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Legal rights advice at schools private and government

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I need some information about thai law in schools


a few questions 


1) can kids be asked to leave a private school due to actions of parents ?


2 ) is kissing against the law in government schools ( between student and student obviously )



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1. A private school is a business. It is up to the business owners whose money they take. As long as they refund any unused fees then there is not a lot that can be done.


2. There is no law against kissing - however public displays of affection aren't common among Thai people.

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2 ) is kissing against the law in government schools ( between student and student obviously )
The Ministry of Education publish general rules for all schools and pupils in Thailand (this includes international schools). Each school may also publish their own clarifications and rules if they want and many do. Open public affection is indeed prohibited in most schools, western parents sending their western or Thai kids to Thai schools should make their kids respect the rules or take their kids out of the school and leave


Not a question of if the rule can be enforced, it's a question of moral

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