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Concerns About Christian Missionaries


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Smilodon>> I do hope you find your way into salvation and happiness one day. Please open your heart to the true way. The FSM loves you.

I do hope that you one day too can be touched by His noodly appendage.

Please read the holy scripture,The Gospel of the FSM:

Let me my favorite Commandment, from 'The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts"'.


I'd Really Rather You Didn't Indulge In Conduct That Offends Yourself, Or Your Willing, Consenting Partner Of Legal Age AND Mental Maturity. As For Anyone Who Might Object, I Think The Expression Is Go F*** Yourself, Unless They Find That Offensive In Which Case They Can Turn Off the TV For Once And Go For A Walk For A Change.

Walk in peace and watch out for the consPiracy, RAmen.

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Tawp, instead of intelligent discussion, you've stooped to flaming and ridicule. That's beneath your 900-post legacy. Any more posts like yours and the mods will probably close this thread. Please don't jeapoardize a good discussion. Thanks.

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Come on folks, so many of these posts have little or no direct referance to the subject matter. So lets get back to the point of missionaries in Thailand. Many of you apparent bible bashers are only trying to outscore each other by quoting sections from the the best selling book of fiction ever.

So guys, come on please back to the point, and as it is currently quite cold in Thailand, would someone pls throw another missionary on the fire, at least they will have served a practical purpose !

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Sheeet. Cursed and thrown into the pit! Oh well, at least the company will be interesting as long as they have separate pits for those condemned for the sin of pride.

Akcherly, if what I read in a book written by a woman called "A Divine Revelation of hel_l" is true, then people have their own individual mini-pit and are not allowed by what amounts to demon guards to crawl out or communicate with others. So, in addition to the fire, brimstone, being (if you were so at death) sick, blind, or maimed, plus being worm-ridden and eternally damned, there is the added drawback of not even being able to have any fellowship or companionship whatsoever, not even with the other inmates. That's one of the things that would make it the worst, I think. Absolutely no one to have fascinating debates fellowship with! :o

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Come on folks, so many of these posts have little or no direct referance to the subject matter. So lets get back to the point of missionaries in Thailand. Many of you apparent bible bashers are only trying to outscore each other by quoting sections from the the best selling book of fiction ever.

So guys, come on please back to the point, and as it is currently quite cold in Thailand, would someone pls throw another missionary on the fire, at least they will have served a practical purpose !

Another intelligent contribution. Posts of desperation when logic can't cut it. :o

Edited by toptuan
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toptuan>> Sorry, didn't know you were a semi-mod. Please take notice that one post of love probably isn't to be considered flaming, when the designated recipient have taken this thread far-far off-topic into thread-hel_l [pun intended].

So here is something ontopic>> It's not uncommong for missionaries to use 'bribes' as a way to get close to their subjects and hopefully convert a few. Another famous group is doing it using the Narconon-program.

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toptuan>> Sorry, didn't know you were a semi-mod.

Not a mod at all. But been around long enough to know what kind of crap closes threads. You should know, too. Shame on you (insert mental picture of mother's index finger wagging in front of your nose). :o

Please take notice that one post...isn't to be considered flaming...

In case you haven't noticed, it looks like you're the one who probably started the rolling snowball. It's an attraction to other vultures of the same ilk.


Excuse my choice of "crap," "vultures," and "ilk." I really shouldn't try to fight fire with fire. Bad Flamer, Bad Flamer! (Self-loathing). :D

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Why is it that anyone goes to hel_l? If God is full of love for all how can anyone go to hel_l without God saying something like burn this guy's soul. Are there things out of God's control? How can they be out of God's control? Can't God control Satan? I thought the basic idea was that God has control over everything? Am I wrong? I know I know its a long story....

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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

I'm sorry .. I have missed something .. what harm have Christian missionaries done?

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Why is it that anyone goes to hel_l? If God is full of love for all how can anyone go to hel_l without God saying something like burn this guy's soul. Are there things out of God's control? How can they be out of God's control? Can't God control Satan? I thought the basic idea was that God has control over everything? Am I wrong? I know I know its a long story....

...and, an old one. Your questions have been asked since the discussion between the serpent and Eve (for those who believe the Genesis account).

Google "Pascal's wager," especially the Wikepedia article for a great discussion that probably goes beyond the bounds and time requirements people are willing to invest in this thread. But it does touch significantly on your questions.

