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Video: Truck driver flies through the air to his death


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17 minutes ago, merlin2002 said:

In the video the rescue worker appears to be rather forceful in his use of CPR.... As these guys are first responders in many cases, I wonder how much medical training do they have? 


The bare minimum, they're often not even told not to move victims, or to brace the neck. They do rescue work the same way they do everything else.


Thai CPR is always questionable as well, if the guy wasn't already dead, he'd probably be dead after a few minutes of Thai CPR.

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5 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Total Crap, you obviously havent driven for 25 years here all over Thailand.


I don't think it's crap and I have driven all over Thailand. Generalisations are not always useful, but in my opinion, you should assume that Thai drivers are very stupid and represent a danger to all motorists.


Feel free to call this opinion crap too, but I doubt you'll get much support from other people who regularly drive on Thai roads.


Edited by KiwiKiwi
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7 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


I don't think it's crap and I have driven all over Thailand. Generalisations are not always useful, but in my opinion, you should assume that Thai drivers are very stupid and represent a danger to all motorists.


Feel free to call this opinion crap too, but I doubt you'll get much support from other people who regularly drive on Thai roads.


I drive a lot around the Bangkok area and the majority of drivers are not a problem at all. There is just a part that is like you describe dangerous but the average driver not really a problem. Maybe its different in other parts of the country. In BKK there is a lot of one way traffic so its hard to be real stupid there.

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35 minutes ago, merlin2002 said:

In the video the rescue worker appears to be rather forceful in his use of CPR.... As these guys are first responders in many cases, I wonder how much medical training do they have? 

Virtually no training. They learn on the job.


CPR is the go-to fix-all for accident victims now. Everything from a broken collar bone to an epileptic fit. CPR is carried out in all cases. It should be done when colleagues, passers-by, particularly hot female onlookers or the tv cameras are watching for maximum ego boost.



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22 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


The bare minimum, they're often not even told not to move victims, or to brace the neck. They do rescue work the same way they do everything else.


Thai CPR is always questionable as well, if the guy wasn't already dead, he'd probably be dead after a few minutes of Thai CPR.

I believe a Thai lady just saved an Indian guy his life by giving him mouth to mouth..So they might be less clueless then what u think.

Edited by Destiny1990
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Having just completed survived another circumnavigation of LOS (Udon-Pattaya round-trip), this is the sort of traffic 'accident' that worries me. One can be  spatially aware, within the speed limits, using your mirrors, totally focused and driving defensively when something like this comes at you from across the median. There's a video showing a old lady on a saleng getting decapitated by a truck wheel that came off and bounced over the median. There's the infamous one of the minivan crossing over and fireballing the pickup full of happy campers like the bbq chicken they were probably eating. When it comes to a whole vehicle crossing over, with a combined closing speed of maybe over 150 kph, there's little to no chance of avoiding it.

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Did that brown car on the left hand side of the truck have anything to do with the cause of this accident because for some reason that truckdriver has turned that steering wheel pretty hard to end up how he did. Did that car do the typical Thai driver thing and pull out in front of the truck without warning? I know that this will upset the normal TVF bar stool cowboys who are always right in their opinions that they cannot see past the blinkers that they wear.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I renewed my Thai drivers license of 2 years the other day and was surprised at the process, first up after providing all the paperwork that I provided last time, i.e. copy of passport, extension of stay, confirmation letter from immigration that I am staying where I am actually staying, yellow book, both driver licenses, (car & motorbike) and pink ID card, the person behind the counter then said doctor certificate, oh ok, so off we went to find a doctor to sign off that I was fit to drive, arrived as he was closing, oh, look I am closing 30 baht, I signed the paper, you just fill it in and give to them ok, but I have to be fair, he did ask if I had any problems and touched my pulse for about 3 seconds, probably to make sure I was still alive.


Back to the registry, go upstairs, now put foot on accelerator when it goes green press accelerator,  then press brake pedal when it goes red, then it was time for that contraption you put your nose in the middle and get the lights come on either left or right that are controlled by the person holding the control box, so I would say red, green and then amber, but then the lady said, no amber, oh ok then I said, orange, no, no orange, no amber, yellow, oh yellow, I said, as a few people started laguhing, oh ok, not going to argue you, red, green , yellow, then I did the colour blind test and went into see this video with the others there doing the same renewal of their licenses.


No one was in the room to make sure everyone was watching the video which was in Thai, naturally I do not understand Thai, nit noy, everyone was playing with their mobiles or having a chat. 


At the end, I was provided with my 5 year renewed license.


