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Are Thai Ladies Justified In Being Paid Every Month By Their Boyfriend/Husband, Or Does It Create The Perception Of Long Term Prostitution?

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I'm always uncomfortable with the term prostitute, because it demeans the person using it more than the subject of it.

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21 hours ago, worgeordie said:

"Therefore are monthly payments reasonable even if she works, "

i think this is the question you are asking,the rest was confusing.

OK, If the ex.wife has kids  (his) of course,the man is obliged to 

pay support for his Ex. and especially his kid(s),thats the moral

and acceptable thing to do, even if she is working.

If its his Ex. partner ,not married,no obligation,if she has kids (his) he

needs to help support them.but suspect few do.

What would YOU do ?


regards Worgeordie

I would make sure she did not have my kids in the first place, and if she had to stop working, her grown up kids would have to support her financially, I only have enough income to support myself.


There are many different circumstances in a relationship, so it's hard to say whether a Farang should give his wife/gf an allowance or not. It is up to each individual to decide what is fair.


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If you have a girlfriend that your livingn with or wife in your Country you support them and if you didn't you'd be in a lot of trouble from them as well as the law in a lot of Countries so if you care about a Thai woman aren't they worth the same as women in your own Country???
I myself think the Thai Women are worth far more than any European Woman because the Thai women are far more Loyal and the only thing I wanted to change with my Thai wife was to teach her to use a washing machine and let machines do the work for her so she could relax and enjoy life more that was the hardest thing I had to do with her because from littlen children they are taught to obey a male and serve and work hard or they would die from lack of money to survive and there are a lot that do because the Foreners and Bosses take advantage of the Thai women and how hard they work for almost nothing and don't give the Thai women a decent hourly wage it's usually a monthly wage and not based on 8 hour days but as long as the bgoss wants you to be at work and after a while any body wears down and when they get sick they usually can't just take time off to get well first because the bosses don't pay them enough for them to ever have those Priveledges and secondly if they have time off because their sick most of the time when they can get back to work which is usually the next day of 2 days later most Employers have already replaced them and they have NO Work at all so they can end up on the street very easily or even Dead because the bosses just use and abuse them
I myself think Thai women are exceptional in every way 
I'll probably get a lot of flak from my comment but it's true and there is no Employment security over there you just work as hard as you can as long as you can and hope like hell you can get a better job and earn enough to stay fit and have some sort of life and find a good guy who will support them and Love them like they deserve but very few get that dream because most guys just want to use them and give them nothing but it's not just in Thailand that the women get used so badly it's most Asian Countries and also Philippines and Mexican and Spanish the women are used to look after their parents when the parents get old and at the same time have to look after their husbands who usually don't help and the women also have to look after the husbands family that's why these days most Thai and Asian Women try and find a good White guy and even that can be hard for them as most guys use them and seem to think that their worth nothing like a guy I know that was married to a Thai Woman here in New Zealand and when he told me to stay away from his place when I was trying to find out some information 
I told him that I could understand if he didn't want me any where near his wife because she was Beautiful and then he told me he wasn't Jelouse and that Thai woman were a dime a dozen which he changed to a Dime a thousand Thai Women and I told him his attitude really sucked and to me he wasn't worth shit because he didn't respect her and after a little while she had had enough of the guy and went back to her home in Thailand with her daughter and left the <deleted> here on his own to do everything himself till he found another slave 
But that's the case with a lot of European guys they use the women like slaves 


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:


I can't agree, once I married my white wife, she almost immediately stopped banging me, and from what I've seen and been told almost every other western marriage turned out the same.

IMHO marriage hardly ever resembles prostitution (it's more like joining a monastery).


I would never live with a woman where she didn't provide sex whenever I wanted it.

Which is probably why I'm single.

You cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it", you have got to think about your wife/gfs feelings also. even being single, you cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it". You have to accept that.

  • Like 2
20 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

I am asking in general in the world of equality why do men still pay more than woman?

Stop! If this is all you have to worry about, get a hobby!  How long is a piece of string? Have you stopped beating your wife? etc etc!

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Did you look in the mirror and think a little....Did you have hairy armpits..Chew gum in bed...Have a spittoon at your bedside... ?

are fat, facial haired, covered in tattoos, drink alcohol every day?

  • Haha 2
7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

My dad handed over his wages to my mum every month. 


Didnt make her a prostitute. 