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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

Yes, before you make your judgement, review who's been the most active in rebuilding the lives and homes of tsunami-destroyed Thailand and Sri Lanka. I personally know several of Christian groups which have gone in and provided millions of dollars of relief, no strings attached.

Also, check out the hospitals and other social welfare insitutions which were built from scratch in Chiang Mai province since the 19th century by Christians, and personally visited and publicly appreciated by the current HM of Thailand. Next time you visit CM, check out the historical museum for a photographic record of what I'm referring to. It's an eye-opener.

And all this, with Thailand remaining a primarily Buddhist nation to this day. It's a credit to Freedom of Religion in Thailand, freedom of choice ingrained into Thai culture, and the non-coerciveness of the vast majority of Christian missionaries in this region.

A long way from the concept of "harm," wouldn't you admit?

I submit to you that the title of this thread and subsequent concerns expressed have been akin to the "the sky is falling" or a "crying wolf" mentality, born of anti-religious (and sometimes anti Judeo-Christian) biases.

Edited by toptuan
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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

I'm sorry .. I have missed something .. what harm have Christian missionaries done?

oops! Looks like I've had a few pebbles thrown back at me...

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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

I'm sorry .. I have missed something .. what harm have Christian missionaries done?

oops! Looks like I've had a few pebbles thrown back at me...

I thought it was a fair question .... Missionaries have been here for ages! yet the percentage of Christians in the country has not really changed ... what harm have they done?

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I believe there are some Buddhist organizations in the making which plan to spread the word of Buddhism throughout the world as the christians do. I hope that western countries will be as open to allowing young Buddhists to enter their countries and walk their streets spreading Buddhism the way other countries have allowed them to do. Buddhism is way behind in marketing itself but some people in Thailand are starting to see that the Amway-style door-to-door marketing of Christianity may be the way for Buddhists to get their word out in Western countries as well. When it comes down to it religions must compete as businesses do. It's the way of the world.

IMO There are a lot of missionaries in poor countries like Thailand today because there are a lot of financially poor people there. They are not spiritually poor, just short on opportunities and cash. Lots of people from developed countries are trying to spread something in these countries.

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Come on folks, so many of these posts have little or no direct referance to the subject matter. So lets get back to the point of missionaries in Thailand. Many of you apparent bible bashers are only trying to outscore each other by quoting sections from the the best selling book of fiction ever.

So guys, come on please back to the point, and as it is currently quite cold in Thailand, would someone pls throw another missionary on the fire, at least they will have served a practical purpose !

Another intelligent contribution. Posts of desperation when logic can't cut it. :o

Why heavons above and thanks for that compliment as I'm sure that is what it was, it is always good to know that comments have been well received and any way what is wrong with wanting to keep warm ? You have a nice day now and by the way, what has logic got to do with peoples imagination and what was it they said, a big Pixie in the sky?

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I do not mean for this topic to cause offence but this is something that genuinely concerns me.

I must add that I have no contact with this group, nor would I wish to.

So you are genuinely concerned but have no wish to address your concerns. I guess you'll remain conflicted for a long time?

I think that this is a very unfair way of recruiting people to their religion.

Fairness is really subjective unless you can apply some rules or laws. Is this activity illegal in Thailand? If it is then you should notify the police. If it is not then maybe your concerns are misplaced?

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Why is it that anyone goes to hel_l? If God is full of love for all how can anyone go to hel_l without God saying something like burn this guy's soul. Are there things out of God's control? How can they be out of God's control? Can't God control Satan? I thought the basic idea was that God has control over everything? Am I wrong? I know I know its a long story....

This answer requires some background, so here it is.

God created angels. 1/3rd of them followed Lucifer, later to be known as Satan, in his bid to become greater than God. "I will be like the most high, I will exalt my throne above the stars." By embracing sin, which was rooted in Satan's love of money: "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire." and rebelling against God, Satan and his angels got tossed out of heaven.

