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An Onslaught of Tourists Is Stressing Out Thailand


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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

When I divorced my Thai wife a few years ago, I left her with our beautiful home and garden, where she still lives with our young son, for whom I pay maintenance.

Nowadays, when I go back there to collect him to stay with me during his school holidays, I cannot bear to go through the main gate, let alone go into the house,  as the last time I did so, about 4 years ago, the whole place was in a disgusting state, with rubbish everywhere.  Several dogs, a few ducks and many chickens roaming around added to the general mess. As I live over 500 kms away, my initial periodic efforts at cleaning things up a  bit for my son's sake, proved absolutely fruitless.  I don't think she notices the junk and mess at all.  

Seems like filth makes Thai people feel at home. How many times I go to a 7-11, and see Thai people walk out, take the wrapper off whatever they bought, walk by the thrash bin, and throw their wrapper on the ground, then ride their motorbike away...

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6 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

Seems like filth makes Thai people feel at home. How many times I go to a 7-11, and see Thai people walk out, take the wrapper off whatever they bought, walk by the thrash bin, and throw their wrapper on the ground, then ride their motorbike away...

True and they do not care. Police do not enforce non roadworthy vehicles. To busy chasing scooters lol.

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Where I am located in Uttaradit, Jomtien south or between Hua Hin and Cha-am (lake Tung Nham) I seldom see tourists.


So it must only be concentrated in the normal hotspots like walking street, nana plaza, phuket and andaman sea.

For the rest it is quiet here.


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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Tourism can create, and at the same time, tourism can disrupt," said Weerasak, 52, in an interview in his office in the Thai capital. "Congestion is no good for anyone, including the hosts and the guests."


and the 70 millions Thai people still not do anything wrong only tourists get the blame 

wake up Thailand 

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

Not exactly...


The Chinese intermarried...between Chinese families, then changed their names to make them sound Thai.


Then they created almost all the businesses, especially the big ones, and kept the local population in total ignorance with the help of what is probably the worst school system in the world.


Finally, the Thais didn't close the barn after the horse had bolted, but after the Chinese Trojan horse had been invited in!

I didnt know about the changing of names.....


I agree about the appalling education system but never thought their could be an ulterior Chinese motive behind it. Where did you glean this info.? Id like to read more on it.


.......I meant Thais closing the barn door to prevent farangs buying when the Chinese already own nearly everything.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s Tourism Minister Weerasak Kowsurat holds up a picture frame containing pieces of an instant-noodle packet recovered from the stomach of the whale. 

Bu_ger the tourist industry. I doubt the whale was too thrilled.

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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Many of them land at Suvarnabhumi airport, get out, see the trash,then immediately go back inside the airport to board a plane leaving Thailand...yet they are counted as tourists since their passports have been stamped...

      Nope.  Tourists--and when I say tourists I mean tourists, and not long-term visitors, expats, weekenders, snowbirds,etc.--do not really care about things like trash, the state of the sidewalks, the state of the roads, traffic congestion, the number of shade trees on the beach, the competence of the politicians, and all the many, many other things we, as full or part-time residents, or frequent visitors, moan and groan about. 

     They are tourists, here today and gone in a week or so, crossing this place or that off their bucket list.  They may remark to themselves that the sidewalks are lousy but, no big deal for them--they don't live here and they can put up with lousy sidewalks for their short stay.  Same for everything else--including trash.   I've read some stories that Rome is not as clean as it used to be.  Is that going to stop me from finally visiting as a tourist?  Nope.

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11 hours ago, mok199 said:

NO...The Onslaught of ''Budget Tourists'',lawless disrespectful thais and Poorly run ,corrupt tour groups is stressing out Thailand..but we can always go to the new mall

You missed one very important word.........CHINESE. Sorry for shouting.

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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

I didnt know about the changing of names.....


I agree about the appalling education system but never thought their could be an ulterior Chinese motive behind it. Where did you glean this info.? Id like to read more on it.


.......I meant Thais closing the barn door to prevent farangs buying when the Chinese already own nearly everything.

When I was involved in business in Bangkok, I had some interesting contacts with very well connected Thai-Chinese businessmen, and businesswomen...the latter being more open to talking than the men.


Actually, the Thai-Chinese I met were not making a secret of their way of life.


They told me how they had changed their names, yet always keeping a subtle part of their former name in their new one, so that it would allow each other to know who was of Chinese origin and who was not...


Obviously, for a small number of foreign families to hold a whole country in their hands, the local population must be kept in ignorance, thus remaining in a state of submission, while providing a regular flow of low cost workers.


One of their most "amazing" achievement is to have convinced the Thai population that it has never been colonized, and making it repeat this mantra again and again...

Edited by Brunolem
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6 hours ago, lensta said:

I would just like to know where these record number of tourists go.

I have lived in a beachside tourist town since 2008 and the numbers

of tourists have decreased year on year. Now the high season is shorter

with less tourists. Now during low season, it is like a ghost town.

Lensta, this is a mystery to me also. My small beach town 3 hours south of Bangkok is also a ghost town, only slightly better in high season.

But, do you really want to know where the tourists go? I'm just glad it's not here.

I am constantly amazed at the amount of trash and the multiple places it is dumped and burned though. Any open place along the road is apparently a great place to dump whatever isn't needed. It seems that it gets burned by people who just enjoy the fires and smoke.


The lack of environmental ignorance among many Thai is truly staggering.

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12 hours ago, mok199 said:

NO...The Onslaught of ''Budget Tourists'',lawless disrespectful thais and Poorly run ,corrupt tour groups is stressing out Thailand..but we can always go to the new mall

True. One just needs to visit places like Cha-am, and see by oneself what a dump Thai tourists made of them, cause by far the largest number of tourists there are Thai...

