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Trump flies into 'hot spot' Britain, questioning May's Brexit plan


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Trump flies into 'hot spot' Britain, questioning May's Brexit plan

By William James, Jeff Mason



U.S. President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up while he and Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May take part in a family photo at the start of the NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump flies into “hot spot” Britain on Thursday hours after casting doubt on Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for leaving the European Union and with protests planned across the country where he says the people like him a lot.


After a NATO summit where he provoked a crisis session to force allies to up their defence spending, Trump arrives in Britain having described the closest U.S. ally in Europe as being in turmoil over Brexit.


May hopes Trump’s trip will help forge a future free trade deal, but instead Trump’s views on Brexit have cast a shadow over the visit.


The trip coincides with a tumultuous week for May after two senior ministers resigned in protest at her plans for trade with the EU after Britain leaves next March.


That business-friendly Brexit proposal was only agreed by her cabinet last Friday after two years of wrangling since Britons voted to leave the bloc in a 2016 referendum.


“I’m going to a pretty hot spot right now, right? With a lot of resignations,” Trump told a news conference at the NATO summit in Brussels.


“The people voted to break it up, so I imagine that’s what they’ll do. But maybe they’re taking a little bit of a different route, so I don’t know if that’s what they voted for.”


Asked about Trump’s comments, May said: “We’re delivering on the vote of the British people to take back control of our money, our laws and our borders.”


Trump has long been a Brexit supporter and has expressed enthusiasm for a wide-ranging trade deal with Britain after Brexit, something heralded by eurosceptics as being one of the great benefits of exiting the bloc.


He has also said he might speak to Boris Johnson, who quit as foreign secretary over May’s plans.


May is trying to unify her deeply divided Conservative Party behind her Brexit plans with some of her own lawmakers openly speaking of a leadership challenge.


In a statement ahead of Trump’s arrival, she said the visit would focus on trade and strengthening defence and security ties, saying there was no stronger alliance than Britain’s “special relationship with the U.S.”


“There will be no alliance more important in the years ahead,” she said.


“This week we have an opportunity to deepen this unique trading relationship and begin discussions about how we will forge a strengthened, ambitious and future-proof trade partnership.”




Despite the welcome from May, many Britons are opposed to Trump’s visit. A YouGov poll on Wednesday showed 77 percent had an unfavourable opinion of the president and just 50 percent thought his visit should go ahead.


“I think they like me a lot in the UK,” Trump said in Brussels. “I think they agree with me on immigration. I’m very strong on immigration.”


Nick Hurd, Britain’s Policing Minister, told parliament police expected more than 100 protests across the country, including two large demonstrations in London on Friday, and there were robust and proportionate plans in place.


Ian Blackford, the Scottish National Party’s leader in the Westminster parliament, said he regretted that May’s government would roll out the red carpet for Trump.


“From the public, the welcome will be far from warm,” he told lawmakers on Wednesday, noting there would be protests across the country against Trump’s “abysmal record on human rights, his repugnant attitude towards women and his disgusting treatment of minorities”.


A high fence has been erected around the U.S. ambassador’s central London residence where Trump will spend Thursday night and the embassy has sent out an alert warning Americans in London to keep a low profile in case protests turn violent.


More than 60,000 people have signed up to demonstrate in London on Friday when protesters intend to fly a large balloon over parliament portraying Trump as an orange, snarling baby.


A campaign is also underway to get “American Idiot”, a 2004 song by the U.S. punk rock band Green Day, to the top of the UK Singles Chart.


On Thursday, Trump will travel to Blenheim Palace, the 18th-century stately home where Britain’s World War Two leader Winston Churchill was born and spent most of his childhood.


May will host a black-tie dinner for Trump there, attended by senior ministers and about 100 business leaders, including from Blackstone group, Blackrock, Diageo, McLaren and Arup.


The two leaders will hold talks the following day at Chequers, the 16th-century manor house which is the prime minister’s official country residence. These will focus on relations with Russia, trade, Brexit and the Middle East.


Later, Trump will go to Windsor Castle for tea with 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth. When he leaves Britain on Sunday, after a trip to Scotland where he owns two golf courses, he heads to Helsinki for a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


May welcomed the summit and said it could help address “malign activity” by Russia which Britain blames for a nerve agent attack in March on a former Russian double agent and his daughter in southwest England in March.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-7-12
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Ah, so he has arrived in blighty has he?


I shall log on tomorrow morning, all agog to hear about his latest banal insults on twitter.


I wonder who or what will be the target of his next  social media unguided missile. He really is an "area weapon" isn't he?

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I tried to look for "Trump May holding hands" photo. I got this. I was not disappointed ?




Good luck Trump. Ah, btw. Finland is already prepared for your visit next Monday.

The world should know about our president's dog, Lennu.


Painting by Kaj Stenvall for sale at galleria in Helsinki.


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42 minutes ago, Silurian said:

If this is what it takes for the Reality TV Con Man to feel unwelcome, maybe people from across the USA can start flying them over every city. Thanks to the people of London for finding the correct repellent!