Now I ponder as to why so many people on Thai roads die every year, the process is archaic and out of touch by western standards by far, the doctors certificate was another, then we have the lack of police force out there enforcing the rules, suffice to say if this poor chap was wearing a seat belt he might be still alive to day, fortunately he didn't take anyone with him.



In the UK to renew a driving licence you fill in a form and send it off, not sure of the point you are trying to make.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I drive a lot around the Bangkok area and the majority of drivers are not a problem at all. There is just a part that is like you describe dangerous but the average driver not really a problem. Maybe its different in other parts of the country. In BKK there is a lot of one way traffic so its hard to be real stupid there.

completely agree, there is a percentage of nutters that cause accidents through dangerous risky driving but is definitely not every driver, I would say it is more like one in thirty that make me cringe when I'm out on the roads, that said it is still a high figure of idiots on the roads who are an accident waiting to happen.


Couple that with drink driving - speeding - use of mobile phones - poor road planning and markings and it all adds up


Ultimately the lack of enforcement is the problem 

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1 minute ago, smedly said:

completely agree, there is a percentage of nutters that cause accidents through dangerous risky driving but is definitely not every driver, I would say it is more like one in thirty that make me cringe when I'm out on the roads, that said it is still a high figure of idiots on the roads who are an accident waiting to happen.


Couple that with drink driving - speeding - use of mobile phones - poor road planning and markings and it all adds up


Ultimately the lack of enforcement is the problem 

Yes there is a percentage of nutters that is just crazy, driving a car like a motorcycle (zig zegging through traffic). People who go through red lights, cut off others and so on. But its just a percentage most of the car drivers never give me any trouble. I drive both a car and a motorbike. I stay far away from minivan's as in traffic they are really dangerous, same goes for busses and taxi's they tend to stop when they want and go from fast lane to where they want to stop. Then you got a group of bad drivers who drive normal cars.. usually real selfish drivers. 


But as I said this is far from a majority but its a big percentage. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Maybe its different in other parts of the country. In BKK there is a lot of one way traffic so its hard to be real stupid there.

In Isaan, they find a way.. Unsighted overtaking, crossing double yellow lines, following too close. I also lived in BKK, and the major hazard there are motorcycles. In Isaan it's everyone with 2 or more wheels.


This guy was driving an unladen 18-wheeler.  Odds on he was going way too fast and an unladen 18-wheeler at speed is a death-trap.


Sorry to be gloomy, but this is exactly what you get, when as a nation, you do not teach your drivers how to drive, you do not prosecute them whn they break the law, and you do not test them with any real enthusiasm.


And people die as a consequence. Big surprise.


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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

I believe a Thai lady just saved an Indian guy his life by giving him mouth to mouth..So they might be less clueless then what u think.


No I don't think so. You can't take one persons skill or luck, and apply it across a population. That is not smart, useful or helpful.

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2 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

In Isaan, they find a way.. Unsighted overtaking, crossing double yellow lines, following too close. I also lived in BKK, and the major hazard there are motorcycles. In Isaan it's everyone with 2 or more wheels.


This guy was driving an unladen 18-wheeler.  Odds on he was going way too fast and an unladen 18-wheeler at speed is a death-trap.


Sorry to be gloomy, but this is exactly what you get, when as a nation, you do not teach your drivers how to drive, you do not prosecute them whn they break the law, and you do not test them with any real enthusiasm.


And people die as a consequence. Big surprise.


In BKK really in general not much problems not even with motorbikes. Maybe because i ride one myself and know what to expect. 


But your right if you don't police people enough you will never get road safety and as long as the police won't have too many cars driving around catching people nothing will change. Road stops checking for papers won't change a thing.

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Just what I don't want to see.  I'll leave the road carnage video porn for others to watch.
Seat belts are a good idea, but if you choose not to wear one - well, you pay your money and you take your changes.
<dice roll ------ snake eyes!>


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the only important question here is  was the honda driver found guilty of killing the driver, and does the honda driver have to pay the family for killing the truck driver


its important to know what the law states

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Just what I don't want to see.  I'll leave the road carnage video porn for others to watch.
Seat belts are a good idea, but if you choose not to wear one - well, you pay your money and you take your changes.
<dice roll ------ snake eyes!>


Use them to your advantage as education tools; assuming you're in Thailand with Thai spouse and/or kids ?

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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

Accord driver really luck because no car at the next lane during evasion. Else more lives could be lost. These trucks should be banned from motorways.

Yes quite, reroute them to single lane roads, that’s bound to work !

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