In a timeline, the Bible was not clear if the rebellion happened who knows, billions of years before the Earth and Adam and his wife showed up, it doesn't say. Matthew 25:41 "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:" The everlasint fire was created to incarcerate Satan and his angels, it wasn't made for man. Just like in our society, when people prove too evil and uncontrollable, we put them in prisons, even so God had a prison for Satan and his bunch. The reason men go to hel_l is because they serve a fallen angel, Satan, who will one day be thrown into the lake of fire. But, anyway, Adam had it all, was alive to God, innocent. UNTIL he and his wife jointly decided that they didn't need to obey God, as he was trying to deprive them of something. So, by rebelling against God's rulership by obeying Satan, they came under Satan's rulership, like it or not. And, it was a joint decision, not something Adam's wife did off in some corner somewhere. Genesis Genesis 3:6 "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

So, now, the Earth was under Satan's sway, and since Adam was spiritually dead, i.e. not any longer in direct contact with God, though they could converse, his children would be born with a pure spirit, as God is the father of spirits, but the sin nature resident in their flesh, which is passed through the man, not the woman, would cause spiritual death upon the child reaching an age of accountability.

So, for the time being, as God did all he could, which was precious little, because man had authority on Earth, and Satan had authority over man, God found people here and there who would actually obey him, and he would get closer and closer to being able to have Jesus, who is one with God, born into the Earth, through a woman, but NOT a man, so he did not have any sin nature resident in his flesh, and didn't die, spiritually when he came of age. Jesus, being one of the three-part Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) never sinned, though he was tempted, in al points, as we are. He overcame sin in the flesh, so upon his death, burial, and resurrection, he could help us overcome sin in the flesh, while stil alive, in this Earth, not only after we croak.

The main issue of Christianity, therefore, is the very thing Adam rejected: will you accept Jesus Christ as YOUR savior. Adam had it all, a beautiful body, a beautiful wife who put out like a freight train, and a perfect planet to tend to. He decided he didn't need that God dude ruling over HIM. Boy, was he wrong. However, it was his choice. As through one man, Adam, sin came to all men, so through one man, Jesus, righteousness comes upon all who believe.

God is more powerful than Satan, yes. God will not violate his Word, however. Genesis 26: And God said, Let us (my italics, God said US because he is Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Once a man, in this case, Adam, was given authority over the whole Earth, it would take a man, Jesus, to invite God back to be it's Lord again. Jesus is God, but is also man. He found women beautiful, as any man would. He liked to laugh, have fun, cast out devils, heal the sick and raise the dead. He got hungry, tired, and dusty. He had to eat, drink, and wash the dust off himself. And he had to come and be a man, because only men had the authority to invite God or Satan to dominate the Earth or the people in it.

Which he did. And, so on the day of Pentecost after Jesus had ascended on high, he sent the Holy Spirit to live IN believers. Since then, anyone, anywhere who asks Jesus to be their lord, and believes he is raised form the dead, is saved. And, now, as in any time in history, to reject God is to be doomed to hel_l. Not because God hates the sinner, but because other than heaven, that is the only place any spirits who are not dwelling in a body can go. hel_l just pulls them down like a magnet attracting iron. But everlasting fire was not created to house mankind, it was created to incarcerate Satan. But choosing Satan in lieu of Jesus Christ means you choose his judgment also. It's like having a choice. Lake of burning sulfur, or lake of clear, clean water. You are going to end up in one of them. Which one is up to the individual. It isn't God laughing while tossing well-meaning sinners into damnation because they didn't do enough penant activities to cover up their sins. It is people who at some point, at least ONE point in their life, could have invited Jesus in, and didn't. Reject Jesus, reject heaven. Since Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life, if anyone really wants truth, they will run into Jesus, in one form or another. Whether it is some preacher in some hick town, or some guy on a forum, a tract, a book, a Bible in a hotel night stand, or appearing to him in person, one way or another, everyone gets at least one opportunity to lay down their works, pride, accomplishments, deeds, or whatever else in which they may have trusted, and accept Jesus Christ. Since through the cross, subsequent death, time spent in hel_l (about three days after he became sin for us, though he sinned not) he managed to make a way for everyone. But, with that way made, he also took the responsibility to make truth known to everyone so there will be no excuse when they face God with whether they accepted it and him.

hel_l. Made or devils. Became a place where men go who retain Satan as their lord instead of choosing Jesus. Ultimately will be emptied out in the lake of fire, which burns with fire and brimstone forever, and in that lake, no one will lord it over anyone as the demons do over humans in hel_l today. Everyone will just burn.

