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Los Becoming Like An Old People's Home


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To all young whippersnappers - remember that one day, with good health and good luck, you will be an old fart. Some of you in your 20's and 30's are already old farts!

My life is nearly over,

My pilot light is out,

What used to be my sex appeal,

Is now my water spout!

Amen to that, Mr. Hippo.

When I was young I thought I'd never grow old and now what I could once do all night now takes me all night to do once. So I never gave a thought for the aged. Now I'm getting there it occurs to me that it's my turn - nobody gives a thought for me and I#m okay with that. It's everyone for himself so I say to all old farts - take your hard earned pensions boys and girls and have a thunderous, unforgettable fling, how you want, where you want. Pay no attention to the bedwettings wimps you've reared. They just want us to die before we spend up so they get to inherit. String it out and live a lot because when we die, the true grit dies with us - plus many years of accumulated wisdom. Sydney Sheldon died yesterday, age 95, he was still writing up to last year. A friend of mine has just published a book too. it's selling well, he's 81. Has any tiger in the beer dens of LOS achieved that? And don't forget the army of grannies who take loving care of the brats while mom and dad are out there playing at being somebody. I could go on but instead - long live Lynard Skynnard and CCR and stuff your moronic techno crap.

When I was 14, my father was so ignorant, I couldn't stand him.

When I got to be 21, I was amazed at how much he'd learned in just seven years. Mark Twain

You are all forgetting The most IMPORTANT!! discovery of all!! in late 1962 a british army truck broke down outside a little fishing village 2 klicks south of Naklua, and the 9 soldiers were stranded there for 12 days, they boasted about this paradise on the beach they had found, so the commanding officer allowed them to set up a couple of tents as an R&R area there , passing Septics on their way from U tapao to Korat started dropping in for a beer, early 63 the first bar and mamasan appeared and so PATTAYA was born!!We may be getting on a bit , but the world dont owe us a living! we earned our right to grow OLD DISGRACEFULLY, Just to see the look on the grandsons face, when you ask to borrow his pride and joy (motorbike),and when you give it him back and tell him its a bit lame it wont do wheelies in 4th gear like your old Norton used too! or the looks you get dropping in on the family get together on the beach by parachute, my opinion is that we members of the G&W(Grey and Wrinkled) army have earned the right to grow old where we want too!!all you middle aged golf playing pasty faced techno crats, Piss off back to Brighton or Lytham St annes, and let us have our Fun!! :D:o Nignoy!!!
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Sounds about the right timing for an Old Pride March :D

Before I get all warm and fuzzy about you old buzzards, let me dissipate and go grow old by myself, twixt the young uns who can't stand me :D Just to piss em off.

'Twas always my ambition to become a dirty old man. I'm proud I can achieve my goals in life :D


'Rage against the setting of the sun......'

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Er, sorry if I offended anyone :o I'm sure you guys don't resemble those fat, ugly guys that have that completely depraved look about them.

Carry on!

Fat?? Ugly??? Depraved look??? ######.....sure as hel_l SOUNDS like me. :D

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Er, sorry if I offended anyone :o I'm sure you guys don't resemble those fat, ugly guys that have that completely depraved look about them.

Carry on!

I would rather see those every day of the week, than the p#ssed up, shirtless, tattoed, trouble makers which unfortunately are apparantly on the increase!!

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It has to be said the OP has a point, Pattaya resembles a geriatrics ward. surely a welfare time bomb.

I have no idea how many old foreigners there are in Pattaya, let alone Thailand, but what is true is there are not social services providing a back-up for these guys.

This has already become a problem in retirement communities in Spain, where old people find themselves unable to cope with the challenges of their age and where there is no welfare to provide the support they need.

I guess marrying a younger woman might, if you get it right, provide security in old age, but what a gamble.

Not all retirees are on the bones of their collective asses. Many retired

with substantial nest eggs ... They retired because they could afford to !

And what hope is there in the future for those poorly paid, twenty or thirty something

farangs working in dead end jobs here, with no security, no super, no pension and no gratuity ?

They are not going to be able to save a brass razoo for their retirement.

