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PM moody with question about Thailand’s Asean chairmanship


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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

What about The Daily Punch his face award. ?

                                                                       Image result for Punch magazine


Ah, PUNCH., 177 years ago, in London, a magazine was founded that sadly, is now no more. It gave us the word cartoon and was  a treasure trove of political and cultural satire and humor that took no prisoners.

The British have always managed to laugh at themselves even while the world is laughing at them, cue BoJo and The Mogg.

It's what makes a little island Great.

Some of the best comedy has been based on this freedom of speech, - "Not The Nine O-Clock News," "That Was The Week That Was,", "Monty Python"  "Spitting Image"and  Rowan Atkinson and his pals with "Blackadder" etc managed to hit the right spots and satirize the establishment..

Everyone in politics and prominent places, all the way to the very top, was fair game for their editorialists and cartoonists. Thailand and indeed most Thais lack a self deprecating sense of humour as that is considered losing face.

There is a never-ending stream of suitable grist from the PM and his watchman through TV celebs and local politicians. Unfortunately, the mill is closed, if indeed, it was ever open..

The Nation's Stephff? does a credible job here, but the whole of Thailand, politics, business, tourism, police and crime is open for humour and ridicule, but God help anyone who pushes it too far. Then they may receive a more powerful kind of PUNCH, probably from the Punchmaster himself.


Edited by ratcatcher
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Just now, Justgrazing said:
3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I notice the article doesn't seem to list any recipient of The Daily Punch In The Face Award.

No but it sounds like the journo posing the question was close to getting one .. 

I think it works like a military weapon, given the PM's experience.

It must be a heat-seeking device. By putting the PM in the hot seat, the punch auto-seeks the source causing the heat.


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9 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Don't forget Xi Jinping or Putin. All the same. 

Xi Jinping already has a new movie out - "Christopher Robin". I don't think he can see it though. Putin's more of a fan of the old classics, "The Manchurian Candidate" being his fave.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The question raised by a journalist immediately prompted Prayut to go on a rant. 

The very best of reasons why LoS shouldn't hold the chairmanship: when you need to ask the relevance of the question, you already know the answer. 

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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5 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Xi Jinping already has a new movie out - "Christopher Robin". I don't think he can see it though. Putin's more of a fan of the old classics, "The Manchurian Candidate" being his fave.

Just saw Mission Impossible over weekend and saw the advert for it. Looks Great.

Xi Jinping playing Christopher is already in his joy of life. So who is Big P portrayed in the movie? Certainly not Piglet?

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6 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

They should hold a lottery for who would like the chance to spar with him for 5 minutes. 

Why do I think the winner might be on one-legged blind beggar? Not that there would be an impropriety regarding the ticket sales, of course.


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7 hours ago, Darcula said:


It's a cunning plan to allow Widodo to stay in control of ASEAN forever. Just returning happiness to ASEAN.

The purpose was to let everyone know that you are anti democracy and avoiding elections for the last 3 years to fill the accounts and your belly

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28 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Just saw Mission Impossible over weekend and saw the advert for it. Looks Great.

Xi Jinping playing Christopher is already in his joy of life. So who is Big P portrayed in the movie? Certainly not Piglet?

Big P will want to be played by Sean Connery. A pity for him then that the part instead went to Christopher Biggins...

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20 minutes ago, baboon said:

Big P will want to be played by Sean Connery. A pity for him then that the part instead went to Christopher Biggins...

I remember Christopher Biggins presenting a kids TV show decades ago. He kept using the phrase, "So fari so goody."


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31 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Can you just imagine "Spitting Images" doing one on this ruling junta at the moment, it would be hilarious, to say the least, what Prawit, Prayut, and the Shins Red Bull Boss etc. the background is allready there!

I can always remember two lines from Spitting Image.

The Queen Mother: I'm eighty-six you know!

Margaret Thatcher, in a restaurant having a meal with her entire cabinet. After Thatcher had ordered her steak:

Waiter (toThatcher): And what about the vegetables madam?"

Thatcher: Oh, they'll have the same.


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14 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

He really is a grumpy little sausage at times, isn't he !!

Reality hurts. Thinking you have stolen a country and all is well with the world can have a real negative impact when the rest of the world brings you back down to the ground.

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Thailand does not deserve the chairmanship of this organization. And why is this man so grumpy? He obviously does not like his job. So why on earth would he be considering running again? Is it just about the money? The billions? He has already accomplished so much for the nation:


The great and benevolent leader has already insured happiness. He is lowering unemployment. He is growing the economy. He is increasing tourism revenue. He is increasing exports. He is abiding by all of the terms of the ASEAN charters he signed, and allowing the duty free importation of all beer throughout ASEAN. They are on all of the supermarket shelves as we speak. We are not longer subject to the very low quality local beers. He is making visa policy easy, simple and streamlined, and all tourists are very happy about that. He is improving traffic and public safety. Corruption is being eliminated, and innocent fall guys are no longer getting charged for murder, and being put to death. The taxi mafia on Samui and Phuket have been eliminated, and tourists can now get a taxi at a fair price. Life is better for all now that this great man is demonstrating his genius and vision on a daily basis. All he cares about is the welfare of his own people, and the happiness of both tourists and the ex-pat community. He contemplates this day and night. 

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