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In England's forgotten 'rust belt', voters show little sign of Brexit regret


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30 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I'm anti Thatcher, anti Brexit and anti Muslim. All of these things impinge on the situation in The North.


Thatcher's blind monetarism ( guided by Minford et al) wrecked much of the country. Yes some good came of it but it was done too rapidly with no re-investment of our oil bonanza in new industries.


Yorkshire towns (Leeds and Harrogate being outliers) are depressing husks of their former glories.


And we have Muslim ghettos.


No wonder there is despondency, desperation and demagoguery.


I tell you this. The EU is the WRONG TARGET. In fact, Joe Bloggs from Barnsley will be worse off, not better.


Where are our leaders? Our social democrats?


The loss of wool, coal, steel and ship building has largely killed the North. May be an agrarian future with massive depopulation is the way? I think EU regional support is the better way, but where is our government? They could at least get the rail infrastructure in! 


We rely upon German locomotive manufacturing and Japanese automobile manufacturing? Where are our indigenous digital, semiconductor, chemical industries? Where are our Apples, Siemens, Toyotas, Boeings, Thyssen Krupps? Hitachis? Philips? 


Certainly we have the academics, engineers and scientists. We have the capital and service sectors.


If ever there was a time for new leadership it is now.


We should lead and change the EU to world dominance. Instead of slouching off in hoodied, dumbed down, insolence we should be striding  forward.

"Where are our leaders, our social democrats" if you mean Vince Cable and Nick Clegg, they couldn't even be bothered turning up to vote on Mrs Mays White Paper, we need better leaders than that.

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34 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

I don't disagree in principle, though I am a bit suspicious of the "world dominance" angle, it sounds distinctly Nazist or Trumpist.


My own personal view, which I really have no objection to anyone or everyone disagreeing with:


- Would I vote for continued membership of an unreformed EU? No.

- Would I vote for a Tory casino economy? No.

- Would I vote for a return to 1970s/80s Labour policy? No.

- Would I vote for a return to Blair's Thatcherite neoliberalism? No.


As a very long term expat, I feel I made the correct decision for myself a long time ago, I'm sad to say.

Just out of curiosity what would you have voted yes for?

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1 hour ago, sammieuk1 said:

The shambolic joke was sold to the north with a 350mil bus and the immigrants being expelled the next day and are now confused as to why all the Pakistani and Indians have not been deported yet as we are the 52% with our one laws and borders just controlled by the ever so trustworthy  DWP and Tory's god save the pound??

It Not that old boring chestnut.   It wasn't. it was for many reasons that has been done to death on here with threads removed but it would seem posters like yourself like to believe that to justify point of view of the referendum was a shambolic joke. Shamefull,

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Too much ideological posturing from all sides and not enough practical solutions. These communities need a future and need to be re-tooled. The people in these places are being used by various political parties who get the votes or support they want and then just abandon them. Its been happening for decades. These places need psychological renewal too. They need to get on with things themselves. And actually there are projects started by locals that look towards self-autonomy. Brexit won’t change anything but as a protest vote points to the underlying desire for self-autonomy. 

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16 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I think speaks volumes. People are suffering already So they will just get on with it on their own and work for a better future


That is the spirit that made  England great. Good to see there are still men out there that will rebuild .

Yes! In these days of pussy's mascaraing as men it is good to hear from someone with balls.

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2 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

I don't disagree in principle, though I am a bit suspicious of the "world dominance" angle, it sounds distinctly Nazist or Trumpist.

Yes, poor choice of words. Scrub dominance and insert leadership. Thanks!

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4 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

Seems like the modern meaning of democracy is to have a vote but don't accept it unless it goes your way.


Rightly or wrongly the majority , albeit small, voted to leave. So accept democracy and get on with it. 


But no. They need another vote and so on until it is the "correct" result.

Fortunately we don't have an absolute (Ancient Greek style); we have representative parliamentary democracy. The majority of the electorate are not necessarily correct.

