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Video: "Red plate" Thai bride left standing at the "altar" - 3.6 million netizens show their support


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Brave girl. One of life's little cruel asides, which are nearly always caused by the unreliable, insincere, heartless actions of other people.  But really a 20 years old was too young for her. Most 20 year old Thai males are lazy, arrogant, self-centred cretins.

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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

TVF members rush to post derogatory and offensive remarks about this woman, while doing so displaying their own ‘women issues’.

Moral of the story: If you don't want to get ripped to shreds by the TVF peanut gallery, don't upload your <deleted> to the interrrrnet. We don't do netidols here.

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Imagine all of you sarcastic commenter what would you do and how would you feel in this situation. You know zero about the background. I think the woman was quite brave in this situation. By Thai tradition tried to save the face but anyway probably most of the girls would burst in tears try to hide. Maybe she is a tough woman.

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9 hours ago, galerita said:

Chomper H.
You're spot on Sir.
Just can't fathom why these pond scum make such remarks, it certainly reflects their mind set!
I wonder what they would be saying if it was their daughter, god forbid if they have and my commiserations to her if they do.

If it was my daughter sir,I would be digging deep and paying a small fortune out,not bloody demanding money off the poor man who has to look after her for the rest of his life.daughters in Thailand are bred to look after the family and a form of pension for when the parents get old.luckily it's not India where they would be either tossed in a river at birth or flogged off into a childhood marriage to some wretched pedo.shes ok there's plenty of fish in the sea and they can put her back on the market in the morning.

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6 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

If it was my daughter sir,I would be digging deep and paying a small fortune out,not bloody demanding money off the poor man who has to look after her for the rest of his life.daughters in Thailand are bred to look after the family and a form of pension for when the parents get old.luckily it's not India where they would be either tossed in a river at birth or flogged off into a childhood marriage to some wretched pedo.shes ok there's plenty of fish in the sea and they can put her back on the market in the morning.

The tin gods rear their ugly heads again.

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19 minutes ago, overherebc said:

The tin gods rear their ugly heads again.

I take it you don't like reality but do like soppy white wedding then? I ain't got a serious view on this topic because it is a pathetic story.i blame the parents for asking too much for the goods.she would of been married now if it wasn't for their greed.

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Tangled web exposed as groom a no-show for his wedding





SUNDAY WAS supposed to be the happiest day in the life of a 26-year-old bride but it turned into one of her saddest days when her husband-to-be failed to show up for their wedding ceremony in Ratchaburi province.

The bride, who was identified only as Manao, bravely took the stage in full bridal gown to thank the guests and to inform them that the groom, Pakin Junjerm, 18, had disappeared.




She apologised in tears, saying the groom’s absence was unexpected. She thanked her parents as well as others who had helped organise the event.


A party guest broadcast her speech live via his Facebook page, which was watched more than two million times and shared across platforms.


Most people praised her for being brave and accepting the reality of her predicament, while condemning the groom for running away. Many wondered what happened between July 7 when both had smiled for cameras shooting their pre-wedding photos, and July 22 when the wedding was supposed to take place.


The matter became the talk of the town and the bride filed a complaint with police.


Manao told reporters that they had met each other in a chat room in April and decided to tell their friends that they were a couple. Both upgraded their relationship status on their Facebook accounts and posted their photos together.


They had sexual relations and she was nine weeks pregnant. Pakin wanted to tell Manao’s family about the pregnancy out of fear that she would have an abortion. She said that Pakin had at first insisted that he would tell her |parents and that he would take responsibility by marrying her.


However, two weeks passed and Pakin claimed he was too busy to meet Manao’s |parents, so she went to his house and met his father who knew nothing about her and her pregnancy.


His father agreed to meet her parents, Manao said. She asked him not to tell her father, who has heart disease, about her |pregnancy. They agreed on a dowry price and Pakin’s father said he would bring it on the wedding day.


That account by the bride has been shared on social network platforms since Sunday. The Hon Krasae television programme yesterday managed to get the couple to appear on air.


Pakin covered his face with a cap and black eyeglasses, while Manao wore a black T-shirt.


Asked by the host about the possibility of his return to Manao, Pakin apologised, but said that he could not force his heart to return to her.


Referring to the pre-wedding photo shoot, Pakin said that he may have loved her at the beginning, but as time passed he was not sure.


“Before the photo shoot, Manao called me to meet her at a shop to do some make-up. I did not know that it would be a pre-wedding shoot. Manao told me that she had already paid the fee, so I went as told,” he said.




Manao told the host that they argued after agreeing to marry, because Pakin has another woman and had posted their photos on his Facebook page. Pakin said he has had another girlfriend for a long time.


Manao said that she learnt about Pakin’s no-show just 15 minutes before the wedding party was to start, when her parents told her that they could not contact him.


Pakin told the programme that he did not go to the wedding because he was not sure that the baby was his. “We had sex just one time and I used a condom,” he insisted.


Manao rejected his claim, saying that she was ready to have a DNA test to prove parenthood.


Pakin also claimed that he had problems raising the dowry. “Manao promised me that she would take care of the dowry but at the end, she told me to find it by myself. So I ran away,” he said.


He loved his baby, said Manao, but he no longer loved her.


Manao suddenly said she did not love him either but she wanted him to take responsibility for her family’s expenses in preparing the event, which was around Bt600,000. She also said she would apply for sole custody of the baby.


Pankin lied about his age when they first met, telling her he was 22 years old.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30350660

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-07-24
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25 minutes ago, Bkkthebest said:

Let's do a very easy analysis of the situation:


A typical hot-blooded hormone raging teenager lie about his age to get sex from a woman whom he knew online. The desperate woman (she is 26 and reaching 30 in 4 years) forced a marriage on the teenager(gullible) by using pregnancy as a tool because she "fall in love" with him.


To uphold the divine aura of having good face, the woman hold a lavish wedding to make a strong impact on their marriage in front of everyone. ( Is she trying to do a pregnancy laundering by creating this marriage drama?)


The little teenage boy with raging hormones who isn't any programming whizkid or youtube star is expected to come up with 200k baht for the dowry and wedding. He realised that shit has hit the fan and the only thing a teenager would do is to run away. Ingenious.


What a typical Thai to Thai relationship. Welcome to the land of smile, lies and manipulation.  

An good analysis.

"To uphold the divine aura of having good face". I like that description - ever though about writing for Mills & Boone?


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12 minutes ago, Bkkthebest said:

What a great idea for wedding planners in Thailand!!!! Always standby a husband actor in a wedding and put a premium price on that act. However, the actor need to look very alike to the real one. Maybe a custom-made blown up doll will do.

A helium-filled one would be best, then they can float off into the sunset together.


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9 minutes ago, djayz said:

Drama, Thai style...


To misquote UK insurance company Legal & General who used the phrase "we won't make a drama out of a crisis".

I'd suggest here it should be "we will make a drama soap-opera out of a crisis."


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7 hours ago, happy chappie said:

I take it you don't like reality but do like soppy white wedding then? I ain't got a serious view on this topic because it is a pathetic story.i blame the parents for asking too much for the goods.she would of been married now if it wasn't for their greed.

But the question is, what would the future have been with this “union”? He already had a woman on the side...it would have ended badly anyway. Either she should abort the pregnancy or give the baby up for adoption and get on with her life... hopefully but doubtfully wiser for the experience.

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