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British cave diver slams Elon Musk’s submarine idea as nothing more than PR stunt

Jonathan Fairfield

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While I have been impressed with Musk's work and believe his intentions were always genuine in the rescue, he looks stupid for calling Vern a pedo. However, Elon said something else very interesting in the latest exchange that I was secretly hoping would happen. He is going to show Vern is a liar, and at the same time will expose all the armchair thaivisa experts who claim the sub could never have worked as being stupid. So most of you here better get ready to eat some humble pie. Elon Musk said today:


"You know what, don’t bother showing the video. We will make one of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo. Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it."


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20 minutes ago, canopy said:

While I have been impressed with Musk's work and believe his intentions were always genuine in the rescue, he looks stupid for calling Vern a pedo. However, Elon said something else very interesting in the latest exchange that I was secretly hoping would happen. He is going to show Vern is a liar, and at the same time will expose all the armchair thaivisa experts who claim the sub could never have worked as being stupid. So most of you here better get ready to eat some humble pie. Elon Musk said today:


"You know what, don’t bother showing the video. We will make one of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo. Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it."


I can't believe it! There's now a disease called MDS. Musk Derangement Syndrome. I'd love for Elon to get to to Cave 5 a couple of hours before a major typhoon hits.


The governor originally said the sub wouldn't work. Musk dissed the governor saying he wasn't the expert when in fact everyone was reporting to him and he made the decisions. When Vern said we need the Brit specialists, the governor was quick to approve. Same with all the other international help. The governor did an outstanding job, so when Elon criticized the governor, I wouldn't be surprised if that had an impact on Vern's choice of words.


Musk looks beyond stupid for his comments. He revealed the shallow self-serving person that he hid behind the hype.

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I too have to think the governor's statement was based on something. At this point I have to wonder if it came from Vern. Very unlikely it came from Stanton, one of the two who discovered the boys, and who encouraged Elon to develop the sub.



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11 minutes ago, canopy said:

I too have to think the governor's statement was based on something. At this point I have to wonder if it came from Vern. Very unlikely it came from Stanton, one of the two who discovered the boys, and who encouraged Elon to develop the sub.



21 minutes ago, JerseytoBKK said:


Why "very unlikely it came from Stanton"? Help was pouring in from around the globe. Maybe Stanton thought Musk had special equipment or expertise? And then they found out that the narcissist Musk was just pulling a PR move.


Why did Musk have to visit the cave and divert resources to get a personal tour by the Thai divers? He had at least 2 top engineers there at least 2 days before his visit. Massive PR stunt that has since failed miserably

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8 minutes ago, JerseytoBKK said:

Why did Musk have to visit the cave

Good question. Here is one logical reason. Musk like many of us sensed the danger and urgency the kids were in at that time. He went there because he cared. He thought maybe there was still something in the last hours he could do to help just like any respectable person would react in that situation. Imagine if he hadn't gone an emergency occurred, and he or his sub were called upon. He would have been tarred and feathered by everyone on thaivisa for not caring enough to be with the rescue sub but instead was off on other boring business ventures. And did you hear about the close calls that occurred during the rescue? Wow. Thank goodness for the brave divers and the kids all got out ok.


And by the way, I am willing to call Musk stupid in the post you quoted so I know when you are talking about MDS you are not talking about me. On the contrary, Musk simply cannot win against all of you with AMDS (anti musk derangement syndrome). Your hatred of his success blinds you from the truth that he was just doing his best to help the kids.


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Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue a 'pedo' in baseless attack

Accusation directed on Twitter at Vern Unsworth, who called Tesla CEO’s offer of ‘mini-sub’ to help rescuers a ‘PR stunt’

Sam Levin in San Francisco



Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, tweeted Sunday: ‘Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.’ Photograph: Morgan Sette/EPA-EFE


Elon Musk came under fire on Sunday after launching an extraordinary attack on a British diver who helped rescue the boys trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand, baselessly calling him a “pedo” on Twitter and then doubling down.


Full story:  https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1048621-elon-musk-calls-british-diver-in-thai-cave-rescue-a-pedo-in-baseless-attack/

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:04 PM, Bang Bang said:

Yep, Vern is a hero. But he could be a little more gracious. I think Musk truly thought he could help. And no one outside of the divers knew the configuration of the cave.


So maybe his sub would've been useless but give Musk credit for trying. He's not so dumb as to try to insert himself into a life and death crisis only for the PR.

I think you are correct in wanting to give Musk credit for trying, Musk's mistake was calling the guy a pedo (and by inference every expat in Thailand a pedo).  As we used to say in the U.S. Navy one "oh shit moment" over rides a whole bunch of good that occurs before.

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The people with Musk Derangement Syndrome are like the newly arrived sexpat who tells everyone that he has meet the love of his life in a bar and he intends to buy her a house, land, cars, business, etc. Because he KNOWS she is different. No amount of facts will dissuade the pilgrim from his fate.

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3 hours ago, dirtynomad said:

He might be able to sue Musk for the pedo comments.

He (Vern) has enough class not to even entertain such a low life dig from the child - - very much - it's my ball so it's my rules, otherwise I'll take my ball and go home. 

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14 hours ago, Stuart21 said:

Vern (& others) owes Musk an apology, IMO. Musk was asked on Twitter if he could do whatever he could to help save the boys - he did.

Don't know what this love affair you have with Musk is, but are you still defending him now after his latest twitter remarks?



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Wow Musk lost all the respect from me , calling other people for pedo and go public with it ?     I hope Vern will sue his ass for at least a million . 

Edited by balo
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6 minutes ago, balo said:

Wow Musk lost all the respect from me , calling other people for pedo and go public with it ?     I hope Vern will sue his ass for at least a million . 

Americans is protected, while Amaericans can sue anyone (almost)

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13 hours ago, dirtynomad said:

He might be able to sue Musk for the pedo comments.


13 hours ago, dirtynomad said:

He might be able to sue Musk for the pedo comments.

A criminal deformation case lodged here  could no doubt cause EM problems on his next visit.  As he also commented badly about the Thai leader of the rescue he may not get too much sympathy.

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30 minutes ago, harrry said:


A criminal deformation case lodged here  could no doubt cause EM problems on his next visit.  As he also commented badly about the Thai leader of the rescue he may not get too much sympathy.

And why should he, he spat the dummy - now pay the consequences. 

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22 hours ago, JerseytoBKK said:

Musk just went completely unhinged. He called Vern "pedo guy".


I know that the progressive / socialist members of TV think he's a demi-god, but with that latest comment by him, I think he's gone from being a con man to a total piece of excrement.


Also tweeted: " Water level was actually very low & still (not flowing) — you could literally have swum to Cave 5 with no gear, which is obv how the kids got in. "

1/ Why would you think that QUOTE "the progressive / socialist members of TV think he's a demi-god" ?

I am a progressive / socialist member, and I certainly don't think so.

Do you maybe use the expression progressive / socialist as a swear word, like the alt right do?


2/ I agree however on what you say about the con man.


3/ The Tesla boy also commented that it is suspicious that a Brit lived in Thailand. Can all expats now sue him?


And as I commented before, Mr Musk should concentrate on what he does best: shooting garbage into space, as he did with his car. Yes, Mr Musk could solve Thailand's rubbish problem.


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