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Farewell Chiang Mai, TBL has left the building.


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16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

TBL seems to have spent the whole year trying to find a bar that sells three large cold Chang for 150 Baht , which are given individually and not all at the same time and to be given by a pretty young Uni girl who will sit with him for three hours whilst he drinks the beer

What's wrong with that?

Sounds like fun.

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Fairplay to the OP for 30 years. I never knew that about the OP until today and that is refreshing as I read about some proper wallies who like to bang on about themself like they are the Christopher columbus of thailand.


OP what are you looking forward to doing on your return and where are you heading to?

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4 minutes ago, Maradona 10 said:

Erh, I think you need to read the OP again. Bitching and complaining is basically all he did?

You obviously need to study English comprehension.

What do you call someone that goes on a thread to complain about people that complain?

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You obviously need to study English comprehension.

What do you call someone that goes on a thread to complain about people that complain?

I'm not complaining to anyone, I'm correcting.


All the best dude.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I already said I lived off Loi Kroh. Why don't you go look down all the sois till you find one with full drains? There aren't that many sois off Loi Kroh.

Why dont you just tell me the exact location ?

I do quite often see them cleaning the drains out in that area .

There may well be the odd blocked drain , but the huge majority of drain are clear

You allegation that the drains are blocked which causes flooding are incorrect .

  The offer still stands though , you tell me which drain is full of dirt and I will go and check it out .

   Failure of you to provide the exact location which just show that you were complaining about something that isnt happening 

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2 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Fairplay to the OP for 30 years. I never knew that about the OP until today and that is refreshing as I read about some proper wallies who like to bang on about themself like they are the Christopher columbus of thailand.


OP what are you looking forward to doing on your return and where are you heading to?

Finding a place to live in that doesn't bankrupt me would be nice, and the only place I'm heading to is a nice comfy chair to spend time keeping in touch with LOS via TVF.

If I can fade away quietly without any major problems that will be just peachy.

I had all the excitement I needed for one lifetime while I was working. Now I just want a bit of peace and quiet so I can sleep a lot. That way I might not get to do much, but it'll make the time pass more quickly.

Sadly, the rest home and all it's horrors is on my horizon. Day time tv is as close to torture as anything I know, and that's what they be sticking me in front of all day, except when they are feeding me slop.

Help, let me out of here!

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I'm with the OP on nearly every point most disappointing bit for me is after near 10 years here in CM the tide has still not come in and my bridges have long since turned to ash so its better the devil and all that for me good luck?

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Finding a place to live in that doesn't bankrupt me would be nice, and the only place I'm heading to is a nice comfy chair to spend time keeping in touch with LOS via TVF.

If I can fade away quietly without any major problems that will be just peachy.

I had all the excitement I needed for one lifetime while I was working. Now I just want a bit of peace and quiet so I can sleep a lot. That way I might not get to do much, but it'll make the time pass more quickly.

Sadly, the rest home and all it's horrors is on my horizon. Day time tv is as close to torture as anything I know, and that's what they be sticking me in front of all day, except when they are feeding me slop.

Help, let me out of here!

It's grim that daytime stuff. 

Where in the uk you heading?


I was straight to the local cafe for a fry up first Sunday on home soil. Walked in and it was kicking off in the cafe.


When was the last time you went back to Farang land?


Edited by Rc2702
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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Why dont you just tell me the exact location ?

I do quite often see them cleaning the drains out in that area .

There may well be the odd blocked drain , but the huge majority of drain are clear

You allegation that the drains are blocked which causes flooding are incorrect .

  The offer still stands though , you tell me which drain is full of dirt and I will go and check it out .

   Failure of you to provide the exact location which just show that you were complaining about something that isnt happening 

Oh lordy lordy. I'm trying to say goodbye to the people I've known on the C M subforum, and feeling a bit down and melancholy and you want to go on about drains- aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh. Talk about being inappropriate!

Here's a suggestion, go find a nice bar, buy a nice big cold Chang, pull up a nice uni girl and chill man. Jai yen, jai yen.

There's more to heaven and earth than C M drains.

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4 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

It's grim that daytime stuff. 

Where in the uk you heading?


I was straight to the local cafe for a fry up first Sunday on home soil. Walked in and it was kicking off in the cafe.


When was the last time you went back to Farang land?


Wrong direction. If I had to go back to the UK I think I'd have launched myself from the highest hotel in C M. I worked in London and have no regrets on leaving it.