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Thai's do not understand garbage they understand drop things on the ground and let nature take its course. Which as we all can see does not work in these times with plastic and such

The only 'clean' places in Thailand I've seen, are the ones with a Muslim majority in the deep South, e.g. Yala. All other Thais are pigs, with no conscience for cleanliness. Even Laos and Myanmar, not to mention Malaysia, are much cleaner!

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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3 hours ago, DavidAlexander said:

Charge $25 for a visa. This would raise $1 billion..use  it to clean up things and improve the environment.

A reasonable idea at first blush. But that seems to be the universal answer these days to all of society's problems.


Impose more fees, create a bureau to manage it, hire more government flunkies to man it, collect the money, produce a few TV public service announcements, pocket the money, and then ignore the fact that the problem hasn't been solved.


As many others have pointed out, the tourists are minor players in this drama.. The Thai population must decide that they don't want their countryside to be a smoldering pile of garbage. Apparently they don't care.


All solutions must start and end with the majority of the people in any country for any problem.  Governments have never been good at solving problems but have a superlative record of creating them.


My own home government for instance is creating problems not only for its citizens but for people all over the world. Might makes right is our national slogan.


Our new 'Cheeto in Chief' is exuberantly extending these policies to the detriment of all peoples everywhere and too many other governments follow like puppies (puppets?).

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To those on tv.com who are always saying tourism is decreasing in Thailand: Note that Thailand is having a record-breaking number of tourists this year, and even more predicted next year. 

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22 minutes ago, RocketDog said:


Our new 'Cheeto in Chief' is exuberantly extending these policies to the detriment of all peoples everywhere and too many other governments follow like puppies (puppets?).

Cheeto in chief = the Golden Golem of Greatness

Puppies = vassals

The Golden Golem of Greatness, who is also a "Don" as in the mafioso sense, as well as in his first name, despises weakness and enjoys brushing his shoe soles on these weaklings who pretend to lead sovereign states!


Having said that, everything you say is right.

The problem is that, in order to deal with a problem, one first needs to realize that the problem exists!

It seems that we are still far from that in Thailand when it comes to garbage disposal.

Edited by Brunolem
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For sure as regards throwing rubbish away this is mostly caused by the thais, I have lived in  many big cities in Thailand and the last 7 years in a small village all the locals just throw there rubbish away wherever they feel like it, in the town 2k away they have rubbish bins but to have them in the village each house has to pay 35b a month, needless to say they prefer to throw there rubbish anywhere as it's free 

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9 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Not exactly...


The Chinese intermarried...between Chinese families, then changed their names to make them sound Thai.


Then they created almost all the businesses, especially the big ones, and kept the local population in total ignorance with the help of what is probably the worst school system in the world.


Finally, the Thais didn't close the barn after the horse had bolted, but after the Chinese Trojan horse had been invited in!

when did this cunning plan take place?


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12 hours ago, DoctorG said:

An onslaught of Tourists?

Is that a collective like -

A murder of crows?


The autopsy said they were stoned....must have been middle eastern crows...First offence.

(Apologies to Monty Python)

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22 hours ago, mok199 said:

NO...The Onslaught of ''Budget Tourists'',lawless disrespectful thais and Poorly run ,corrupt tour groups is stressing out Thailand..but we can always go to the new mall

agree in parts what you are saying ? unfortunately u left out majority of thais who use the entire country as a rubbish tip.

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Needless to say that this "quality" tourism is something nobody wants - apparently except Thailand. Apart from ransacking simply anything and everything, the lovely brethren from the North are not leaving any marks behind and the money "earned" is going where?

Less can be more and in this case less HAS to be more. I remember the quality tourism Thailand could attract 30 years ago in connection with its "Amazing Thailand" campaign. 

It remains amazing to this day, but rather to how stupid, ignorant and selfish this industry is operated and it will be the future generation(s) to clean up the mess left behind by those quality tourists. Latter's contribution though is outweighed by the locals; go and have a look at a beach used by Thais only, i.e. Bang Saen springing to mind? It looks like Verdun after WW1 and Phu Khradueng, Doi Inthanon and other excursions places, mostly frequented by Thais, are a disgrace to civilization, as far as I am concerned. 

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I have the answer!  The billionaires and the 1%ers get unfettered access to all natural reserves anywhere in the world including Thailand.  This includes being able to 'cull' a few trophies of endangered species while there at it.

To do this, most of the lands outside of the cities will be Off Limits to the unwashed masses who instead will have cheap access to Internet and communication services so they can view what the elite can see without disturbing the ecosystem.  The Nature Channel channels 1 thought 100 will be streamed world-wide.   The hoi polloi must stay in the small confines of their residential cities and be equipped with GPS monitoring to make sure they stay put.  No more cars, motorcycles, or anything but electric public transits will be allowed within the Pheberia where the masses must live.
Tourist who meet strict financial guidelines and their indentured help needed to serve them will be the only humans allowed into "Wunder Land" along with a cadre of distinguished scientists and government officials (who are all equal to you and I, but just a little more equal). :smile:

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Well they, the Chinese are certainly ruining Chiang Mai. Just the sheer numbers increase the vans and to mention tour buses with all the Chinese is way out of control polluting and creating havoc cramping the streets. Early morning to later night. Buses should be outlawed in the city. Just can't take it.

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9 hours ago, shy coconut said:

when did this cunning plan take place?


Probably not a plan, just an event leading to the next, and so on.

Many Chinese emigrated to Thailand after WWII, started businesses that were beyond the locals' capabilities, then step by step established their influence without really facing any opposition.

Going in any city, even the small ones, one can see that the most successful businesses (and by extension money and power) are run by Thai-Chinese...

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