Trump opponents inflate snarling orange 'Trump baby' blimp beside British parliament






The organizers said that the streets of London would be crammed with at least 100,000 people.That's not what I see.


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9 hours ago, Mansell said:

May should have responded by telling Deviate Donny that Obama was a better president than you, and he had manners which you are severely lacking. To dump him on the Queen is just plain nasty.......maybe she'll put him in the Tower for a laugh! A sad day for the UK watching this pompous turd being given any kind of respect by the powers that be. He should be given an official escort to Air Force One and forced aboard and out of the country. Until there is a civilized human in the White House Britain should ignore this blowhard and go our own way. The Queen will be polite to the Orange nightmare, but the Royals must be gagging having this court jester foisted upon them. Rule Brittania.

Be nice if he came up missing

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One of the most entertaining threads in a while.

Gave me a good laugh (I am not British).


As I see he continues his trail of destruction.


Looking forward to his meeting with Putin.

Very excited.

Will he demonstrate his "football"? :shock1:

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I'm sure i must be missing something.


-Majority of UK citizens don't want Trump to visit.


-Trump tells May that she takes the wrong approach about Brexit.


-May loses support of the Brexiteers that voted her in, as well as the members of her government.


=Maybe the majority of UK citizens doesn't disagree so much with Trump?

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4 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

I'm sure i must be missing something.


-Majority of UK citizens don't want Trump to visit.


-Trump tells May that she takes the wrong approach about Brexit.


-May loses support of the Brexiteers that voted her in, as well as the members of her government.


=Maybe the majority of UK citizens doesn't disagree so much with Trump?

That story about Trump criticizing May was just fake news. And that's not just me saying it; it's what Donald Trump himself says:

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In the grand scheme of things his orangeness's taking of tea with our Maj' today was low key and had a whiff of duty about it considering the pomp and circumstance that can be layed on and has been for previous Prez's .. That it was for less than hour an hour and concluded with more than a passing coincidence in time for her Majesty to watch Countdown on C4 ( by all accounts a fave in the Royal household ) says more than words can say .. Conspicuous also was his turning up at the stage in a Range Rover not that hideous armoured truck limo' thing .. Her Majesty would be less than pleased having that churning the lawns up .. One should imagine .. 


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3 hours ago, bedouin1990 said:

I get a huge laugh hearing all lefties insult Trump. He has really messed on your dreams for Utopia.

Just wait until the Dems get crushed in the Mid term elections, the Trump haters will loose their minds.

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UK people -- you've been trumped.


Perhaps some of you have a better idea now what the majority of Americans that are NOT "trump" fans are feeling everyday in the wake of the relentless destructive reality t.v. show of the vulgarian bully should-never-have-been president. 




Why Theresa May got the Trump gaslight treatment


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

UK people -- you've been trumped.


Perhaps some of you have a better idea now what the majority of Americans that are NOT "trump" fans are feeling everyday in the wake of the relentless destructive reality t.v. show of the vulgarian bully should-never-have-been president. 




Whilst I feel your pain about Trump he was democratically voted into office as the POTUS and I don't think Sadiq Khan did himself any favours by allowing a plastic blimp of Baby Trump to fly over the capital, as the POTUS he should expect a modicum of respect from the citisens of our country.

That said Trump stands a good chance at being elected for a second term, would you agree?

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43 minutes ago, vogie said:

Whilst I feel your pain about Trump he was democratically voted into office as the POTUS and I don't think Sadiq Khan did himself any favours by allowing a plastic blimp of Baby Trump to fly over the capital, as the POTUS he should expect a modicum of respect from the citisens of our country.

That said Trump stands a good chance at being elected for a second term, would you agree?

Respect is earned, it doesn't come with the title. Trump shows zero respect wherever he goes. Therefore, he gets zero respect.


Highly unlikely he will see this term of office out. Mid terms will be interesting.

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12 hours ago, bristolboy said:

That story about Trump criticizing May was just fake news. And that's not just me saying it; it's what Donald Trump himself says:

There is a fascinating thread on Twitter at the moment - Jon Sopel, BBC North American editor, tweeted about Trump claiming to have been in the UK the day before Brexit, and having correctly predicted the result of the poll. Sopel points out that this is not true, and has evidence to prove that he arrived the day after the poll, not before, not least because Sopel was there.


This might seem fair enough - Trump made a mistake with his dates and invented a situation that never really happened: he meets lots of people, times, places sometimes get hazy.


However Stephanie Grisham, Director of Comms for Melania Trump, then tweeted that the Donald was, in fact, correct in what he said, and that she was with him in the UK on the day before the poll.


Sopel then wheels out his evidence that the Donald is not correct and that he definitely did not arrive until the day after the poll, but she completely ignores that and continues to push the line that what he said was true. Then all the Trump fans pile in and claim the same.


The fact of whether he was there or not is, of course, irrelevant, but the blatant and barefaced rewriting of history from the office of the world's most prominent leader is disturbing.

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