They will be the ones who end up without a pot to p!ss in. :o


Edited by naka
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'Rage against the setting of the sun......'

I think that should be 'rage against the dying of the light'

Probably quite correct. I tend to remember concepts, not exact words. Something to do with filling up my available processor- and memory space with useless facts, that if really required, can be googled or researched. Not being grammatically aware either, I tried to indicate this with '...' instead of "...". But then '...' and "..." probably has nothing to do with grammar either. :o I won't bother to research that. But you obviously knew what I was on about, so the message was still xmitted correctly. Job done. :D

Anyways, it should probably be 'Rage against the setting of the sin...'

Edited by OlRedEyes
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It has to be said the OP has a point, Pattaya resembles a geriatrics ward. surely a welfare time bomb.

I have no idea how many old foreigners there are in Pattaya, let alone Thailand, but what is true is there are not social services providing a back-up for these guys.

This has already become a problem in retirement communities in Spain, where old people find themselves unable to cope with the challenges of their age and where there is no welfare to provide the support they need.

I guess marrying a younger woman might, if you get it right, provide security in old age, but what a gamble.

I think you are wrong Thais respect old people and the Thai wives will look after them in old age even when they have no money. Also her family will help to care for him.

Edited by HenryB
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You youngsters ought to be grateful to us. We have made your lives easier so that you don't have to work as hard as we did. We brought you computers so that you don't have to use the old 'scratch' pen, the playstation so that you won't get bored - the only play station that we had was with our model train set! The mobile phone so that you do not have to cycle miles to your mate's house to talk to him. Cable TV so that you don't have to wait til the following morning to see if your team won. Plastic footballs because the old leather ones were heavy and got heavier in the wet. Central heating so that you will never know the 'thrill' of putting your nice warm feet on cold lino on a winter's morning. Frozen food so that you don't have to shop every day. We even changed the money in the UK from £.s.d. to £.p so that you won't tax your brain too much. I could go on.

Moses said to the Israelites 'Pack your belongings on your asses and camels and I will lead you to the Promised Land. You youngsters are now sitting on your asses, smoking your Camels and thinking that this is the Promised Land. When you are as old as us, have made as many improvements as us (as well as mistakes!) then you will be able to sit down, grow old gracefully and complain about the youngsters and they will complain about you!

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I make no apologies for the 'cut & paste' of the following two poems in full. I first read them over 30 years ago when I started my nurse training. Everyone of us can learn something from them.

The following poem was among the possessions of an aged lady who died in the geriatric ward of a hospital. There is no information available as to her name, when she died or who she was. It is so appropriate for all nursing personnel, families, volunteers and all who come in contact with the elderly to read. At times we all lose patience with the elderly. This should help us to have more sympathy and understanding of all residents.

"Crabbit Old Woman"

What do you see, what do you see?

Are you thinking, when you look at me-

A crabbit old woman, not very wise,

Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes,

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply

When you say in a loud voice,

I do wish you'd try.

Who seems not to notice the things that you do

And forever is loosing a stocking or shoe.

Who, unresisting or not; lets you do as you will

With bathing and feeding the long day is fill.

Is that what you're thinking,

Is that what you see?

Then open your eyes,

nurse, you're looking at me.

I'll tell you who I am as I sit here so still!

As I rise at your bidding, as I eat at your will.

I'm a small child of 10 with a father and mother,

Brothers and sisters, who loved one another-

A young girl of 16 with wings on her feet,

Dreaming that soon now a lover she'll meet,

A bride soon at 20- my heart gives a leap,

Remembering the vows that I promised to keep.

At 25 now I have young of my own

Who need me to build a secure happy home;

A woman of 30, my young now grow fast,

Bound to each other with ties that should last;

At 40, my young sons have grown and are gone,

But my man's beside me to see I don't mourn;

At 50 once more babies play around my knee,

Again we know children, my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead,

I look at the future, I shudder with dread,

For my young are all rearing young of their own.

And I think of the years and the love that I've known;

I'm an old woman now and nature is cruel-

Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool.

