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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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19 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Maybe if you prefer medium class vehicles. 
In the upper segment, the Japanese do not have much class.
But next year, maybe I'll treat myself to a Nissan GTA for a year to blow it up on the German Autobahn at 5am Sunday morning.

I think you are doing the right thing by considering a Nissan, they will be more emission friendly and last you longer than the German counterpart version. You will probably get it for half the price of the German car too.

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8 minutes ago, The manic said:

We established the debate on the negative aspects off the EU. Any positive changes are down to the UK But EU refused to make any concessions.  We were forced out but many will follow. Only cowards fear our future without mutter Merkel and the french lunatic elite...the mafia states of Italy and 3rd world dumps like Greece. The European Project is a con trick....it has led to the destruction of the indigenous population of countless European cities. England is finished whether we stay in the EU or not. But we have set an example to the world 

We were forced out? - Nobody forced you out!
England is finished whether we stay in the EU or not.
Does not sound optimistic.

All EU countries have the immigration pressure.
It is simply because of the economic refugees, the overpopulation and the crazy birth rates in countries where not enough food grows.
The UK is already fat overcrowded with many cultures.
As an EU citizen, I also like to look at condominiums in Budapest.
As an EU citizen, I can easily buy there.
However, I do not know how it looks like after Brexit.

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

"On condition EU agrees to protect female cyclists"


Stop trivializing; I didn't have you picked as sexist.  ? 

Just quoting from Boris's resignation letter!

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Just quoting from Boris's resignation letter!

I am so glad you have adopted a tenet of us Brexiteers.

If a country can't pass a law to protect the lives of  female cyclists...………...then I don't see how that country can truly be called independent" 

Pleased to see you're coming round to our way of thinking.

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38 minutes ago, Grouse said:

The former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt tweeted on Monday that Britain "used to be a nation providing leadership to the world - now, it can't even provide leadership to itself".

Is this the same Carl Bildt who the Times referred to as a "robotic political pygmy" as a result of his indifference to the ethnic cleansing and genocide committed by the Bosnian Serbs.



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16 hours ago, The manic said:

You answered your own question. Hate filled rhetoric from the losers and cowards. Thats all you have.




First Davis and now Boris............ this isn't a government, it's just one long hissy-fit......brought about entirely by Brexiteers and their own hissy-fit.

What do you expect from a bunch of childlike reactionaries who have no idea what they really want.

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11 hours ago, aright said:

The federalist movement, the undemocratic, unaccountable, increasingly extreme right wing nature, disregard for the effects of the euro on southern members, unemployment 


To me and many contributors here these are very strong "leaving" issues and who are you to tell us how we should construct our argument. Add to that you seem to  want to tell us that Brexit is only an economic issue and  you will tell us what subjects are permissible in the debate. 

Away with your madness.


You have obviously chose to ignore the topic title, which relates to the brexit negotiations.

Emotional speculation and opinion on EU member state domestic issues have no bearing on the brexit negotiations whatsoever and are effectively off topic.

If you want to discuss such issues create another thread rather than hijacking comments on this one.

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Has it ever been fit to negotiate.


Though the Commission has responded cooly to the political chaos in Westminster, behind the scenes EU officials are concerned about the stability of Ms May’s government and whether it will be fit to negotiate with.


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6 hours ago, nontabury said:


 I’ve always been a proud Brit. Today I feel ashamed of my country,whose pathetic P..M, ( the reincarnation of  Neville Chamberlain )has capilated and relinquished our sovereignty to a new colonial power. And this against the expressed wish of the majority of the British people.


37% is not even remotely close to a majority, no matter how you try to spin it.

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8 hours ago, The manic said:

We established the debate on the negative aspects off the EU. Any positive changes are down to the UK But EU refused to make any concessions.  We were forced out but many will follow. Only cowards fear our future without mutter Merkel and the french lunatic elite...the mafia states of Italy and 3rd world dumps like Greece. The European Project is a con trick....it has led to the destruction of the indigenous population of countless European cities. England is finished whether weu stay in the EU or not. But we have set an example to the world 

European Project is a con trick....it has led to the destruction of the indigenous population of countless European cities.”


Where do you get this hogwash from?


Firstly, the cities of Europe are not ‘countless’ more importantly every city in Europe has had a multicultural population going back centuries.


You give us idiotic xenophobic statements while having yourself moved to live in another country.



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Has she put the fox in the henhouse?


Among regulations Mr Raab said should scrapped are the EU’s Working Time Regulations, which restrict the number of hours an employee can be forced to work 48 hours a week or 13 hours a day. They also guarantee at least one day off a week, a minimum of four weeks’ paid annual leave a year.



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Not sure about 'fox in henhouse', but she's clearly appointed someone that the tory politicians will love - and poor, working people will hate....


I'm not sure whether:-

1) she's 'played a blinder' (in that those poor, working people - likely leavers) may be frightened by his appt., and possibly support remain as the lesser of two evils or


2) made a very bad mistake (resulting in said poor, working, voters that previously voted tory,) turning to another party.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

They do know what they want. To act the will of the referendum result or have you got dementia on what that was.  If May had let Davis Davis do the job she put him in to do, then we wouldn't be in this state. As Boris Johnson quite rightly stated you cant polish a T---D.


After watching Lord Adonis on SKY TV I really believe May is going to cause a second referendum until the EU gets the right result.

"To act the will of the referendum " - Sorry if you think that Brexiteers know why they want you clearly don't  have th necessary abilities to talk rationally about this topic

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Has she put the fox in the henhouse?
Among regulations Mr Raab said should scrapped are the EU’s Working Time Regulations, which restrict the number of hours an employee can be forced to work 48 hours a week or 13 hours a day. They also guarantee at least one day off a week, a minimum of four weeks’ paid annual leave a year.

To be fair he did make these statements several years ago and, since he is joining a cabinet who seem unable to hold a position more than few hours, it is a bit of a stretch to expect him to stick to anything he said before being appointed.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Really.  I know what i voted for. I am a Brexiteer. So I can't talk rationally. mmmmmm. Is it because I have a different opinion from you.

So exactly what did you vote for ?


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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Really.  I know what i voted for. I am a Brexiteer. So I can't talk rationally. mmmmmm. Is it because I have a different opinion from you.

QED - " I know what i voted for. I am a Brexiteer" - the ultimate oxymoron!

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