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Foreign media slammed for pursuit of Wild Boars boys


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Well if it wasn't for those damn foreigners all those kids would  be dead by now, but Thais must get the boot into farang somewhere, somehow, so nothing surprising here.

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overherebc-I suggest you read post 52. Ethics and politics do not go together. To me your opinion is wrong. Topics do not have to be political.. The Thais ,and many others would agree, that the boys need protecting from the media for a while.

Public interest does not over-ride decisions in this case.

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9 minutes ago, TSF said:

Well if it wasn't for those damn foreigners all those kids would  be dead by now, but Thais must get the boot into farang somewhere, somehow, so nothing surprising here.

Are you suggesting that because foreigner rescuers were involved in the rescue , that gives foreign media a right to disregard the Thai request not follow the kids around ?

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2 minutes ago, Lemonltr said:

There is a foreign gravy train passing and they are peeved that they're not on it.

They want to get on board and impose double pricing.

The alleged protection of the kids is an excuse.

What on earth are you talking about?

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So... Give them time...ask later. Media is there to ask questions. When people avoid questions makes the decision not to answer slightly suspect. We all know Thai media have a short leash. If not for foreigners these boys would definitely lost their lives. Thailand asked for help from the international community and now bashes that same community when questions are asked. It appears there is a fear that all accounts of this story will not gel. When the boys surfaced they had a very controlled press conference where a select few of them handle question with more than one word answers. For me I'm glad they got out safely but a life was sacrificed to make that possible. My only questions would be: Why did the coach decide to make this trip during the rainy season and did he check the weather forecast before going into the cave?


In today's world the Truth is sometimes avoided to control the narrative until someone is persistent and demands their questions are answered. Only then can we make an accurate judgement. If you need an example just look at Trump. 

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6 hours ago, kannot said:

money money  money.......theyd  sell  their own daughters...............oh  wait!

Oh , the irony .

Especially when its the foreign TV networks making millions of dollars out of stories like this !

But go ahead ...accuse the exploited...

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Having seen interviews with the boys on CBS in the US, the parents were present during the interviews. Obviously, they consented. I think the government has the right intention, but if a journalist asks for the interview, ultimately the parents have the right to decide. 

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7 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

'An uproar on Thai social media'.  Is that supposed to be significant? And if so, why?

only if it's caused by pesky farang who should not be here!!! "not their country, go home, thai people know best"

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3 hours ago, RobertH said:

Journalists want to get a story. It's their job. But when it comes to children, victims of sexual assault, etc., there are ethical considerations concerning the welfare of those people versus the desire or need to tell a story or report the news. Unfortunately, not all journalists adhere to these ethical considerations. Especially television journalists. Whether you like the Thai authorities or not, in this instance, they are doing the right thing, and they are following the advice of doctors and psychologists in doing so. 

Thai and ethical....

I guess you are either not living in Thailand or not so long.


Thai authorities can't control/sensor this and are afraid of missing out some money. That's what they are worried about.


If Thai authorities are worried about the welfare of the people, they would jail the PE teacher who is accused of raping/molesting many kids during his investigation (iso setting up a commision :sick:), they would take actions to stop the 70 traffic deaths per day and they would not commit graft of the (gotta love this one) setup foundations to help people in need!!!!!!!!! I can give much more examples, but you get the point!

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

God forbid that the precious and fragile kids will be interviewed by a foreign media, this is what media do, including Thai media, and for the boys have been released home being found able to resume normal life, i don't see what's the problem here apart from a guy who's got his nose out of joint for some inexplicable reason...

obviously not paid the correct amount to the correct people  

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If the Thai "authorities" and psychologists really want to keep the media (that they can't control - i.e. foreign) away from boys, they should consider putting the boys back in the cave... could perhaps even consider using their new sub.


Sarcasm alert, for anybody unsure..!!! 

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The boys and their families are not the property of the State and may choose to talk to who they like in their own homes. That is fine by me.

Incidentally; in the BP; it is reported that the government assigned full-time minders to the boys and they all went missing when the press interviews took place. Why?

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...with the mountains of cases of corruption...and worse...at the hands of local 'officials'....or...'professionals'...


...never seen them care to string together those words against those individuals...


...yet they are so readily used to describe foreigners..




...what do you call that...???




...personal experience...don't drink...smoke...or randomly chase women.....


...or worse...as we read here daily....


...yet...inevitably...someone will string some words together...to find blame to cast on me...




...again...what do you call that...???





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Here we go again! 


They forget that the boys plight and life's plus that of the rescuers involved, not forgetting the lose of a life, was manufactured by a Thai, and that foreign aid was sought because Thai officials had no idea as to what to do or what the internal mapping of their own caves were, at the time of the rescue!!!


These people cannot accept defeat or wrong doing. Always having to find an alternative excuse to hide the truth.


Have they something to hide?

Edited by Sonhia
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21 hours ago, overherebc said:

I followed the story like everyone else and was happy when all the kids were out and safe.

I also posted that it was good to read the kids were calm and did all the right things to help each other during the ordeal, note I'm not picking a hero.

I doubt very much if the sensationalist media can report it as such. They need to have drama and excitement in their stories and will twist facts to reflect that ( based on what they want to hear )

Interview the divers and rescue teams, not the kids. Let the kids go back to school and their football and leave them alone. Kids can and will be easily led in interviews and quotes will be made based on the interviewrs 'what I think he really meant was xxxxx'

I can already see an editor's reaction 'this is just a report about the kids sitting quietly, meditating and waiting patiently for rescue they 100% believed was on the way, it's boring, I need more drama and excitement if it's going on the front page,'


You like reading boring stuff? Or do you like reading exciting stuff?


A journalist

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20 hours ago, recom273 said:

Let me rewrite this story


Justice deputy permanent secretary Thawatchai Thaikhieu today expressed disappointment at the conduct of one of the families who defied advice of psychiatrists and child welfare officials against interviewing the young members of the Wild Boars soccer team after they were discharged from the hospital.


“Some parents have denied their responsible duties in favour of a small yet substantial brown envelope which is something regrettable and unforgivable,” wrote Mr Thawatchai in his Facebook page.  He was apparently responding to an interview that a correspondent of ABC News had with one of the young survivors from Tham Luang cave.


The interview created an uproar on the Thai social media after it was aired last night, prompting calls for Thai authorities to take action against the parents who sold their son out for a couple of hundred dollars.


If the families earn a lot of money frome these interviews, some of the boys might turn up next month with an expensive watch and the family might get into trouble with the tax authorities for having unusual and unreported wealth.

No problem:

Watches borrowed from a dead friend

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18 hours ago, overherebc said:

It's not so much the interviews it's the crap that reporters write.

Lots of 'get out clauses'

It's my belief that blah blah.

From what 'I' understand it seems blah blah.

It isn't confirmed but blah blah.

Another source has been reported as saying blah blah.

It might be lost in translation however it also seems blah blah.


You really don't like journalists do you?

I suggest you stop consuming news media and start writing your own news

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