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Pattaya Court


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On 7/18/2018 at 10:05 PM, oxforddon said:

Not sure I was doing anything more than querying why he was in Soi 9 holding cells for 15 days as that is not normal. Had he explained more about what he was in the station for when they checked his passport it might have been easier to understand. As an ex-moderator I certainly agree that the TV posts are generally negative .... and its why I gave up on that task ....

"I certainly agree that the TV posts are generally negative".

Maybe so, but on the Banking, Computer etc, Forums, the help you will get there is tremendous, I

have found that out many times over the years. :thumbsup:

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Condolences and best wishes mate. I wouldn't wish your 'holiday' experience on anyone else.


It's like the Russian lady jailed overnight, and fined, for feeding the fish at a beach. A few mistakes, a bad combination of events and anyone can get done.

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Oddly tough treatment for a very short overstay. Yes, punishment is higher if caught rather than reported, but that seemed excessive.


Possibly a clerical mistake. Either way, the OP should seek legal advice and clear up the issue. If he has proof, he could threaten to write to his local paper to warn about aggressive policies.


Fine, yes. Prison for a month, no.

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3 minutes ago, JayBird said:

Oddly tough treatment for a very short overstay. Yes, punishment is higher if caught rather than reported, but that seemed excessive.


Possibly a clerical mistake. Either way, the OP should seek legal advice and clear up the issue. If he has proof, he could threaten to write to his local paper to warn about aggressive policies.


Fine, yes. Prison for a month, no.

The issue has already been cleared up. There's nothing to be done or that can be done. He's already back in Australia and probably thinking about going somewhere else for his next yearly vacation.

Edited by tropo
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6 hours ago, car720 said:

This is a wind up and people are falling into it left right and centre.

I have overstayed many times and have always just payed at the airport on the way out..  In Thailand money talks and bs walks.  Everyone knows this.

But did you go to the police first?

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On 7/15/2018 at 6:42 PM, GeeKay said:

Mate I certainly wouldn't get abusive toward you particularly as I've only just joined this site and you are 20k+ posts. However with all due respect I can assure you it's not a "wind up" and I'll do the courtesy of giving the full story if you are interested. I'm sure there are  people on here aware of the overstay drama if you are found to be over your allowable period not at the airport but by the police inside the country. They don't care if you are 1 day or 10 years over the treatment is horrendous and what I've heard it is to do with some recent change in the law or policy. My story is real and one I'll never forget, I've only been home 3 weeks and it's almost 10pm here in Australia.  I'll post the whole story tomorrow because it will take a while to write.

if i were youvi will fill up a strong complain with human being right for unhuman and abusive treatement.

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1 hour ago, Mansell said:

Whether his story is true or not, the big mistake was talking to the police after having imbibed a fair amount of booze.....this is not a Win Win situation as his experience proved.

Not only that, talking with the police while on overstay. I mean if you piss them off then they can do with you as they please as has happened to the OP. 


I have to say sounds dangerous because I have had my parents overstay one or two day before catching their flight. I never thought much of it as I assumed there would be some flexibility if you had a ticket out already and just overstayed 1 or 2 days. I will now tell them to get a visa just to be on the safe side. 

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4 hours ago, TSF said:

I can trump that...I been here 40 years and never over-stayed once. 


I've never been here, but overstayed twice.


"Big Joke' and the tourist police are constantly in the news these days cracking down on illegal foreigners, including overstayers.  


As the OP said, once the tourist police look at your passport, and notice an overstay, they have no choice but to crack down hard these days.

Edited by Stevemercer
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1 hour ago, Frotting said:

Rest assured that the original poster is telling the truth.  The outcome for anyone who overstays their visa by more than a day here is draconian to say the least.  Being incapacitated in hospital is not considered an excuse.  A few years ago I met a French man who was locked up in Pattaya Police Station cells for overstay.  I was also spending the night there myself for having a motorcyclist hit me in the side of my car (HE hit ME! Yes!) and I was locked up as part of the normal shakedown routine of foreigners that is so routine in Pattaya.  Anyway, the French man had been there already for a few days.  We were lucky enough to share a cell just ourselves, so had a bit of space, the cell (cage) opposite had around 25 people in it and was maybe 3 x 2.5 metres in size with a hole to relieve yourself into.  I got out in the morning after paying 20,000 baht to the desk officer, who quickly slipped the money into his pocket.  Meanwhile the French man was there for at least another week.  No food.  He managed to contact me via somebody's phone and I took him in some food the next day.  He eventually went to a court and was deported, much in the same way as the OP above.  A few weeks later I received an email from him saying that he was safe back home in France.  This was 12 years ago, and I doubt he ever returned to Thailand since.  He did not mention a cage full of zombies at the court, but hey, TIT and anything indeed is possible.


This guy was definitely not a criminal.  He simply overstayed by 2 weeks.  Okay, we all know the rules, but to be treated like a serious criminal and shaken down for such a thing I don't believe can happen anywhere else in the world, maybe Saudi Arabia or North Korea perhaps but I have never heard of any such thing.  Why not deport immediately?  Why keep locked up for even longer than the overstay?  Anyway, I totally believe what the OP wrote and he has my utmost sympathy.  I would advise him, if this was only a holiday or short visit, never come back.  If you like Asia that much, there is Cambodia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Singapore, Phillipines and even Indonesia if you have a strong stomach; all of which have far more civilised immigration laws and more sympathetic police forces.

They keep you locked up in Soi 9 until they prepare paperwork for court.


police is in no rush to get paperwork ready. If one wants to face court fast , then it requires a small donation to (roywen) in charge of your case.

after facing court and paying the fine , they send you to deportation holding cells , again no one is in a hurry to process the paperwork , and hence the long waiting times.