The body is crumbled, grace and vigor depart,

There is now a stone where I once had a heart,

But inside this old carcass, a young girl still dwells,

And now and again my battered heart swells,

I remember the joy, I remember the pain,

And I'm loving and living life over again.

I think of the years all too few- gone too fast.

And accept the stark fact that nothing can last-

So open your eyes, nurse, open and see,

Not a crabbit old woman, look closer-

See Me.

A Nurse's reply

"To the 'Crabbit Old Woman"

What do we see, you ask, what do we see? Yes, we are thinking when looking at thee! We may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss, But there's many of you, and too few of us. We would like far more time to sit by you and talk, To bath you and feed you and help you to walk. To hear of your lives and the things you have done; Your childhood, your husband, your daughter, your son. But time is against us, there's too much to do -Patients too many, and nurses too few. We grieve when we see you so sad and alone, With nobody near you, no friends of your own. We feel all your pain, and know of your fear That nobody cares now your end is so near. But nurses are people with feelings as well, And when we're together you'll often hear tell Of the dearest old Gran in the very end bed, And the lovely old Dad, and the things that he said, We speak with compassion and love, and feel sad When we think of your lives and the joy that you've had, When the time has arrived for you to depart, You leave us behind with an ache in our heart. When you sleep the long sleep, no more worry or care, There are other old people, and we must be there. So please understand if we hurry and fuss -There are many of you, And so few of us.

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Thanks for those, Mr Hippo. So true. May happen to anyone of us, one day. The crabbit author is Phyllis McCormack.
To all us Lao Khao drinkin,Gai Yang chompin, pot bellied Farang Grandpappies :D who opened up thailand in the 60,s and stayed true to the cause, I raise my glass, to our thai friends and extended families be they in Isaan, Pattaya or in Ban Ram Jam Butty , we hope our trust and friendship lasts another 40 years, till our ashes are mixed in the soil of the country that has given so many of us, so Much!! :D Nignoy

PS who is that handsome young man :o


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err sorry george only joking :o

Was it you that hitched my wheelchair up to a Tuk Tuk last night? The blighter drove like hel_l, lost my shopping bag with the new sterdent I bought top of Silom. Going to bloody quick when he turned right at the Narathiwat junction I lost my walking stick. He couldn't hear a ###### word I was yelling at him because of the noise from the blessed thing, that he shot up Surawong and dumped me at some girly bar or other in Patpong, well I think that is what it is called. So I didn't have my walking stick, so had to keep sitting in my wheel-chair and as my throat was horse with all the shouting to the stupid Tuk Tuk driver the young lady who was by now sitting on my lap, wouldn't move for 2 hours as she appeared not to be able to lip read !!

Anyway ,can you do the same again next week please

Doglocked perhaps ? :D

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returning to the original thread..... it makes economic sense for an older person in reasonable health to live in LOS...this partly accounts for the increase in numbers referred to...on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up....................................

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returning to the original thread..... it on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up..
Yes, couldn't agree more.

I've discovered surprisingly so, most retirees are grossly under-insured medically. Their plans may cover the small stuff, but catastrophic issues, (stroke, heart attack, cancer), requiring long hospital stays and hospice are woefully under-covered.

It's one thing to be old, but to be old and poor, quality of life in one's end game is often undervalued.

You can go out in a nice garden room, with white bellowing curtains, listening to birds, or be waiting for your demise in a dingy small room, with no AC, watching that dirty ceiling fan slowly turning ...

Feel free to tweak your retirement planner, health insurance goes to the top, life style moves down one, ... :o:D