How do you know? 

42 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

You cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it", you have got to think about your wife/gfs feelings also. even being single, you cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it". You have to accept that.

That may be true unless you have a girl who wants it more often than you do.

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1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

That may be true unless you have a girl who wants it more often than you do.

Yes, but even nymphomaniacs  can have their off days, I think.

21 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

I am asking in general in the world of equality why do men still pay more than woman?

Simple answer is stupid men get the women into the bad situation in the first place.


You think it is fair to just walk away from your own kids?


If you do, then you should not be having any kids or relationships.


Sane people do not write these kinds of posts.

50 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

You cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it", you have got to think about your wife/gfs feelings also. even being single, you cannot just demand sex "whenever I want it". You have to accept that.

I think you are right but i dont think Jim agrees,starts just after 36 min.


  • Confused 1
3 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Even in first world countries, marriage frequently resembles prostitution. This is nothing new. If you care about

a woman, you ought to be willing to help her out financially. My girl is not greedy and works full time as a restaurant supervisor. She keeps the condo tidy and finds me the best price on nearly everything. That's worth a "finder's fee" to me.

In first world countries many women earn more than men. How does that resemble prostitution?

9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Yes, but even nymphomaniacs  can have their off days, I think.

That's OK maybe I might need more days off than she does.

  • Haha 2
21 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

I am asking in general in the world of equality why do men still pay more than woman?

In the general world of equality; men earn more and have more than women. However, if a man established a relationship with a woman of means, she may pay more, especially if she has more than he.  However, here, it seems most farang men take young poor Thai women and pay more for them, since the women have nothing.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, BritManToo said:


I can't agree, once I married my white wife, she almost immediately stopped banging me, and from what I've seen and been told almost every other western marriage turned out the same.

IMHO marriage hardly ever resembles prostitution (it's more like joining a monastery).


I would never live with a woman where she didn't provide sex whenever I wanted it.

Which is probably why I'm single.

Complete BS!


Try to figure out why everywhere you look there are millions of children?


Might be true for you and all of TV knows why you are single and that's the truth.


My wife is pretty simple. We share what we have. I think that is how is supposed to be. When she makes money, she buys me stuff. When I get money, I buy her stuff. It is about 50/50 all the time. It seems to work well.


She gets a couple of Condo Contracts a month doing the accounting and makes good coin off them. On top of that, she will be starting another business with her brother and sister-in-law shortly, so she keeps busy. Recently, it was full steam ahead on getting roads through her lands. My family earns enough each month that they look after the parents well and my startup money that helped all this off, in the beginning, two years ago got paid off to me.


Some people do not need to be paid to sleep with you because, in fact, they love you and want to be with you. This seems to be my case, and I am happy with my lot. When it comes to entertainment and going out with my wife or paying for the power bill, I contribute but that is about it these days. Sometimes I will throw her mother a bone at end of the month as I see her work so hard.


It comes down a lot to ethics I think. Her father paid me back 80,000 baht in interest payments recently for a short-term loan. He also hocked in more than a few baht for our new car. I suppose some people are enabled to work and just see what is right. I had one friend recently who was asked 30K a month from a girl he was seeing after a few dates and he said no. She said then he could not look after her and she would look for someone else. He told her in front of my face she earnt 12,000 a month and she wanted 30K? She just said straight out to him, 'your farang, you can afford it' - now is that justification? No, just pure greed.


I was at one stage of my life with a 'working girl' for a long period and what I learned it if you ever had to pay for it, and they expected a monthly payment from you (as this person expected), that is just straight-out  prostitution as they will gladly shag some other guy on the side and not even think of it. You are just paying them X amount of dollars every month to stop them being on the game and I have seen so many guys just do this. I have only seen a few of these work but it costs the guys but mostly, they seem happy about and good for them.


Still, it is all about that money you pay and what you can give.  You pay; they give sex for a month. You not pay, they go looking elsewhere. I gather for many, stop the income, the girls will walk. Most only live from day to day, but it depends on where they come from. From many years of experience here, if they come from a bar, if it works, you're within that 10% that do work out but one thing I have seen time and time again, is that they will slowly  want more and more from you and many will and cannot say no to them as they have you literally by the balls.