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7 hours ago, Mbaki said:

Especially an Australian? What has nationality got to do with it, look back a bit at a few TV postings and topics and you will find that people from all countries have had the same types of issues.

True, theres no shortage of international hooligans.

As for Australians apparently the disaster statistic and reports say Thailand is a most dangerous place for them to visit.


IMO which really says more about them than Thailand.

Not to rubbish them but ive been to Australia and i found it one of the most expensive, no fun allowed, over legislated in the world.

rules and penalty and fines for absolutely everything you could imagine.


Im sure they tax the price of alcohol way out of reach of middle/lower class income people just so to keep the whole population from turning into alchoholics from boredom.


you can understand when they come here and go crazy,

beer under half the price they pay.

can rent bikes and woman without licence no helmit and run around drunk on a motorbike and a measly fine of 200 baht.lol


as for OP story i find hard to swallow:

wouldnt most people get visa extension planned and sorted instead of leaving it to the last?

i think the hospital thing is a bit of a concocted fantasy and more likely he was in cuckoo land and forgot or was not even aware about visa stamp exit date.


who would voluntarily show a policeman your passport when on overstay??










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3 hours ago, johnsuma01 said:

if i were youvi will fill up a strong complain with human being right for unhuman and abusive treatement.

It's not his country - not his problem. It's quite likely he won't even return.

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2 hours ago, Mansell said:

Whether his story is true or not, the big mistake was talking to the police after having imbibed a fair amount of booze.....this is not a Win Win situation as his experience proved.

I'm pretty sure he knows that already. Staying completely away from gogo bars is the best advice for anyone with a short overstay about to depart. If you're going to be checked, it's going to be there. The likelihood of being checked elsewhere is very low... but of course you always have to contend with Murphy's Law. i.e. if you're going to be checked it will be when you are on overstay.?

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3 hours ago, Spidey said:

And posting somewhere else next time he has a story to tell.


As a newbie myself, I have been shocked at the amount of sniping at newbies by the old guard.


And you wonder why posting/new members is down?


An unfriendlier bunch I've never met.

They're not singling out newbies only. The rest of us will cop a "beating" too, and often by the newbies, lol.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Not only that, talking with the police while on overstay. I mean if you piss them off then they can do with you as they please as has happened to the OP. 


I have to say sounds dangerous because I have had my parents overstay one or two day before catching their flight. I never thought much of it as I assumed there would be some flexibility if you had a ticket out already and just overstayed 1 or 2 days. I will now tell them to get a visa just to be on the safe side. 

I overstayed one day myself once. I needed one day and decided to chance it and get it free at the airport. It could have been a costly mistake.

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20 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

True, theres no shortage of international hooligans.

As for Australians apparently the disaster statistic and reports say Thailand is a most dangerous place for them to visit.


IMO which really says more about them than Thailand.

Not to rubbish them but ive been to Australia and i found it one of the most expensive, no fun allowed, over legislated in the world.

rules and penalty and fines for absolutely everything you could imagine.


Im sure they tax the price of alcohol way out of reach of middle/lower class income people just so to keep the whole population from turning into alchoholics from boredom.




You may have BEEN to Australia, but I lived there as a citizen, and what you just said here is absolute nonsense and a veiled attempt to bash Australia. In my whole life there, other than a few traffic tickets, I've never been hassled by the cops. There are no more laws there than any in another other Western democracy. Being an ex-colonial country (new country) there are actually less than in European countries and the US. 


You think Australians would invest thousands of dollars on a trip to Thailand to save half the price of beer? That's absurd.


One of the main reasons why you might see a lot of young Australians visiting here is that it's relatively close compared to other international destinations.

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10 minutes ago, tropo said:

I'm pretty sure he knows that already. Staying completely away from gogo bars is the best advice for anyone with a short overstay about to depart. If you're going to be checked, it's going to be there. The likelihood of being checked elsewhere is very low... but of course you always have to contend with Murphy's Law. i.e. if you're going to be checked it will be when you are on overstay.?

it is one thing for extremely bad luck to get checked and caught out

but going to the police and showing them your P.P when you know your on an overstay?

I dont doubt the story or call him a liar but th hospital part doesnt add up why they treated him like that if he can proove a hospital stay and pay a donation.


but if he was drunk, did something else a bit naughty, resist arrest, refuse to pay fine and generally swearing and abusive at police-well you could understand why they put him on the slow-train.

many here can tell you, if you act sorry, speaking quietly, pleading dumb and and respectful even the cops will help in most places

but maybe pattaya is different i dont know about that

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On 7/15/2018 at 6:42 PM, GeeKay said:

Mate I certainly wouldn't get abusive toward you particularly as I've only just joined this site and you are 20k+ posts. However with all due respect I can assure you it's not a "wind up" and I'll do the courtesy of giving the full story if you are interested. I'm sure there are  people on here aware of the overstay drama if you are found to be over your allowable period not at the airport but by the police inside the country. They don't care if you are 1 day or 10 years over the treatment is horrendous and what I've heard it is to do with some recent change in the law or policy. My story is real and one I'll never forget, I've only been home 3 weeks and it's almost 10pm here in Australia.  I'll post the whole story tomorrow because it will take a while to write.

I not believe your story!!! You will never been locked in the police station for 15 days. This is complete BS.
The normal time someone is locked in the police monkeyhouse are only 1-2 days ( on weekend). In normal they bring you direct on the next day to the court. So something stink very much about your story.

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A couple of off topic posts have been removed, you can stop discussing other members now please.

Go to the first post and read what this it about, if you have forgotten here it is again: 

Pattaya Court

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