangkok and other regions in Thailand that are likely to need assistance if the weather patterns continue as they are at present - through to October/November?
  • Where is all this money coming from? Are all Thais now paying back-dated income tax, as yet unpaid?

I guess I may just have to wonder at these fantastic plans and ideas and governance........


Unfortunately, you forgot the only point that really matters:

  • 30% of 63 billion bht is a fantastic retirement for the generals...
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8 hours ago, Dave67 said:

Bullshit satellites to track the Bullshit High Speed Railway and  the Aircraft maintenance hub progress 

So that's the reason for the ultra-high-resolution satellite cameras - to pick out the five centimetres per month the track is advancing.


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2 hours ago, candide said:

Another example of an incompetent journalist who is not even able to search in wikipedia pages.

SpacesX is not at all unknown. It's a company founded by Elon Musk that has a contract with the NASA.

Having said that, I don't see the use for Thailand to participate in this project.

If its founded by Elon Musk and an USA company then surely no corruption will stain this project. I mean companies in the USA are always clean unlike those in Thailand (or not ?)


Anyway I don't see the need either. Do wonder about the corruption question if a reputable company like that would be involved in corruption.

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Nope, I think you are all wrong. It's really for synchronizing all those watches a certain person has/borrowed/sold (whatever).

The junta behaving like a junta. Pour billions into this type of stuff...doesn't about the poor and needy, updating schools making sure their aged get good care etc. etc etc.

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

f its founded by Elon Musk and an USA company then surely no corruption will stain this project. I mean companies in the USA are always clean unlike those in Thailand (or not ?)

Having worked for an American company (well all the bosses were American, the just moved the corporate HQ so they could avoid tax), I know one thing for sure America is trying to clean up corruption and ethics worldwide ...unfortunately they forgot the golden rule, start at home.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

If its founded by Elon Musk and an USA company then surely no corruption will stain this project. I mean companies in the USA are always clean unlike those in Thailand (or not ?)


Anyway I don't see the need either. Do wonder about the corruption question if a reputable company like that would be involved in corruption.

Ooops! Actually the picture on top of the article was misleading and the company concerned is not SpaceX, but Theia holdings.My mistake as I did not read the full article.

Anyway, I never insinuated in any way in my post that there would be no corruption involved.

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1 minute ago, candide said:

Ooops! Actually the picture on top of the article was misleading and the company concerned is not SpaceX, but Theia holdings.My mistake as I did not read the full article.

Anyway, I never insinuated in any way in my post that there would be no corruption involved.

I did because I always thought American companies were clean.. at least that is how they present themselves. So I did not understand how they could get the order from the junta.

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I love how they always fall for these scams, submarines, drug detectors, aircraft carriers, hot air balloon,s   if one were more cynical one could imagine that someone on the thai side is porofiting, its not as if stupid purchases by thailand and/or government don't happen very often

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19 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

“Usually they won’t tell you what their satellites can do,” .... Bomb-detection vendors have the same policy. 

Doesn't really matter what they are "supposed" to do, cuz' coming from an "unknown co." is code for never actually working anyway as you've candidly pointed out. 

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5 hours ago, candide said:

Another example of an incompetent journalist who is not even able to search in wikipedia pages.

SpacesX is not at all unknown. It's a company founded by Elon Musk that has a contract with the NASA.

Having said that, I don't see the use for Thailand to participate in this project.

What does Space X have to do with Theia Satellite Network? Theia is an offshoot of the European Space Agency (ESA) and information can be found here: http://www.theiaspace.com/ 

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

They don't seem to have learnt from past mistakes like the Bomb detectors,Fire Engines,

The Blimp, the Water treatment plant,the only Aircraft Carrier without planes,to name a few.

lots of money wasted,that could have been put to good use.and here we go again !

The items which you list were all very successful - from the point of view of those who benefitted from various umh, informal financial arrangements associated with the purchases.

No doubt this proposal will be extremely successful, from that point of view.

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12 hours ago, bluesofa said:

So that's the reason for the ultra-high-resolution satellite cameras - to pick out the five centimetres per month the track is advancing.


Oh yeah the 3K test track took them 4 months to find the right location,

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9 hours ago, Jonah Tenner said:

What does Space X have to do with Theia Satellite Network? Theia is an offshoot of the European Space Agency (ESA) and information can be found here: http://www.theiaspace.com/ 

I don't think so, unless they have a relationship with Theia Holdings A, Inc.





 snippet:  "...proposed non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) remote sensing system of Theia Holdings. A, Inc. (“Theia”) – the Theia Satellite Network ..."

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9 hours ago, Jonah Tenner said:

What does Space X have to do with Theia Satellite Network? Theia is an offshoot of the European Space Agency (ESA) and information can be found here: http://www.theiaspace.com/ 

I already explained in post #46. And apparently there are several differentventities called Theia. This one is Theia holdings A Inc, as mentioned by Damrongsak.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

I did because I always thought American companies were clean.. at least that is how they present themselves. So I did not understand how they could get the order from the junta.

It's true that the US law is very deterring about corruption. If no corruption, I guess that they succeeded in making the Thai government feel honoured to be associated in this project. ?

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