I know my fair share of girls with farangs, and a large percentage only stay for the money, certainly not for love. Once you're dead or gone, they will move on. After all in most cases, the girl is twenty to thirty years younger and have much more green grass on their side than yours. It is horrible to think like this but in so many cases, it is the truth. I was lucky to date (and before this got really burnt) but yet again, my luck could run out tomorrow; after all this is Thailand is it not and it has happened before to 1000's before me and will to 1000's after me.

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2 minutes ago, smotherb said:

However, here, it seems most farang men take young poor Thai women and pay more for them, since the women have nothing.

Yes -- maybe several.

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3 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

I know my fair share of girls with farangs, and a large percentage only stay for the money, certainly not for love

That's OK -- you may have gotten the best years of their lives for dirt cheap when it comes down to it.

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8 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

My wife is pretty simple. We share what we have. I think that is how is supposed to be. When she makes money, she buys me stuff. When I get money, I buy here stuff. It is about 50/50 all the time. It seems to work well.


She gets a couple of Condo Contracts a month doing the accounting and makes good coin off them. On top of that, she will be starting another business with her brother and sister-in-law shortly, so she keeps busy. Recently, it was full steam ahead on getting roads through her lands. My family earns enough each month that they look after the parents well and my startup money that helped all this off, in the beginning, two years ago got paid off to me.


Some people do not need to be paid to sleep with you because, in fact, they love you and want to be with you. This seems to be my case, and I am happy with my lot. When it comes to entertainment and going out with my wife or paying for the power bill, I contribute but that is about it these days. Sometimes I will throw her mother a bone at end of the month as I see her work so hard.


It comes done a lot to ethics I think. Her father paid me back 80,000 baht in interest payments recently for a short-term loan. He also hocked in more than a few baht for our new car. I suppose some people are enabled to work and just see what is right. I had one friend recently who was asked 30K a month from a girl he was seeing after a few dates and he said no. She said then he could not look after her and she would look for someone else. He told her in front of my face she earnt 12,000 a month and she wanted 30K? She just said straight out to him, 'your farang, you can afford it' - now is that justification? No, just pure greed.


I was at one stage of my life with a 'working girl' for a long period and what I learned it if you ever had to pay for it, and they expected a monthly payment from you (as this person expected), that is just straight-out  prostitution as they will gladly shag some other guy on the side and not even think of it. You are just paying them X amount of dollars every month to stop them being on the game and I have seen so many guys just do this. I have only seen a few of these work but it costs the guys but mostly, they seem happy about and good for them.


Still, it is all about that money you pay and what you can give.  You pay; they give sex for a month. You not pay, they go looking elsewhere. I gather for many, stop the income, the girls will walk. Most only live from day to day, but it depends on where they come from. From many years of experience here, if they come from a bar, if it works, you're within that 10% that do work out but one thing I have seen time and time again, is that they will slowly  want more and more from you and many will and cannot say no to them as they have you literally by the balls.


I know my fair share of girls with farangs, and a large percentage only stay for the money, certainly not for love. Once you're dead or gone, they will move on. After all in most cases, the girl is twenty to thirty years younger and have much more green grass on their side than yours. It is horrible to think like this but in so many cases, it is the truth. I was lucky to date (and before this got really burnt) but yet again, my luck could run out tomorrow; after all this is Thailand is it not and it has happened before to 1000's before me and will to 1000's after me.

i reckon my Thai ex when i say " i just a poor bloke looking for better life in LOS "  i keep hiding all my belongings from her ( what i have in my home country)  , i never pay her anything except food when we together.. until she's runaway with another bloke...IDGAF actually i just wonder why it took so long ..55555

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44 minutes ago, atyclb said:

your mom acted as manager, accountant , organizer, remitter, investor, bill payer, mother, chef, cleaner, etc etc and it took the burden of doing it off your father. Likely did not reroute the money to her family and or friends but saved it for the future.

Any good man would see the value (as mentioned above), in everything that a good wife does for her family. Those that cannot see that and constantly question money, money, money? Those are people that I never want to ever associate with. 

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12 minutes ago, smotherb said:

In the general world of equality; men earn more and have more than women. However, if a man established a relationship with a woman of means, she may pay more, especially if she has more than he.  However, here, it seems most farang men take young poor Thai women and pay more for them, since the women have nothing.

Since the women have nothing and they are the only kind of women that will take these kind of men.

3 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Since the women have nothing and they are the only kind of women that will take these kind of men.

So a young Thai woman who has nothing cannot be a person of good character simply because she has nothing?

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