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Video: Road Rage as man gets a sword from the boot to threaten Thai woman


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A very small man, with incredibly low self esteem, who has never once in his life looked within, and engaged in the kind of self contemplation Buddha talks about, even though there is a high chance he would refer to himself as a Buddhist. A man of such stunningly low self esteem, who knows nothing about anything. A man who has such a high degree of self loathing, probably due to an astonishing lack of accomplishment, and good works, that he has performed, on behalf of society.


Would a tiny man like this confront another man, one on one, without a weapon? That I would like to see. Confronting a woman with a sword? Who is this man? Who were his parents? Why did they fail so miserably when it came to raising him? Why did he fail so miserably when it came to the test of life?


We have his plates. Let every person do everything in their power to shame this man for years to come!

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1 hour ago, Ochomo said:


I live on a Soi where once I exit my condo, I have to turn right and then left in less than 80 metres because there is no right turn. The road, though relatively small, is dual carriage both ways but right turns are prohibited during morning and evening hours. So I find myself joining the right part of the two lane road and I have to be let in in order to turn left. Nobody lets me in so I have to keep going and cut in in front of somebody because I cannot turn left!  

It’s just a matter of time before somebody gets out his machete on me I guess.

If you were going left to right you could always wind your window down, smile and wave. That's what the locals do round mine. As you're going right to left, you may need a longer arm

Edited by alien365
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He reverses at 22 seconds so maybe something happened before the start of the video that explains why he is so upset. Certainly he is overreacting to her driving in the video which seems normal for LOS. 

Edited by chang1
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2 hours ago, Small Joke said:

She had no obligation in law or otherwise, courtesy is entirely her prerogative,  although I do see your point, particularly  with the Ambulance debacles in this country.  However, he was wrong to begin with, and wrong to leave his vehicle in anger. 

Why do you see road rage as a LOS specific issue? Assholery is a global phenomenon, there should be some sort of 'golden sphincter' world cup. 

Most ladyboys would agree!

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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

It seems to me that she was the selfish one in this instance.

Nonsense!! The guy has jumped the traffic in the wrong lane and you think other road users should sit back and allow him in?  Eejit

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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Why didn't she just let him in?

This is truly a two sided sword. (pardon the pun)

He is wrong to produce a weapon but who amongst us has not been victim of the new age female driver?

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2 hours ago, Ochomo said:

While that’s not the case in this video, sometimes you really need someone to let you join into traffic but in my experience Thai people will not let you in and they will speed up to block you even when they had enough space in front of them in the first place. It is worse if you try to indicate because then you are announcing your intentions and they will speed up to block you. Which is why, I think, most Thai drivers will cut in front of you without indicating because they assume, and they are mostly right, that if they indicate you will block them.

I live on a Soi where once I exit my condo, I have to turn right and then left in less than 80 metres because there is no right turn. The road, though relatively small, is dual carriage both ways but right turns are prohibited during morning and evening hours. So I find myself joining the right part of the two lane road and I have to be let in in order to turn left. Nobody lets me in so I have to keep going and cut in in front of somebody because I cannot turn left!  

It’s just a matter of time before somebody gets out his machete on me I guess.

I have only driven in BKK a couple of times and like London it is a nightmare - too many impatient ass holes. Elsewhere in LOS I find using indicators works quite well. My attitude is almost always let people in if they indicate and not que jumping, otherwise let them wait a bit like this woman did. 

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4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

Wouldn't it be great, at times like that, to just pull out a 9mm and smile at the jerk ?


I knew an American 20 odd years ago that did exactly that to a miltary type. Arrested at the next lights by a gang of BIB, dragged up in front of a high ranking copper who said he was going to lock him up and throw away the key. Fortunately he was married to a well connected Chinese Thai who called her friend the interior minister and the usual backing down and waiing at everything that moved ensued. He was bloody lucky though!

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7 minutes ago, car720 said:

This is truly a two sided sword. (pardon the pun)

He is wrong to produce a weapon but who amongst us has not been victim of the new age female driver?

and how about the new age macho male drivers?

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The machete seems to be obligatoric during driving in Thailand as we in Europe are obligated to have with us the warning triangle...

Edited by ttrd
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6 minutes ago, Artisi said:

and how about the new age macho male drivers?

been around a lot longer.  There is an unspoken etiquette that has been used since the beginning of automotive time but like most things, the ladies seem to believe that this does not apply to them.  The word selfish comes to mind.

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5 minutes ago, ttrd said:

The machete seems to be obligatoric during driving in Thailand as we in Europe are obligated to have with us the warning triangle...

no need for warning triangle in Thailand , just tear off a few tree branches.

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3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

So many of the poor little fellas do have such issues with refusal and rejection, don't they. 



Maybe if they didn't feel small and inferior in a culture that's based on face, status and ego, while forced to exist in a repressive society where natural emotions, anger and frustration are forced inward, they wouldn't have such issues?


It must really be awful going around all day just brimming with pent up anger and frustration. 

but...there are so many here at TVF that are just brimming with pent up anger and frustration and bashing the Thai's at a drop of a pin - and still living in Thailand. 

Life really must be awful...?

Edited by ravip
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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

It seems to me that she was the selfish one in this instance.

You've got to be kidding. The Camry driver was in the oncoming traffic lane trying to barge his way in as many do here believing they are more important. She did eventually let him in as he was being aggressive to the extreme. He is an accident waiting to happen.

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

she should have accidently given the gas pedal a good footing as the machete was being taken from the boot - "oops ! sorry I got such a big fright I pushed the wrong pedal" never mind its only 2 broken legs.

No sorry required - self-defense. If some guy pulls a machete out of his trunk I have to think my life is in danger and therefore he must be pinned between bumpers.

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1 minute ago, ravip said:

but...there are so many here at TVF that are just brimming with pent up anger and frustration and bashing the Thai's at a drop of a pin - and still living in Thailand. ?

of course a bit of a bash and a stir isn't warranted in this case, is it? 

Of course there is always the bashers bashing the bashers - but that's ok, isn't it?

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6 minutes ago, BKKMG said:

You've got to be kidding. The Camry driver was in the oncoming traffic lane trying to barge his way in as many do here believing they are more important. She did eventually let him in as he was being aggressive to the extreme. He is an accident waiting to happen.

He was an accident by the looks of it, condom failure - again.

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Suppose he felt compelled to grab the Sword from the CAR BOOT, as the poor LITTLE chap, would have felt Quite Intimidated by a couple Of THAI WOMEN.


HE obvioysly carries a REAL SWORD around, to make up for the obvious

”inadequsies” of the one he was born with. 

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29 minutes ago, ravip said:

but...there are so many here at TVF that are just brimming with pent up anger and frustration and bashing the Thai's at a drop of a pin - and still living in Thailand. 

Life really must be awful...?

Bashing A-holes isn't allowed? I bet if it was a farang, it would make no difference. 

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4 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

So many of the poor little fellas do have such issues with refusal and rejection, don't they. 



Maybe if they didn't feel small and inferior in a culture that's based on face, status and ego, while forced to exist in a repressive society where natural emotions, anger and frustration are forced inward, they wouldn't have such issues?


It must really be awful going around all day just brimming with pent up anger and frustration. 

What you really mean is it must be awful going around all day and not getting your own spoilt brat way. Then suddenly there is someone you can pick on.

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