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Video: "Red plate" Thai bride left standing at the "altar" - 3.6 million netizens show their support


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Seems like two juveniles who met in a chat room, had a meeting with consensual sex.. happens every day

except.. after the event she wanted to get married... and he had a previous girlfriend.

Parents on her side wanted a huge dowry, his parents couldn't stump-up the funds so he did a runner..

The only issue is, not about a failed marriage ceremony it's about getting compensation for the outlay of the "big day"

Lesson learnt... don't get married on a whim after a quick steamy session... 

Parents look a bit deeper into the lives of both sides & think before giving your beloved daughter all that she wants in life!

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Typical Thai Male ego all mouth no brain when it comes to women. Happens so often, unfortunately there are no repercussions as there is no system in place to make them, the male, responsible financially for their actions. Hence all the one parent families, sad. 

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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

I love this story. It's hilarious from several angles.


I had a friend here in Laos who hadn't been here all that long when he met a girl who instantly latched onto him like a lamprey eel. They'd known each other only days when she took him home to meet her parents not knowing what a big deal that is here.


He had a nice time and said they were nice people. He went back to get her a week later for another date and the father showed him "the bedroom". He'd bought a new king-sized bed and had their names engraved on it in preparation for the big event.


My friend buggered off LOL

Wish i had the brains to do that,good on him.

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11 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

One look at this girls Facebook page with the hundreds of selfies she has posted there will tell you without a doubt this girl obviously has some serious psychological problems.


Thats standard

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

One look at this girls Facebook page with the hundreds of selfies she has posted there will tell you without a doubt this girl obviously has some serious psychological problems.

Facebook is a serious psychological problem. 

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Pakin told the programme that he did not go to the wedding because he was not sure that the baby was his. “We had sex just one time and I used a condom,” he insisted.

Sex just the one time, he used a condom ... but he's not sure the baby is his. Seems the Birds and the Bees passed him by. 

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