I was back home over a year ago after my divorce, but I just couldn't stay away from LOS. Turns out I loved LOS more than her.

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On 7/30/2018 at 9:08 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

the drains were never properly cleaned which led to floods in the soi

So, there drains WERE cleaned and "filled with rubbish" drains which led to flooding is a fallacy .

   Why do yo make things up to complain about ?

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On 7/29/2018 at 11:07 PM, faraday said:

Sorry to hear about your problems mate, really. :smile:

My Dad used to say :

'As one door closes, another one opens'

He was right.

From the OP's statements, it  seems to be the old age home or the undertaker's.


21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wonder what prompts some people to flame other people that they have no idea of.

Not that I have to justify myself to you, but I have come to know several people on the C M forum, and this was to say goodbye to them, and to comment on what was good, or not about C M. If that's a problem for you, don't stay on the thread. No one forced you to read it.

You could have sent a private message. Aside from being more sincere and personal it's classier. It would give you something to do as you have stated that you  will sleep alot as the time passes quickly when you do that.


18 hours ago, The Theory said:

Perhaps they feel lonely or have no one to talk to. ?

Some people end up like that because they are not pleasant to be around. Others, including the older folks are awesome and fun to be around. many of the charities and benevolent groups are driven by those older people who share their energy, experience and enthusiasm with the community. 


15 hours ago, sanemax said:

Not sure how you can say that .

The authorities have banned burning and they have extinguished the fires and prosecuted people .

Most of the smoke now wafts in from neighboring Countries

There is still a significant amount of burning going on around Chiang Rai.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not being able to get insurance was a major factor in my decision to return home. If LOS had affordable insurance, I'd probably have stayed. However, LOS is not a country to live in without insurance, as any that are not mega rich know.

I had 3 days in a private hospital ( NOT a super expensive one ) to have an IV for bronchitis and it would have cost me 53,000 baht if I hadn't had insurance. however, the insurance cost 60,000, and now I'm too old to get insurance anyway. Even if I could get it, I couldn't afford it, as it increased substantially every year.

This is typical of you in the same sentence you state that you incurred a large medical expense and then you complain about the cost of insurance.

The problem with  too many expats when it comes to health insurance  is that they don't consider all possible options and then get upset the health insurer isn't going to provide 1st baht coverage. There are options and these include  structures that have self retentions, or deductibles and co-pays, and coverage sublimits. Health  insurers are open to discussion if one treats them as risk transfer vehicles. The benefit of health insurance isn't just access to a pool of money, but the access to lower costs and an audit system. Health insurers will not pay a bill willy nilly. They have set rates  which hospitals and health care providers have already agreed to. It's the advantage of group purchasing. The health insurer also looks at  the bills and  will question some of the redundant  expenses and  service charges that hospitals are notorious for.


1 hour ago, Maradona 10 said:

I don't see many doors opening for this poor old timer..

Sometimes people close the doors on themselves. It's a lesson that has been  illustrated multiple times over the years on TVF. Someone upthread wrote about how one should not be concerned about  doing one's job in the boring homeland, but instead should take the risk and  go for it in Thailand. Well, that's one of the reasons so many people end up leaving, because they don't have a pot to pi$s in when they get older. Others have discussed how they prepared for their older years saving and budgeting and preparing.Obviously, it's too late for the OP, but it isn't for those who are younger. Rather than going for the big adventure in Thailand, they are better off saving and preparing so that they don't end up like the OP.

Edited by geriatrickid
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4 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

From the OP's statements, it  seems to be the old age home or the undertaker's.


You could have sent a private message. Aside from being more sincere and personal it's classier. It would give you something to do as you have stated that you  will sleep alot as the time passes quickly when you do that.



There is still a significant amount of burning going on around Chiang Rai.


This is typical of you in the same sentence you state that you incurred a large medical expense and then you complain about the cost of insurance.

The problem with  too many expats when it comes to health insurance  is that they don't consider all possible options and then get upset the health insurer isn't going to provide 1st baht coverage. There are options and these include  structures that have self retentions, or deductibles and co-pays, and coverage sublimits. Health  insurers are open to discussion if one treats them as risk transfer vehicles. The benefit of health insurance isn't just access to a pool of money, but the access to lower costs and an audit system. Health insurers will not pay a bill willy nilly. They have set rates  which hospitals and health care providers have already agreed to. It's the advantage of group purchasing. The health insurer also looks at  the bills and  will question some of the redundant  expenses and  service charges that hospitals are notorious for.


