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Shock as Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit


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11 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Only during cold war? Huh, where have you been the last 20 - 30 years,,,,,,,,, However I aggree with the rest ? 

It depends on how you define interference.  Some people think that Obama publicly agreeing the the UK government's position on Brexit before the referendum was interference; strictly speaking it was.  I'm more concerned with covert acts taken to influence elections.  Has the US done anything covertly on the scale of Russia during the 2016 election?

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My AFLfootball team lost by two points.  It was a good well fought game.  I refuse to think that some players threw away 4 or 5 chances to score goals. 

I blame Russia. They somehow interfered affecting the result. 

Ok guys.  Just a joke.  Crack a smile and switch on to ABC Australia channel Friday 4.30 for a Tiger v Saints game.


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9 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

Hopefully this is the tipping point and Trump will fade into a particularly tragic part of American history.


Hardly anyone has mentioned the Russians downing a Malaysian conmmercial plane taking 300 lives

That's because the people who want to deflect from the topic want to do it in a pro-Russia, pro-Trump, anti-USA manner.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


People keep saying this and I just can't believe it.  A treasonous act is acceptable so long as everybody's doing it?  And criminal acts get a free pass if they don't actually succeed?  Is that what you're saying? Because it sure sounds like that's what you're saying.

Attrayant,Who are you accusing of being convicted of crimes of treason! One step further ! Don't throw around criminality with out being found guilty in a court of law

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Attrayant,Who are you accusing of being convicted of crimes of treason! One step further ! Don't throw around criminality with out being found guilty in a court of law

I think having an illegal meeting with the leader of a hostile power and then going against all US policy after the meeting is grounds for considering treason.

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Usa-ian,  is the U S A the only country that doesn't have a word for their people.  This was stated to me by a person from the USA. American is not technically correct. 
It actually is. Like I said before it's polite to adjust for Latin American audiences. But Americans is always correct to describe people of the USA. There is no other NATION called America. Just drop the silliness now.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Hopefully this is the tipping point and Trump will fade into a particularly tragic part of American history.
Hardly anyone has mentioned the Russians downing a Malaysian conmmercial plane taking 300 lives
Hopefully but it won't be. "trump" base people in their quest for MAWA will support anything their dear weak leader does including treason.

This is going to get much much worse.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 Trump is an idiot and a boob (and now a treasonous traitor). And that episode was just another sign of it. Yesterday was FAR FAR FAR worse.


How do you sleep at night with all this pent-up hatred? "Treasonous traitor" - what a load of claptrap.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

 Right, it's just those butt hurt anti-Trumpers who are condemning him:

Fox Hosts Offer Rare Criticism Of Trump After Russian Summit

Even Brian Kilmeade called the president’s remarks “ridiculous.
Neil Cavuto of Fox Business called the performance “disgusting.”
“Fox & Friends” co-host Abby Huntsman ― daughter of Jon Huntsman, the U.S. ambassador to Russia ― was not so forgiving, suggesting that Trump had thrown America under the bus:
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro called Trump’s performance “self-serving and utterly grotesque,” before declaring Trump “made a fool of himself.” The BBC’s headline simply stated, “Trump sides with Russia against FBI.”


I don't think Trump's going to win on this one, regardless of what he may have meant by his comments. However, to those that never watch Fox, not every commentator on that channel loves, or even supports Trump. Some even hate him. Bit like the GOP. One party, but filled with people that loathe Trump.

The only thing that really counts though, is if his base is convinced that the propaganda is true, and vote against the GOP because of it, or stay at home. Have to wait till November for the answer to that, and a week in politics is a long time.

I did get the impression watching the tv that Trump was not entirely convinced himself, even if he was saying all the right things.

It will be meaningless to the anti Trumpers, but leaders don't make peace with their allies, they make it with their enemies.

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5 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Since you are not a Yank I can explain it to you. The POTUS serves the people of the US. Not the other way around. Maybe it works differently in your home country.

LOL. He has given them the lowest unemployment in a long while and a booming economy, plus extra money in their pocket, but many still hate him, even before Russia summit.

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1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

You obviously have no idea what the concepts of patriotism or democracy actually entail. Patriotism is loyalty to one's country, not to any individual. When a person, even the president is acting against the interests of the country and constantly denigrating the country it is entirely patriotic to oppose that person and support your country instead.