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I believe there are some Buddhist organizations in the making which plan to spread the word of Buddhism throughout the world as the christians do. I hope that western countries will be as open to allowing young Buddhists to enter their countries and walk their streets spreading Buddhism the way other countries have allowed them to do.

I can only speak for my home country, the USA. In my area we have four Buddhist temples, two of which are quite evangelistic. One of them is a stone's throw from Microsoft's world headquarters. These Buddhists are free to go about their proselytizing business, spreading literature, participating in radio talk shows, and have "seeker" (translation: potential converts) meetings--all without restriction from the authorities, local population, or other religious groups.

If you came to the USA, you would find yourself in the company of 3 to 5 million Buddhists, 75% of whom are from Asian ancestry. There are laws and enforcement agencies of the government to protect them against religious discrimination in the workplace, politics, public organizations, and most other arenas of opportunity.

We have quite a long history of religious plurality in the USA, fed by the long-standing influx of immigrants--first from Europe, then Latin America, and now from predominately Asian countries. A typical big American city will sport some kind of edifice representing nearly every religion under the sun--all active in "marketing" as you call it.

And, as a further case in point, using Islam as an example, it is quite interesting how Islam can be freely practiced in all western, predominantly Christian countries. But, Christians are still routinely imprisoned, deported, or killed in most Islamic countries of Africa and the Middle East. What are the reasons behind that, I would ask?

Buddhism is way behind in marketing...

Things are quickly changing! You must have missed this post.

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I do not mean for this topic to cause offence but this is something that genuinely concerns me.

I must add that I have no contact with this group, nor would I wish to.

So you are genuinely concerned but have no wish to address your concerns. I guess you'll remain conflicted for a long time?

I think that this is a very unfair way of recruiting people to their religion.

Fairness is really subjective unless you can apply some rules or laws. Is this activity illegal in Thailand? If it is then you should notify the police. If it is not then maybe your concerns are misplaced?

As I mentioned in a previous post it probably was a mistake to voice my concerns here.

The reason that I do not wish to address these concerns to the group involved is that I do not see how confronting the group could help. Many of the posts here have only added to my belief that this would be a waste of both my time and theirs. As I see it, reasonable people do not resort to bribing children and unreasonable people are very hard to reason with.

Are my concerns misplaced? Very possibly

There is an old man down the road who is drinking himself to death. He is not doing anything illegal but his behaviour still concerns me. Is there anything I can do about this? Probably not, as I know he needs to want to be helped. Do I stop caring about him? No

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The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.

-- H. L. Mencken, quoted in the table of contents for Impact Press (October-November 2000)

Deep within the heart of every evangelist lies the wreck of a car salesman.

-- H. L. Mencken

To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride.

-- H. L. Mencken, "Coda," in Smart Set (New York, Dec. 1920; repr. in A Mencken Chrestomathy, pt. 1, 1949).

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smilodon ... did you say "money"? lol

Yeah. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

How is the love of money the root of all evil? It is the love of money that was the first sin, begetting all sin with it's father, Satan, who is known as a liar, and the father of it.

God didn't say "Because you were all horny for women, you were corrupted."

Money is power without direct responsibility. That is why Satan loves it. And, whatever peoples' motivation for whatever sin they do, at the very beginning, when sin was first hatched by Satan, so to speak, it was the love of money that was the root of it. Money can be used for good or evil. Unlike the power of God, which can not be used for evil. People may sin around the power of God, they may sin by trying to charge money for the power of God, (such as saying they won't pray for your kid unless you fork over a wad of cash) but you can't use the power of God to sin. It would be like using Solar plasma to make a room darker. Impossible.

So, Satan loves money because it is power he can use to get things done. Since he sure can't use God's power to kill, steal, and destroy, he uses money to control people so he can get them to help him do it. If it wasn't for the love of money, prostitution, drug abuse, theft, etc. would not be anywhere as prevalent. This doesn't mean that every sin anyone sins is motivated by making a buck. It means sin originated in the love of money when Satan sinned the first sin.

Money can do great things. Pay for computers so people can type on forums. Build hospitals, bridges, schools, roads, toys, pretty clothes for women, gold, jewelry, things for kids to gain an opportunity to show them the gospel by demonstrating some generosity, which is in line with God's character :o or it can be used to motivate people to engage in child prostitution, illicit drug trafficking, planting bombs to kill infidel (non-Muslim)Thais on New Year's Eve, etc.

