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CNN says its correspondent was excluded from covering White House Trump event


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Just now, BobBKK said:


I'd agree that if MSM was barred for biased reporting there would be no US MSM there at all.

As I said before, every single one of them is biased, so why not bar them all? 555

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If you want to see the close correlation and cooperation between the Trump Admin and Fox News, you need only look to Trump's recent pick earlier this month for his latest new WH Communications Director. Like Fox, Shine is a living walking example of political bias in a supposed news organization.




Bill Shine (born July 4, 1963) is the current White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.[1][2][3] Most of his career was spent as a producer and executive at Fox News. Most recently, he was co-president of Fox News, a position he held for 9 months before he was forced out on May 1, 2017.




Shine worked alongside of Fox chairman and chief executive officer Roger Ailes for two decades. After Ailes left Fox, the new executive chairman, Rupert Murdoch, named Shine and Jack Abernethy as co-presidents of Fox News in August 2016.[23][24] Shine headed the network's news and programming operations.

Shine was named in at least four lawsuits against Fox alleging sexual harassment or racial discrimination by the company.[25]







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7 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Good. CNN has no right to be there. Press releases and press briefings are for the American People, not CNN or any other misbehaved misanthropic news non-reporter.

Sent from my Star Trek Communicator.



Tony, are you OK to tell us if you're an American citizen or speaking as an outsider meaning a non-citizen?



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17 minutes ago, candide said:

To be honest and impartial, I recognise he is a very very good huckster.



He didn't fare so well with his selling steaks  through Sharper Image   but he had a great  excuse for that.


He seems skilled at offering  excuses.

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41 minutes ago, riclag said:

"Sanders, in her own statement, defended the decision and claimed that Collins had “shouted questions and refused to leave despite repeatedly being asked to do so” at the end of the Oval Office event".


"Despite what fake news CNN is saying, the exchange was chaotic, with Collins being the main disruptor. A visibly annoyed Trump was sitting adjacent to Junckter as Collins screamed asking the president, “Did Michael Cohen betray you?”

"President Trump has already responded to the leaked Cohen tape, and Collins surely knows that, her screaming the question was nothing more than activism, not reporting".



She's a Reporter? I  would use that term loosely ! I've watched her performances in the WH press meetings! She ranks third to Jim Acosta and April Ryan as far as speaking out of turn , asking questions when not called on and screaming out questions after a press conference,while the vast majority of real reporters, act professional and courteous .Perhaps if she acted like the majority,she wouldn't of been shut out.

Even these guys

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8 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Good. CNN has no right to be there. Press releases and press briefings are for the American People, not CNN or any other misbehaved misanthropic news non-reporter.

Sent from my Star Trek Communicator.

So you're saying that it's ok for the Trump propagandist reporters to be there and not one of the world's most respected media outlets?

What on earth is happening in your country? (Besides likely chaos in the near future)

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7 hours ago, stevenl said:

Which is related to excluding CNN how?


7 hours ago, stevenl said:

Which is related to excluding CNN how?

You'll get a sore jaw from too many tongue in cheek comments!!

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14 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

So you're saying that it's ok for the Trump propagandist reporters to be there and not one of the world's most respected media outlets?

What on earth is happening in your country? (Besides likely chaos in the near future)

Media Meltdown!Some might say hysterical! She didn't get sidestepped for being cooperative ,quite the opposite

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

What does the tariffs got to do with  the correspondent was excluded,topic!!

Because it shows you're using a ludicrously biased source. 

And to prove that, here's a video link to Kaitlin Collins asking those questions. The loud shouting noise is not coming from her. Maybe you got confused by that.




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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Because it shows you're using a ludicrously biased source. 

And to prove that, here's a video link to Kaitlin Collins asking those questions. The loud shouting noise is not coming from her. Maybe you got confused by that.





I guess that Trump, Sanders and riclag would call that fake news.

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7 hours ago, sikishrory said:

You can't just hide behind a facade of being "open and free press" when it suits you. 

CNN are biased and have not stopped trying to discredit Trump since before he was even elected. 

open and free press likeTrump loves it 

"President Trump joked during the summit in Singapore this week that North Korean state TV was even more lavish in its praise for that country's leader than Fox News is for him—and that a news anchor who came up on screen while he watched should get a job on U.S. television. Trump really does seem to know the value of having a TV network that will never criticize him, and that has millions of fans whose very identities seem tied up in their viewership."


The Trump-Fox News Feedback Loop Is Now Complete " 

Trump has lately evolved into a sort of de facto head of programming at Fox, calling hosts to praise their analysis or to suggest new messaging. “What he usually does is he’ll call after a show and say, ‘I really enjoyed that,’” one former Fox anchor said. “The highest compliment is, ‘I really learned something.’ Then you know he got a new policy idea.”





Edited by Opl
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17 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The US Constitution guarantees a free press. After all of his lies, and those of  his spokespeople, it's time for the entire WH Press Corps to BOYCOTT this administration. Ignore his statements and report about his lies. Where are his taxes? Let's see more stories on what he is doing that is inconsistent with his Constitutional Duties. Boycott this trash.

Please remember that while in theory the freedom of the press serves a purpose in a democratic society, that press as never before is now big business. The blood hounds in the WH press corps resemble little in the way of journalists. They are blood suckers looking for the story that will make the news cycle for the next 24 hours and thus insure viewership on the networks or readership of the newspapers,  making it possible to sell advertising and in the end profit for the news organization.  If the press corps boycotted the WH for a week, I think the American public would find it a relief.  Just think of a week without the crap. It would be like a vacation.  Trump should give us a week without tweets as well.


Honestly, I would be happy if the WH limited its press briefings to once a week and photo ops to just that, photos and no reporters. The issue at hand with this particular reporter seems she did overstep propriety and didn't seem to know how to tone it down a little.  I have often thought that when the press are allowed in to a meeting between two international leaders they should keep their questions relevant to the persons and subject at hand.  Reporters asking questions of Trump about Stormy Daniels, etc. when he is having a joint press conference with an international leader is just poor form if you ask me, and disrespectful of the other person.  It's plain rude.

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The TDS is showing it's colors again. The reporter covering a meeting on trade between Europe and America chose to ask questions designed to embarass Trump, and which had nothing to do with the meeting topic.  A sensible reporter would have sought information of the meeting. Instead this lady, well known for her liberal leanings, sought to embarass the President before his counterpart. She was rightfully punished.

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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

I have often thought that when the press are allowed in to a meeting between two international leaders they should keep their questions relevant to the persons and subject at hand

I'm inclined to agree with you on this point. Not very polite to ask embarrassing and unrelated questions in the company of a dignitary. Only proper to keep to matters of immediate relevance.

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32 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And what neither of you seem to understand is this same exact practice has been commonplace in covering the White House for years, through administrations of both parties. It's the way business is done in DC, and everyone involved understands that for the reasons I've explained above.


If I am one of the people you are referring to as "neither of you", let me be clear. This is an opinion forum. I am merely stating my opinion about the decorum that I think should be exercised in a press briefing, past, present and future.

And let me be perfectly clear again. If you think that I am in any way defending this wannabe, autocratic, dictator, insecure whimp named Trump, you obviously have not read any of my many posts. The sooner he is ousted or better yet, tossed in jail, the happier I will be.


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