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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

43 plus years to get a Referendum and when was given people don’t like the outcome. regardless whether you agree with it or not it is the law. We haven’t even left and remainers want another referendum because the result doesn’t suit them. Comical. If you don’t like the electorate system camoaign against it. As for another vote let’s ply fair nd let the UK leave and after say half the time it took for a referendum, see if the UK wants to rejoin the EU, if it is I still around.  I have.a feeling people who voted remain wont go for that.

Or the EU will still be around, but the UK has fallen apart (more likely in my opinion).

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Well,it looks like the EU are not going to give any concessions at all,

everything put forward is shot down,because they know they must

be very tough with the U.K. and make us suffer,they don't want the U.K.

to succeed,as that might give others in the club thoughts to leave too,


So I say just give the finger to Barnier,Tusk, and the rest of them,and

get the hell out of there,pay them nowt,then turn the UK,into a low tax,

free trade zone on the edge of Europe.

regards Worgeordie

Low tax for whom?

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

"Where are our leaders, our social democrats" if you mean Vince Cable and Nick Clegg, they couldn't even be bothered turning up to vote on Mrs Mays White Paper, we need better leaders than that.

I specifically used lower case social democrats

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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Well,it looks like the EU are not going to give any concessions at all,

everything put forward is shot down,because they know they must

be very tough with the U.K. and make us suffer,they don't want the U.K.

to succeed,as that might give others in the club thoughts to leave too,


So I say just give the finger to Barnier,Tusk, and the rest of them,and

get the hell out of there,pay them nowt,then turn the UK,into a low tax,

free trade zone on the edge of Europe.

regards Worgeordie

Free trade zone with who exactly?



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I’ve never been to Knottingley, but I’ve frequently been to Goole; it was a dump the first time I went their in the late 70s and I never noticed any improvement during visits in the 80s and 90s.


Only a Gooley who wasn’t smart enough to leave the place would draw the conclusion that Goole’s problems emanate from the EU.


Goole did however play a part in the demise of Knottingley’s coal industry, being one of the major landing ports for Polish coal.

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3 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

The rest of the World , there are approximately 180 countries that are not in EU, 

regards worgeordie

Don’t bet on free trade deals anytime soon,  the chaos surrounding closing ‘the easiest deal in human history’ is a good indicator of what the UK has ahead of itself when trying to negotiate free trade agreements.

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

43 plus years to get a Referendum and when was given people don’t like the outcome. regardless whether you agree with it or not it is the law. We haven’t even left and remainers want another referendum because the result doesn’t suit them. Comical. If you don’t like the electorate system camoaign against it. As for another vote let’s ply fair nd let the UK leave and after say half the time it took for a referendum, see if the UK wants to rejoin the EU, if it is I still around.  I have.a feeling people who voted remain wont go for that.

To which law do you refer? 

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7 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Well o

Well obviously the majority of those mining families voted in a different way from you in the referendum, and you seem to have learned little from your time with 

How exactly  does saying that the Brexit leadership used lies  and deceit make someone a pseudo liberal? 

It's time to give that favorite insult of right-wingers  like you, namely "pseudo-liberal", a rest. You're just trolling.

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brits have never been so well off despite where they live ,,younguns spend 1000s of pounds on tattoos ans smart phones so theyre rich beyond their forebears..at least 6 magazines in the bookshops about tattoos..

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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34 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Well, any real liberal knows both sides lied. And any real liberal knows the disenfranchised working class have been lied to many times by both sides for a long time.

Yes both sides lied.  The disenfranchised working class were an easy target for the leave campaigners because they wanted change.  The bus and the promises were presented as fact when in reality it was just speculation but they pushed all the right buttons at the time.  On the remain side it was again, speculation dressed up as facts.  Both sides were led by Eton boys and they were all out for aggrandisement.  They made Brexit into a political game with no consideration for what was actually best for the country or indeed the people.  In the end one Eton boy resigned and the other ran away.

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