Democracy means accepting and respecting the democratic process whereby someone was elected but it does not imply or require blind loyalty to whoever happens to have been elected - especially when that person is showing no respect for the democratic process, by ignoring and denying the threats it is facing.

Mostly everything you said was well said,but  the " by ignoring and denying the threats it is facing" is debatable. PT has always wanted to try to get along since  ,just like all past POTUS. How can people pretend to know PT ulterior motives in achieving those goals! 

Even with NIA  Director Coates ,coming out to say before PT summit with VP, that Russia  Meddled .Coates also said ,"My message would be: We know what you're doing, and we know you know what you're doing and what we're doing. "If your goal is to strengthen Russia in the proper way, we can cooperate with you," he said, later adding, "But if you want to stay in this tit-for-tat, we're going to beat you."


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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't think Trump's going to win on this one, regardless of what he may have meant by his comments. However, to those that never watch Fox, not every commentator on that channel loves, or even supports Trump. Some even hate him. Bit like the GOP. One party, but filled with people that loathe Trump.

The only thing that really counts though, is if his base is convinced that the propaganda is true, and vote against the GOP because of it, or stay at home. Have to wait till November for the answer to that, and a week in politics is a long time.

I did get the impression watching the tv that Trump was not entirely convinced himself, even if he was saying all the right things.

It will be meaningless to the anti Trumpers, but leaders don't make peace with their allies, they make it with their enemies.

The only thing that matters is his base?


Well appart from all those Americans who vote against him.


His behavior this weekend is s gift for a ‘Blue Wave’.



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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

an economic wave that stemmed from actions taken by Obama

Oh dear, oh dear ( shakes head in wonder ).


except this time he’s going to bankrupt the nation.

LOL, Obama already did that with his 17 trillion or whatever debt.


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23 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Since you are not a Yank I can explain it to you. The POTUS serves the people of the US. Not the other way around. Maybe it works differently in your home country.

Yeah, that's the theory.  In practice Trump works for himself, and since making real estate deals with Russian oligarchs requires making Putin happy, he works for Putin..

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2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

did they?  the fbi was not permitted to inspect the dnc server.  the fbi simply accepted the conclusions of a private firm hired by the dnc, run by (methinks) a ukranian.  no telling if the server had been wiped, like with a cloth.


the downloaded files leaked to wiki have been analyzed to show the download speed was too fast for a standard internet connection, definitely not possible for a connection from the evil empire.  the speed was consistent with downloading to a thumbdrive, and timecodes indicate us east coast.  assange seems to have hinted at seth rich.  i think it was former uk ambassador (craig murray?) that claims to have met with the not-a-russian who leaked the files.


in strok's interview with congress, it was learned that hillary's server had been sending all her emails to a foreign entity.  that entity was not named, however it was stated for the record it was not russia.


the mueller indictments were purely for show, intended to damage the summit.  just as his last indictments of russian firms.  he announced them as a pr stunt, assuming they would never show in court, letting the media echo chamber do his dirty work.  funny thing, they hired lawyers to defend themselves, and mueller is backtracking, forced to keep applying for extensions or exclusions so as not to have to prove his case.  wonder what would happen if the russians in the latest indictment were offered "safe passage" to attend court to defend themselves?


alleged meddling....facebook posts and ad buying...that are "linked" to russians ( is that like six degrees of kevin bacon?)  amounted to a couple million bucks as opposed to billions spent on the election in total, with a large percentage coming after the elections.  if putin can affect the outcome of a us national election with that effort, he deserves the presidency.


did russian goverment workers hack into us systems?  yes, indeed they did.  that is their job.  i can guarantee you that government hackers from around the world - from china and iran and germany and england and france and israel and just about every nation with an intel service - did also.  would assume there were also workers from us intel agencies have been inside as well.... in addition to 400-pound teenagers living in their mom's basements.


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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. He has given them the lowest unemployment in a long while and a booming economy, plus extra money in their pocket, but many still hate him, even before Russia summit.

Are you taking about the Obama recovery again?  The "money in their pocket" is borrowed from overseas, mostly China.  They are the ones funding his trillion dollar deficits.

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