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Trump sits down with Putin after denouncing past U.S. policy on Russia


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Trump is right to admit past mistakes in foreign policy towards Russia.

You isolate a Giant and make him look like a rogue isn't bringing any benefits.

As a businessman Trump knows how to deal with problems diplomatically.

Russia is an important member of the world community.

You can not ignore Russia given it's economic and military powers. 

It was wrong and counterproductive. 

Trump's approach is geopolitically seen correct, irrespective to what one feels.

Only dumbasses like McCain would see it otherwise  

But what has McCain ever done else but to destroy. From Vietnam to Syria, McCain has only caused misery and destruction.



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18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And perhaps what's on the entertainment agenda for the next time Trump visits Moscow.




trump;  not thai hookers again!

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In a world so heavily populated with sheep who refuse to dig deep for the truth, are so eagerly willing to continue to repeat the drivel espoused by the far left when they don’t have a clue what the real truth is. 

Andrew McCarthy, the  Former asst. U.S. Attorney for the Southern district of New York, who he is most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and planning a series of attacks against New York City landmarks.[5] He also contributed to the prosecutions of terrorists who bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Andrew McCarthy who has criticized Pres. Trump on numerous occasions, states in his article; “The Mueller/Rosenstein indictments of the Russian Intel officers is purely “politicizing in it’s finest form.”


Let’s remember, it was not long ago (Febuary) the Mueller indicted a Russian company for hacking the 2016 election without evidence knowing full well that they would not show up in court. Well, guess what, their lawyer did show up and requested to receive “discovery” or the evidence against the defendant. Mueller got caught with his pants down and had to request a postponement that pissed off the judge.


McCarthy stated; In order to save face over an investigation that has failed to produce a smoking gun regarding charges of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the US elite have opted to indict Russian intelligence officials for election meddling. Yet the evidence, once again, is missing in action.

Amid harsh criticism at home for its failure to provide proof of Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, at the very same time that Trump is preparing to meet with Vladimir Putin for a summit in Helsinki, the US Deep State has resorted to playing spoiler with the most overplayed hand in modern political history: the ‘Blame Russia’ card.

On Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 members of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, also known as GRU, for “conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.”

According to the 29-page indictment, the defendants devised fictional online personas to compromise computers affiliated with the Democratic National Committee, as well as Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The purported ‘hack’ led to the release of tens of thousands of stolen emails by WikiLeaks. These communications revealed what amounts to criminal behavior on the part of the DNC, including overt bias against Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, as well as evidence that Clinton was fed the questions to public debates against Donald Trump. Those very serious findings have been sidelined amid the storm known as Russiagate.

The Russian Foreign Ministry vehemently rejected the accusations, saying it was a coordinated effort by “influential political forces in the US that are opposed to the normalization of relations between our countries and have spread open slander for the past two years.”

“The goal of this ‘information attack’ is obviously to spoil the atmosphere prior to the Russian-American summit,” the ministry said, referring to the forthcoming meeting between Putin and Trump.

Indeed, the accusations leveled against the Russians ring hollow for several credible reasons.

According to”Needtoknow” news;

First, the claims do not flush with WikiLeaks’ account as to how it came to possess the information.WikiLeaks founder and editor, Julian Assange, who has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for over four years for fear of being extradited to the US, has denied that any state player was responsible for the “leak.”


Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is now an affiliate of WikiLeaks, revealed that he knows the identity of the source.“I know who leaked them,” Murray said. “I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.”

Second, according to an independent analysis carried out by a group called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), headed by NSA whistleblower; William Binney, the DNC servers were compromised not through a ‘hack’ from some outside party, but rather through a ‘leak,’ that is, an ‘inside job.’


For anyone really wanting to know the truth, give a listen to Retired CIA counterintelligence supervisor; Kevin Shipp, who in his presentation, lists “with proof” the level of criminality by Mueller, Comey, and the Clintons.