Sometimes people close the doors on themselves. It's a lesson that has been  illustrated multiple times over the years on TVF. Someone upthread wrote about how one should not be concerned about  doing one's job in the boring homeland, but instead should take the risk and  go for it in Thailand. Well, that's one of the reasons so many people end up leaving, because they don't have a pot to pi$s in when they get older. Others have discussed how they prepared for their older years saving and budgeting and preparing.Obviously, it's too late for the OP, but it isn't for those who are younger. Rather than going for the big adventure in Thailand, they are better off saving and preparing so that they don't end up like the OP.

But with 'saving and preparing' it don't always work out like that does it, illness or even death or any other unforseen event can stop these plans from ever occurring, and in the meantime you have missed out on the fun, when you are younger and healthy, 'coz you are saving for a rainy day that may never come.

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48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Finding a place to live in that doesn't bankrupt me would be nice, and the only place I'm heading to is a nice comfy chair to spend time keeping in touch with LOS via TVF.

If I can fade away quietly without any major problems that will be just peachy.

I had all the excitement I needed for one lifetime while I was working. Now I just want a bit of peace and quiet so I can sleep a lot. That way I might not get to do much, but it'll make the time pass more quickly.

Sadly, the rest home and all it's horrors is on my horizon. Day time tv is as close to torture as anything I know, and that's what they be sticking me in front of all day, except when they are feeding me slop.

Help, let me out of here!

You could have found yourself a nice little village in Thailand to retire too , if you befriended a lady from a village ,an older single lady with a family , they would welcome a felang who would be willing to financially help out and to become"one of the family" , stay in the house for free and spend the money that you save on accommodation on buying food for the family ."Adopt" a kid and give parenting a go , give you something to do and a purpose in life 

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Just now, Kadilo said:

 Because some  people get defensive about where they live and some end up not being able to see the wood for the trees. 

TBL visited Pattaya and dared to say that, on comparison there were elements there which were better than CM. Clearly someone took exception and now decides to dissect every post he makes. 

It’s a sad day when a genuine guy who has done no one any harm comes on here to say Cheerio to a few people then ends up receiving some of the <deleted> on here. If you don’t know him or don’t like him move on, there plenty more threads to pick to bits. 

Give the guy a break. Who knows it may be you one day. 


He was making false allegations , surely you find it acceptable for others to question him about his false allegations ?

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23 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

Happy Trails to you TBL. As for me, I'm staying in Thailand, I could be convinced to move from Chiang Mai but for a different reason than yours. I would go somewhere where there is less going on. I value peace and quiet.

Except for the traffic, you'll like it.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I had all the excitement I needed for one lifetime while I was working. Now I just want a bit of peace and quiet so I can sleep a lot. That way I might not get to do much, but it'll make the time pass more quickly.

But you keep complaining about the lack of nightlife in CM .

You need to make up your mind what you want .

Do you still want to act like a teenager , going out drinking all night or do you want to act your age ?

  You need to decide what you want to do , rather than just drifting around and waiting to see what will happen

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2 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I agree with Gruff - go plant some rice or something and give it a rest - you need to get a life or change yours life the OP is.

Maybe living where it is cheap and easy, but with nothing to do, wasnt such a great idea.

I was giving TBL a suggestion as to what he could do , I didnt state that is what I am doing

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Finding a place to live in that doesn't bankrupt me would be nice, and the only place I'm heading to is a nice comfy chair to spend time keeping in touch with LOS via TVF.

If I can fade away quietly without any major problems that will be just peachy.

I had all the excitement I needed for one lifetime while I was working. Now I just want a bit of peace and quiet so I can sleep a lot. That way I might not get to do much, but it'll make the time pass more quickly.

Sadly, the rest home and all it's horrors is on my horizon. Day time tv is as close to torture as anything I know, and that's what they be sticking me in front of all day, except when they are feeding me slop.

Help, let me out of here!

Man, if I had to spend the rest of my days in a western nursing home, I'd be pretty depressed as well.  I think your problem in CM was deciding to live in the Loi Kroh area.  You can easily get that "peace and quiet" out in the suburbs of CM, which is pretty much all the surrounding area outside the city.  But anyways, good luck.  I always thought you were a straight-shooter who was pretty fair-minded...most of the time. 

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11 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Good luck TBL I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. It’s gonna be hot this weekend back home so enjoy the weather while it lasts. .
Wishing you well

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Hot in Australia in winter?? 

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