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smilodon ... did you say "money"? lol

Yeah. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

How is the love of money the root of all evil? It is the love of money that was the first sin, begetting all sin with it's father, Satan, who is known as a liar, and the father of it.

God didn't say "Because you were all horny for women, you were corrupted."

Money is power without direct responsibility. That is why Satan loves it. And, whatever peoples' motivation for whatever sin they do, at the very beginning, when sin was first hatched by Satan, so to speak, it was the love of money that was the root of it. Money can be used for good or evil. Unlike the power of God, which can not be used for evil. People may sin around the power of God, they may sin by trying to charge money for the power of God, (such as saying they won't pray for your kid unless you fork over a wad of cash) but you can't use the power of God to sin. It would be like using Solar plasma to make a room darker. Impossible.

So, Satan loves money because it is power he can use to get things done. Since he sure can't use God's power to kill, steal, and destroy, he uses money to control people so he can get them to help him do it. If it wasn't for the love of money, prostitution, drug abuse, theft, etc. would not be anywhere as prevalent. This doesn't mean that every sin anyone sins is motivated by making a buck. It means sin originated in the love of money when Satan sinned the first sin.

Money can do great things. Pay for computers so people can type on forums. Build hospitals, bridges, schools, roads, toys, pretty clothes for women, gold, jewelry, things for kids to gain an opportunity to show them the gospel by demonstrating some generosity, which is in line with God's character :D or it can be used to motivate people to engage in child prostitution, illicit drug trafficking, planting bombs to kill infidel (non-Muslim)Thais on New Year's Eve, etc.

LOL ... so what did he buy? <in heaven before he was cast out :D> .... does heaven have a free market economy? <<sorry ... your posts about Satan and money are FUNNY!>> :o:D :D

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The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.

-- H. L. Mencken, quoted in the table of contents for Impact Press (October-November 2000)

Deep within the heart of every evangelist lies the wreck of a car salesman.

-- H. L. Mencken

To sum up: 1. The cosmos is a gigantic fly-wheel making 10,000 revolutions a minute. 2. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. 3. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning to give him the ride.

-- H. L. Mencken, "Coda," in Smart Set (New York, Dec. 1920; repr. in A Mencken Chrestomathy, pt. 1, 1949).

That is about the most pessimistic, cynical, depressing post I have ever read, to date. And the poster is "Sabai jai?" With that world and life view? Incredible.

Edited by toptuan
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It's hard to say whose caused more harm lately in Thailand - the Christian missionaries or the Buddhist prime ministers! I am buddhist and don't believe in God, but I'm not about to start casting stones as those who are not buddhist and do believe in God. The problem is, as evidenced in Sri Lanka, south of Thailand, Iraq, etc., is that when a person starts throwing stones he is likely to get some thrown back at him.

I'm sorry .. I have missed something .. what harm have Christian missionaries done?

oops! Looks like I've had a few pebbles thrown back at me...

I thought it was a fair question .... Missionaries have been here for ages! yet the percentage of Christians in the country has not really changed ... what harm have they done?

Honestly, not much harm. We all harm a bit, just by living! My post was really aimed at people realizing that it is unfair to blame Christianity for all the misdeeds of Christians as it would be unfair to blame Buddhism for the behavior of the last Buddhist prime minister of Thailand. I'm a bit fazed by the angry words against other religions coming from fellow "buddhists" on this thread. Thict Naht Hahn wrote an interesting book regarding the similar teachings of Buddha and Christ. I think it far more productive to use the teachings of both to lessen our resentments, anger, judgement which tend to close our hearts and minds. Peace.

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toptuan>> Sorry, didn't know you were a semi-mod.

Not a mod at all. But been around long enough to know what kind of crap closes threads. You should know, too. Shame on you (insert mental picture of mother's index finger wagging in front of your nose). :o

Please take notice that one post...isn't to be considered flaming...
In case you haven't noticed, it looks like you're the one who probably started the rolling snowball. It's an attraction to other vultures of the same ilk.


Excuse my choice of "crap," "vultures," and "ilk." I really shouldn't try to fight fire with fire. Bad Flamer, Bad Flamer! (Self-loathing). :D

No, I wasn't the one who started anything. But thanks for trying to pin the ranting of some religious person on me.

Ps. If you quote please include the full sentence, unless obscurement was your primarly goal. Ds.

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