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To be kind, Trump can be described as being "unstable" and is in need of the men in the white coats to save him from himself.  To be realistic, Trump is totally insane and is trying his best to destroy the USA from within.  He needs to be removed and quickly because his actions are seriously endangering the stability of the world.  The Trump supporters are clearly too naïve (I am being polite) to see what is happening to their country.  Let them rant on because if they actually believe the rhetoric they spew then they are not worth responding to.

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Here's what POTUS said about Putin's offer to help Mueller:


“I was fascinated by it, Trump said, adding that Putin said that “Robert Mueller’s people could go with them, but they probably won’t.” Trump suggested this was because of political bias, not because it, as one Republican congressman put it, “would be like bringing ISIS into a joint terrorism task force.”


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So the summit did nothing but engaged CNN's propagandists into full gear? I didn't notice anything of substance mentioned, just the old "muricans are so stupid russkies can tell them who to vote on twatter" stuff.


EDIT: And of course Trump is Putin's best mate. They both like Russian women.

Edited by DrTuner
The evil mastahplan
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2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

So the summit did nothing but engaged CNN's propagandists into full gear? I didn't notice anything of substance mentioned, just the old "muricans are so stupid russkies can tell them who to vote on twatter" stuff.


EDIT: And of course Trump is Putin's best mate. They both like Russian women.

Not sure Putin likes Russian women p*ssing on him though.  On the other hand he is very good at p*ssing all over Trump

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6 hours ago, jb61 said:

Second, according to an independent analysis carried out by a group called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), headed by NSA whistleblower; William Binney, the DNC servers were compromised not through a ‘hack’ from some outside party, but rather through a ‘leak,’ that is, an ‘inside job.’



It seems quite a few others have cast doubt on the conclusions of the VIPS statement you've cited:



Brian Feldman, writing in the New York Magazine, criticized the report for relying on "the 'metadata' of 'locked files' that only [Forensicator] had access to" pointing out that these phrases were meaningless. Feldman described the claims in Patrick Lawrence's article as "too incoherent to even debunk" and criticized its use of "techno-gibberish".[13]

According to John Hultquist of FireEye: "The author of the report didn't consider a number of scenarios and breezed right past others. It completely ignores all the evidence that contradicts its claims." Rich Barger, director of security research at Splunk, pointed out that the VIPS theory "assumes that the hacker downloaded the files to a computer and then leaked it from that computer" but overlooks the likelihood that the files were copied several times before they were leaked, potentially creating new metadata each time. Barger's comments were echoed by other cyber-security experts.[14]The Guardian Project founder Nathaniel Freitas independently reviewed Lawrence's article on behalf of The Nation, concluding that while "the work of the Forensicator is detailed and accurate," it did not prove the conclusions VIPS and Lawrence derived from it.




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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

So the summit did nothing but engaged CNN's propagandists into full gear? I didn't notice anything of substance mentioned, just the old "muricans are so stupid russkies can tell them who to vote on twatter" stuff.


EDIT: And of course Trump is Putin's best mate. They both like Russian women.

Disgusting' and 'surreal': Fox voices offer sharp criticism of Trump in Helsinki



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6 minutes ago, atyclb said:

well respected former senator and surgeon dr. ron paul


He was a Congressman, his son Randy is a Senator.


Not exactly sure how "well respected" he is or was?


I think he was an obstetrician and a gynaecologist?


8 minutes ago, atyclb said:

"Ron Paul: We Can Tell Trump-Putin Summit Was A Success Because "Neocons Aren't Very Happy""


Jees, might as well read tea leaves? Certainly one can judge success or failure based on the objective facts, rather than how some other loonies react?


Based on his writings, he was/is a bit of a wing-nut.




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49 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


He was a Congressman, his son Randy is a Senator.

i stand corrected. you are right

49 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Not exactly sure how "well respected" he is or was?


I think he was an obstetrician and a gynaecologist?

they are considered surgeons since they perform gynecologic surgery; hysterectomy, etc etc.

49 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:



Jees, might as well read tea leaves? Certainly one can judge success or failure based on the objective facts, rather than how some other loonies react?