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returning to the original thread..... it makes economic sense for an older person in reasonable health to live in LOS...this partly accounts for the increase in numbers referred to...on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up....................................
Reasonable health :D Got a pacemaker,artificial Knee and Hip joint, got a steel plate in my shin and thigh, a titanium steel cage replacinng half the vertebrae in my cervical spine Oh and I am Diabetic, Should I go looking for the nearst block of flats :o If I had stayed in England with its Non existant National Health System I would either still be confined to a wheel chair or Dead!! Instead I,m still Motorbikin getting Old Very Disgracefully and driving the grandkids nuts :D Nignoy
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returning to the original thread..... it makes economic sense for an older person in reasonable health to live in LOS...this partly accounts for the increase in numbers referred to...on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up....................................
Reasonable health :D Got a pacemaker,artificial Knee and Hip joint, got a steel plate in my shin and thigh, a titanium steel cage replacinng half the vertebrae in my cervical spine Oh and I am Diabetic, Should I go looking for the nearst block of flats :o If I had stayed in England with its Non existant National Health System I would either still be confined to a wheel chair or Dead!! Instead I,m still Motorbikin getting Old Very Disgracefully and driving the grandkids nuts :D Nignoy

Mr. Nignoy, you're my hero, I still want to be just like you when I'm old. Please stay away from powerful magnets and loudspeakers till I get to meet you in person.

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returning to the original thread..... it makes economic sense for an older person in reasonable health to live in LOS...this partly accounts for the increase in numbers referred to...on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up....................................
Reasonable health :bah: Got a pacemaker,artificial Knee and Hip joint, got a steel plate in my shin and thigh, a titanium steel cage replacinng half the vertebrae in my cervical spine Oh and I am Diabetic, Should I go looking for the nearst block of flats :o If I had stayed in England with its Non existant National Health System I would either still be confined to a wheel chair or Dead!! Instead I,m still Motorbikin getting Old Very Disgracefully and driving the grandkids nuts :D Nignoy

Mr. Nignoy, you're my hero, I still want to be just like you when I'm old. Please stay away from powerful magnets and loudspeakers till I get to meet you in person.

:bah: Even got a special I D card so I dont have to go through airprt metal detectors :D get all those nice ladies in security to pat me down :D Nignoy
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:D Even got a special I D card so I dont have to go through airprt metal detectors :o get all those nice ladies in security to pat me down :D Nignoy

You are just one step away from the ultimate ID card. Not only do those ladies pat me down but when they have finished, I get to pat them down!

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I've noticed in Khon Kaen anyway that there are a lot more dottery old codgers around than a few years ago.

What's the reason for this?

Are heating bills going up in the Uk or something?

Can they no longer afford their half pint and drams?

Could they all be finding their 'tee ruks' through online agencies?

Are they coming to get their dentures replaced?

Anyone noticed in the other parts of the country?

Erm...have you been back to the UK recently??? Maybe you will see why the older generation, and indeed those that can afford to, are getting out, and going either to places that their pensions can afford, or places where they can work..

You must remember that it was the older generation that made Britain great, they lived through and fought in the war, and established a stable economy and a good way of life for us younger ones to be born in to...Now all you see, is mass immigration by people who have no interest in society building, they dont integrate, get given houses and benefits, and play the race card every time they cant get their own way...what a smack in the face for all the retired people living on bad pensions after 45 years of country building.....Let the wrinklies enjoy their new lease of life, they have earned to right to it, and are no trouble to anybody :o

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returning to the original thread..... it makes economic sense for an older person in reasonable health to live in LOS...this partly accounts for the increase in numbers referred to...on the other hand there is the risk element of falling seriously ill and having to make emergency payments to the LOS medical system...some falangs are unwisely under-insured or even not insured at all and have burnt their boats back home...only high-floor condo diving is the solution when it all goes belly-up....................................
Reasonable health :bah: Got a pacemaker,artificial Knee and Hip joint, got a steel plate in my shin and thigh, a titanium steel cage replacinng half the vertebrae in my cervical spine Oh and I am Diabetic, Should I go looking for the nearst block of flats :o If I had stayed in England with its Non existant National Health System I would either still be confined to a wheel chair or Dead!! Instead I,m still Motorbikin getting Old Very Disgracefully and driving the grandkids nuts :D Nignoy

Mr. Nignoy, you're my hero, I still want to be just like you when I'm old. Please stay away from powerful magnets and loudspeakers till I get to meet you in person.

:bah: Even got a special I D card so I dont have to go through airprt metal detectors :D get all those nice ladies in security to pat me down :D Nignoy

Rust never sleeps5555555555555555555. Nice corresponding with you. You're a king among men.

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