Based on his writings, he was/is a bit of a wing-nut.





please clarify who the loonies are . or are they the ones with a viewpoint you dont agree with?




ron paul is well respected

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26 minutes ago, atyclb said:

ron paul is well respected


In Russia.


Just look at how RT lavishes praise on Ron Paul.


Both Ron and Randy have the taint of cheap vodka and Borscht. They are useful idiots for Russian intelligence. Randy is about to jet off to Russia to get briefed by Vlad, and get his new orders.


The Russians made a strong pitch to support Ron Paul's run in 2008, many saw that effort by the Russians as a dry-run for the Trump interference in 2016.



30 minutes ago, atyclb said:

please clarify who the loonies are


That would be the neo-cons Ron Paul refers to as being upset at Trump's "performance", rather than someone who thinks Ron Paul is "respectable".


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43 minutes ago, atyclb said:

i stand corrected. you are right

they are considered surgeons since they perform gynecologic surgery; hysterectomy, etc etc.


please clarify who the loonies are . or are they the ones with a viewpoint you dont agree with?




ron paul is well respected

By whom? Certainly not by economists or investors. His advice on investing in gold has been disastrous. And he used to run a newsletter that often featured blatantly racists articles. His defense was that he never read the damn thing. Others should follow his example in relation to him.

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10 minutes ago, bristolboy said:
55 minutes ago, atyclb said:

i stand corrected. you are right

they are considered surgeons since they perform gynecologic surgery; hysterectomy, etc etc.


please clarify who the loonies are . or are they the ones with a viewpoint you dont agree with?




ron paul is well respected

By whom? Certainly not by economists or investors. His advice on investing in gold has been disastrous. And he used to run a newsletter that often featured blatantly racists articles. His defense was that he never read the damn thing. Others should follow his example in relation to him.


i guess he may not be held in high esteen by some economists/investors

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Trump supporters no wonder you are dumber than him who praises the world biggest thug dictator.. 

Actually he is siding with thug Putin against his country, still his supporters could be people without basic knowledge of American values.  Just dumb rednecks and skinheads who see Trump the new Hitler.  I'll be damn fool if the public would vote again for him, but if he wins a second term there is something wrong with election voting.  Let's wait and see.

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32 minutes ago, Different said:


Trump supporters no wonder you are dumber than him who praises the world biggest thug dictator.. 

Actually he is siding with thug Putin against his country, still his supporters could be people without basic knowledge of American values.  Just dumb rednecks and skinheads who see Trump the new Hitler.  I'll be damn fool if the public would vote again for him, but if he wins a second term there is something wrong with election voting.  Let's wait and see.

The U.S. political system is broken otherwise the tango traitor would not even be in power.  The right wing of the nation have spent at least a decade ensuring this is the case.  They have also spent that time attacking other fundamental foundations of social democratic cultural norms.  They rejoice in it. They are still doing it now.

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15 minutes ago, Slip said:

The U.S. political system is broken otherwise the tango traitor would not even be in power.  The right wing of the nation have spent at least a decade ensuring this is the case.  They have also spent that time attacking other fundamental foundations of social democratic cultural norms.  They rejoice in it. They are still doing it now.


Because their basic mantra through the years is that already rich individuals should be able to get richer, unhindered by government. And correspondingly, businesses should be able to do whatever they want to do -- pollute, price fix, collude, pay puny wages --  en route to them and their executives getting richer. And pretty much screw everyone else.


And of course, anything that interfered with either of those related objectives -- such as a regulating government, consumer protections, environmental protections, minimum wage rules, non-discrimination -- needed to be torn down. And the average redneck convinced somehow that all of that was somehow going to be good for them in the end with more jobs, which rarely has been the result.


So, one of the best ways to accomplish all that is/was to tear down public confidence and belief in government's ability to successfully do any of those things, including by obstructionist politics and budget cuts that prevent government from functioning properly, demanding balanced budgets until it was their time to explode the deficit with tax cuts, etc etc...   And in that, unfortunately, they've largely succeeded.


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